08-01-89 Special/Workshop CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL AND WORKSHOP MEETING - CITY COMMISSION August 1, 1989 7:00 P.M. AGENDA Commission Chambers Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, Mayor Doak S. Campbell has instructed me to advise you of a Special Meeting of the Commission to be held in the Commission Chambers at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, August 1, 1989. This meeting has been called for the purpose of considering: 1. Selection of Interim City Manager. 2. Denial of Settlement Offer in the amount of $45,000 in the Serocki case. ajl'~~J.lJ~ Alison Mac regor Assistant City Clerk WORKSHOP AGENDA 1. Cigna Dental Plan- Transfer Deductions from Credit Union (Acting Ci ty Manager). 2. Commercial Boats Utilizing Veterans Park (Acting City Manager). 3. Proposed Administrative Policy regarding Change Orders on Construction Projects (Acting City Manager). 4. Direction regarding City Attorney's Office role in evaluating bids for Old School Square (City Attorney). 5. Discussion regarding proposed Board of Realtors- Real Estate Advisory Committee (Mayor). 6. Establishment of Future Workshop Dates: A. Interviews for Golf Course RFP's tentatively scheduled August 14th. B. Budget Workshops tentatively scheduled August 15th, 16th and 18th. C. Joint Meeting with the CRA tentatively scheduled for August 29th. CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TEL ~.Io. 407 ';::'1 ':. 4755 JlJl .2 ::: . ::: '~l 14::~ F . ':' ~ ..";:.-~....,,.:,.'...~. "..." .. ,;~:::~ ".'. ~. s1t-4. ~ 310 S.t;. 1st Sl'kEt;'I, SUITI' 4 . J)ELJl.A Y liEACIl. F1.0RIDA 33483 407/243.7090. TI-:L~COPIt:R 407/278-4755 MEMORANDUM ., -'';~ Date: July 28, 1989 To: City COllllllission 'it/~ Attorney ~;{ Subject: Jeffrey S. Kurtz, Assistant City Serock! va. City of Delray Beach From: Mrs. Serack! and her husband retained MyEon Dunay to represent them in a personal injury action agains.t. the City. Tria.l is pending and set for Judge Lupo' s docket beginning August 28, 1989. Mrs. Serocki, on January 21, 1986, was riding a bike along Lake Ida Road when, at the intersection of 37th Avenue, a car driven by Officer Josh. Hooper hit the wheel of her bicycle. Mrs. Serock! cla.lms that I.lS. a result of the accident, she injured her back and she has incurred approx1mately $12,000 in medical bills by various doctors aDd. chiropractors. A settle- ment offer has been transmi;tted by Mr. Dunay to our office for a total of $45,000. Damages are to be allocated $35,000 to Mariheth serock1, anl1 $10,000 to her husband, Wa.llace serock1, for loss of consortium. OUr office and the Risk Manager would reconunend that the $45,000 offer be rejected, however, we would. suggest that we be glven authority to authorize our office to transmit a.n offer of judgment to the plaintiffs in the amount of $25,000. I f you shou1.d. have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our office. JSK:sh cc: Robert A. Barcinllki, Interim city Manager Lee R. Graham, Risk. Management Directoz: chief Charles Kilgore, Delray Beach Police Department ~ :SP I d- . - [Iry DElRAY BEA[H 100.~ VV 1q AVENUE OELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 305/243.7000 MEMORANDUM TO: Rebert A. Barcinski, Acting City Manager FROM: Jehn W. Elliett, Jr., Assistant City Manager/ Management Services DATE: July 20, 1989 SUBJECT: DOCUMENTATION - CITY COMMISSION MEETING _ AUGUST 8, 1989 - APPROVAL AND AWARD OF CONTRACT - CIGNA DENTAL PLAN Item Befere City Cemmissien: The City Cemmissien is requested centract fer a greup dental administered by the Credit Unien to. appreve and insurance plan ef Palm Beach. to. award a previeusly Backgreund: The Credit Unien ef Palm Beach will terminate its greup dental plan as ef September 31, 1989. Since the majerity ef its participants are City empleyees, the insurance cempany has agreed to. centinue the plan City-wide at its current rates and under a centract between the City and CIGNA. The premiums are paid fer by the empleyee threugh payrell deductiens. Recemmendatien: Staff recemmends appreval ef the Dental Plan and centract fer a period ef ene year, Octeber 1, 1989 to. September 30, 1990 at which time the pregram will be re-evaluated. JWE:sk attachment cc: Lee Graham Marty Ritchasen Herb Thiele Ted Glas lJJ~ r I THE EFFORT ALWAYS MATTERS Form 0010 CIGNA DENTAL HEALTH OF FLORIDA, INC. AND Group Contract TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Definitions.......................... 0010/1 2. Term of Contract..................... 0010/2 3. Eligibility; Effective Date.... ...... 0010/2 4. Rates................................ 0010/2 5. Group Contributions.................. 0010/3 6. Covered Services..................... 0010/3 7. Exclusions........................... 0010/3 8. Limitations.......................... 0010/4 9. Hospitalization...................... 0010/4 10. Charges for Broken Appointments.... " 0010/4 11. Facilities........................... 0010/4 12. Referrals............................. 0010/5 13. Responsibility for Service..... ...... 0010/5 14. Administration................. ...... 0010/5 15. Notice............................... 0010/6 16. Grievance Procedure.................. 0010/6 17. Termination.......................... 0010/7 18. Extension of Benefits ............... 0010/8 19. Continuation of Benefits.......... '" 0010/8 20. Conversions.......................... 0010/8 21. Renewal.............................. 0010/9 22. Assignment........................... 0010/9 23. Amendment............................ 0010/9 24. Entire Contract............... ....... 0010/9 25. Governing Law.............. .......... 0010/10 . I. DEF;INITIONS Capitalized terms in this contract (the .Contract"), unless otherwise defined, shall have the meanings set forth belovo CDH - CICNA Dental Health of Florida. Inc. Covered Persons - Subscribers and their enrolled Dependents. Dental Plan - Prepaid dental care services to be provided pursuant to this Contract. Dependent - Spouse; unmarried son/daughter, or stepson/stepdaughter of a Subscriber, or member of the Subscriber's household resulting from a court order or placement by an administrative agency, who is enrolled in the Dental Plan and who is (a) less than nineteen (19) years old; or (b) less than twenty-three (23) years old if he or she is a full-time student at an accredited educational institution; or (c) of any age if he or she is and continues to be both: (1) incapable of self-sustaining employment due 'Co mental or physical incapacity; and (2) chiefly reliant upon the Subscriber for maintenance and support. For a Dependent who falls into category (b) or (c) hereto, evidence of his or her reliance on the Subscriber shall be furnished to CDH in the form CDH requests within thirty-one (31) days aft:er said Dependent: at:tains t:he age of nineteen (19) and, t:hereaft:er, not: more frequently t:han annually. Facilit:y - Office of Provider or group of Providers where prepaid dent:al services are rendered to Covered Persons, in accordance wit:h t:he t:erms of t:his Cont:ract. Family - Subscriber and one or more enrolled Dependent:s. Group - Employer, labor union or other organizat:ion t:hat: execut:es t:his Con t:rac t: . Patient Charge Schedule - Attached list: of covered benefit:s and charges. Patient Charges - Payments made by Covered Persons directly to a Provider or Specialist: for certain dental procedures, as set forth in t:he appropriat:e Patient Charge Schedule. Prepayment Fee - Rates t:hat the Group must remit to COH for Covered Persons each calendar month during t:he term of t:his Contract:. Provider - Dentist who has executed a contract wit:h CDH under which he or she agrees to provide prepaid dent:al care services t:o Covered Persons for a monthly capitat:ion fee and applicable Patient Charges. Specialist - Dent:ist: who has executed a contract with CDH under which he or she agrees t:o provide specialized dental care services t:o Covered Persons upon CDH's request at an established range of rates. Subscriber - Eligible employee or member of the Group who is enrolled in t:he Dent:al Plan and who has paid all applicable Prepayment Fees, if any. - 0010/1 - l . 2. TEJ?H OF CONTRACT The t:erm of t:his Cont:ract: shall begin on , 198_, ",hieh shall be t:he effect:lve dat:e of coverage of t:he Group under t:he Dent:al Plan (t:he .~Effect:ive Dat:e" ). The original t:erm of t:his Cont:ract: shall ext:end unt:il t:he expirat:ion of t:he init:ial rat:e guarant:ee, pursulUlt: t:o t:he t:erms of Sect:ion 4 (t:he "Expirat:ion Date"); IUId t:he Contract shall be aut:omat:ically renewed on IUI annual basis effect:ive t:he day follOWing the Expirat:ion Date (the "Renewal Date-), unless terminat:ed in. accordance ",ith the provisions of Section 17 hereof. 