06-19-89 Special [ITV DF DElAAV BEA[H 00 N.W. 1st AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, F_ORID..\ 33..+44 -+07:?43-7000 Please be advised that if a person or persons decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter con- sidered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. SPECIAL MEETING OF DELRAY BEACH CITY COMMISSION Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, Mayor Doak S. Campbell has instructed me to advise you of a Special Meeting of the Commission to be held in the Commission Chambers at 5:15 P.M., Monday, June 19, 1989. This meeting has been called for the purpose of considering: (1) Purchase of Adult Bookstore Property. ~" Eli~ r:r~.I.A. City' lerk City of Delray Beach T,.- E;;-'jPT ALWAY'; MATTERS - , .1 . t l l r , , [IT' DF DELRAY BEA[H 100 N.W. 1st AVENUE DE LRA Y BEACH, F LOR I DA 33444 407/243-7000 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Commission FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: ADULT BOOKSTORE PROPERTY PURCHASE DATE: June 16, 1989 Attached options Highway. loan of an property. is correspondence from the City Attorney regarding funding for purchase of the bookstore property on North Federal We have contacted MidLantic Bank and they have agreed to a additional $240,000 for purposes of acquiring the bookstore With this commitment from MidLantic Bank, staff's recommendation is that option ~2 be selected and either the CRA offices or the City Attorney's office be located in that property. I spoke with Ri~ Miller of Mudge Rose regarding the property's use for governmental purposes. Mudge Rose's position is that the City must intend to use the acquisition for governmental purposes (such as the CRA or the City Attorney's office) and intend to locate those offices in place for an indeterminate amount of time. On the other hand if circumstances were to change, there is no covenant which would preclude sale of the property itself. For example if the CRA were to occupy the facility and, as a result of CRA efforts, that parcel became part of a redevelopment effort along North Federal Highway, then the property could be sold and not be in violation of the intent to use the facility for governmental purposes. Similarly if the City Attorney's office were located there and the property became part of a redevelopment effort, the use could legally change. What would be precluded is for the City to put up a "for sale" sign immediately in front of the store without regard to it's otherwise legal governmental uses. At this point it is unlikely that the City Attorney's offices will move back into City Hall any time in the near future. Similarly the Chamber of Commerce has need for the space presently leased by the CRA and, as North Federal Highway is part of the redevelopment plan for the CRA, location there would be appropriate as well. I recommend purchase of the bookstore be facilitated through additional funding through a new bank note to be placed with MidLantic Bank in the amount of $240,000. WOB:nr Encl THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS ,'!', , , [ITY DF DElRAY BEA[H CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 310 S.E. 1st STREET, SUITE 4 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33483 407/243.7090 TELECOPJER 407/2784755 MEMORANDUM Date: June l4, 1989 To: City Commission From: Herbert W.A. Thiele, City Attorney SUbject: Fundinq the Adult Bookstore Property Purchase This memorandum is sources of funding property. to provide you additional information on for the closing on the adult bookstore The closing on our bond .notes, in the amount of 4.3 million dollars was held on Wednesday, June 14, 1989. In anticipation of future changes, we have provided languag.e in the document and notes that additional