Res 18-00RESOLUTION NO. 18-00
MARCH 10, 2000.
State; and
WHEREAS, the dtizens of the City of Dekay Beach are the assets, government and heart of the Sunshine
WHEREAS, as citizens and leaders, we each can make a contribution to the betterment of the entire
community and city in which we hve as we enter the 21st Centuxy; and
WHEREAS, grassroots participatory democracy which fosters positive community engagement and
community building, locally to globally, is both a fight and responsibility of each Delray Beach citizen; and
WHEREAS, a grassroots approach and initmtive for an atmual Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day
would foster creattve soluttons to governmental and commumty ~ssues and recognize those individuals and groups who
have contributed to those solunons; and
WHEREAS, "Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day" would provide a unique oppommity to explore
Delray Beach's best practices and programs relating to governmental and community issues; and
WHERF~S, there is a need to redefine and enhance the concept and practical apphcations of citizenship
and leadership in today's challenging times, especially as we enter the 21*t Century; and
WHEREAS, the mission, purpose and goal of "Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day" ~s to foster,
highhght, express appreciation for, and reward posiuve contributaons and initiatives in a variety of cauzenship and
leadership endeavors in both the private sector and the public sector; and
WHEREAS, in choosing a date on which to hold "Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day", the
designation of March l0th, the birthdate of former Florida Governor LeRoy Collins, recognized as "Floridian of the
Century" in 1991 by the Florida Legislature, will serve as an inspzrafion and reminder of the high levels of aspiration and
acbaevement set by former Governor Collins; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting and appropriate that the City of Delray Beach supports the observance of
"Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day".
Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach hereby supports the estabhshment of
an annual ffFZ, ORIDA CITIZENSHIPAND I_ Iri:dDERSHIP DA Y'; commencing on Mar ch 1 O, 2000.
PASSD AND ADOFIED in regular session on this the 7m daY~49f Marc/hrgt0~ ,
MARCH 1, 2000
On March 10, 2000, former Governor LeRoy Collins' birthday, the state will honor both his spirit and
his example as a great Flondian by declaring Ins birthday "Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day".
This will be the state's oppormmty to honor those cmzens that help Florida grow, prosper and
flourish through acuve involvement and leadership.
The Florida League of Cittes supports this event and is encouraging its members to adopt a resolutton
recogmzmg and commemorating "Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day". Once approved, a copy
of the resolution will be mailed to the Florida League of Cities for Delray Beach to be recogmzed as a
participating cxty.
Recommend approval of Resolution No. 18-00.
RefiAgmemol.Resl 8-00 Florida Citizenshtp& Leaderslup Day
Mayor All Council members ~ Managers ~
Clerk ~ Attorney ~ Finance Director ~
P. O. BOX 1757. Tallahassee, FL 32302-1757. (850) 222-9684 e Sunoom 278-5331. htlp-Jheww, flc#Jes, com
League Supports
Florida Citizenship and
Leadership Day
On March 10, 2000, former Gov.
LeRoy Collins' birthday, the state will
honor both his spirit and his example
as a groat Floridian by declaring his
birthday "Florida Citizenship and Lead-
ership Day." This will be the state's
opportunity to honor those citizens that
help Florida grow, prosper and flourish
through active involvement and leader-
ship. Participation in this event is vol-
untary and will be carried out by
grassroots efforts. As a means of gath-
ering support for this idea, state Rep.
Marjorie Turnbull passed House Reso-
lution 9143, outlining the goals and
objectives for the day. The Florida
League of Cities supports this event
and encourages its members to adopt
a similar resolution or proclamation to
recognize and commemorate "Florida
Citizenship and Leadership Day" (a
sample resolution is attached). It is our
sincere hope that everyone participates
and helps make this event a success.
Please send a copy of the resolution to
the League, attention Sharon Berrian.
For moro information contact Sharon
Berrian at (850) 222-9684 or project
founder Ann Marie Karl at (850) 224-
FMIvT Offers Two New
Equity Portfolios
In addition to the three existing bond
portfolios, the Florida Municipal
Investment Trust (FMIvT) now provides
pension fund investors with two
additional equity options to complement
the Domestic Diversified Equity Fund.
This department also operates a Full
Service Pension Fund, Telecommuni-
cations and Utility Consulting and
Auditing service, and the Florida
Municipal Loan Council. For additional
information on any of these programs,
call Mark Sittig at the League.