3. ELIGIBILITY; EFFECTIVE DATE Present employees are eligible upon complet:ion of of service ",ith t:he Group. Future employees "'ill be eligible of months of service ",ith the Group. months upon completion Employees ",ho satisfy the eligibility requirements IUId ",ho enroll prior to the Effective Dat:e of the Contract will be covered on the Effect:ive Date of the Contract. Employees ",ho become eligible aft:er t:he Effect:ive Dat:e of the Cont:ract:, and "'ho complete an enrollment form "'it:hin thirt:y (30) days of initial eligibilit:y shall be covered on the first: day of t:he month following completion of sucll form. Dependent:s, as defined in Section I, are eligible upon enrollment of Subscriber, or "'it:hin thirty (30) days of their attainment: of eligibilit:y due to a chlUlge in stat:us such as birth, marriage, etc. If employees and/or t:heir Dependents are not: enrolled "'ithin thirty (30) days of att:ainment: of eligibility. they cannot: be enrolled until the next open enrollment: period conduct:ed for t:he Group. Dependent: coverage may only be delet:ed during open enrollment periods unless a change in status, such as divorce, has occurred. Dependent:s who are disenrolled due to non-payment by Subscriber ",hile still eligible may be required to submit: proof of insurability before re-enrollment. 4. RATES Individual Subscriber Individual Subscriber + One Dependent F BJ11il Y Honthlv $ $ $ In considerat:ion of t:he services t:o be rendered or made available to t:he Covered Persons by CDH, t:he Prepayment: Fee for t:he initial mont:h of coverage effect:ive 1, 198_, is to be remitted by t:he Group to CDH on the 15th of the month preceding t:he month of coverage, including a list of persons covered under the Dent:al Plan. On 15th IUId t:he 15th of each calendar mont:h thereaft:er for t:he t:erm of t:his Contract:, CDH ",ill send the Group an alphabetized list of Subscribers IUId a bill for the next month's coverage. On or before the 20th of each mont:h t:hereaft:er, t:he Group shall remit the Prepayment F,.e to CDH "'ith an addit:ional list: indicating Covered Persons to be added t:o, or deleted from the Dent:al Plan, IUId any changes in t:ype of coverage for the next: month. The Prepayment: Fee rat:e st:ruct:ure is guarant:eed for _ (_) year(s) through and iDsy be adJust:ed t:hereaft:er. Not:withst:anding any ot:her provision in t:his Sect:ion, alternat:ive payment mechanisl1lS developed for t:he Group by other CDH affiliates shall supersede the terms of t:his Sect:ion. - 0010/2 - l i' . 5. GlIpUP CONTRIBUTIONS The Group ",ill coneribuee ehe follCNing 4llIOunes eo cover ehe raees see foreh in Seceion 4 hereof: Individual Subscriber Individual Subscriber + One Dependene F lUIl11 Y Honehlv $ $ $ The Subscribers shall pay the balance of the raees, if any, as set foreh in Seceion 4 ehereof. 6. COVERED SERVICES Services under the Dental Plan "'ill be provided according eo ehe aeeached Paeiene Charge Schedule. Certain services are subJece eo a Paeient Charge as liseed In ehe Schedule. PaeIene Charges liseed on ehe Paeiene Charge Schedule of ehe Deneal Plan "'ill be revIewed and lIISy be adJuseed ae the end of each calendar year. Paeiene Charges shall ehen be guaraneeed from ehe fIrse of ehe succeedIng year uneil the end of ehae calendar year. CDH shall provide ",rieeen noeIce eo ehe Group of any change in Paeiene Charges liseed on the appropriaee PaeIene Charge Schedule ae lease ehirty (30) days prior eo such change. CDH may change ehe Deneal Plan's covered services, effeceive as of any Renewal Daee (hereinafeer defined) of this Contrace, upon ",ritten noeice sene to the Group by cereified mail, return receipe requested, ae lease forty-five (45) days before thae Renewal Daee. Such a change ",ill be made by lUIlendment. which shall become a pare of ehis Conerace. All coneraces beeween CDH and ehe Providers seaee thae under no circUlllseances shall any Covered Person be liable eo any Provider for any sums o",ed eo ehe Provider by CDH, noewiehseanding any delay by CDH in paying the ProvIder any such Sullls. Covered Persons may be liable to non-coneraceing deneises for ehe cose of services in ehe event CDH is noe obligaeed, for any reason, eo pay ehe non-coneraceIng deneise. 7. EXCWSIONS Services under ehe Deneal Plan specifically do noe cover any conditIon caused by or resuleing from: (A) Injuries or coneusIons as eo ",hich benefies exise under ",orker's compensation, occupational disease. or a similar law or ace; nor (B) Condieions as eo ",hich deneal treatmene (noe including medical assiseance) is provided by a federal or staee government agency or is provIded wiehoue cose eo ehe Group or any Covered Person by any polieical subdIvision or governmental auehoriey; nor (C) Any injury or coneusion arising oue of any condieion ",hich is ineeneionally self-infliceed; nor - 0010/3 - l . (D) Declared or undeclared war or act thereof; nor (E) Service in the armed forces of any country or international authority; nor (F) Any condition as to which services, treatment, or supplies of any kind are furnished or paid for under Title XVIII (Hedicare) of the Social Security Act, as amended; nor (G) Cosmetic dentistry or dental surgery performed without functional or pathological need; nor (H) Self-administered prescription drugs and the administration of a general anesthesia (except when medically necessary and authorized by the Covered Person's Provider and/or physician). 8. LIHITATIONS The services included in the Dental Plan are limited to the extent set forth herein: (A) X-RAYS - Complete mouth x-rays will be provided as necessary; (B) ACCIDENT OR EHERGENCY - In the case of accident or emergency involving acute pain or a condition requiring immediate treatment (but not hospitalization) occurring more than fifty (50) miles from the Subscriber's home or when the Covered Person is unable to reach his/her designated CDH Facility, the Dental Plan covers the cost of all necessary diagnostic and therapeutic dental procedures administered by any general dentist up to a llIAXiDJUll1 of $50 for each accident or emergency, upon submission to CDH of proof of payment by Covered Person. 9. HOSPITALIZATION In the event that it is necessary for a Covered Person to be hospitalized, the cost of hospitalization shall be borne by the Covered Person. The Dental Plan covers treatment of the teeth, the gums (other than tW1JOrs) and other associated structures included in the treatment of teeth while the Covered Person is hospitalized, in accordance with the appropriate Patient Charge Schedule. 10. CHARGES FOR BRQKEN APPOINTHENTS All Covered Persons shall pay the charge set forth in the Patient Charge Schedule for each and every appointment broken with less than twenty-four (24) hours' notice to the Provider. 11. FACILITIES Except as otherwise provided in SectIons 8(B) and 12 hereof, all dental services to be rendered to Covered Persons shall be performed by Providers under contract with CDH at independently owned Facilities. These Facilities are operated by individual Providers for the provision of ordinary and customary - 0010/4 - l . dental t.eatment at locations convenient to the Subscriber.. Family members muSt be treated at the slll1Jedental Facility. Transfers to participating CDH Facilities for any reason Can be arranged through the CDH administrative offIce and will be effective on the first of the IDOnth following the request. :'l'here wIll be no charge to the Subscriber for such transfers. 12. REFEIIRALS When specIalIzed dental care services are requIred by a COVered Person, a CDH Provider IIlUSt InItIate the referral process. CDH shall revIew the specialty referral request and authorIze specialty treatment listed, accordIng to the approprIate PatIent Charge Schedule. Covered Persons shall be lIable for the applicable PatIent Charges, as indicated In the approprIate PatIent Charge Schedule, includIng any dental services rendered but not listed in the PatIent Charge Schedule for the Group. In the event that a CDH participating ProvIder or SpecialIst is not available, the CDH ProfessIonal Relations Department wIll arrange a vIsIt to a non-partlcipatlns.dentlst or specialIst. In all cases, the Covered Person shall rel1J8.In responsible only for Patient Charges, as listed In the approprIate Patient Charge Schedule. 13. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SERVICE CDH wIll procure dental services hereunder In accordance with recognIzed standards of sound dental practice through contracts with Providers and Specialists. CDH shall be the ultilZlB.te judge of what professIonal services are requIred and the dental procedures to be used and also the need for referral of Covered Persons to a 'specialist or a general dentist. CDH shall not be obligated to render any service other than through participating Providers or Specialists, unless prior authorization has been granted by CDH. 14. ADlfINISTR.4IION (A) The Group will cooperate wIth CDH wIth respect to solicIting and enrollIng persons eligible to enroll hereunder and in obtaining authorIzed payroll wIthholdIng from Subscribers, to the extent that the applicable Prepayment Fee exceeds the Group's contribution on Subscriber's behalf for the covered servIces. (B) CDH shall receIve copies from the Group of all signed enrollment and/or change forms and shall be permItted to inspect the Group's records for information pertaIning to eligibilIty, enrollment and payment of Prepayment Fees hereunder, and shall be permitted to lZlB.ke copIes thereof at any reasonable time upon reasonable prior notIce to the Group. (C) All Subscribers wIll be provided wIth an identification card, which should be retaIned at all tImes and available for presentatIon upon vIsits to the dental FacilIties. (D) CDH shall arrange for the organization and I1J8.Intenance' of dental records in accordance with aCCepted professional standards of dental and internal control practIces. - 0010/5 - ~ , . . 15. NOT.ICE -- Any notIce requIred by thIs Contract shall be in wrItIng and sent vIa certIfIed ~11, return receipt requested. If to CDH: AttentIon: 1525 N.W. 167 Street HllU1/i, FL 33169 Contracts AdmInIstratIon If to Group: Attention: 16. GlUEVANCE PROCEDURE Almost all controversies can be solved on a personal level by the Provider or the Plan Admi~istrator at CDN through the Professional RelatIons staff and a computerized system, which tracks the investigation results and current status. If the patient/Subscriber is not satisfied with the proposed resolution, the complaint Is categorized accordIng to the following guidelines: 1. If the problem is of a dental nature concerning quality of care, a CDN Area Dental Director is consulted for appropriate resolutIon. The Director's decIsion shall be final if he/she rules in favor of the patient; however, if the Director decides against the patient, an appointment can be arranged with a DlUtually agreed upon non-participating dentist for a second opinion at CDN's expense. Resolution should be within two weeks, providing appointments are evailable for consultation. The final decision will be made by the CDN Regional Dental Director. based upon independent analysis of the recO/1Jll/endations of both the Area Dental Director and the non-participating dentist. If the Covered Person is not satisfied with the CDN decision concerning issues of quality or appropriateness of care, the complaint may be referred to the local peer review organIzation of the county in "'hich the Provider is located. 2. If the problem is financial In nature, a consultation is arranged wIth the CDN Accounting Department to revIew the charges involved and resolution should be reached Within five days. 3. If the problem concerns plan definitions or limitations, or Provider/ Facility rapport, the Plan Administrator is consulted and a written response should be received by the Subscriber within fifteen (15) days. If Subscriber satisfactIon is still not achieved, a grievance cO/1Jll/ittee composed of three members (the "Grievance CO/1Jll/ittee") will be consulted wIthin three months of initIal notificatIon to CDN. If the grievance is of a strictly professional nature concerning the qualification of or treatment provided by a - 0010/6 - l . Provide., all three members shall be dentists. member, the local dental society shall be asked cases, members shall include: If they cannot agree on a third to select a member. In all, a. a representative appointed by CDH; b. a representative appointed by the Covered Person; and c. a.mutually agreed upon representative of the dental society or community, who shall preside over the Grievance Committee. The parties to each side of the controversy will bear the cost of his/her own expenses. Both parties shall share, on an equal basis, the expenses of the third member, presiding over the Grievance Committee. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Section, the Group and all Covered Persons reserve the right, after the Grievance Committee has reached a final resolution, to appeal its decision to the appropriate state regulatory agency and/or /;0 pursue all available remedies through courts of competent.. jurisdiction with respect to any claims arising from the professional treatment performed by Providers. 17 . TERHINATION (A) Coverage under this Contract shall terminate as follows: (1) For a Covered Person(s) specifically: (a) For a Subscriber and his/her Dependents, effective the first day of the month, following the date the Subscriber ceases employment with the Group; (b) For a Dependent, effective the first day of the month, following the date the Dependent ceases to meet the definition of Dependent; (c) For any Covered Person, effective the first day of the month, following the date such Covered Person is disenrolled from CDH; (d) For any Covered Person, effective the first day of the month following the permanent breakdown of the Provider-patient relationship with the Covered Person. CDH l1J8.y not terminate a Covered Person's coverage for this cause unless (1) CDH gives the Covered Person an opportunity to change Providers at least once, and (2) CDH gives the Covered Person at least thirty (30) days' notice of the termination; (e) For any Covered Person, effective the first day of the month following the date CDH notifies the Covered Person that it is terminating such person's coverage for the Covered Person's misuse of dental services or Facilities. - 0010/7 - . .. , . (2) For a Group, in case of: (a) Nonpayment of Prepayment Fees, after thirty (30) days' written notice, but the Group shall remain liable ~or Prepayment Fees accrued during this thirty (30) day period; (b) Hisuse of dental services or Facilities on the part of the Group, after fifteen (15) days' written notice. (B) Either the Group or CDH may terminate this Contract, effective as of any Renewal Date (as hereinafter defined), by providing at least sixty (60) days' prior written notice to the other party. (C) CDH will provide written notice within a reasonable time to the Group of any termination or breach of contract by or inability to perform of any contracting Provider if CDH determines that Covered Persons may be materially and adversely affected thereby. 18. EXTENSION OF BENEFITS Coverage for completion of a dental procedure (except for orthodontic treatment), requiring cwo or more visits on separate days to a Facility, shall be extended for ninety (90) days after termination of the Covered Person's membership, unless termination by CDH was due to non-payment of the Prepayment Fee by Subscriber. In the case of orthodontic treatment, if the orthodontist has agreed to or is receiving monthly payments, extension of coverage shall be sixty (60) days. If the orthodontist has agreed to or is receiving quarterly payments, coverage will be extended to the end of the quarter or sixty (60) days, whichever is later. 19. CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS Federal law requires offering of continuation of benefits coverage for a specified period of time to Covered Persons upon termination of employment or reduction of work hours, for any reason other than gross misconduct, through direct payment by Subscriber of the.required premium to the Group. Subscriber must elect to continue coverage within sixty (60) days from such termination of employment or notification by the Group, whichever is later. Subscriber may elect to extend Dependents' coverage or the Dependents may themselves elect to continue coverage under certain circumstances. A Dependent 1lIUSt elect to continue coverage within sixty (60) days from termination of employment or notification, whichever is later. 20. CONVERSIONS Upon termination of employment with the Group andlor termination of this Contract by the Group, any Covered Person may obtain coverage under an individual Dental Plan, unless such termination occurred pursuant to Section 17, Paragraph A, items (l)(c), (d) or (e). Such Dental Plan and any succeeding renewals would be at the then-prevailing conversion .rates of CDH. - 001018 - l . 21. RENEWAL Upon expiration of the original rate guarantee, this Contract shall be autolD4tically renewed on an annual basis effective on the Renewal Date,:'unless otherwise terminated in accordance with Section 17 hereof. 22. ASSIGNIfENT CDH may. assign this Contract and its rights hereunder and delegate its duties hereunder to an affiliated entity or to any entity into which it is merged or which acquires substantially all its assets. Neither party may otherwise assign or transfer this Contract or rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party. 23 . AHENDHENT Except as otherwise herein provided, this Contract may be amended, changed or modified in a.writing, signed by both parties. All amendments thereafter shall be attached hereto and made a part of this Contract. 