projects may be added, sUbject to approval of bond counsel and approval by the City Commission. Therefore, in addition to ordinary budget procedures for use of contingency funds, which informa.tion can be obtained from the City Administration, there are three options for the funding of the bookstore property acquisition which are presented below for your consideration: 1. The City Commission may, by adopting a resolution on Monday, ,Tune 19, 1989 at the Special Meeting of the City Commission, add the bookstore property acquisi- tion to the list of projects covered by the 4.3 million dollar bond note, subject to bond counsel's approval. Bond counsel has indicated that the City must then use the property for a governmental use, such as governmental offices, for a non-determinative length of time. The bond note contingency of $190,000.00 and interest earnings of $60,000.00 would be used to fund this purchase (or some combination thereof). We will have this resolution prepared and ready for your use in anticipation of your considera- tion of this option. 2 . The funding f or the bookstore property acquisition can also be accomplished by providing for a new note, which includes this property for the purchase amount; (I) ! ~ , I " I' ',I to .' which, if approved by MidLantic Bank, could be accomplished without going out for RFP's, on the same terms, or perhaps, depending on market conditions, at a lesser rate. This option also requires the decla- ration of the City Commission's intent to use the property for a governmental use for a non-determina- tive length of time, and requires we go through a new bond note procedure and closing with MidLantic. 3. The least restrictive method as to the use of the property, would entail using the General Fund as a source of funding. This option does not restrain the City Commission from selling the property whenever we desire and to recoup the funds. The interest earn- ings from the bond note are unencumbered, and, thus, once earned flow to the General Fund. This would, while not specifically tied to this individual project, replenish the General Fund. The only caveat which applies is that only 10% of the entire bond note proceeds plus interest earnings may be used for non-governmental (private activity) items within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code. For example, let us assume the bookstore property was re-sold for say $200,000.00, for a $50,000.00 loss. This loss, along with other private activity uses, should not exceed the lQ,!S limitation. Moreover, the interest earnings flowing into the General Fund should cover the $50,000.00 loss. The attached letter from Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, Alexander and Ferdon, indicates that options one and two can only occur if t.he City declares an intent to use the property for governmen- tal offices or other governmental use. Option three does not restrict the City's use and would permit the City to sell the property at any time, such as when the non-conforming use has lapsed. All three of the options must meet the lO% test. Please do not hesitate to call me should you desire further information on these suggestions. HT: lc gt:' cc: Walter O. Barry, City Manager David M. Huddleston, Finance Director Richard Miller, Esq., Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, Alexander and Ferdon \ I I II,;" '1'; i ~ J. , e" ll; < ..:::..lf~~:);:: , .:". , RICH"'~O J, MILLeA' "M\TNC" - 407-650-6100 BUITe. .tO~O :In SOUTH ORAND ""V' 1.0. ANOI:I.Ca,CAI..I'.1 'l~"els-llll 'JELECO,.I(;RI 0407- 83.]-1722 TClEJC, WUa14a~7 IZ.AUll: DE LA. "All 711002, ....."111. "R...... CII.t. 161. 117. 