Res 16-15 i
WHERIL 1 -S, Sister Cities International is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 1956
which serves as the national inembership organization for individual sister cities, counties, and states
across the U.S. This network unites thousands of citizen diplomats and volunteers in 545 cotnnhunities
with over 2,100 partnerships in 145 countries on six continents; and
WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, Florida is a member of Sister Cities International and
currently has a partnership with two sister cities; and
WHEREAS, Sister_ Cities International provides services, programs, and resources to help
members find partners and exTpand and improve their activities, and
WHEREAS, Sister Cities International programs varT greatly from basic culturral exchange
programs to shared research and development projects. Programming can typically be classified in four
main areas: youth and education, arts and culture; business and trade, and municipal exchange and
community development; and
WHEREAS, the Municipality of Aquinas, Haiti expressed interest in partnering with the City of
Delray Beach, Florida through the Sister Cities International program; and
WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, Florida, by and through its elected City Commission,
does recognize and endorse Sister Cities International with tlhc Dope that it will lead to a lasting
friendship between the people of Delray Beach, Tlorxda and Aquinas, Haiti.
Section 1. That the City Comthaission incorporates the "Wlhereas" clauses set forth above
as if fizlly set forth herein.
Section 2. That the City Corm-mission, on behalf of the citizens of Delray Beach, does
thereby extend an invitation to the governnheint and the people of the Municipahty of Aquinas, Haiti to
establish a Sister City relationship with Delray Beach for the purpose of creating greater tnutual
understanding between the people of out two cities.
Section 3. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to act as official representative of
the City of Delray Beach in carrying out the Sister City partnership with Aquinas, Haiti.
Section 4. That copies of this Resolution shall be sent to the Mayor and Commission of
the Municipality of Aquinas,Haiti and Sister Cities International in Washington,D.C.
Section 5. That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31st day of March,2015.
Ci", Clerk
RE S.NO. 16-15
Aquinas,j any 14, 2015
Mayor of Delray Beach, Ft 33482
at its offices
Subject Request Pair
The municipal.commission of the municipality Aquinas, represented by Vilner Alindor
President and Ms.:Bosse Danise-member present to you our warmest greetings and:
honor to ask you to'.riake a humanitarian act to match Hall Delray Beach and that of
Aquin us' other of the Town Hall since Aquinas are beautiful time =looking for a
partnership at international level Haitian culture and raise that of the other
as we informed the municipality of keys, which itself had already paired with other town
from outside :we believe Aquinas will also have.the same chance. to pair with.other town
from abroad, as we a Haitian elected Deputy Mayor of Delray Beach this is Mr. Al
Jacquet and ask him to bring us to pair with the city of DELRAY BEACH ,We have
inariy beautiful tounsi beaches with hotels containing over 1,500 rooms under
Con.- ..on.. international airport and tourist sites, we have beautiful rivers to name a
few, we patiently await your visit to our invitation.Aquinas and also in Miami .all hoping
that.demand will holdyour.attention, the municipal commission Aquinas you extends. its
thanks and ensures:a perfect collaboration:
Senior mayor Deputy mayor
of Aquin of Aquin
Corner of StWo Vincent and Jacques bessnlines • 3615 3412 14072 0654/3466 9554
Delray Beach Sister Cities
October 2, 2014
Regular Meeting Minutes
Location: First Floor Conference Room, City Hall
Board Members Present Board Members Absent
Jessica Crowel Ted Marshall
Don Hoffman Woodie McDuffie
Michelle Hoffman Rhonda Mensah
Nancy King
Ngozi Mensah
Jimmy Mihori
Peggy Murphy
Jessica Salzman
David Schmidt
William Wilsher
Chris Francois
Jane Marcel
Dan DeCarlo
Joseph Bernadel
Staff Present Staff Absent
Yolaina Ruiz
Terrance Stewart, Interim City Manager
Commissioner Al Jacquet
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m. by President David
Roll Calt As listed above.
Agenda Approval: A motion was made to add a discussion for potential Haiti Sister
Cities and to accept the agenda by Don Hoffman and seconded by Oz Mensah. All voted
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to accept the minutes of the September 4,
2014 meeting by Michelle Hoffman and seconded by Bill Wilsher. All voted aye.
Financial Report: The financial report was given by Michelle Hoffman for May 2014,
reports and bank statements are attached. August 2014 financial report deferred to next
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Discussion: Potential Haiti Sister Cities: Mr. Schmidt stated that he received a phone
called from Interim City Manager Mr. Terrance Stewart asking for an overview about
Sister Cities and the organization. Mr. Stewart advised him that Commissioner Jacquet
was interested in talking to the board about the possibility of examining the idea of
having a Haitian Sister Cities.