24. ENTIRE CONTRACT This Contract, including the attached Patient Charge Schedule and Pre-Contract Application, represents the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter. The signatures of both parties on the aforementioned Pre-Contract Application shall denote acceptance of the terms of this Contract, unless proper notice is served, pursuant to the terms of SectIon 15, within twenty (20) days of receipt of this Contract. The invalidity or unenforceability of any Section or sub-Section of this contract shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining Sections hereof. . 0010/9 - . ~. . 25. GOVERJlING LAW This Cont:ract: shall be const:rued for all purposes as a legal document: and shall be int:erpret:ed and enforced in accordance wit:h pert:inent: levs and:" regulat:ions of t:he St:at:e of Florida, including Sect:ion 627.6577, Florida St:at:ut:es: Any employer, group, or organizat:ion t:hat: pays or cont:ribut:es t:o t:he premium of a group healt:h insurance plan or a dent:al service plan corporat:ion which provides dent:al coverage only upon t:he condit:ion t:hat: services are rendered by an exclusive list: of dent:ist:s or groups of dent:ist:s shall provide an alt:ernat:ive t:o enable t:he insured t:o have a free choice of dent:ist:. The employer, group, or organizat:ion shall payor cont:ribut:e an equal dollar amount: t:ovard eit:her alt:ernat:ive elect:ed by t:he insured. The provisions of t:his sect:ion shall not: require t:he commingling of cost:s and claims experience bet:veen t:he t:vo alt:ernat:ive plans. CIGNA DENTAL HEALTH OF FLORIDA, INC. BY: BY: TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: 3737B 5/25/88 - 0010/10 - l . '77' . I" - TO: MEMORANDUM 11.:,;, 4<~~L Frank Spence, Director of Development Services THRU: Lula Butler, Director of Community Improvement Richard Bauer, Code Enforcement Administrator FROM: Gene Brown, Building Inspector/Code Enforcer SUBJECT: COMMERCIAL BOATS USING VETERANS PARK'S DOCKS AND PARKING LOT FOR CRUISES We have received several complaints about commercial boats loading and unloading groups of people for charter cruises at the subj ect loca.tion. Section 92.15 addresses boats in general with no mention of commercial activity. I find that there is no clear cut violation as long as proper permits and licenses are issued. After interviewing two of the boat owners involved and discussing this matter with Jeff Kurtz, it appears that the activity could be a major asset to Delray Beach as opposed to a violation. Subsequently, we have a verbal request from Maurice Goldburg, "This Side of Paradise," and Dana Mark, "Stillwater," to clarify use at Veterans Park. Mr. Goldburg is attempting to obtain a parking agreement with owner of Atlantic Plaza. Perhaps this is a matter that could be addressed by Joe Weldon, the City Manager and you. GB:mh ..,J'>//~~~' ~, ..2A--_i] -"- -(- ~ t~f"/;r....:. - '--.-4. / 'Y" .J-. ,:,t-,-,-<.::t::~, , .-t .; -. h/ /I' ~.h. _ l/..- ~_______k' '~ (!,... l&"'V"\.o,. l ws /oL . '. ,.., NUMBER DATE 71d.2Cf CODE ENFORCEMENT INVESTIGATION REPORT LOCATION " / , 2 t./ U V bw.. i,,;. _ flLL .d _pd-, ,~/~ ,~ '\ J, ~~ (, LEGAL PoCo NUMBER OWNER ADDRESS IF RENTAL PROPERTY, INDICATE PERMIT NO. OCCUPANT -I- ~/4- /,:5 J 61P ~ j77 COMPLAINANT O~ /i?',~ ;l~ Id~~ DATE OF ~V'ST:GATIO~ ~.'NSPECTOR I~^,~ Cd0(-{ t>nA~~ ~l/~~ OBSERVATIONS..r E ~ ,J1,J..l'1' r] 1:I/Q. '.. 'A"'-i' ..rl v 7 ""' .~ w~~~'J./~;;l.-r~-~ ~ &-.~ /~ /~,~ /16'3 Cf (~L,.y~ ACTION TAKEN 1 ;1 . to !i;~ .(p) g~ (~~ .d-Yl N.O.V, ISSUANCE /}'~. _~,p..4<-<--~(I,-",';'1C i ~ k7 ~_ () t t1! OTHER COMME~ /~ 1rJ4IU.I;.e ~ 4/r1-r /lrt-e- PRIOR HISTORY /t~.~ . '/:'-19 \~ ... A" ~ '.J! / MI ~ ,X, ;~ ./~-jt.-(, - f. IJ~~ )/Iki /J-'(,-rw--.' /vru4t-U- , ti .' ,..-,.-1:' -l:.-1?-t!/1 lA")} . /:'/ If-a.t~u..-/'/;- J1 ~C- ~4"'1 -oo3~ .-' ~ ^;/ ....~f.'.. jJl'..~. /,J!. 1:I.L ~? ., /1:' .~t-....,..<<.,Jl g/a , ~ d~~ __ /'- Date ./ $;?; / _. ~~/ J. :-~ / Signature Code 322 . ~ , .. ~~ Jo/ /;3c!j7 . 4/4. ~~ {f~ ~~ ~7-~ ~~.?~ , . J, ~";3'""J:.U'J_ . .J I'''' .. - 1..,1 r (]:3^I383H i .. d-x/~ ~ c:I' ~ae..:r-~.r ...~-, '/M~~'~_/~'~ ..?:., /~-" ~ .?./" y~ P:?'#~ '.~~ ~~.a-r ~ #'~_ ~~ /1.'{-~_ ~4 Cbi- . ;;27/: Y'~~..:, ~ c:tJ~ ~. ~~~ ~ ,'~p~ ~ ~~~.....,,~ ~- ~ ~~ .~ 4~~~~~.7~ ~. ~ ~ ~~ed ,,~,~.-L- ~ ~ . ~dd5'~ -#~ ~2~7 ~~. d~~~~ ~;'~~ ~ ~ ~4q ~ ~~"':7~'-"~~ . ~~~d~~~~ /tJJ.s 4. -~.e~~7' / Ad~/k~. ,4ao ~ ~~ .~ ~-r ~~trdr ~_?o!"-. - :-AA /5'./f/-~5...J-.. "~ / ~ " /-..;-~.. /' /C{/ /~~ oi~c' ~ty A~ ~ :?~~7 ~ . ,~~ ~~~d~~~~ -dt~ ~~~e~" ~...e/ ~e!~~_ ~ ~/ ~ 1/- ~ - ~ '~7h-~/~!).7~ If ~~Z ~.~?~~~. ;f~ ~ ~~ ~& .~/ ~ /~4'7 ~~. . ~~~-~~~ 2:7 ~~ . ~~c~ d- 7 ~ /~~ . __4 ___________ _ _ ~-_:f'..,."!'l'.. ,~ ., .. " ~....~.._....'.~...Ihl. Jet Ski Rentals 396-5646 The Joys of Toys, Inc. By the Day You Take It Away IllumU.. .... . RtIlr1cU_ ....,. , YACHTS FROM 45' TO 150' INCLUDING :,THIS SIDE OF PARADISE AN 82 FOOT LUXURY YACHT '.\t. ~. ~ UAU'JI.Jc;c:r ~ IDEAL FOR . ANNIVERSARIES . COMPANY EVENTS . COCKTAIL PARTIES . BIRTHDAYS . WEDOINGS . RECEPTIONS Don't Be Disappointed Book CHRISTMAS & i . NEW YEARS EVE PARTIES ;' NOW! ~ -SUMMB OIAITII SPEOAl_ AS LOW AS '49500 FOR 4 HOURS . N. COUNTY J . s. COUNTY\I '. ~,,:.,.t ;,....d, j,-.,_.~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM /7" ,Crt ~,. ,I,~ ,...:..-?,:--~ .';, J~I<<-__ t, r TO: FRANK R. SPENCE DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FROM: ..~~ GATES D. CASTLE, P.E. /' Iv '- CITY ENGINEER DATE: JULY 27, 1989 SUBJECT: FIELD CHANGES - CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS As discussed, certain field changes become necessary during construction projects due to unexpected field conditions. It is not practical to stop construction until the required changes are approved by City Commission or even the administration. It is requested that a policy be adopted whereby the Department Head has the authority to approve these changes up to a certain dollar, or % of contract, amoun t . Paragraph PUR-19.3 of and Procedures Number my concerns. the proposed Administrative PUR-19 (Copy Attached) would Policies satisfy GDC:slg Attachment ~ ~'WS/ ~ . MEMORANDUM TO: Robert A. Barcinski Interim City Manager FROM: Joseph Dragon Acting Director of Parks & Recreation SUBJECT: City Ordinance 92.15 - Docking at Veterans' Park DATE: August 1, 1989 City Ordinance 92.15 requires that the City Manager approve requests for docking if under six (6) hours or City Commission approval if over six (6) hours. Since this appears to be a commercial venture, with no specific hours indicated, there may be other conditions governing this type of actiVity. I certainly, and I do not think Joe Weldon ei ther , would be in favor of allowing commercial activity at the Veterans' Park dockage. Please advise. of Parks & Recreation JD:jh EXECUTIVE MANAGERS ASSOCIATION in the STATE OF FLORIDA July 27, 1989 Mr. Joseph Dragon Assistant Director Parks Dept. City of Delray Beach Dear Mr. Dragon: I am President of the Executive Managers Association consisting of licensed Managers of Condo's, Co-Op's and Property Managers. Our group has chartered the T S 0 Paradise on August 5th, 1989 for a five hour cruise. I do believe the Captain has talked to you in regards to boarding the boat at Veterans Park, at Atlantic Avenue. We do hope we will be able to board there. We expect to have sixty of our members to take the cruise. Your kind cooperation will be appreciated. (9~Y1J~ ~~. ~~, Pres. 4001 N. Ocean Blvd. Delray Beach, Fla. 33483 (407) 276-4111 ,. City of ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECT: Purchasing POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Change Orders Defray MANUAL Beach NUMBER REVISIONS EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE PUR 19 0 1 OF 2 ~@ SUPERSEDES APPROVED BY: 0 City Manager - PUR-19 Purpose: The purpose of responsibilities and to "Change Orders" are modifications are needed this document is implement procedures to needed to purchase to contracts. to establish be followed when orders and/or PUR-19.1 Definition: (a) Change Order - A written order signed and issued by the Purchasing Department, directing the vendor, or contractor to make changes to the purchase of supplies, equipment, services or construc~1on. . . (b) Contract Modification specifications, delivery point, performance, price, quantity, contract accomplished by mutual contract. Any rate of or other action of written alteration delivery, period provisions of the parties to in of any the PUR-19.2 Change Orders (~n-construction) _ (a) Minor Changes to Purchase Orders/Contract Modifications - Where: Change Will Not Increase Purchase Order Total to $0 $2,000. Must Have Approval by Purchasing Director, Budget Director & Assistant City Manager of using~ Dept. '!ill'" (b) Changes to Purchase Orders/Contract Where: Change Will Increase Purchase Order Total To $2,000. but less than Must Have Approval by Purchasing Director, Director, Assistant City Manager & City Manager. Modifications - $10,000. Budget of Using Dept. (c) Changes to Purchase Orders/Contract Modifications _ Where: Change Orders Will Increase Purchase Order Total to $10,000, & over. Must Have Approval of all above plus the City Commission. 