71 June 15, 1989 Herbert W.A. Thiele, Esq. City Attorney City Attorney's Office 310 S.E. 1st Street, Suite 4 Delray Beach, Florida 33483 Re: Bookstore Purchase Dear Herb: Pursuant to our conversations with you and YOUr staff, attached hereto please find a copy of a resolution authorizing the acq\.q.si tion of the""e above-referenced parcel of real property (the "ProJ",ct" ) i.n lieu of the contingencies provided for the projects (the "Note Projects") authorized in City Resolution No. 32-89 (the "Note Resolution"). In this regard, we believe that if the Project is acqUired to be used, on an indefinite basis, as governmental office space or for other governmental purposes, that the acqUisition of the Proje"ct as a Note Project is permitted. Furthermore, if the City intends to pursue this course of action, We are prepared to deliver the opinion of Bond Counsel required by Section 1.2.A. of the Note Resolution. If the City wishes to use general funds or other moneys on hand at this time for the acquisition of the PrOject for the aforesaid governmental purposes, and finance the acquisition at a later time by means of tax-exempt obligations (such as an addi tional note to MidLantic in a transaction substantially the same as that accomplished yesterday), then an indication of such intent must be made by the City Commission prior to the purchase. However, if the City intends to acquire the Project for resale or for some other "non-governmetnal" purpose under the Internal Revenue Code, then the City may want to consider funding the acquisition of the Project directly from available moneys in the Oi ty' S General Fund. " . _ . -~-_._._---- -----------." ! , -'rl" I I i! i ~ i J.. t, JUN-15-'S9 13:14 rD:MUDGE ROSE W P B TEL NO:4e7-S33-1722 1'1' , , ' 1144e pe3 : .. If we may be of any further assistance in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Best regards, RJM:rg SA YOU~ R1chard ~llel' ..,.' i I , I , , , , , I , , '; , , , I I I I .1 'I I i j j I ! '.c '1-1:".- .t', ::eSOLUTION NO. _-89 " , , fl' ;'~~r 'tA RESOLF'l'ION OF Tl; CI'l'Y COMMISSION or '1'HE CITY OF DEU A'i ~:BEACH, FLORIDA AU'l iORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN It"AI, PROl?EHTY 'l'O BE UTI IZEO AS MUNICIPAL OFFICE SPACE AND <m E:R GOVERNM!::NTAL PURJ)SES; AU'l'HORIZING 11. SUBSTI'rUTI<N cJF 'PROJECTS rINANCED ;Y THE CITY'S $4,300,000 AGGREGATE .JRN- CIPAL A}'iClUN'r 01" U'l:LITIES 'rAX REVENUE NOTES, SUBORDrn,rE SERIES 1969 TO ACC :fi'J-tl:SH SUCH ACQUISITION; AUTHoIUZING 'j HE PROPER ('l'l'ICERS 01' TIlE CITY '1'0 DO ALL O'lHER THDIGS Olilll, W NECESSAJ1'l OR ADVISBLE IN CONNECTION WJTH SUCH ACQUISI'1') )N AND SUBDIVISION; 1\ 0 PHOVUIING FOR AN Eli'FECTIVE OAT;;. 1'IHEnnAS, the~ity Commission of the City of oeln\, Beach, Florida (t.ho" "City C( mission") has det""'mined that tLJlity of Delray 13"'<-1011, nod,da ( 'Ie "City") is in naG'., of acquiring ,ld, itional I:' office EJpc,ce t " accoP\O, Ite the growing d8m',nd fOr gO'/Qrnn: ..n' ~l ser- vices; elncl In:IERrAS, the ity CommIssion has been adviced tii,H a cer- tain parcel of real pre )e'rty, as more fully clescrib.;;d in f: ,libit A attached hernto (the III 'ojeot") haG becomn iwailable for a:'.J isition by the City Clnd the cit, han agreed to purr:hase the same, . nd WU1~!\EAS, the 'Hy has prey iously issued, pursuar.I;:.o City Resolution Nw. 32-89 ac )?ted by the city Commission on Jun( 11 I 1989 I i (the "NotE: R':i>:101ution''), its $4,300,000 aggregate pr l'ncipal .:,n, !unt of City of Delr.1Y Beach Florida, utilit.ies Ta)( Rayen,16 Notes Subordin.'lte flel:ies 1989 (tho "Notes") to fJ,nanoe cer cain p.)jeots (the "Note P.1'oj ects") d, ';cribed in such !lote Resol ut Lon; ell 1 1'i1IEfU':.l\S, the N te Resolution provides that Ci ':y mal . ubsti- tute a Not,.'! FJ:oject, pre ;ided that Bond Co\tnsel (as defin.ct in the Note Resol:lt;i nn) shall. 