06-16-15 Special Meeting MinutesSPECIAL MEETING
JUNE 16, 2015
A Special Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was called to order
by Mayor Cary Glickstein in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, June
16, 2015
Roll call showed:
Present -- Vice -Mayor Shelly Petrolia
Deputy Vice -Mayor Alson Jacquet
Commissioner Mitch Katz
Commissioner Jordan Jarjura
Mayor Cary Glickstein
Absent - None
Also present were -- Donald B. Cooper, City Manager
Noel Pfeffer, City Attorney
Chevelle D. Nubin, City Clerk
Mayor Glickstein called the Special meeting to order and announced that it had been called for the
purpose of considering the following Item..
1. Review and discussion of revised Atlantic Crossing Site Plan
Mayor Glickstein read a statement into the record regarding the purpose of the meeting.
Mr. Noel Pfeffer, City Attorney, discussed a procedural matter regarding an exchange of letters
between him and the developer. The letters basically state that neither party waives any legal rights.
Mt. Michael Covelli, on behalf of the developer, conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the
Atlantic Crossing current and proposed site plans and also showed a brief video regarding the traffic
flow and discussed options for ingress and egress.
2. Public Comments
Mayor Glickstein opened the meeting for public comment on the special meeting item.
Bob Gan er-Florida Public Coalition commented regarding the site plan. He thanked the
developer, the City Commission and the public for persevering on this. He stated the
developer shows no traffic going to the park. Mr. Ganger stated this something the City
Commission can give direction on but feels they need more information regarding traffic.
2. Jestena Boughton -commented about the animation of the traffic. She also spoke about
phase 1 between 6th. and 7th and commented about making U-turns.
3. Arlen Dominik-discussed the grid, traffic and the animation. He asked what happens when
the bridge opens and closes. He stated a mare comprehensive traffic study is needed.
4. Charlie Dortch-commended developers for working with them to make changes. He stated
his contention is the entrance and exit to the development. He stated professionals are
needed to look at this. He asked the City Commission to watch the traffic.
5. Liz Scherer -asked what happens when the bridge goes up and down and secondly asked
that the city does not overdo it.
G. Garr Schusas (so -stated he enjoyed the animation. He stated there is so much traffic now
on Atlantic Avenue. He stated it is just too much.
7. Carolyn Patton -stated she is fifty feet away. She thanked the developers for the latest
presentation they are making. She asked the City Commission to take the option that is less
stressful for taxpayers.
S. Alan Schlossberg -stated another piece needs to be added to the city's review process. He
also stated there has been a tremendous amount of support for trying to get this road passed.
Mr. Schlossberg stated this is desperately needed. He stated he disagrees with the City
Attorney's comments that there is not much that we can do here. He commented regarding
a traffic study.
9. Todd L'herrou-Vice President, Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce, thanked the City
Commission for working with the developer on this. He stated the Chamber feels this is an
important project economically for Delray Beach.
10. Peter Humanik stated this is a beginning and he feels there are more alternatives. He stated
he does not believe these two are the best options. He stated the city needs a traffic engineer
and asked the City Commission to hire one.
11. Joy Howell --thanked the City Commission for working with the developer and modifying
the site plan. She stated she does not see the numbers that the survey is based on and stated
a survey should be done.
12. Kristene de Haseth-Florida Coalition --spoke about the animation. She stated she does not
like going into a development via an underground garage. She stated the entrance should be
on Federal Highway and the goal needs to be to relieve traffic congestion outside of the
project not inside.
13. Larry Morena stated the City Commission has done a lot over the past couple of years. He
stated traffic has been the issue with this project and the area needs more space for
commercial. He stated he looks forward to seeing this come out of the ground.
14. Bruce Gimmv-commended everyone for their perseverance. He stated it is time for this to
move on. He commented about economic development and keeping up with the times.
15. Roy Simon -stated he was the architect for the first Atlantic Plaza. Mr. Simon stated this
parking lot does not serve Atlantic Avenue and stated it needs more study.
June 16, 2015
16. Mitzi Kaitz-stated she did not see the developers comment on what they will do to Beep
traffic away from the residences.
17. Abb" Weiss -stated this impacts her community quite a bit and feels that the project is not
quite there. She stated it does not accurately portray the traffic on Atlantic Avenue. The
buildings there now are not dead space, they generate revenue. She stated she is interested in
police and fire access.
18. Victor Kirson-commented on the City Attorney's comments. He stated three votes and this
that happened should not have happened.
Mayor Glickstein then closed public comments as there were no other speakers.
Mr. Adam Kerr from Kenley Horn was present and Mayor Glickstein asked Mr. Kerr to address the
specificity on the animation.
Mr. Kerr stated it is based on peak season and spoke regarding the project traffic (traffic generated
by the plaza). He stated this is peak hour (4-6 pm rush hour). He further discussed the video.
Mayor Glickstein asked about traffic going to the project eastbound and westbound. He asked about
the different traffic scenarios that can occur during peak hours and opening/closing of the bridge.
Mr. Katz asked are both animations using the same traffic flow. He stated there was a decrease in
the cars in the second animation.
Mayor Glickstein asked how many cars are going into the project in an hour based on the scenario
in the animation.
Mrs. Petrolia asked for clarification regarding the number of cars i.e. traffic and where the remaining
cars will go. She commented about the traffic study that was done and asked if there is a relief
percentage figure for that. She stated the issue is the relief valve.
Ms. Jarjura commented about the internal circulation and traffic congestion outside of the project.
She also asked about the second option of capturing the traffic into the garage.
Mr. Michael Covelli explained and stated there is a gate where you pull a ticket.