4' (\~/ .N\ , ,,00 ~ ~~v PUR-19.3 Chanqe Orders (Construction contracts) ~10/~ Contract modifications, change orders or contract price adjustments for construction contracts shall be made under the authority of the Contract Administrator up to a 10% increase or decrease in the awarded contract price. Contract modification, change order, or contract price adjustments over 10% shall be sUbject to approval by the City Commission after receiving a report as to the effect of the contract modification, change order, or contract price adjustment on the total project bUdget or the total contract budget. PUR-19.4 Procedure: A Change Order to a Purchase Order is handled in much the same way as the issuance of a Purchase Order. The department requesting the Change Order shall submit to the Purchasing Department a change order request on a requisition indicating the reason for the changes, i.e., increase in quantity, addition of freight charges, addition of items, etc. Change order requests that list a price change with no explanation for the increase or decrease will be returned to the originator. Change Orders will not be issued when changes are of an insignificant nature (less than $25) such that no written notification is needed. 7/26/89 Telephone Survey on Change Order Procedures Conducted By - Toni Hayes, Purchasing Dept. Boca Raton Boca Raton has a change order policy that is part of their purchasing ordinance. When a change order is necessary a new requisition is submitted. Their dollar limit of authority on change orders is $6,000. Purchasing employees have the authorization to approve change orders, but if the amount is over $6,000, it must be approved by Commission. Boynton Beach Boynton Beach does not really have a change order policy, but the procedure they do follow is administrative. They have a bid limit of $1,000. If over this amount it must be approved by Commission. Buyers, Administrative Assistant, and the Director can approve change orders. Construction change orders are not handled by Purchasing. They are handled by the project manager and then it goes to Commission for approval. Pompano Beach Pompano Beach has a change order policy that is administrative. They have a limit of $5,000 in which any purchasing employee can approve. If it is over this amount it must be approved by Commission. All construction must be approved by Commission. Coral Springs Coral Springs has a change order policy that is administrative. They have no set dollar or percentage limit of authority on change orders. The Purchasing Agent approves change orders, but if it is over $5,000 Commission must approve. Construction change orders are handled the same way. Lantana Lantana has a change order policy that is administrative. Their percentage limit of authority on change orders is 10% above original cost. The using department approves these change orders. Anything above 10% must be approved by Commission. Construction changes orders are handled the same way. Deerfield Beach Deerfield has a change order policy that is departmental procedure. They have a dollar limit of authority on change orders of $5,000. The Purchasing Director has the authority to approve change orders. If there is only one bid it must be approved by Commission. Construction change orders must be approved by Commission. [ITY DF DELAAY BEA[H CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE -I." "ll!UI r. SI I fl.j. 1)11:< \', ,,( \( II. I IlJ[<ill \ lq.", l; 1" ':..L\~ -, ,'jll rl l ! ( ('iI'! I I{ ~'I-- - ,-1""5 r~EMORANDUM Date: July 27, 1989 To: City Commission From: Susan A. Ruby, Assistant City Attorney Subject: City Attorney's Office Seeks Clarification and Direction Regarding the City Attorney's Office Role with Review of Bids for the Old School Square Projec.t for Conformance with Contract Documents Larry Schneider of Currie Schneider Associates, AlA, P.A., architects for the first phase. of the Old School Square pro- ject, met with me to discuss the City's involvement, if any, in the review of bids for conformance with contract specifications and requirements. Apparently, Stinson-Head, Inc. may be the low bidder on the project and has requested certain modifications to the con- tract. (See attached letter from Larry Schneider and qualifica- tions o:f the bidder to the contract). As you may recall, t.he Commission, on September 13, 1988, passed Resolution No. 59-89' establishing Old School Square, Inc. (aSS) as Project Administer. The Commission Subsequently agreed to have ass manage the construction, as well as the contracting and bidding of the project. Previously, the City A1:torney's Office received direction from the City Commission to provide some assistance to ass in the contract drafting stage in order to protect the city's interest as owner of the facility. The construction contract, which has been OSS, is between Old School Square, Inc. and Square, Inc. selects as the contractor. tracts are also between the architect and Inc. put out to bid by whomever Old School Architectural con- Old School Square, At this time, our office requests direction from the City Commission as to whether our office should assist in the evaluation of the bids and their compliance with the contract documents. ilt.ddi tionally, our office seeks clarification and City conunission July 27; '1989 Page 2 direction as to whether the City conunission wishes to approve or deny the contract changes proposed by Stinson-Head, Inc. and ummarized in the attached letter from Larry Schneider. cc: Robert A. Barcinski, Interim City Manager Larry Schneider, Currie Schneider and Associates Francis Barque Marylou Strollo C'Jrr:E- Schnelcec :\s~ociarp~ AlA PA.. '~II,..(.t, I'Ll nPl" '"'..rHlr Df'~ll.(r'f:r. July 25, 1989 Ms. Susan Ruby, Esq. Assistant City Attorney CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 310 SE 1st Street Suite 4 Delray Beach, FL 33483 Re: OLD SCHOOL SQUARE - 89517 Dear I'1s. Ruby: As per our di scuss i on of Ju ly 24.. 1989 regarding the proposa 1 s received for the referenced project, it appears that the apparent low bidder is STINSON-HEAD, INC. at 5743,000 (a $66,0000 difference from the second low bidder, t10UW ASSOCIATES, INC.). In the proposal forwarded by OLD SCHOOL SQUARE, they have indicated a number of qualifications to their bid. A number of those issues relate to the General Conditions and the following is a review of those items for your evaluation. 1. Paragraph 2.4.1: The issue relates to the 7-day written notice shall be waived and such action may be taken without notice as the Owner's right to carry out the work. This would be a call by the City. We have no objection to the General Conditions remaining in their original form regarding this item. It only seems fair that a notification time should be allowed. 2. Paragraph 3.4.3: provide a list modified from 15 They request the showing the name to 30 days. time for the Contractor to of manufacturer's to be This would be tota1ly at the City's discretion; we have no objection to either number of days. 3. Paragraph 3.4.4: They would like to omit the second sentence which states "If the full list is not avai lable, the Architect may state that action will be deferred until the Contractor provides further data". We see no need for the modification of this statement, for it is in our interest to receive the entire list and act on it at one time, in lieu of piece-meal. 'I~ . Ns. Susan Ruby, Esq. OLD SCHOOL SQUARE - 89517 July 25, 1989 Page 2 4. Paragraph 3.6.1: This paragraph addresses the issue of taxes. They are concerned about the modification to it indicating all taxes. 5. Paragraph 3.12.9: The addition to the Supplementary General Conditions do not modify this item, but add additional material which appears to be listed in 3.12.7,3.12.8 and 3.14.1. w'e have no objection if the City wishes pdragraph. It seems to repeat information Section J of the General Conditions. to maintain this already found in 6. Paragraph 4.1.4: w'ith regard to Arbitration. We do not arbitration. Clients that changing the understand why the Contractor is requesting It has been our pol icy to recommend to our arbitration be an option. We normally recommend word "shall" to "may" on this issue. 7. Paragraph 4.3.2: Which is an addition to arbitration shall occur only upon the agreement of the Owner and the Contractor. We would tend to concur with this statement. For future consideration, it would also be advantageous to include the Architect as he might well be part of the process. 