'rst deliver to the City an opini, n ;0 the effect tha:: "\)ch SUbstib:ion will not adYf.',rsOly affect the. :'f'. lusion of interes:~ I);) the Note" from gross inc01l18 for Federal il1 x :e tax purposes i <'In') HHE"Ei\S, the C 'I:Y Commission has determined that '1, is in the best i I)tn lie 'It of the ;J ty to acgl~ire th';l proj ect as oxpec:, .ouely as possiblo; ~nd -1- Res. Nt, _-89 ._.- ~'~~y "'. ~f;rft~t, ii:t ...-....- ",,'<ii~.ijit,,* . . ,i'~~(~,.~':r .6~ ,~.. ,jll":-,-,:., ~. ::4 " ~i!';~ ~ ''"< I I ',l;.j!;"f~."..il~.'. WIl1m,:~AS, the city Commission b~lieves' it is in the best 'j~(H~i~~(<:~\ ' ;;l;(j,~erest oj' the City to, acquire the projoct with ,;joneys now J~,~i",Jt1N ',}':~ iq' deBign~ter.:1 Jar contingenci~s provided fo~' '~he Note Proj.:lcts autho- _1:iJF :\r'~!, .t' ~ );'~i""'~;' "<,1' .' ,,-1- rized in thf, Note Resolution, l';" 1'1.""' HOl': 'i1mREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commis.;ion of the 11,;W:':!;',: l~~~.:.;,~,it- "c:, . ji1' city of D'~h-",y Beach, Florida I as follows: "l~~l''?"'!'''"'', ,i'~', I "I~l"'~~'~~, SE~;nON 1. Authority for this Ilnilolution. 'l'his Itl'~eaolutJ.Oll JO adopted jJurSllant to the pro\' isions of the Charter of :"jif}" {:I"I( .": I ':'{li~.f~e'~City of D<nray' Beac;h, Florida, as amo!1Jed and llUpp1euented, the I .'"i,;;~:~htij; ,r!~ I;,. '. !'i~;~~~ttqtlda Cons:;j tution, Chapter 166, Florid", statutes, I.\r.l (mended and I ~1:"\~'~,\:f; i "'t'r ";"',:B:.emcnl-,Cti" and other applicable provisions of la". I '!!it.., S~C'rION 2. Fi.ndlnga. It is heroby aSO:rbin"d, deter- I ,:.,t~;t,:>~; ~f:i -,I i tt:~j'!> .n!d;'and de<::lared: 'f'~1i.._" 't'_'~'~' ,.,&!e':f",,:, >",1" A. ,~:. That the CLty is in need of acrJulring additional munlc- "'the groldng .:lelnand for <.IoV('rnmental serv 1C')5. ..,ipal office ,1pace for ii:s l:,Se and that of ita agenCief; to ,tCcomOdate ;,"11: i"","':,' B. That the city Commission has agreed to pUr~hase the ;.""~ ;. ;real property comprisin0 the Project. C. 'l'bat it is in the best intere~;ts of the ctty l.o acquire the project nn expediti,uo1y as possible, J), 'I'l1at is in thE best interest r~f the Cit,y t,) add the I Note Resolut,.; on in lieu oj' (,xi,sting continr)encles providh:{ for the acquisitio:l cf the Project, ,:0 tJJS Note Projects authorized under the Note project"" ''numarateci in the Note Resol\!tion. The acqub;i t ion of the Pro j ect as a Note lJroj ect undel: che Note SECTION 3. Aut;l\r)I:'Lzation of Proj'~ct as Note PJ:\iject. Resolution i,:. hereby autJ1.Jriled subject to th., receipt by the City of 'an opinion DC Dond Couns21 to the effect that such action will not -'I; adversely i1ff'"ct the excLusion of interest on the Notes fLom gross income for FedHral income tax purposes. -2- ReG. No. _-89 ">C"",,, ;..~j!',!',,~ .v. "9~'~~~--' :;~: ~~N-",~t ':."\+,r ...... .~,..~!i\...,v_. . -..,.........-.- .J " , , SEC' ,ON 4. Use of Note Proceedo. Upon receipt of the opinion 01' Dr" i Counsel as described in Sect,tun 3 above, a portion of 'the pro~ccds from the Notes may be used to acquire the Projeot. ,;EC'l'JON 5. Additional AuthorizaL'on. The Mayor, the ci ty Marw( 1', the 1"1 n.~lnCC Director and any '\ther proper official of the Cit:, )"'-' tnd e('lch of them is hereby ar'\llorized and directed to execute .