18-86 ORDINANCE NO. 15- $ 6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH~ FLORIDA~ AMENDING CHAPTER 9~ "BUILDINGS AND CON- STRUCTION", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA~ BY AMENDING ARTICLE X, '~LANDSCAPING", BY REPEALING SECTION 9-3?? AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 9-377 WHICH REQUIRES THE UPGRADING OF LANDSCAPING ATTENDANT TO ANY PORTION OF A STRUCTURE OR SITE FOR WHICH COMMUNITY APPEAR- ANCE BOARD APPROVAL IS REQUIRED; PROVIDING FOR THE UPGRAD- ING OF LANDSCAPING ATTENDANT TO THE ENTIRE STRUCTURE OR SITE WHERE THE ALTERATION OR IMPROVEMENT IS EQUAL IN VALUE TO 3096 OR MORE OF THE ASSESSED VALUE OF THE STRUCTURE OR SITE; PERMITTING A WAIVER OF THAT UPGRADING WHERE THE BOARD FINDS IT TO BE IMPRACTICAL OR AN UNDUE HARDSHIP; AMENDING SECTION 9o378(b), "MAINTENANCE"~ PROVIDING MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPING FOR CERTAIN YARD AREAS~ OFF-STREET PARKING AND OTHER VEHICULAR USE AREAS BY REQUIRING THAT LANDSCAPE BE MAINTAINED IN A MANNER AT LEAST EQUAL TO THE APPEARANCE OF THE LANDSCAPING AT THE TIME THE ORIGINAL INSTALLATION WAS REQUIRED; PROVIDING GUIDELINES IN THE PRUNING OF TREES TO PRESERVE THE CANOPY; AMENDING SECTION 9-378, SUBSECTION (C), SUBSECTION (2), "TREES", BY CHANGING THE MINIMUM HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS OF TREES AT THE TIME OF PLANTING FROM EIGHT (8) FEET TO TWELVE (12) FEET AND BY REQUIRING THAT SUCH TREES HAVE A MINIMUM OF SIX FEET OF CLEAR TRUNK AND A SIX FOOT CANOPY EXCEPT THAT COCONUT PALMS NEED ONLY HAVE A CLEAR TRUNK OF TWO FEET; AMENDING SECTION 9-378(C)(6), "LAWN GRASS", BY REQUIR- ING THAT LAWN GRASS BE SODDED, BUT THAT IF AN ALTERNATE METHOD IS DESIRED THE SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE CITY HORTICULTURIST AND REQUIRING THAT COVERAGE MUST BE ACHIEVED WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS AND NURSE GRASS MUST BE SOWN FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT; REPEALING SECTION 9- 378, SUBSECTION (D), "REQUIRED LANDSCAPING AD2ACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY", AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 9-3?8, SUBSECTION (D), "REQUIRED LANDSCAPING AD3ACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF°WAY", INCREASING THE DEPTH OF THE LANDSCAPE STRIP REQUIRED AD3ACENT TO THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM FIVE (5) TO TEN (10) FEET AND PROVIDING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPING AND REQUIRING THAT A HEDGE WALL OR LANDSCAPE BARRIER ON THE INTERIOR PERIMETER OF THE REQUIRED FIVE (5) FOOT LANDSCAPE STRIP BE A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) FEET ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE OF THE AD3ACENT VEHICULAR USE AREA AT THE TIME OF INSTALLLA- TION; REQUIRING LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AND IRRIGATION OF THE UNIMPROVED PORTION OF THE AD3ACENT RIGHT-OF-WAY; REPEALING SECTION 9-37g(E), "PERIMETER LANDSCAPING RELATING TO ABUTTING PROPERTIES", AND ENACTING A NEW 9-37g(E), "PERIMETER LANDSCAP- ING RELATING TO ABUTTING PROPERTIES", WHICH CHANGES THE REQUIREMENTS REGARDING THE PLANTING OF TREES ALONG COMMON PROPERTY LINES FROM ONE (1) TREE FOR EVERY SIXTY (60) FEET TO ONE (1) TREE FOR EVERY FORTY (~0) FEET AND PROVIDES CRITERIA FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPING AND REOUIR- ING ONE (1) TREE EVERY TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET PLANTED ALONG-THE PERIMETER WHERE ANY COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL AREAS ABUT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; REPEALING SECTION 9-37g(F), "PARKING AREA INTERIOR LANDSCAPING"~ AND ENACTING SECTION 9-37g(F) WHICH AMENDS THE TITLE TO READ, "INTERIOR LANDSCAPE REQUIRE- MENTS FOR PARKING AREAS AND OTHER VEHICULAR USE AREAS"; CHANGING THE INTERIOR LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS FROM 7% TO 1096 OF THE INTERIOR SPACE; ALTERING THE 5PECIFICATION5 FOR IN- TERIOR LANDSCAPE AREAS BY INCREASING THE REQUIRED SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR EACH AREA FROM 50 SQUARE FEET TO 75 SQUARE FEET WITH NO DIMENSION LESS THAN FIVE (§) FEET; CHANGING THE INTER- VAL AT WHICH EACH SUCH LANDSCAPE AREA IS REQUIRED FROM EVERY TWELVE (12) PARKING SPACES TO EVERY TEN (10) PARKING SPACES; REQUIRING ALL GAS STATIONS, VEHICLE OR EQUIPMENT PARKING, OR STORAGE AREAS OTHER THAN CERTAIN AUTO DEALER- SHIPS TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 9-375(fX1); PROVIDING ALTERNATE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN AUTO DEALERSHIPS PERMITTED TO UTILIZE THE CONCEPT OF BULLPEN PARKING; AMENDING SECTION 9-37g(gXl), "SIGHT DISTANCE FOR LANDSCAPING AD3ACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND POINTS OF ACCESS", BY CHANGING CLEAR SIGHT TRIANGLE FROM TEN (10) TO TWENTY (20) FEET; DELETING SUBSECTION 5 RELATING TO CERTAIN PLANTING REQUIREMENTS FOR