8. The City recommends deletions of 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 4.3.6, 4.3.7, 4.3.8 and 4.3.9 dealing with Time Limits on Claims, Continuing Contract Performance, Waiver of Claims, Final Payments, Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions, Claims for Additional Cost, Claims for Additional Time, Injury or Damage to Person 0' Property. I am not sure I understand why the Ci ty wants these items deleted. I would think you would want a Time Limit on Claims (you don't want it to last forever); the Claims for Concealed or Unknown Conditions is very valid and should be a part of this contract (specifically, such a restoration/remodelling project); Claims for Additional Costs and Time seem necessar~' for a project of such size and scope, and Injury or Damage to Person or Property is also important. Ms. Susan Ruby, Esq. OLD SCHOOL SQUARE - 89517 July 25, 1989 Page 3 9. Paragraphs 4.5.1,4.5.2,4.5.3,4.5.4,, 4.5.5,4.5.6 and 4.5.7 all deal with Arbitration. As we noted above, it has been this firm's policy to make Arbitration an option, not mandatory. 10. Paragraphs 7.3.6 change Subparagraph to 7.3.10 (which does make sense there should be no objection to this); Paragraph ' 2 change 5% to 10% (we woul d Ii ke to maintain the 5%, however, we do not understand the major importance ut this issue); Paragraph change to Subparagraph through 11. Paragraph 8.2.4: The Contractor requests the Date of Commencement to be ten (10) days after Notice to Proceed, and the original states that the Date of Commencement shall be fixed on a Notice to Proceed issued by the Owner. The intent of this modification by the General Contractor is to allow time for mobilization after receiving a Notice to Proceed. This could be a moot point; the City needs to state it~ position on this issue. 12. Paragragph 8.3.2: Relates to the delays and extension of time, the Ci ty has added 8.3.4, 8.3.6, 8.3.7, 8.3.8, 8.3.9, 8.3.10 which probably should be renumbered to 8.3.4, 8.3.5; 8.3.6, 8.3.7, 8.3.8 & 8.3.9. This issue relates to the extension of time which was deleted under the provisions of Paragraph 4.3, and these new paragraphs rewrite these issues. It appears that we will need to request the position of the General Contractor on this issue. ' 13. Paragraph 9.3.1: They would like to modify the sentence which reads "The Contractor shall submit vouchers from materials dealers to substantiate his claim of material costs to the value of the materials stored at the site as defined as the actual cost of materials. " It seems the issue is the vouchers for the materials. We would have no objection to the modification as we would still request back-up information. This would still provide the protection the Owner/Client is looking for. Ms. Susan Ruby, Esq. OLD SCHOOL SQUARE - 89517 July 25, 1989 Page 4 14. Paragraph 10.1.4 (which was deleted) states that the Owner shall indemnify, hold the Contractor, Archi tect and Consultants harmless if asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) is found on the site. There is no way that the Architect, Contractor or Consultants can be held responsible if these items are found on site. I um sure this was deleted for new work, but does not address the issue on existing conditions. ~ 15. Paragraph Due to recent work on public projects which have run beyond the date of proposed completion, this firm has had to dip into its own pockets for constructi, administration. We feel it is only fair that if a time limit has been established and for some reason it is not met, the Architect shall be compensated for his time beyond the date of proposed completion. As you are aware, our fees on this project are based upon a specific time schedule for construction and if that time is delayed, we have no recourse for retrieving the ensuing costs. 16. Paragraph 13.7: The Commencement of Statutory Limitation has been requested to be eliminated. What inadverdently did not happen is the City's revision mandating that the Statute of Limitations be based upon the State Statutes. This should be added to this agreement. 17. Paragraph terminate the contract interruptions, etc.. ; Indicates that the if the Owner has Contractor may repeated delays, I would think that this provision is fair and should remain. These are the Conditions and matter 50 that issues brought forth pertaining to the we would appreciate your prompt attention we may proceed with the project. General to thi s Sincerely, CURRIE SCHNEIDER ASSOCIATES AlA, PA Larry M. Schneider, AlA U1S/ jp/rubyrvu. 517 cc: Marylou Strollo Dutch Bliss Hank Goldman July 6, 1989 , . TO: Old School Square. Inc. P.O. Box 1897 Oe1ray Beach, Florida 33447 Project No. 89517 We, Stinson-Head. Inc.. a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, have received documents titled "OLD SCHOOL SQUARE", which include drawings and project manual. We have received Addendum No.1 and Addendum No.2, and have included their provisions in our bid. We have examined the documents and the site prior to submitting the following Bid. In submitting this Bid, we agree: 1. To hold our Bid open forty~five (45) days after Bid opening. 2. To accept all provisions of the contract documents, including drawings and addenda, subject to the attached qualifications. 3. To""enter into and execute an agreement, if awarded, on the basis of this Bid and to furnish a performance bond and labor and material payment bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. BASE BID: We will perform all work of this project for the sum of: ,-::? ,,/././ - -;r /' -- __ -G'c' .)EP'EA' ~'l_d.r....r "c;?,,r;., -/#EE"p" ./A/~L~~--v/ ,Af'~ r/ ("':'" /' DOLLARS ( $ -.14-' . >. C7c/ /.,..,.Q (::-'6(". '-' ) Alternate No. 1 ADD/DEDUCT $ (;'J. gel. We will provide the required list of subcontractors that we intend to have perform principal portions of the work of this project should our bid be under consideration. STINSON-HEAD, INC. 1450 S. Dixie Highway Suite 101 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 By: ~_~. vL9 Thomas A. Head. President Date:~11 , . ,.. OLD SCHOOL SQUARE Qualifications to Bid July 6, 1989 1. In accordance with the Instructions to Bidders, paragraph 6.3.1, a list of subcontractors to be used for this project will be submitted as soon as practical after notification of award of the contract. 2. The following subparagraphs of AlA Document A201 shall not be amended: 2.4.1; 3.6.1; 3.12.9; 4.1.4; 4.3.2; 4.3.3; 4.3.4; 4.3.5; 4.3.6; 4.3.7; 4.3.8;;; 4.3.9; 4.5.1; 4.5.2; 4.5.3; 4.5.4;;; 4.5.5; 4.5.6; 4.5.7; 8.3.2; 10.1.4; 13.7; 3. Section 00800, paragraph 3.4.3 "Fifteen days" shall be changed to "Thirty days". 4. Section 00800, para9raph 3.4.4, omit the second sentence. 5. Section 08800, paragraph 7.3.6, change "subparagraph" to "subpara9raph 7.3.10". 6. Section 00800, paragraph, change "subparagraph" to "subparagraph 7.3.10". 7. Section 06800. paragraph change "five percent (5%)" to "ten percent (10%)". 8. Section 08800, paragraph, change "subparagraph" to "subparagraphs through". 9. Section 08800. paragraph 8.2.4. change the first sentence to read. "The Date of Commencement shall be 10 days after a Notice to Proceed is issued by the Owner.". 10. Section 08800. para~raph 9.3.1, the third sentence shall be changed to read "The value of materials stored at the site is defined as the actual cost of materials". 11. Section 08800, paragraph is excluded in its entirety. 12. Section 01020. the building signage allowance shall include all labor and materials. 13. Section 02515, omit references to cast paver stair nosings. Stairs shall be constructed in accordance with details shown on drawings. 14. Section 02515, paragraph 3.01.A.1, insert the word "known" between the word "to" and "existing" in the last sentence. 15. Section 02665. paragraph 3.01.G.1, delete the last three sentences. 16. Section 06100, paragraph 3.03C, we assume fire stopping is required at the new walls only. 17. We assume all existing structural conditions are adequate to accommodate the proposed work, and that no work is required to repair or replace exposed or hidden structural components unless specifically shown on contract drawings. 18. Exclude any special provisions for removal and disposal of hazardous waste materials. 19. This proposal is applicable to Phase 1 work only. 20. Exclude all work relating to the Alternates listed in the project manual. 21. Exclude the cost of additional fire hydrants which may be required by governmental agencies. 22. Exclude the cost of relocating FP&L poles. While we do not believe this work is required, if it is necessary, add a labor and material allowance of $2,000.00. 23. Exclude the cost of landscape and irrigation maintenance and restoration. It is our understanding that this work and all new landscape and irrigation work will be done by others under a separate contract with the owner. 24. Unit prices reques~d will be supplied should our bid be under consideration. 