~ncJ :.lcoliver any ancl all documents ""d instruments and to do and cart> ,', ~:,., b,~ done ,~ny nnd all acts and til' ngs necessary or proper for carl ',',: 11"1 e,ut the transactions contemplCl.:ed by this Resolution. one or t""iO ,)f the P~'()visj,ons of this ResoII;:. J on should be held con- n,CnON 6. Sev€ll:ubility of Invali 1 Provisions. I f any tr<\l:'y to {'n',' expref's provision of law or e'J:,trary to the pOlicy of express l~w, through not expressly prohlb~~lng or against PUblio policy, 'r :'::'<:\]1 for anyrC(H'On whatsoever b' [laId invalid, then such provisirn,: ':hall be null IJnn void and shull "e deemed separate from the rem,,: J: :.1<1 provisions, Cdld shall in no wui' l\ffect the validity of any of Uw ();;b'~r pt'ov.i.sions'of this ResoluU'Jn. pArts tl1-1'.,'),;" in conn ict herewith are/ to .: he extent of auch con- flict, br'l'Jby c"epea1e.cl, anr~ 't.his Resolution ,;ball take effect upon ,'ik",'I')N 7. H"'pEl~lnr. All resol:,l'::ions and orders, or , its pass ,',JO j L the manner I?l;oV ided by law. !iEC'l':C?N 8. Effecti.ve date. This ,esolution shall be effectiv0 imrn~lintelY upon its adoption. -3- Res. No. _-89 " , , .... ., -.-. . \tt'''~If'' , ::.M'.-.'..~~-..'.~",~ ....... ".<(' ., 'i~>j" '; ~ ',', ,,' " ':?'~, ';''''i'A~~1~1,-.,.',t 'i .;t!,. 1'<'15: '.1<1 and adopted in special asslOion on this 19th day of ' June, 198:'. Mayor ..... Attest: City C1erL . . ~__.l._._________ i.',._ "'1"'" ,~ .' ',-, --4- Res. No. rJot 35, les'~ tl1e plat th., "",cords 0 f :' " , , ............. '. , . , . '~', ' .' . . , . : . ','l ,": .' . .", ~ t~ .~ ^;~, EXHIBIT A .he East 80 feet, De1ray Elea':h Estates, acoording to :of r.ecorded in Plat Book 21. page 13, of the PUblio" .rn Beach County, I1orida. ;. r ';', , ~. :,,: " i~';, / I I 'Ji'i), .' ':"1 -~r:-d;~; ~i' .'tJ ;;~., '~J~ '" .In. " 'i-1r.i-: $lt ~.ft ;V; .~. dll. I;t~, ~f.~~ 'V 't'" '1\ ~ ">; , ". ,~; ';"I~i~l; ~+:~i'~l: .". ,:.,'}'.1:"~1~ ""i. h',Nt ! ~~:;::~ )'1 _1' . '~5'" Res. No. I.;,: \:i.,- ". .) F:T. IT!' or :>1 r:OUN7'{ c" I [I qu 11J fJ:c' c. 1'1 )rida J a true \nc1 ,. eJ ty Cc Ind, ,f~ ; ',. t, on ae 'p'., .(' 6l '3 off ,oj I i ~ s' irat, t-~ .1;- Dc .raYlan( h (: :!:Ar,) , ~, ";1": .,'" I' , , ._, ":~T:~~lm/ ,'-'.~;I;'r~n17 0<' Y~ij~t~~12'1;'.~'{,t.;1.~b: ~'!i'~W,4t ~W;:f,;~:W/~~, ""/';'1 )A BJ A :1; _b [? ~. ~',.l Al~l ;\'; I clo ~let ~by c;~ , l, ,) of : ii,. City )f Delra} ,ify that I am the duly >,aach, Palm Beach Co\mty,. ~1?1: G( ,-t: i l' th('t l.ho abov,) md foregoing constitutes', ....'ct c( py cf th" mjnute!; or. , Special Meeting of the:, n of sr 10 Ci',y l:e1d on Jl:ne 1 , 1989/ and Of a resOlu~,;:,;" t: sa Ld 51=(<(;1, l. Hoet '.n'] , <1S1/', d minutes andresolutiol),oj (f re.cor:l i', my p'. S!,'~sl;ic.l. I.'. Tl E~:::; l'1lf. :Ill;('" h,ve hnr,,'" 0 subscribed my official .~ .np:-e'1G€d }1' ,:e1In ;.he oEf;" :\1 seal of the City at :\J S 19t.h dt,y of Junl, H 89. ----- ,.- City Clerk ! :":, - 6, ; ,,'~~ ".,: ::1 ".I! ti .: {' ,.. ., Res. No. ,.,'J. " ~:,. , .,~~:':,,':: ,P ;tL,t:'~'l~*f'\:,I'" ..'t" i.:'l;:',:'i~kf~'> t:"':!.\li!t I' ., ::~'~- > ,-~ ~""!,' "', ",' I \~, "::~+~;"~I "~";;1.;:l1>,~:":~- ~' '. Jay Slavin: I'm Jay Slavin and I live in Rainberry Bay. I would like to speak to the Commission before you vote. Commission McCarty, you have taken the lead in convincing the Commission to purchase the book store. And also the owner of the Volvo Dealership has taken a leadership role in convincing the Commission and some of the public to purchase this book store. We have learned recently that you, Commissioner and your husband, Mr. McCarty, have purchased a volvo at an exceptionally good deal. A deal which no one else could possibly buy. Is this true? Mayor Campbell: I don't think that you can ask a Commissioner - just make a statement. Jay Slavin: Your Honor, would you ask if that is true. Because if its true, I think, I know that Commissioner McCarty should step down from the vote on the book store. It will be perceived by the taxpayers, and it is, and it has been when she very courageously brought it up about other people on the Commission when it was perceived that it might be improper or a conflict of interest that that person step down and not vote. And I do think that Commissioner McCarty should not vote on the money for this bookstore. Thank you. ~ i