Mr. Schmidt stated in response to Commissioner Jacquet's previous comment made
before the meeting, that the board had several discussions regarding forming a sister city
with a city in Haiti. In the past, several people in the Haitian community have contacted
him. He advised them that the board has no objection in considering it as long as the
Haitian community could provide assistance, commitment and have a consensus on
which Haitian City is to be selected. He has not yet received any feedback.
Commissioner Jacquet thanked the board for the opportunity to come and speak to the
board. He stated that Delray Beach has the largest percentage of Haitian's living outside
Haiti. He acknowledged that this organization has explored the idea in the past but also
acknowledged that the community has never been involved. Perhaps the communication
was made with one or two individuals in the past, however, the leaders of the community
are here to represent and asked for guidance and directions to make this happen. He
reinforced that the community would give the labor, work, body and everything needed
to make it happen. He has been in contact with the Consulate General in Miami, words
went out to Minister Francois Guillaume who is the new minister for Haitians living
overseas, and they are very excited about it because this would bridge the generation gap
in the community between Haitian and Haitian American. There is a huge population in
Delray Beach that would want to take advantage of this rich cultural exchange.
Mr. Schmidt stated that he has had discussion with Jeanne Heavilin of the Boynton Beach
organization in regards past conversations with various people from the Haitian
community. He reiterated that the most important things are that the Haitian community
would support it and would have a consensus on which Haitian city is to be selected. He
asked the board for input. In addition, he would ask Boynton Beach to suggest a city
which could be near their sister city to give an opportunity to partner.
Commissioner Jacquet stated that he is confident that the board would agree with that, if
Delray Beach decided to do a sister city in Haiti in close proximity with Les Cayes, the
sister city of Boynton Beach, it would be a good match. However choosing a city would
always face challenges in having a consensus from the community but reiterated that the
community would support it and asked for leadership and guidance.
Mr. Schmidt stated that if the board decides to move forward the next step would be a
meeting. Perhaps part information and part discussion so that the Haitian community
understands what sister cities is about and how to form a relationship; most importantly is
to understand that the programs are not funded by the City and that it would be the
community doing the work.
Commissioner Jacquet stated that in the past when the idea was discussed with the board
it was made very clear that this is a cultural exchange and not a financial exchange and
guaranteed that there would be support from the Haitian community regardless of what
city is selected. In the past, there was a lack of Haitian community representatives to
support the project but that is not the case now.
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Mr. Schmidt stated that one of the things to consider is the direction that the City might
want to go with the sister city relationship with a city in Haiti. It might not be necessarily
with a city near Les Cayes city.
Commissioner Jacquet stated that is correct but that would be the City Commission
Mr. Schmidt stated that ultimately, the City Commission does make the decision and that
the board only makes the recommendation. In addition, he asked if there would be an
economic development, cultural exchange, etc. what this relationship would do for
Delray Beach and the Haitian community.
Commissioner Jacquet stated that if the City Commission feels there is a better city suited
for this program that allows the City Commission to bring it forward. We want Delray
Beach to establish a relationship with Haiti because there is a large community of
Haitians living in Delray Beach. It would not matter what city is selected, the board
selects a city, and he would have the Haitian Community to support it.
Mr. Schmidt asked the Boynton Beach representative if there has been any research with
Sister Cities International to see what Haitian city might be looking for a US sister city.
Ms. Jane Marcel stated that they have not done any research.
Mr. Schmidt stated that he could reach out to Sister Cities International Vice President
Mr. Adam Kaplan and find out what cities in Haiti is actively looking for a sister cities
Commissioner Jacquet stated that the reason he discussed with Boynton Beach in
potentially looking a for a sister city for Delray Beach is because he spent a month in
Haiti back in May-June and had the opportunity to travel to the southern part of Haiti
Fonds Des Negres, Aquin, L'Asile. He had the opportunity to meet some local, elective,
and school directors, and floated the idea that Delray Beach was interested in finding a
city to collaborate to have cultural exchange and he realized that the city of Aquin is well
developed, the government is planning on building a huge airport, great schools system
and is near Les Cayes. In addition, what is important is to move forward and establish a
relationship regardless of what city is selected.
Mr. Terry Stewart, Interim City Manager thanked Mr. Schmidt for investing the time and
speaking to him and being so helpful. He asked what would be the next step for the
community leaders to take.
Mr. Schmidt asked the board if they want to make a decision to move forward with
exploring the idea and having Commissioner Jacquet facilitating the process he could
contact Sister Cities International and obtain the list of cities in Haiti that are interested in
a sister city in the US. In addition, he would provide the information to the group to view.
Major Joe Bernadel asked how they could prove that the Haitian community would
support the project. In addition, he would like to ensure that if there were a process the
community would follow it.