PALMS; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 9-377, "Applications for approval", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 9-377. Applications for approval. (a) Applications for construction permits which may involve landscaping required by this chapter shall be processed through the Community Appearance Board in accordance with the general permitting approval process contained in Article IX of this chapter. Whenever an existing structure or site is altered in a manner which requires Community Appearance Board approval~ landscaping attendant to that alteration or improvement shall be upgraded to meet current landscape requirments. If the structure or site is altered in a manner which involves a cost which is 30% or more or the assessed value of the site or structure~ whichever is applicable~ then the landscaping for the entire site or structure shall be upgraded to present requirements. However~ the Board shall have the right to waive any or all upgrading of the landscapinR required by this subsection if it finds that such upgrading would be impractical or would create an undue hardship. Once approval is Riyen I4-eppro~ by the Community Appearance Board, the permit shall be issued by the building department, provided that the application meets all other applicable requirements of the city. Section 2. That Section 9-378(b), "Maintenance", of the Code of Ordinances o! the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is repealed and a new Section 9-378(b), "Maintenance", be, and the same is hereby enacted to read as follows: (b) Maintenance. The owner, or the agent of the owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping required by ordinance or made a condition for approval for a building permit. Landscaping shall be maintained in good condition so as to present a healthy, neat, and orderly appearance at least equal to that which was required for the original installation, and shall be kept free from refuse and debris. Maintenance pruning of trees is to allow for healthy uniform growth. No more than 30% of a tree's canopy can be removed within one years' time unless the pruning is to remove limbs or foliage which present a hazard to powerlines or structures or is necessary to remove diseased limbs. Severely cutting back lateral branches and canopy or "barracking" is expressly prohibited. A plant or tree's habit of growth must be considered before planting to prevent conflicts with view or signage and such a conflict shall not of itself necessarily permit the pruning of trees in excess of 30% of a tree's canopy. Landscaping shall be inspected periodically by the chief building official or his designee to see that the approved and implemented landscape plan is in satisfactory condition. All landscaped areas shall be provided with a sprinkler system, either manually or automatically operated, to adequately cover all plant materials and grass to be maintained. Wherever feasible, surface or subsurface water shaU be used for sprinkling. If satisfactory water from these sources is not available, the chief building official may approve the use of city water; provided, the property owner submits and files with the building department proof of nonsatisfactory surface or subsurface water. Section 3. That Section 9-378(cX2),"Trees", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: (2) Trees. Trees shall be a species having an average mature spread of crown greater than twenty (20) feet i~-~h~:-i~y~ and having ~r'_'.-....:. trunks which can be maintained in a clean condition over six ((;) feet o! clear mature wood. Trees should be allowed to develop the twenty (20) foot canopy spread before any - 2 - Ord. No. 18-86 pruninK is permitted except for reasons mentioned in Section 9-378(b). Trees having an average mature spread of crown less than twenty (20) feet may be substituted by grouping the same so as to create the equivalent of a twenty (20) foot crown spread. Palms shall be considered trees. Trees considered susceptible to lethal yellowing by the Florida Department of Agriculture shall not be used to fulfill the requirements of this article. An up-to-date list of these trees (Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Affairs, Division of Plant Industry, Circular 005) shall be available at the building department. Tree species shall be a minimum of eil~ twelve t,.e) (12) feet in immeeliet~-q~-e~e~ at the time of planting, j. with a minimum of six (6) feet of clear trunk and a six (6) foot spread of canopy. Trees of species whose roots are known to cause damage to public roadways or other public works shall not be planted closer than twelve (12) feet to such public works, unless the tree root system is completely contained within a barrier for which the minimum interior containing dimensions shall be five (5) feet square and five (5) feet deep, and for which the construction requirements shall be four (t~) inch thick concrete reinforced with #6 