Res 72-15RESOLUTION NO. 72-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE PROPER CITY OFFICIALS TO EXTEND THE DEADLINE FOR THE LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VIA A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE UNTIL JUNE 30, 2016 FOR THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S PARTICIPATION IN MILLING, RESURFACING AND RECONSTRUCTING PORTIONS OF SR 5/US-1 FROM SOUTH OF HARBORSIDE DR TO BOND WAY (PROJECT CONSIST OF LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING, AND MINOR DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS) AND SR -806 / ATLANTIC AVE FROM SOUTHBOUND OF US -1 TO NORTHBOUND US -1 WITHIN THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the appropriate City officials of the City of Delray Beach are authorized to extend the deadline for the Local Agency Program Agreement via a supplemental agreement on behalf of the City of Delray Beach with the State of Florida Department of Transportation, to provide until June 30, 2016 for the State of Florida Department of Transportation's participation in milling, resurfacing and reconstructing portions of SR-5/US-1 from South of Harborside Dr. to Bond Way (project consist of landscaping, lighting, and minor drainage improvements) and SR -806 / Atlantic Ave. from Southbound of US -1 to Northbound US -1 within the City of Delray Beach. The City Manager and City Attorney are authorized to make minor revisions to such Agreement as are deemed necessary and proper for the best interests of the City. Section 2. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 17t�, day of November, 2015. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk City of Delray Beach 100 N.W. 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Legislation Text File #:15-187,Version:1 TO: Mayor and Commissioners FROM: Randal Krejcarek, P.E., Environmental Services Director THROUGH: Donald B. Cooper, City Manager DATE: November 17, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 72-15 LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM (LAP) SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) FOR THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT Recommended Action: Motion to Approve Resolution No. 72-15 authorizing the Local Agency Program (LAP) Supplemental Agreement with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) which amends the expiration date of the agreement for the Federal Highway Beautification Project from December 31, 2015 to June 30, 2016 (Project No. 2009-009). Background: The LAP supplemental agreement before Commission amends the LAP agreement expiration date from December 31, 2015 to June 30, 2016 to be provided by FDOT. The purpose of this extension is to extend the FDOT’s participation as outlined in the LAP agreement to allow for additional time for project close-out and reimbursement, now that constuction is complete. Consider adoption of Resolution No. 72-15; and execution of the LAP Supplemental Agreement with FDOT which amends the expiration date of the agreement for the Federal Highway Beautification Project from December 31, 2015 to June 30, 2016. The LAP Supplemental Agreement is to provide for the FDOT’s participation in additional financial assistance to the City, and state the terms and conditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner in which the Project will be undertaken and completed. FDOT requires a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the LAP Supplemental Agreement on behalf of the City. On May 12, 2009, the City Commission gave approval to move forward with the design of permanent modifications to US 1 between South of Harborside Drive and Bond Way. On March 20, 2012, City Commission approved a Local Agency Program (LAP) agreement with FDOT, which defined FDOT’s participation in milling and resurfacing and reconstructing portions of US 1 (the project consists