Wellness Committee (GA-49 Rev 0)SUBJECT: GA -11 - Wellness Committee
Effective: August 1, 2013
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The purpose of the City of Delray Beach Wellness Committee is to promote a worksite
culture that supports healthy lifestyle choices, personal and professional productivity
and physical and mental wellbeing:
The primary objectives of the Wellness Committee are to:
1. Assist the Human Resources Department and the Employee Wellness Center
providers in identifying, implementing, and promoting wellness initiatives for City
2, Research methods for assessing the effectiveness of existing initiatives and
make recommendations to the Benefits Manager.
3. Assist in planning and completing wellness events and projects such as the
Employee Fitness Challenge, Health Fairs, and others.
4. Act as ambassadors for the Employee Wellness Center.
A. Wellness Committee:
The Committee will consist of one to four representatives from each department:
Administration; City Attorney's Office; City Clerk's Office; Community
Improvement; Environmental Services; Finance; Fire - Rescue; Human
Resources; Parks and Recreation; Planning and Zoning, and Police. Human
Resources should always have the Benefits Manager on this committee. Each
department will have one vote.
G Of
Wellness Committee
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GA -49
August 1, 2013
Louie Chapman, Jr., City Manager
The purpose of the City of Delray Beach Wellness Committee is to promote a worksite
culture that supports healthy lifestyle choices, personal and professional productivity
and physical and mental wellbeing:
The primary objectives of the Wellness Committee are to:
1. Assist the Human Resources Department and the Employee Wellness Center
providers in identifying, implementing, and promoting wellness initiatives for City
2, Research methods for assessing the effectiveness of existing initiatives and
make recommendations to the Benefits Manager.
3. Assist in planning and completing wellness events and projects such as the
Employee Fitness Challenge, Health Fairs, and others.
4. Act as ambassadors for the Employee Wellness Center.
A. Wellness Committee:
The Committee will consist of one to four representatives from each department:
Administration; City Attorney's Office; City Clerk's Office; Community
Improvement; Environmental Services; Finance; Fire - Rescue; Human
Resources; Parks and Recreation; Planning and Zoning, and Police. Human
Resources should always have the Benefits Manager on this committee. Each
department will have one vote.
SUBJECT: GA -11 - Wellness Committee
Effective: August 1, 2013
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2. Each Department Head may determine the method of selecting committee
3. The Committee will meet bimonthly to review all new and current wellness
initiatives. Other meetings may be scheduled as needed to plan and implement
4. Committee members or their alternate must attend all meetings and can be
removed from the committee for lack of attendance. The Chairs) will advise the
department head of lack of attendance and request a replacement.
5. The Wellness Committee Chairs) will be selected by the members and will rotate
each year in October. Nominations for the new Chair(s) will be forwarded to the
current Chair(s). Nominees will be placed on a ballot and the nominee who
receives the majority of votes will be the Chair. In the event of a tie, they will be
co- chairs.
B. New Wellness Initiatives:
1. In collaboration with Human Resources and the Employee Wellness Center, any
new initiative will be evaluated based on
a. its impact on the City's healthcare plan incentives;
b. its ability to improve utilization of the Wellness Center;
c. its measurability. Appropriate metrics will be identified for each initiative.
d. its potential in motivating employees to implement healthy lifestyle changes
2. Employee surveys may be taken to get employee input prior to launching a new
initiative and as a follow -up tool afterwards,
3. Any awards given in conjunction with a wellness initiative should be designed to
reward behaviors that move toward and maintain a targeted health status. Each
City employee should have equal access to earning an award.
4. The Wellness Committee will assist in developing a marketing campaign prior to
launching any new initiatives.
SUBJECT: GA -11 - Wellness Committee
Effective: August 1, 2013
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C. Existing Wellness Initiatives
1. The effectiveness of existing wellness initiatives will be assessed annually, or
more frequently as needed, using the metrics that were identified prior to
2. Each initiative will also be reevaluated based on data received from the
Wellness Center blometric blood draw results.
D. Funding Sources:
1. Funding sources will be identified for all initiatives. The Committee may assist
Human Resources in exploring grants and other funding opportunities.