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Mr. Schmidt stated that he hopes that the City would provide some guidance, recognize
the groups for the Haitian community, whether it is a church, school, community service
organization, etc., and that the members of this group would communicate that to their
boards or groups to have a consensus, it would be great. In addition, he would talk to
International and the board should have a discussion at the next meeting.
Commissioner Jacquet asked the board if this project is something that they would even
Mrs. Salzman stated that the board has a very positive reaction as is obvious there is a
large population of Haitians in the City, from her perspective based on the relationship
with Moshi and Miyazu, she would like to see Arts continue, arts is what ties the other
three cities together.
Commissioner Jacquet stated that twenty artists from Jacmel visited the City last year.
Mr. Hoffman stated he is interested and the cities that currently participate in the program
both have a culture influence in our City. Having a large population of Haitians, Haiti
would reinforce the same belief and it would be a great idea to pursue.
Mr. Wilsher stated that the other two cities have tourism issue and that might be a
consideration to think about. With Moshi or Miyazu there was no residency issue, it was
more a cultural issue.
Mr. Schmidt stated that it is important that the Haitian community would support the city
that is selected.
Mr. Terry Stewart, Interim City Manager stated that you avoid mistakes by the
application of wisdom, and you gain wisdom by making mistake.
At this time, Mr. Schmidt asked the board members if they are in support of the idea and
the board had a unanimous consensus to move forward.
Commission Jacquet stated that Toussaint L'Ouverture High School is predominantly
Haitian students and what happens is that there is a lot of lost identity, a huge migration
of Haitians that came to the US in the 70's and early 80's. This people are now retiring
and the new generation has no identity of their culture, this project would change that; it
will reconnect people, sharing stories, arts, etc. would help in ways that it could never
quantify. He applauded the board for being interested in pursuing the idea. He thanked
Mr. Stewart, Interim City Manager for his leadership on this issue and the board for their
Mr. Mensah asked Commissioner Jacquet if the city of Aquin is interested, to set them on
the process of making themselves aware with Sister Cities International to be involved in
having a relationship.
Mr. Schmidt stated that is important to verify that the cities are having a dialogue before
the relationship is formed as to what they hope to get out of the relationship.
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Major Joe Bernadel stated that concurrently with the city that is selected, the group would
seek information from the city being considered to have their founding fathers and city
elective officials to establish their interest in forming a relationship.
Commissioner Jacquet stated that once the board provides the direction then the group
would have people like the Consulate General and the minister of Haitians living abroad
and others to reach out, establish the relationship, get them here, and do whatever it takes.
However, the direction from the board is needed.
Mr. Schmidt stated that initially there are two or three cities in the selection process.
Mr. DeCarlo stated that one of the things that they are interested in is for Boynton Beach
to have Delray Beach considering a sister cities in Haiti hopefully to bring both cities
together, to do more things jointly. Most of the things Boynton Beach does with China is
the Young Artist Program, which is very successful with the schools in Boynton Beach,
China and Les Cayes. One of the primary interests and focus is finding ways for Boynton
Beach committee to have more activities, dialogues and things in common to encourage
ways to have more interactions. In addition, Boynton Beach also has a large Haitian
population one of the reasons they looked at Les Cayes and one of the values is that they
been there for a couple of years and could contribute for the City that gets selected to
partner with Delray Beach.
Mr. Schmidt stated that he hopes to have them at the meeting during the process to guide
Delray Beach in the city selection.
Commissioner Jacquet stated that he had heard about sister cities for quite some time and
has learned more about the organization since he became an elected official and has never
been more proud of the work they do and the consideration of this idea and thanked the
Alumni Page on Facebook: Jessica Crowel gave an update about the Facebook page
and stated that the page is not getting enough shared advertisement, spoke to students and
asked them to like the page. The page is public if anyone would like to share fun pictures.
Continuing Committee Reports:
Miyazu: Mr. Schmidt stated that the immediate thing is the golf tournament.
Mrs. Jessica Salzman stated that she was able to get six (6) students. Mr. Schmidt
stated that the board has done well with sponsors, raffle prizes. In addition, Delray
Forum had an article on Mr. Wilsher talking about the Golf Classic; this might
generate interest in a few people. Mr. Joe Gillie, Ms. Alyona Ushe, Mr. Todd
L'Herrou, James Mihori and Mr. David Schmidt would be leaving next Saturday
for the anniversary festival and would present them with the proclamation signed
by Mayor Glickstein and hope that this would lead to a more cultural and
economic development cultural exchange, they would also be visiting some
prefectural officials in Kyoto.
Moshi: Mr. Schmidt has no status update at this time.
Website: Mr. Don Hoffman stated that the page has 110 visitors and 56
followers on Facebook Registration for the golf tournament are available on the
website, pictures of the event would follow the event.