25. Exclude any new floor finishes or refinishing of.the . stairways. f"J'tlvT IZ-lstll-6 - !'Io-rn.-f..1>-1 - Uf'i~. P1'</<--t: L-frr-IOJ'{-'b 26. The Date of Substantial Completion shall be defined as the date a Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the City of De1ray Beach. 27. Section 09555, paragraph 1.03, exclude verbage relating to environmental conditions. It is our understanding that no " temperature or humidity control will be required when floor repairs are made by reusing existin9 materials. 28. Section 15800. paragraph 3.01.A. we include 1" fiberglass ductwork for supply and return air. 29. We have included the following plaster finishes in classrooms and exhibition rooms: Walls: 1/4" imperial board laminated to existing walls. Ceilings: 1/4" imperia1board on furring over wood joists or existing plaster. 30. Exclude any work relating to the intrusion detection system. It is our understanding that this work will be performed under separate contract with the owner. 31. At this time, we believe five calendar months are adequate for the construction of this project. however. we will provide a detailed schedule utilizing the input of our proposed subcontractors should our bid be under consideration. 32. Include a labor and material allowance of $3.500.00 for the repair/replacement of outriggers and roof sheathing (including hoisting, scaffolding, stucco patching, etc.). 33. Include blown insulation in lieu of batt insulation in first floor ceiling. -" 34. Exclude cost of meter fees, utility connection and tap fees and impact fees. 35. Exclude 30-year roofing guarantee. Standard Manufacturer's 9uarantee will be provided. 36. Exclude copper gutters and downspouts. specified in the project manual but are drawings. .- We assume the existing wood flooring may exposing the tongue and groove joints. These items are not shown on the 37. be sanded without 38. Include low voltage wiring sized to meet applicable codes in lieu of #14 AWG specified in Section 15900. 39. Include alternate cabinet manufacturer. <;~ ~~S (V PVW eo-4. P P<fqJ. - ~ U, !X'p.{)..OC;" SK' "'" ~A--(. -+ ~'-. -------------- . E-rTWo/L MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Commission FROM: ~cting City Manager SUBJECT: BOARD OF REALTORS- REAL ESTATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: July 28, 1989 Late last month the Mayor and City Manager met with Mr. Michael Plum to discuss the possibility of establishing a Real Estate Advisory Committee through the Board of Realtors. The Advisory Committee would advise and assist the City on real estate matters, including acquisition and disposition of real property. This item is on your workshop agenda for discussion and direction. RAB:cl IPI Yfff. 6th- ~ ~~ [!dead." 3l~ .U.U.f !Y~ (.1107).272 -.1003 (.II07)736.,fOSY TilE I'I.DI 1lt"ILVI:\(j '~'., , , , " Plum Realty~ Ine. JUL 03 l!:lHY June 29,1989 LJ I y MAI,huti(~. I)i'FIC( Mr. Walter Barry City Manager City of Delray Beach 100 N.W, 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL. 33444 Dear Walt: Pursuant to the meeting we had this morning with the Mayor, I am looking forward to the ability to implement some of the ideas discussed today. As we discussed the possibilities of a Real Estate Advisory Committee I discovered that many of the concerns of the real estate community are real concerns to the city as well. I welcome the opportunity to work with you on behalf of the Delray Beach Board of Realtors and feel sincerely we can have a positive impact in improving the quality of life in our community. Thanks again for meeting with me and I look forward to hearing from you soon. As~n~e/Y: [/'- ,<:...c , Michael K. Plum REALTOR [H REALTOR ~ .~. .'1'1 " CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL AND WORKSHOP MEETING - CITY COMMISSION August 1, 1989 7:00 P.M. AGENDA Commission Chambers Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearIng, such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or prepare such record. ITEM NO. 1 ON TH,E WORKSHOP AGENDA IS AMENDED TO READ: 1. Section 125 Flexible Benefit Program! Cigna Dental Plan- Transfer Deductions from Credit Union! Dependent Medical Insurance Premiums (Acting City Manager). Supplemental backup material is attached. . , CITY OF DEIRAY BEACH 100 tI; hi AVENUE Of l~A V tH: .\C:, .-tORIOA J3444 4011143.1000 HIIMOIWalut Date: July 13, 1989 To: The City Commission From: The Selection Committee for Flex and Dental Plans Subject: Suaested Workshop Topics: Section 125 Flezible Beaefit Progr_ and Depeade"t Hedic:a1 Preai_. The Selection Committee consisting of the Assistant City Manag- er/Management Services Group, Finance Director, Personnel/Labor Rela- tions Director, Purchasing Director, Budget Director, Assistant City Attorney, Information Resource Management Director and the Risk Manage- ment Director, has voted to accept the independent evaluation and recommendation of the City's Insurance Management Consultant Firm, Siver Insurance Management Consultants. Siver has reviewed submitted propos- als and made a selection based on lowest costs and other considerations. The recommendation is to select American General Group Services Corpo- ration to administer and coordinate a Section 125 Flexible Benefit Program which will benefit both the City as employer and the employees who select to be included in the program. Basically, the Flex Plan will allow employees to pay for certain defined benefits with before-tax dollars, thus allowing a discounting of actual premium paid because they pay no income tax on the benefits. It is recollllllended that dependent health insurance premiums and group dental plan premiums should be the two eligible expenses available under the Flex Plan initially for the sake of simpliCity. At a later date, other eligible expenses might be considered for inclusion in the Flex Plan. The City benefits as an employer by paying less in Social Security Contributions on the gross payroll, and also saves on workers' compen- sation premiums because of the non-inclusion of that portion of the payroll affected by the Flex Benefits. An opportune time for installing the Flex Plan would be October 1, 1989, when the Group Health Plan dependent coverage will increase from the present $102.00 per month to $130.00 per month for a dependent unit which consists of an employee's spouse and all eligible children. The Flex Plan would lighten the effect of the premium increase by allowing the payment from before-tax dollars. T.. "- ,r; ( A ~..."... 't.-. M.", r. ,.,' : Re: Suqute4 Workshop Topi" July 13. 1989 Page 2 Tbe dependent rate has not been increased since 1986 and must be raised because of increased claims costs. Even at the new rate of $130.00 per month. the City will be charging less than nearby cities in our area charge. A recent survey is attached to this memorandum for comparison. JWE/LRG/MR/DHH/SAR/TG/YK/RZ/mca ;)UKVU OF GROUP REALm PLANS EKPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION FOR DEPENDENT COVERAGE February I. 1989 Delray Beach $102.00 $ 74.60 Lake Worth $153.76 $ 89.37 Deerfield Beach $166.00 $102.00 Boynton Beach Three plans -- Blue Cross Indemnity $209.72 $133.83 PPO Blue Cross $154.54 $120.50 RHO $153.77 $ 98.57 Boca Raton $260.44 $177.00 Single Dependent Charge Cost per Per Month Emp. JUL 20 '8911:13 AGGIe 2148248515 Pol/!; , ***** PRlORIlY - PLEASE RUSH ***** FLEX FAX TRANSMITIAL Please contact the following person when this transmission is received: Lee Graham Risk Management City of Delray Beach 214-7150 Total number of pages including transmittal: --.6 American General Telefax Number: (214) 824-8515 Questions regarding this transmission should be directed to: Larry Garrett at 1-800-950-FLEX (1-800-950-3539). " ; 'l"~ rr:> re'.' a~/lr;:; J."' v\!lc\~-:,,~ I!I~~ JUL20S0 nlSK "I'GMT '.l~ JUL 213 '89 11:14 AGGIe 2148248515 '<0 " " P.2/6 ,.. PREMIUM CONVERSION AGREEMENT , ..:.....0 '~~, CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT For Flexible Benefit Plan Services This Agreement made at Dallas, Texas effective the of 'between day (herein referred to as Plan Sponsor) and AMERICAN GENERAL GROUP SERVICES CORPORATION, a Florida domiciled corporation (herein referred to as the Consultant), is for the purpose of establishing the rights, duties and obligations of the various parties involved with the administration of (herein referred to as the Plan) and providing means by which the Plan participants may secure benefits for themselves or their eligible dependents in conjunction with the cafeteria plan offered by the plan sponsor. , (1) The Consultant will exercise due diligence in assisting the PlaT Sponsor in the implementation and administration of the Plan and particularly in the performance of the duties as specified herein. (2) The Consultant will assist the Plan Sponsor with the plan design, training of benefits staff, employee communications, and discrimination testing. The Consultant will provide four hours of onsite plan design and implementation planning, four hours of onsite training of benefits staff, a specimen,employee announcement letter, a specimen plan document, a specimen plan adoption agreement, participation waiver forms, and discrimination testing guidelines. SECTION I DUTIES OF THE CONSULTANT (3) Under the supervision of the Plan Sponsor and to the extent of its capability, the ConSUltant will provide guidance in preparing and filing any report, returns, tax returns or similar papers required by any state or Federal Government, or Political subdivision or instrumentality of any of them, pertaining to the operation, management or administration of the Plan. (4) The Consultant will pay from its fee all the necessary and ordinary expenses related to the services described herein, except as otherwise specifically provided by this Agreement. However, it is specifically agreed and intended between the parties that the consulting expenses are only those necessary and attendant to the services described herein and do not include administration expenses, claim payments, investment fees, bank fees, attorney fees, or installation costs. -1- "- -- - -- '-- .