of landscaping, lighting, and minor drainage improvements) and resurfacing on Atlantic Avenue from Southbound US-1 to Northbound US-1. This agreement is dated to expire December 31, 2015. Attachments include: 1) Resolution No. 72-15 City of Delray BeachPage 1 of 2Printed on 11/13/2015 powered by Legistar™ File #:15-187,Version:1 2) LAP Supplemental Agreement 3) LAP Original Agreement 4) Location Map City Attorney Review: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. Finance Department Review: N/A Timing of Request: This request is highly time sensitive. The agreement expires December 31, 2015. City of Delray BeachPage 2 of 2Printed on 11/13/2015 powered by Legistar™ 525-010-32 SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES 01/15 Page 1 of 2 SUPPLEMENTAL NO. 5 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FPN 420412-1-58-01, 420412-2-58-01 DUNS NO. 80-939-7102 CONTRACT NO. AQM-22 The Florida Department of Transportation and City of Delray Beach desires to supplement the original Agreement entered into and executed on May 8, 2012 as identified above. All provisions in the original Agreement and supplements, if any, remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the Agreement and supplements, if any, are described as follows: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Name US 1 / SR-5 and Atlantic Ave. Length 4.833 MIles Termini South of Harborside Dr. to Bond Way and Southbound US-1 to Northbound US-1 Description of Work: Milling, resurfacing and reconstructing portions of SR-5/US-1 from South of Harborside Dr. to Bond Way (project consist of landscaping, lighting, and minor drainage improvements) and SR-806 / Atlantic Ave from Southbound of US-1 to Northbound US-1. Reason for Supplement and supporting engineering and/or cost analysis: This Supplemental Agreement amends the Supplemental Agreement No. 2 of the Original Agreement for Paragraph 2.02 Expiration of Agreement as follows: The time for completion of services is extended until June 30, 2016. 525-010-32 SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES 09/11 Page 2 of 2 SUPPLEMENTAL NO. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT FPN 5 420412-1-58-01, 420412-2-58-01 DUNS NO. CONTRACT NO. 80-939-7102 AQM-22 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. AGENCY CITY OF DELRAY BEACH STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: By: Name: Name: STACY L. MILLER, P.E. Title: Title: Director of Transportation Development Attest: Attest: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: Legal Review: See attached Encumbrance Form for date of funding approval by Comptroller. Lo c a t i o n M a p Ge o B u s h B l v d NE 4 th St At l a n t i c A v e SE 4 th St 9/ 1 6 / 2 0 0 9 D e l r a y B e a c h G I S SE 1 0 th St STATE CIF FI CIRIDA DURARTN EM -1 OF TRANSPORTATION 925-( 10-4( LOCAL AGENCY RROGRAW AGRE EVENT HRCIDUCTICINSUBHCIRT—Paa8ce1 e 1 FPN: 40C14'12-1-.58-01 _ Fund: OUR, HPFL LR, SE FLAIR Agprorl: X90092 Fe( Emal N a: 4854 080 P Ong Co(e: 990430104CI4 FLAIIF Obj: FPN: 420A 121 -2 -9E1 -a1 Ru rid: D❑F FLAIF Aciclnop: 59092 Federal N o: C ng Cade: 59(14 3410404 FLAIR Otj: RW _ Ru ric : _ _ RLAIR Apclnop: Recenal No: Org CCIC El: RLAIR Ct,j: RPN: _ Fun(: RLAIR Alppraq: Fec Emal N a: Org Coc Er FLAIR Obj: C au rity N a:93 _ Corlracrt No: V eridor N a: V R 998aaMKIC1i Data Universal NurritOn SystEim (DUNS; Na: EICI-939-11621 Caialag of Receral Domestia Assistance IJC RDA': 20.2ICI9 Highway Plairinirg aria C oristnuciion THIS AGREEMENT, mac a aria eriierEic inta this 0 c Ely al 2012- by aria t etweeri the STATE CR FLORIDA ❑EPAFTMENT CR TRANSPORTATION, ari agency 6f the States oil Rlanida, IlEmeiriafter CEIIIEIC the ❑epartrnerit, airs Thea City of Delray Beach 11Emeinafter called thea Agency. W IT N ESSETH: "HEREAIS, the Agency hasi the authority to enter into this AclreerriEirit avid to undertake the prciect