road mesh (6 X 6 X 6) or equivalent. A list of such tree species shall be maintained by the building department for the guidance of the public. Section ~. That Section 9-378(c)(6), "Lawn Grass", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby repealed and a new Section 9-378(c)(6), "Lawn Grass", is enacted to read: (6) Lawn Grass. Unless otherwise approved by the Community Appearance Board ail grass areas shall be sodded with clean sod reasonably free of weeds, noxious pests, and diseases. When grass areas are to be seeded, sprigged or plugged, specifications must be submitted to and approved by the City Horticulturist. One hundred percent coverage must be achieved within ninety (90) days. Nurse grass must be sown for immediate effect and protection until coverage is otherwise achieved. Section 5. That Section 9-378(d), "Required landscaping adjacent to public rights of-way", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby repealed and a new Section 9-378(d), "Required landscaping adiacent to public rights of-way", is enacted to read: (dj Required landscaping adjacent to public rights-of-way. On the site of a building or open-lot use providing an off-street parking area or other vehicular use area, where such area will not be entirely screened visually by an intervening building or structure from any abutting right-of-way, excluding dedicated alleys, there shall be provided landscaping as follows: (1) A strip of land at least ten (I0) feet in depth located between the abutting right-of-way and the off-street parking area or other vehicular use area shah be landscaped. The landscaping shall consist of at least one (1) tree for each forty (t~0) lineal feet or fraction thereof. The trees shall be located between the right-of-way and the off-street parking or vehicular use area and shall be planted in a planting area of at least twenty-five (25) square feet with a dimension of at least five (5) feet. The remainder of the landscape area shall be landscaped with grass, ground cover, or other landscape treatment excluding pavement. Additionally, a hedge, wall or other durable landscape barrier shall be placed along the interior perimeter of the landscape strip. If a shrub is used, it must be a minimum of two (2) feet in height at the time of planting and attain a minimum height of three {3) feet above the finished grade of the adjacent vehicular use or off-street parking area within one {1) year of planting. In no case may hedges be maintained at heights greater than six (6) feet adjacent to the public right-of-way. If a non-living barrier is used, it shall be a minimum of three (3) feet above the finished grade of the adjacent vehicular use area. Non-living barriers shall require additional land- scaping to soften and enhance their appearance. For each ten (10) feet of non-living barrier, a shrub or vine shall be planted at least along the street and abutting the barrier, in addition to tree requirements. (2) The unpaved portion of the right-of-way adjacent to the property line shall be landscaped with sod and provided with irrigation and maintenance - 3 - Ord. No. 18-86 except adjacent to existing improved property where the area had been paved on the effective date of the ordinance~ or is later paved with the permission of the City. In addition, residential properties which have maintained the adjacent right-of-way with sheltrock or stones may continue to maintain the right-of-way in that manner provided it is kept free of weeds. (3) Accessways which are required to serve the parking or other vehicular use areas are permitted and may be subtracted from the lineal dimensions used to determine the number of trees required. Section 6. That Section 9-378(e), "Perimeter landscaping relating to abutting properties", of the Code o! Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be repealed and that a new Section 9- 37g(e), "Perimeter landscaping relating to abutting properties", is hereby enacted to read as follows: (e) Perimeter landscaping relating to abutting properties. On the site of a building, structure, or open-lot use which has an off-street parking area or other vehicular use area, there shall be a landscaped barrier, preferably a hedge, between the off-street parking area or other vehicular use area and the abutting properties. The landscape barrier may be two (2) feet at the time of planting and shall achieve and be maintained at not less than three and one-half (3½) nor greater than six (6) feet in height to form a continuous screen between the off-street parking area or vehicular use area and such abutting property. This landscape barrier shall be located between the common lot line and the off-street parking area or other vehicular use area in a planting strip of not less than five (5) feet in width. Duplexes may be permitted to reduce perimeter planting strip to two and one-half (2½) feet width in cases where lot fortage is less than