Florida Forever
Advisory Council
On February 28 & 29, 2000, the
Florida Forever Advisory Council will
hold a meeting in West Palm Beach at
the Palm Beach County facilities, 3323
Belvedere Rd., Building 509, to further
discuss the goals of the Florida Forever
Program. Chapter 259.0345 (7)(a)-(c),
F.S., directs the council to establish
specific goals for the Florida Forever
Program, provide recommendations to
the legislature for expanding or refining
those goals, and develop performance
measures to analyze progress made
toward those goals. The goals refer-
enced are described in Chapter 259.105
(4)(a)-(o), F.S., The Florida Forever Act.
Public testimony on these issues will
be heard at the beginning of the Febru-
ary 28 meeting, from 10:00 a.m. until
If you have any questions about the
meeting, call Donna L Ruffner, staff
coordinator, Florida Forever Advisory
Council at (850) 487-1750.
FMPTF Members'
Invitational Workshop
The Florida Municipal Pension Trust
Fund (FMPTF) will have its Members'
Invitational Workshop on March 3, 2000
at the Ramada Resort and Conference
Center, 7400 International Dr., Orlando.
Join us and hear information about your
pension investments and get a sense of
security from the knowledge and level
of expertise that surround your pension
assets. How will the pension invest-
ments change in the next century? What
de you need to know now that you have
your own pension plans? What is your
Febn~ 15, 2000 · Vol. 27, No. 9
responsibility as the employer and ad-
ministrator of your "own" pension plan?
Local governments and pension boards
are often misinformed about the level of
authority and risk involved in serving on
the Board of Trustees. Hear the truth
about potential "risks" and the appropri-
ate liability coverage. Do you under-
stand the actuarial assumptions and
provisions in a defined benefit valua-
tion? Come, listen and learn from the
experts who provide your pension work
products and bring your questions with
Thero will be no charge for this work-
shop; however, we would appreciate it
if you would advise our office if you
would like to attend. Call Serena West
at the League or e-mail: swest@fl
cities, com. For hotel reservations, con-
tact the Ramada Resort and Confer-
once Center directly at (407) 996-7400,
fax (407) 996-7405 or 1-(800) 327-1363.
Action Call: Cities
Asked to Respond to
The League, with assistance from
the Florida Institute of Government, has
recently mailed a survey that will be
used to develop a report titled, State of
the Cities 2000.
The questions in the survey are ro-
lated to public policy from a federal,
state and municipal perspective. The
results will help guide not only the
League's policy formation, but will also
assist in helping the public to under-
stand the unique needs and assets of
Florida's municipalities.
Please take a few minutes to an-
ewer the questions, and provide ONE
answer per municipal govemmenL The
deadline to respond is February 21,
2000. Please return the survey in the
pre-paid envelope that was provided.
Sample Resolution (See Datagram, page 1)
A resolution in support of' "*
"Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day."
WHEREAS, the citizens of (your city) are the assets, government and heart of the Sunshine State,
WHEREAS, as citizens and leaders, we each can make a contribution to the betterment of the
entire community and city in which we live as we enter the 21 '~ Century, and
WHEREAS, grassroots participatory democracy which fosters positive community engagement
and community building, locally to globally, is both a right and responsibility of each (Miamian,
Tallahassean, etc.), and
WHEREAS, a grassroots approach and initiative for an annual Florida Citizenship and Leader-
ship Day would foster creative solutions to governmental and community issues and recognize those
individuals and groups who have contributed to those solutions, and
WHEREAS, "Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day' would provide a unique opportunity to
explore (your city's) best practices and programs relating to governmental and community issues,
and ..
WHEREAS, there is a need to redefine and enhance the concept and practical applications of
citizenship and leadership in today's challenging times, especially as we enter the 21 '~ Century, and
WHEREAS, the mission, purpose, and goal of "Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day' is to
foster, highlight, express appreciation for, and reward positive contributions and initiatives in a variety
of citizenship and leadership endeavors in both the private sector and the public sector, and
WHEREAS, in choosing a date on which to hold "Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day," the
designation of March 10, the birthdate of former Florida Governor LeRoy Collins, recognized as
"Floridian of the Century" in 1991 by the Florida Legislature, will serve as an inspiration and reminder
of the high levels of aspiration and achievement set by former Governor Collins, and
WHEREAS, it is fitting and appropriate that the City of (your name) support the and observance of
"Florida Citizenship and Leadership Day," NOW THEREFORE
Be It Resolved by the City Council of (your city):
That the City of (your name) hereby supports the establishment of an annual 'Florida Citizenship
and Leadership Day," commencing on March 10, 2000.