herElirlElften cEisCnited, and the Departmenit has beeri gremtEic the aulhori+Iy to tuncdiori aidequately in all areais of appraclniatEi junisc iatiori incluc ing tl1EI implemenleitiori of eiri integrated aeric balanaec tnansclartaition system aria is authorized uricen Section 3351.12, Florida Slati, les, to entEui irilo th is AlgreEimeril; NCW, THEREFORE, in carisiderailion of thEi mutual co%enariis, pnamises amid neclrEisienlaitioris hEuieiri, thEi parties agrEiEi as fallaws: 1.00 Purpose of Agreement: Th a clurpase of th is AgneemeM is to Flno% is a for the Department's clartiaipaticri iri N illin amid rEisuriacirig an reaorisrrrLating portianis of US 1 d SR -5 ilrom Sauth of Hanborside On to Bars "ay_ (project (jansisl of lalricscalpirlg, lightirig,_airic mirian cnainage imprcrvemeWs) aired resurtacira on ANlleintic Ave fnom Southtounc US -1 to N arth t ound US -1. eiric as fc rth Ein c Eiscrit ec iri ESI hibit "AP' i lact ec h eneta ares t y this refererae mace ai part hereat, 11 Eineiriafter called th Ell °clnojecl," an( la clnovic Ell ❑eclartrriEirit finaricial assis+lainice Va the Agency and slate IH El terms aria canditioris c pari wh ich su ch assistariae will t o pravidec and the a niderstaric iricls as to the maririE10 iri which th Ell project will be a ndertaN en aeric aomrlletec . 1.0 ANtachrr eir4s: Ext ibiVljs; 1+AI4IB+LiIF L +TjIX acne attach ec ares made ai part herecd. 21.01 Gerieuial Requirements: The Algecay shall camplele the Kpiojecl as desaribec ire E.Nhibit "A" with all prElatieal c isplatah, in a sau rid, ecoriamical, aria efficient manner, aria in acaandarias with th Ell Flno% isians h enein, and all appliuit le laws. The project will be gerfanmed in acaandariae with all applicat le Department praaedu res, gu idelinesi, mare als, Maric ands, and dirElClti% E s as dEiscrit Eic in the Department's Local Algency Pragnam Marr al, which by this rE ference is made a part h Emeof as if fully set alar h herE iri. Time is of th E essenaE as to each aria every of ligation u ria E n this Algneemeni. A fu II time employEie of *eAgency, qualifies to ensu ne that the miank teing KIu nsc E c is completEi, acCu natEi, and aansisierii with Vhe terms, aonditiars, aria UrIE aifiaaitions of this Aclueement sh all be in aharge of each r1nojeci. Inactivity arc Rema% all of Alrl Unbilled Furc s Oriae the Departmenit issues a NatiuE to Proceed QNTF; ilon the Pnojecl, the Agency shall be obligatEc to submit ani invoice on oth E n rE qu E s1 fan reimt ursemE rit io the ❑E Clair merl fon all wank comcllE lec for Re PrajE at ro less frequently Iha+I on a gLarteuly tasis, begiririing fnorri the day the NTP is issued. If theAgency flails to submit quarterly (or mane frequently than quarterl)) invoiCEs to the Department as nequirec IlEireiri eirid iri She ever) sai( faiilune to timely submit irivoiaes tc the Department nesu lls in RHWA rE mo%ing airry unbilled fu ric irici cui iri the loss ail Stale a iciciropnialiori au ilhority (wh iah may include the loss all shale ares Recenal flu nds, if D E ne are siatE fu rias pragnamrr]Eic to th E F najE Cu) , th E ri th E ACIE riq will t e solely rE sponsit lEi 10 pnovic a all fu ric s neaE ssairy tc aarriclk le the Projeat anc 'Te Departme nit will roil t E of ligal ed to Klnovi(E any acditiorzI funding for the PrajEcC ThE Algency waives the right to cartest s(cih nemoval oll tunas ty the STATE OF FIL CIFI IO A DOPARTMOt T CIFI TRANSPORTATION 579-01014a LOCAL AGEN CIY PROCIP-4 M AGREE ME h 11 PRaI ucilori SL F F aRT—aa Pagle I Deparmerrl, if the nemo�al is redaled to HHWA's withcnav%al oil luriclu cm if the removal is nelaieic 10'her loss cd State arlproplrialiori aW arity. In ac c itian to the lass of func ing fan the Prajecl, lhei Department will alsa aorisic em the c e- ciarificalian of Ther Ageincy fan luiune LAR puajeels. Raimo% ad of All Hu ric s III all funcs ama removed ilrarri the projecd, includincl amounts previously billet is iHei Departmeril aric naimbunseic to tha Acleiniay, anc ihei pnojeial is aff'he states highway system, 'here IHEI c agar merit %,% ill have to net u aM repay mend fail th ei rine� iau sly billet amcunis 1lnarri the Local A gentry. Na silaile fu rids crani be a sec ori afl-system rinojeals. 