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How to Grow the Program: The Volunteer Delray event is on November 14, 2014
from 5:00 p.m. to7:00 p.m. A concert will follow the event.
New Business: None
Non-Agenda Item: The next Delray Beach Sister Cities Board meeting is scheduled for
Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 4:45 p.m., in the First Floor Conference Room at City
Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:45 p.m., all voted aye.
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Delray Beach Sister Cities
November 6, 2014
Regular Meeting Minutes
Location: First Floor Conference Room, City Hall
Board Members Present Board Members Absent
Jessica Crowel Don Hoffman
Nancy King Michelle Hoffman
Ngozi Mensah Woodie McDuffie
Jimmy Mihori Rhonda Mensah
David Schmidt Jessica Salzman
William Wilsher Peggy Murphy
Ted Marshall
Staff Present Staff Absent
Yolaina Ruiz
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:45 p.m. by President David
Roll Call: As listed above.
Agenda Approval: A change was made to the agenda to add Anton Relin to make a
presentation. A motion was made to accept the agenda by Bill Wilsher and seconded by
Jimmy Mihori. All voted aye.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to accept the minutes of the October 2, 2014
meeting by Bill Wilsher and seconded by Jimmy Mihori. All voted aye.
Financial Report: A brief financial report was given by David Schmidt in the absence
of Michelle Hoffman. No motion was made.
Alumni Pate on Facebook: Jessica Crowel gave update about the Facebook page. The
page has five 5 new likes.
Continuing Committee Reports:
Miyazu: Mr. Schmidt stated that the trip to Japan went very well; they avoided
most of the typhoon weather. However, it forced changes to the schedule. They
met representatives from sister cities in New Zealand and China. New Zealand is
looking for a possible relationship, spent some time with Mayor Inove and the
Chamber. Visited Kyoto and had a meeting with one of their Vice Governors and
made introductions to open some doors for the festival. One of the highlights was
time spent with George Morikami's great grandnephew who took them to the
family gravesite and they had a private tour of the temple. Mr. Mihori stated that
the priest was kind to show some of the cartography and other items that they had
on display.
Moshi: Mr. Schmidt has no status update at this time.
Volunteer Delray: Will be held on November 14, 2014. From 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. A
concert will follow the event. A table will be set up to try to solicit volunteers/members.
A few people are needed to work.
Website: No report. Mr. Hoffman was not present.
How to Grow the Program:
New Business:
Anton Relin and Teagan Murphy came to the meeting. Anton is the Atlantic High student
who makes computers. He brought one to show the board who felt it was very exciting
and impressive. It is about 6 inches long by 3 inches wide and 2 inches high. He invited
people to see the computer lab he has set up with the Police Athletic League in Deerfield
Beach. Anton is there on Thursday afternoons starting about 4:30pm. Mr. Schmidt cannot
make it next week, but he is hoping he can visit on November 20, 2014. If anyone else is
interested, please let him know.
Discussion regarding sister city in Haiti: Mr. Schmidt provided an update regarding a
possible sister city in Haiti. He received the following information from Sister Cities
International about possible cities to pair with Haiti. Adam Kaplan at international also
reached out to Tony Marcelli, who use to be head of Ft. Lauderdale Sister cities and who
is in Haiti. Some of the suggestions are as follows:
Sister Cities Search for Delray Beach, FL-65,000
1. Jacmel, Haiti
a. Population of 40,000
b. A community in southern Haiti founded in 1698
c. It is the capital of the department of Sud-Est
d. The buildings are historic and date from the early nineteenth century
e. The town has been tentatively accepted as a World Heritage site and
UNESCO reports that it has sustained damage in the 2010 Haiti
f. In recent years, efforts have been made to revitalize the once flourishing
cigar and coffee industries
g. The town is a popular tourist destination in Haiti due to its relative
tranquility and distance from the turmoil that plagues Port-au-Prince
h. The port town is internationally known for its very vibrant art scene and
elegant townhouses dating from the 19th century
i. Among the wealth of art and crafts available are the papier-mach6
2. Borgne, Haiti
a. Population of 46,886
b. Community in the north coast of Haiti
c. The economy is based heavily on agriculture and fishery
3. Limonade, Haiti
a. Population of 99,256
b. A community in the Cap-Haitien Arrondissement
c. Interesting fact about the city is that Christopher Columbus and his crew
celebrated the first Christmas in the Americas at Limonade in 1492
d. Universit6 Rol Henri Christophe,part of the University of Haiti, was built
in 2012 and is considered the most modern in Haiti university
Non-Agenda Item: The board decided to move the December meeting to December I I
as the Tree Lighting ceremony is December 4. The next Delray Beach Sister Cities Board
meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 11, 2014 at 4:45 p.m., in the First Floor
Conference Room at City Hall.
Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m., all voted aye.