Ms. Jaijura asked which option provides the most storage and asked about the stacking of cars.
Mr. Jacquet asked which option allows the handling of more cars.
Mi. Mike Covelli discussed the options regarding the one lane road with the two entrances.
Mayor Glickstein asked Mr. Kerr if he was involved in the design of the underground circulation
and commented on the surface parking.
June 16, 2015
Mr. Covelli stated there was a parking specialist brought in regarding this. He stated there are two
different types of garages.
Ms. Jarjura asked which garages are accessible to the public and for the residents.
Mr. Jacquet inquired about the entrance and exits of the garages.
Mr. Covelli explained the garages and their exit and entrances.
Mrs. Petrolia asked how many spots are there for the public in the main parking lot. She commented
about stacking in the garages and the entrance into the garage. She stated people are going to look
for surface parking and commented on fire and public safety. She stated the city should not spend
any money until we are sure about what is going on with parking. Mrs. Petrolia stated that during
peak times traffic is backed up. She commented about going in and out; one way streets are less
desirable than two way streets. She stated we are not traffic engineers and stated without the
engineer we are making a huge mistake moving forward.
Mr. Katz asked why the entrance cannot be moved slightly so that right turns can be made.
Ms. Jarjura stated initially she felt it is more attractive having a two lane street but asked about Mr.
Covelli.'s explanation to Mr. Jacquet and asked about option number one regarding the entrance. She
asked why a person cannot enter the garage from the two lane option. She asked if there was a
parking management plan when this was initially approved.
Mr. Noel Pfeffer, City Attorney, stated he does not know if one was done.
Mr. Covelli provided some background on what was included in the original site plan package and
discussed at length with staff.
Mr. Katz asked what technology will be used regarding parking.
Mr. Covelli stated there will be a parking manager present.
Mrs. Petrolia asked if the City Commission moves forward tonight on anything have we notified
people who live around the project because no one has access to this prior to the meeting. She asked
if the city has done the proper notice.
The City Attorney stated this is proper tonight. However, if the City Commission selects one of the
two options, everything will have to go through a process. This is the first piece to a multi -step plan.
Mayor Glickstein stated this meeting is to craft the best solution to the process. He stated it is
working through compromise and dialog. He commented about the current access to the park and
stated it is not a good entrance. He asked how will we figure out not to let this parking lot turn into
parking for that development. He asked about the parking on 1st street and Atlantic Court and
asked if there is parallel parking on 7th or 1st?
Mr. Covelli stated parallel parking can be removed.
June 16, 2015
Mayor Glickstein asked how we get people in and out of the garage and the site reducing
neighborhood impact.
Discussion ensued regarding parking.
Ms. Jarjura asked if planning staff reviewed both options and made a recommendation.
Mr. Randal Krejearek, Environmental Services Director, stated they have looked at both options and
gone over them with the developer and stated they feel the second option is the better option.
Mrs. Petrolia commented regarding trucks and where the trucks will enter and exit. She stated this
has to be taken into consideration and stated an outside party should look at this. She feels the City
Commission is outside of their scope. She stated they are not traffic engineers.
Mr. Katz asked if the city can conduct a traffic study prior to the public hearing.
The City Manager stated staff can conduct a study if staff is provided the information.
Mr. Covelli spoke to the question about trucks and parking garages.
Ms. jarjura commented about surface road and capturing the cars. She stated the functioning of the
garage is key: management, lighting, alerting drivers to the garage, etc. She stated a traffic study is
needed between choosing the two options.
Mr. Katz thanked the public for not giving up and for being relentless. He stated there is no good
decision to make and thanked the developer for working with the public. He stated he is not a traffic
engineer and stated as part of the developer's agreement maybe a consultant can come in to discuss
what technology can be in the garage.
Mr. Jacquet stated he is with the majority that the City Commission is not traffic engineers and
stated, that the two way option is the best according to Mr. Krejcarek, Environmental Services
Director. He commented about the video regarding the cars stacking up. He also commented about
left turns and traffic congestion and blocking off of 7th on the north side. He asked where the
traffic is coming from.
Ms. Jarjura thanked the residents and city staff as well for trying to figure out ways to get the road
back in.
Mayor Glickstein stated he also echoes Mr. Katz's sentiments. He stated we have an engaged
citizenry and they have not let up. He stated he appreciates the developer's willingness to come back
to the table. Mayor Glickstein asked that the engagement of a traffic engineer happens this week not
to go above $25,000, with a turnaround time of a few weeks.
It was the consensus of the City Commission to move forward with a third party, traffic/parking
engineer for determination to study the two alternatives (to evaluate the two options and determine
which one is better and offer the opinion and from there the City Attorney is to take the process
forward by drafting a series of agreements, etc.). The City Commission and staff discussed the
process to come afterwards regarding notice and public hearings.
June 16, 2015
Mr. Cooper, City Manager, asked about parking management.
Mayor Glickstein stated there will be three issues and noted what they are.
Mr. Pfeffer, City Attorney, stated he needs to sit down with the planning staff and work through the
Mayor Glickstein adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:17 p.m.
City Clerk
The undersigned is the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the information
provided herein is the Minutes of the Special Meeting of the City Commission held on Tuesday,
June 16, 2015, which Minutes were formally approved and adopted by the City Commission on
October 20, 2015.
City Clerk
NOTE TO READER: If the Minutes you have received are not completed as indicated above, this
means they are not the official Minutes of the City Commission. They will become the official
Minutes only after review and approval, which may involve amendments, additions or deletions to
the Minutes as set forth above.
June 16, 2015