5.02 Exr ji-afiari ofAgreement: The Ageiricy agreies 'Ic oompllatei the pinajeet on or t afane 0EU3a/2Ia'Ia . If ihei Ageriay c aes mat carriplla'a REI pinojecd wiihiri Tis tirriei peiniod, 1H is Adneemerit will expline an th a last c ay of'he scheic ulec camrlleiian asi pra%icec in this panagnapll uriless an extension cilWa lime penioc is reeueis'ed ty ilhe Ageriay and graniled in wriiincl by the Deplartmeirit plricui'a ilhe axplinailion of this Agreiemenil. Explinaticni al this Agneeirrieinrl will to eansicered iermina1cin ail the project. T118 cost oil any work rlerfonrried aftein 1He1 explina cin dale of lhis Agraemenil will nol to neimtunsed by'he Deiplartmenl. 2.0 Pursuant to R&aral, Stale, aric Lacial Laws: In'he evenil 'Thal arty edealiuri, neilerencurn, applum al, penmil, notice an a-lher ppiocaec ing an auihanizaticin is nequisiter uridein aplplieable law'lo enatIs the Ageriay lo aniien iniia This Agneerrreni an to uricertake the projeci I^ereuncer or la observe, assume or canry aui any ail the pno%isieris Oil III e Aclnaemeirit, Pa Adeiricy \A ill iniliale anc cansummale, as pno%iced by lain, all aetiaris neiaessaryl \A# resplecl to any such mallers sa requisite. :IAA Algaricy Flurids: THei Agenay shall iniliale and prosecule le aamplleticn all prcaeedincls necessary, includinig federal -aid net u ineirrieirits, io eriabie ,Ihe Agenay to Flncvideithe neaessaryl iluric s fcm acrrirlla'licn of ihei ppiaject. 2.09 Submissiciri al Roacecic ings, C ciritlnacils, airid Clthcir Documents: The Agaricy shall su t mil 'o the Departmarit suaH cala, neplart% reiccmcs, corilracls, and uiheui documents nedating 'la the pnajaet as -Ihe Deplarmenl arc the Fecanal h iclhway Ac ministration flHWA' may net u ine. Ther Ageiriay shall use Pa Deplar meal's Local Agency Rnognam Irifanmailion Tool anc applicable infarmaticri sy s9 ems as net u inec . 31,00 Rrajucit Cost: 21.01 Total Cost: Thai 'latal cosl cd 1H ei ppiajecd is gl 8,123,4 44.0(1. Vis amou rit is t asied u pori the sch ec u Ie a1 ilurid incl in E�hibi' "B." 11' El Adeiricy agneas la bean all explenses in excess a1111ei10r1al aasl a1111ei pnoject anc aniy cefiaits iriW%ad. Th a sch ec u Ie of fu nc ing may be roc ifieic t y mutual agreemeril as rino%idec ilor in panacpiapH -,.(ICI. 3.0:1 Deiparirnarit Pariiciplation: llhe Deirlartmanl agrees lo participate in iHei pnojecd ca:d to the ey'ani pinavi( aid in E)hibil "B." TH is amount includes lateral-aic func s wH ich are limited to lhei aalual amou rit oil lleceral-aic par iaipaiiori. 3.0:1 Limits on Deparlmeint Auncs: Prajecl aosts eligible fan Deplarimenl plarliciplatian %Rill be allo%Aec only cram'he delle of 1H is Aclueerneirit. 11 is L nc emsload 1H at Deipartmeril partiaipaiiori ini eliclit la Flnoject acids is su tjecl to: a; Legislaliva apppio\al of the I]aplartmerd's aplrinorinialian requeisl in 'Ihe work program yeian'hal the pinojeclt is saHedulerc lo bei (iammitiec; b' A vadat ili'y cd fu rids as slalec in panaclraplh s 3.a4 aric 3.09 of Tis Agreiernent; c' Arlpraval oil all plans, speaifiaaiions, aan'naals ar o'hen etliga'ling caeumenits and all olhern leans of lhis Aclneemen'; arc c) Deplarrrienil appnaval cd the prajeici saapei and tucge' al tha time apIrInopiniailian aulHenity tecomes available. :1.041 Arlrlrcirlrialiciri of Hurids: THei Departrrieint's F1er'ormanue and abliga'iom to play Ln( an this Acpieerrieirit is canitirigerit uplan ari annual aplplrariria'iori ty III Legislailure. Ill the Deparmerit's iluricirig ilor III is pnojeat is in mullipllei fiscal yeans, funic s arlrlraval tlrarn tI a Deplar rrien''s