---- ,....4...b ''" . '~ " (5) The Consultant has no power or authority to alter, mOdify or waive any terms or conditions of the Plan, to waive any breach of any such terms or conditions, to bind the Plan or to waive any of the Plan's rights by making any statement or by receiving at any time any notice or information. (6) Neither the Consultant nor the Plan Sponsor has any power or authority to act for or on behalf of the other except as herein express 1 granted and no other or greater power or authority is intended to be implied by any grant of power or authority specifically mentioned herein (7) The Consultant will hold and possess as the property of the Plal all papers, bOOks, files, correspondence and records of all kinds which at any time come into its possession or under its control relating to th. services performed by the Consultant for the Plan under this Agreement and will surrender them to the Plan upon termination of this Agreement 01 upon prior request. SECTION II CONSULTING FEES (1) The Consultant is entitled to a fee for services provided for under this agreement. A base fee of $3,000 will be paid for the services described in Section I (2). One half of the base fee is payable upon execution of this Agreement and one half is payable one month after the Plan effective date. (2) Additional fees are payable if additional services are requested, according to the following schedule: Senior Consultant Graphics Design Communication Specialist Technical Writers Printing/Production $95.00 per hour * $75.00 per hour $50.00 per hour * $35.00 per hour Cost + 10% * - Plus reasonable travel and expenses (3) minimum \ The hourly rates stated above are subject to an eight (8) hour if travel is required. (4) If fees are not paid within ten (10) days after the Plan Sponsor's receipt of the Consultant's statement then, at the Consnlb.nt'~_ option, this Agreement will terminate. -2- :I. . -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- SECTION IV DUTIES OF THE PLAN SPONSOR (1) The Plan Sponsor will perform all implementation and administrative functions necessary for the successfuJ npp~on-of the Plan except as described herein. on and end on Thereafter, this Agreement may be terminated by either the Plan Sponsor or the Consultant by having written notice of intention to terminate delivered or given to the other party, to be effective as of a date set forth in the written notice not less than ninety (90) days after the date of such notice. All duties of the Consultant to the Plan Sponsor, the Plan or participants in the Plan will terminate and be extinguished on the effective date of termination given in the notice. (1) The i~itial term of this Consulting Agreement will commence SECTION V TERM AND TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT (2) Upon notice of termination by either party, the Consultant, within sixty (60) days after the date of termination, will deliver to the Plan Sponsor, at the expense of the Plan Sponsor, all files, reports and other papers dealing with the Plan, and all other books and records of the of the Plan. SECTION VI MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (1) The Plan Sponsor agrees to save and hold the Consultant harmless from any and all claims, suits, interest and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, that the Consultant may sustain or incur because of any claim or liability arising out of the due and proper performance by the Consultant of its duties under the Plan or this Agreement. The Consultant agrees to save and hold the Plan or Plan Sponsor harmless from any and all claims, suits, interest and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, the Plan or Plan Sponsor may sustain or incur in consequence of any liability occasioned by the ConSUltant's \gross negligence or misfeasance in connection with the ConSUltant's services under this Agreement. The ConSUltant will give prompt notice, in writing, to the Plan Sponsor of any and all claims or suits against the ConSUltant which relate in any way to this Agreement or the Plan. (2) includes gender. Where the context of this Agreement requires, the singular the plural and the maSculine gender includes the feminine -3- .. ~ Jt....lL. C:l:j . tt:1 11: 1 ( H1.:oGH... c14J::k::"4tjS15 P.E>6 .. " (3) This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual consent of the parties. (4) Failure by the Plan Sponsor or ConSUltant to insist upon compliance with any provision of this Agreement at any given time or under any given set of circumstances will not operate to waive or modify that prOvision or in any manner render it unenforceable as to any other time or as to any other occurrence, whether the circumstances are or are not the same and no waiver of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement is valid or of any force or effect unless Contained in a written memorandum specifically expressing that waiver and signed by a person duly authorized to sign such waiver. (5) Void and delegate Sponsor, Any assignment of this Agreement or of any rights hereunder is of no force or effect, but the ConSUltant may subcontract or any of its duties or functions with written approval by the Plar which approval may not unreasonably be withheld. (6) If requested by the Plan Sponsor, the Consultant will make available to the Plan Sponsor or its attorney all of its bOOks, reCords and documents relevant to the defense of any claim or suit against the Plan Sponsor, the Plan or the Consultant and will consult with the attorney for the Plan or the Plan Sponsor as to the payment, compromise, litigation or appeal of any Such claim or suit. (7) If any claim or suit relating to the Plan is to be defended or litigated, the Plan Sponsor has sole responsibility to employ attorneys to defend or litigate any SUch suit and is responsible for the payment of all awards that may be rendered. (8) The rights and obligations of the Plan Sponsor and Consultant under this Agreement are governed by the Law of the State of Florida. Attest: Plan Sponsor By: Its AMERICAN GENERAL GROUP SERVICES CORPORATION Attest: By: Its -4- I j [Iry DF BElRAY BEACH l00N.W hi AVENUE Ot:I.HA'f BEACH, FLOR10AJJ...... 4071'24:).7000 IOItIOIWiIllJt Date: July 13, 1989 To: The City Commission From: The Selection Committee for Flex and Dental Plans Subject: Suuested Workshop Topic: Denbal Plan A group dental insurance plan previously administered by the Credit Union of Palm Beach will terminate as of 09/31/89 because of the Credit Union's decision to discontinue providing the plan. Since the majority of the plan participants are employees of the City of Delray Beach, the insurance company was contacted to see if the plan could be continued and administered by the City. CIGNA, the insurer, agreed to allow the City to take over the program at the same rates currently being charged, and guaranteed that benefits and rates would remain the same through the new program year 10/01/89-09/30/90. The monthly rates are as follows: Single $14. 80 Single + 1 $25.58 Single + 2 $36.37 Single + 3 or more $41. 38 The premiums are paid for by employee/dependents through payroll deductions. There are currently 166 employee participants in the plan whose coverage can be continued uninterrupted. Additionally, the plan can be extended to all other City employees who select coverage at their own expense through payroll deductions. Monthly premiWD deductions could begin starting September 1st in order to be prepaid one month in advance. The Selection Co_ittee recO_ds approval for the implementation of this program. JWE/LRG/HR/DMH/SAR/TG/YK/RZ/mca Tt4( E~;! .~'r A!':..~.o". :VJ.\ I 'I,