fifty-five (~5) feet. In addition, one (l) tree shall be provided for each forty (~0) lineal feet of such landscaped barrier or fractional part thereof. Such trees shall be located between the common lot line and the off-street parking area or other vehicular use area. 1~here any commercial or industrial areas abut residential property, one (1) tree shall be planted every twenty-five (25) feet to form a solid tree line. The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable in the following situations: (1) When a property line abuts a dedicated alley. (2) Where a proposed parking area or other vehicular use area abuts an existing hedge, the existing hedge may be used to satisfy the landscape requirements of this subsection provided that the existing hedge meets all applicable standards of this article. If the existing landscaping does not meet the standards of this article, additional landscaping shall be required as necessary to meet that standard. Section 7. That Section 9-37g(f), "Parking area interior landscaping", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be repealed and a new Section 9-378(f)~ "Interior landscape requirements for parking area and other vehicular use areas", is hereby enacted to read as follows: (f) Interior landscape requirements for parking areas and other vehicular use areas. (1) Parking Areas and Areas Used for the Storage of Equipment or Vehicles~ and Gas Stations. (A) The amount of interior landscaping within off-street parking areas shall amount to no less than ten percent (10%) of the total area used for parking and accessways. (B) Each landscaped area shall contain a minimum of seventy-five (75) square feet with a minimum dimension of five (~) feet. Each such landscaped area shall be placed at intervals of no more than one (1) landscape area for each ten (10) parking spaces if the area is a parking area. (C) There shall be a group of palms or a canopy tree for each one hundred (100) square feet of required interior landscaping. No more than twenty-five percent (2~%) of these required trees shall be palms. These trees shall have a minimum height of twelve (12) feet and a spread of crown of six (6) feet with at least six (6) feet of - 4 - Ord. No. 18-86 clear mature wood at the time of planting. Trees with a smaller crown can be grouped to meet the required slx (6) foot spread, and each group shall be considered as one tree. However, one coconut palm having a clear trunk of two (2) feet may serve as a substitute for one tree. (D) interior landscaping in both parking areas and other vehicular use areas shall, insofar as possible, be used to delineate and guide major traffic movement within the parking area so as to prevent cross- space driving wherever possible. A portion of the landscaping for interior parking spaces not to exceed fifty percent (~0%) of the total requirement, may be relocated so as to emphasize entrance corridors or special landscaped areas within the general parking area or adjacent to buildings located on the site, if helpful in achieving better traffic patterns or use, or in achieving greater overall aesthetic effect. Such relocated landscaping shall be in addition to the perimeter landscaping requirements. (2) Certain Auto Dealerships. (A) Automobile dealerships permitted under Section 30-18 of the Code of Ordinances to utilize the concept of bullpen parking may comply with the following alternative landscape requirements. Landscaping strips and landscaped islands internal to the bullpen parking area are not required, provided that the ten percent (10%) interior landscap- ing requirement shall be met by transferring the required land- scaping to the perimeter of the bullpen area. The transferred landscaped areas shall be designed and located so as to mitigate and buffer the impact of the aggregated car storage area. The City Horticulturist shall advise the appropriate approving authority as to the acceptability of the proposed reallocation scheme. Section 8. That Section 9-378(g), "Sight distance for landscaping adjacent to public rights- of-way and points of access", Sub-subsection (1), of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby repealed and a new Sub-subsection (l) is hereby enacted to read as follows: (l) The areas of property on both sides of an accessway formed by the intersection of each side of the accessway and the public right-of-way line with two (2) sides of each triangle being twenty (20) feet in length from the point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the other two (2) sides. Section 9. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shaU not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 10. That this ordinance shaU become effective ten (10) days after its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 25th day of March ,198 6 . MAYOR ATTEST: ! City..~erk First Reading March 11, 1986 Second Reading March 25, 1986 - 5 - .Ord. No. 18-86