Compl'rallen mus' be neaei\ ec eaah fiscal Near plrian ila costs beirig iriau nnec . See BxHitil "B" ilor luricinc lapels ty discal year. Flnojecd costs uAliaincl 'hese fiscal year ilunics ane nat eliclitle fan nerimtunssmenl it incunneic pinior 'la luncs aplrino�al teinclneraeNec. Thea Deipartmerit will nolify the Agenay, in wriiincl, wheiri fu rids ane a\ ailablei. SIA 10 CIR FI aRIDA DORAA IMENT OF IF ANS A 00IA TICK 92!1410140 LOCAL AIC BNCY RROGRAM AC RBBMBNlI AF ODUCTIQN SUPPORT— 08/11 Aaie3 3.09 ML 11 i-Ycrarn Commitment: Int 'Ihe everrl 'Itis Agneneimenl is im alloess of i13Ei,a0(I anc has a term fan a plemioc o1 mane Ih an1 omen yean, 'T a pravisianls of Secitian 339A 3916; Ila], Rloric a Sialulles, are H erent y inaarplaraleic : "(1a) The Departmerrl, during any fiscal yean, sl -all ria' e> pend rrrarley, inct.n any Hat ilily, an ender info any carltuacl tihiah, by its tElnmS, involves'Hen a:Iplemciiuue o1 money in a:Iaess Of ihei amounts budgedeic as available fan explenciiuue curirig such flsaal year. Any acnrltuacnt, vertal an vvrillen, mace in %ialalian of'his su t se alian is null anic void, anc na money may be plaid an su ah can'Inaat. THE De par men' shall ne qu ire a s'la'lemenii Iram 'Te aornpltraller of il-e Deplarmeni Thai Iundsi are availatle piniar to erltenincl inia any suaH cnorlraci or atter tindincl commitrrrenil of llunics. NaIlling heniein aaniaineic slIall pinevent ilhe making Of cnontracis far pleniads erxceec ing 1 year, tu'1 any aantuacl sa mace shall to exeaulory onily Ior'Ihe value Of ihei seuviaes lo to uencerec On agneec lo to plaid Ion in sucnceec ing fiscal years, and 11lis planagnaplh shall tet iriacuipanaied vembaiim in all canrinaats Of the Deplartmeni' vvhiah are -lar an amaun' in e)cess cd $2El,aaa arld wh iah have a tE nm kin a plericc of more than 'I yean." 3.416 Notiae-to-Rrcnaeec : No cas11 may t e inau unec u riden'h is Agneameni u rrlil the Acle ncy h asi re aeiivec a writ en Naiicei- icn-Rnocneec INTR) Irani 'I 1,e Denpartmerlt. THei Ade ncy agreresr 'la acveirise or put the pinojecrl out to tic Ihirty (3a) days fnom ME case iHe Deparmeni isarues the NIIP 'la ad%artisie the pinojecrl. hl'hen Agency is not able 'lo meet iHe scheduled ac]Wisemen','Te Distniai LAP Acminisiratan should be nalified as socn as possitle. 21.071 Limils curl Fecenal Partiaipelicrr Re(Elnal-aid lundsi shall no' plariaipiatei in aniy aost wFiaH i;i nal inanred in (ionilormiiy Will, aplplliaatle Recernal and State laws, the neclulaliami in 213 Cade Of Feceral Redulaiionis QC.F.FI. and 49 C.F.FI., anlc paliaies aric ppno(iedunes prescmited ty 1he ❑Nisian Administrarlan of FIHWA. Flederal funics shall not ter paid On claCOLM al any ao:r1 irlcunrerc pinior'la MtHariaalian ty the FIHWA 10 iHe Department la ppnoaeec wish the pluojeal on par 'hereof in%alving such nasi 143 C.R.R. 1.c1 ija(). If FIHWA On'he Deplartmeni cetenmines'hai any arriourl claimed is no' elididlei, fElceral plarticiplatian may be appinoved in the amaunll ceitenmineic lo to adeiquaiely supplarec arid'her Derpartment shall noiifyj iHe Agency in wniling citing the neasons why items anc amaunlsr ane not eligible ilor fecElnal pariaipaticnrl. Whene aonnecrlable n1or1-ccnrrnpllianae Will plravisians of law or FIHVIA ne(Iuinements e)isis, Fledenal funks may to withheld uniiil aomplliarlaen is obiainleid. Wheune rionl-aampllianae is ria'I (ianreciatle, RI-V\A or the Deplarmenl may denly plartiaiplalian in plarael or pnojeat (iasis in par On in local. Ran any amcnuniis c elenminec 'la to ineligible fan Ieceral reiimtursement fan which iHe Deparrnenrl has acvanaec payment, the Acle ncy sHall pinompily reirritUse the Deplartmeni fan all such amounts W'11- in 90 days olwriten naiice. 4JI®I Ruaiciat Estimala aric Distunsenmeril schedule: Prian'o'he execnuii0111 Of this Agreement, a projecnt schec L 1 of funic ing shall be pineplare c by the Agency anc appum ed ty iHe ❑e plartment. THE Agenay stall maintain said s& a du le of funic ing, carry ou 1 IHEI ppnojeat, anc sl -all inlcur of licla'lians against anc make c ist u nseimeniis oil pinaje ai ilu ric s onily in (ionllormilywilH the la'e;ii appinoved EIOHedule o111uridincl far'he plrajeci. THei schedule cdftnding may be revised by rrILIUM wnitten acneerrren'I tettneen'her Department anc the Agency. If revised, a (iapy OWE revision sl-aulc be forwarcec -la the ❑e partme nt's Compincdle n and to the Depar me ni's Flec a nal-aic Program Cffioa. Na inlarease an c ecnease shall ben effective unllenss i'I ((imputes wish funic participation nequineimerrls cdillis Agreemenii and is aplpincnvec byte Deparrrieni's Camp'lnollen. 5.00 Records: 5.al 9stz t lishment and Ma iril enz rice cit AcciCIL ritirig Recorc s: Rociorc s of costs irlcu ire c u nc em th a ienrris oI this Agneenmen' shall ter mairlained and made available uparl request 10 iHe Deplartmeni at a111imes duninc the plerioc oil chis Agneerrrrerrl and Ion 9 years after the final playmeni is mace. Coplies of 1heise doaumenis and neaares stall to llunnishec to the Depar rneinl a poni request. Racanc a of (iasis inaurnec incluc ei 11he Agerlcry's gerlemal a(iaau nling ne aordai Arid iH ei pinoj(lar neaares, tagellheun wish supplartincl co(iumenis anc necnares cd 11ho Agenay and all subaoniiraaiors plerorrning wa4 0111 iHe pinaje CFl and all ath e n ne aonda e1 th e Adernay anc suboonilraadors aansic a nec rieceissaryl ty the Deplartment fan a plraper ElL dit Of aas'Is. If any liticaticnrl, claim or audit is s'artec bell(Ine 1Hei eypiratian cul lHei to-yean plericnd, 'Ihe necorca shall to retained unJI all liiigaiion, claims anaucii fnndince invcdvincl'he nEaOIIds Havel te1e11l resolve(. 9.021 Casts Incl rued fan Pnoject: -11111-e Ace ncy shall ah anc ei'o the project accou r1t all elic it le aosis 011H a pnojeat exaepll (iasis agneed to to banne by the Acenay on HEi conlraallors anlc sutaorltraclans. Cosis in excess al the pragrammeid funding an attrituiable 1a aclionls tihi(ih have nal receivec the required applumal of the Deparmeni shall nat be cansidered eliclit le dosis. STAU OA {1LCIRIDA DEPARTMENT CIF TRANSPORTATION 575-110-1c LOCAL AGENCY PIROGRAN AGREEMENT Paei—agn1 Page 11 9.03 Doc umentaltic ni of Pnojelct Cc sets: All costs ohangoc io I a pinojeat, irialu c inig any aplplravuc services aaritnit uiec by MEI ACIGnay or ath ars, sH all t6 sL ppartEld by pinaplarly aXEIaL IEIC pay nails, iirr a nocionca, inn aicas, coninaats or VOL aN ens avic arcing in rinopian detail the nature an( prapriaiy cd the ahangEls. 9.(141 Alu dil Reports: Reaipieniis of fedenal anic siaie fu nc s ane to have auc its c ane annually L sing lhu fallowing anilEInia: The ac minisiraiiari cd nas(IL rtes MAarced by iha Department to I a Aclanay may be subjaal I auc its anc Jor mor cinind by tl-a Duplartmenii, as clasanibec in ihiu saciion. Mc r itc niric : In adc ilion 1a ruvie\n s ail auc its aaridu Cited in aacanc ariCa WIT CIN 9 Cinau lar A-133 aric 9eciion 115.91, Rlanica StatLIEls, as ravisad (ISEIe "Audits" teloln), monifloning pinoaecLnus may inIcducEI, tui mat to limited ia, ari-sitEl visits ty Deplarimeni Aaff, limited staple audits as (ElfimEld by OMB Ciraulan A-•1.13, as revisec, arid,lar atlian pinoaecunes. % an'larirg inlo chis Agwarrlanl, Me rWipidnt agrees la aorrlpily and aaopianale llully with any moniiaring pinoaecLnusJpraaessEls ceemec appnapniate ty iNe Depiartmenii. In iNe avant iNe DElplartmenii (EItElnmines that a IirnHElc staple aucii cif tha naaiplieni is appraplriME1, iNe maipierit acpaes lo aomplly with any adc iiionial instnLciioris pinclVidec ty iNa Daparmant staff la tl-a Agenay negandincl such aucii. TNe Agenay furtHEW acpaes la aomply anc aoapleralEl \Aith any imspacrlians, neviaws, invas1ligatiarls an aLdi'Is ceemec naaussarl by the Depiarmani's ClfflcE1 oll Insplecdan GElnenal 11CIIG1 , aria iNe Chie13 Flirianioial Clffiaen QCRCI) or Auc icon Glanienal. Au c its Ralrt I - Fe(emally Fu r c E c : Raciplients of ilea anal fu nc s Qi.a., siaie, Iaaal gov errirranll or nori-pnafii argani2 aligns as eellinec in OMB CIrciulall A-133, as rElvised; ane to have audiis done annually usirig tta fkdlawiniq cmileria: In the EIVEInt chat Re rElaipient axpancs 91!a0,0(Ia or maw in fadeual zmares in its fiscal year, 1hEI neaipierit must have a slirigle an pinocplam-spuaifio audit aaridualed in aaoondaniae with the pinovisiaris of CIN9 Ciraulan A-133, as nevisEIC. 9xHitil "V' Of iflis AcpleemElrit inciaaies fecEmal nesoumos awauduc lhraugh the I]eplartmert by this Agnearrlanl. In determining the Ilecanal awands expiandac in] its 1liso01 y0an, 11hEI rElaipiElrit shall aansider all SCILwaS of laceral awares, inalLding faceral nesoLnces neaaivEIC fnom ihEl Deplartmani. The deiermiratian oll arrlaunis of lecaral awands explenced shoLlc to it aaaarcanaa wish the CiLidelinas establisFec ty OMB Ciraulan A-133, as IlevisEIC. An aucii of Me necirlieni aoncuc9eic ty the Aucilor Glanenal in aaaorcanae wilh &a provisions CINB Cinaular A-133, as revised, mill meet the neClLinamarits of this pull. In aanneOlior wth tNa aucii requirarrlenls acdressec in Part I, plaragraplh 1 ihEl neaiplieni shall fuilill tha raqu inamerls ralaliva to auc ilea responsit ilities as plavic ec in 9L t par C ail CIM 9 CinU lar A -'133, as revisec . If tN a naciplianll Elxplends less th ani $15aa,aao in Ilea Emal awanc s in its llisoal yean, ari aL c it aaridu algid in aoccw aricEI wiiN tl-a pinoVislianisl ail CINB Ciraulan A-133, as rElvised, isI nat raquirac. Hcmavan, d ifla reciplient eklais tcl have art aucit aandualad in aaaaudarau wish iHa pnavisians cd C NB Oraulan A-1133, aai ravi:IEld, Te cost of tl-e au(ii must bEI paic llnarrl nari-fay Elnal nesounaEls Qi.a., tN a aost oil sual- an au( ii mL s1 t6 plaid loam 11acipli6ni nasauroes attainec fnom ather 1hari 11ec anal eniii'lies'. RecElual awands are to Ua ideritilliac Lsing the Caialag oil Recenal Domes'lia AssistancEI (CRDA) 1i-116 and r rater, awanc nurrltar arc yean, anc riame 0111HEI Emarcincl fedanal agariay. Parl II - Stade Fundec: Reaipiemis of stale fLrids 11i.a., a rion-slate entity as cefinec ty Secitian 2'1!.91(12, (111, Monica StatL 1EIs' ane to N ave aL d its corse annL ally using th EI follcm incl (Initenia: In the even) Thai the neaipierit e)plenics a total WTICILW of Male financial ausislariau equal to on in exaess of 91la0,0(Ia in any 1hicial yean of sLaN neaipiienii, the rElciplienrl mLsi Havu a :dale single or pinajeall-speoifio audit ikin sLcl- fiscal year in aaacnldariou will- Sacdiar 21!.91, Rlarica 911alules, appliaablu rules oil IIhEI BeclUlkw Office of 'Ihe Govennicm zinc the CRCI, anc Chapters -IvEo (Iloaal gavaunmerial enlitiEls' or '10.6!0 IInonipinafll aria far-prafi-1 organiaalions), RLIEIs ail 1ha Aucitan General. Exhitit "'I" 10 1his Agneumani indiaatas slats financial assistancle awarc ed th nou gh the Deplar mend ty this AgneElrrleri 1. In dErlEnirnining the siata ilinaricial awisAnaa explanted in ilsl fiscal yean, the nElaipierit shall aorsidEn all saurOEls of Maio firianoial assislariou, inclucincl Male firianaial wisislariOEI nacieivad foam 1HEI Department, all-er siaie agEmCiEls, and oll-er nan-siaie enllilies. StatEl finamoial assislanae c oas STATS OF FILCIRIDA DEPARTMENT CIF TRANSPORTATION 575-110-10 LOCAL AGSISCIY PROGRAM AGREIEIMEINT PRCIDUCTICIf SUFFlOH'I— Paagege' not inicducEi 11ecEmal cineol or pass-thnough awards and rsesciurcies rEICEAec by a noni-slate Eln'Ai 11or feceral pragnam match incl requirerr anis. �I. In cionirieciliari with the aucii rElqulrElrrenls addrsessec in Rart II, panacpraph 1, 111EI neciipiEirit shall EInsLnEI chat ME1 audit aomplifis "i'Ih MEI requiuemenis oil Seicrlian 2'IELEIlQ7, I''llorica S'laiLtEis. This inOlucEis sLbmissioni of a flnariaial rEiportinig package as cefiriec tly 9EICiiori ;1,15.91121 (c), nlcinica S'la'IutEis, anic ChaFltEms 10.95(1 I11acal davEiunmerital Eiritiiies) or 'I CLEI90 (Iniciriprcdit anc far-prclfit cmganizeitiaris; , Ru IEis oil it EI Au c itan ClenlEinal. 3. If iliEi w0ipienl exFlenic9 IEiss thane g190(I,OCIa ini slate flrianiaial assislanicie in its fiscal yEiar, an al. cit aorieuatEic in aaccindancEi wilh the prcivisians cd Seciticin 211.9-7, Flcuiida StatLtEis, is not nerquired. HawEivEin, it thei nercripienil elEla'ls is have aucii CIOr[CLctec in aaaarcanae vtith the rinclvisiclns of Section 219.97, Flouica Sialules, II1EI CC151 C11I the aucii rr Lsl LEI plaid lrcirri the noni-state eintity's rEisounClEis Qi.e., thea dost of such an audit mull bEi paic Unary the waipiarit's uesau rOEIs abtainlEic 11rcirr cdh Em th an 91a1E1 EiriiitieE(. 4. 91aie awancs anEI']a tie icElnlifiEic using the Caialag c1191ate ninanicial Assistance ilCSFA) tiilei anc numtlEln av<arc riumbEin anc New, anic riame of 1hEi staler agency warc ing it. Pah III - Otll E u Au c it Re qu irc rriE rets: TI1 EI rE]OipllElrl'I shall 11allow upl anic lake canrErcdivEI acilicln ori au til findings. Pnerlaraiion of a Summary SaheclulEi cd Prion Bean ALcil nindincls, inalucing earIIEiciive aatian anic CunrEirit s'la'ILs C1 1HEi au c it firidings is nErquirEre. Cu urEirrl year audi'I findings nEiquirEi ciorneative aatian and status cif findinigs. Rawids uelatec is LnrEiscdvEic aucii findings, apIrleals ar liligalioni shall tet i-Eitained until 1hEi aclion is ccimpletec cm the disiFluie is uescllved. Acaesis is ppiajecit rEi0ond4i aric aucii work paplEms shall be given to the ❑eplartmenit, Me Delparn Elnl al Rinanicial Services, and 'Ihe Auciiou Clenienal. This sElaiioni Coes not limit ille aulhonity oil the DepartrriEirrl tci aariducit ar anrange fan 1HEi ccinc LCI cd acdilianaI auc its ar EivaILai ianis cd state firianiciial assis'lanae cin limit the aLtharity cif aniy cilten state cifficial. Pail IV - Reporl Submissiciri: CopliEls of financial neparting plackaCIErs foo audi'Is concuatfic in acicoudanice with CNB Circular A-'I�I�I, as reivised, anc nEIgLinEic tly Part I o111his AgrEiEimeini shall be sul:millec, \AhEiri rEiquired ty SEVion .2120 Qc', OMB CineLlan A- 1213, as revises , ty on an teh all of 1hEi rEiciAliEin'I c ineci% to each oil iH Ei ilollo\n irig: a) 7h a DeFlartmenl ai each of th ei fallcm incl ac drEiss�es� : Karen Mayon, EILdgEii 81 Wc10 Prcicrarri Caondinaton Flanida DepartmEln'I aril Tnansplarl at ion .140(1 V1 est Corrimeuicial Blvc Far L auc Enc ale, FL 3":121Ml The Fec eral A uc it C IEiaririghOL sEi designated in OMB C inCIL lar A -'I <I,I, as revised Qihei nu mtl an of napiers required by Seeticim .32(1 (c)(1) anc Ila), CIMB CirsaLIan A-'133, aE rsevise(', ai 1ha lollov<incl acerEISEI: Fec oral A uc it Cleauinclh auE e Bureau Oil IHEi Cemu: 12CI'I Basi A th Stneel Jail ersoriville, IN A-71 13,0 a) Clth en ikiceral ac enaie: anc pas: -& nOL gfl Elnlities in aacandance with Soci ions .32(1 (Ei) and 1I1), OMB C incL lar A-133, as rEivise( . 2. In rllc event chat a aoply cif the financial neplaring package negLinec by PartI antis Acpieemeint anc aanCLclec in aaccmcarica witH CINE Circulars A-1.1?I, aE ravi:ed, is not required ic1 be sutlrriitled to the DepartrriEini fan ueasonis punsuanit 'la Section .320 Ile)IJ21, OMB Ciroulan A-133, a: uevisec, REI neciipienil shall submit the rEiquineid \nnittEiri natifloation rlursuant la .lection .32CI Ila Q2 and a ciclpy cif the reciplierrl's aucileic SCIIIEICLIe oil 9xpandilureis of nes Emal Awards c ivaciih to eacih of the fallo\n frig: Karen N axan, Buc gel & Work Rnocluam Cocmc inalcm STATE aF &C RICA DEPARTMOPIT C R TRANSPCIRTATiCN 533-010-40 98/11 —Page LOCAL AGENCY RROGIRAIN AGREEMEAGREEMENTPRCIOlIC710N9lIAAgRI—aged 9 Flonica Deplartmend of Transportation 3,eas West Cammeraial EINd Rart LMcendale, RL 333(19 In adc iiioni, pursuant to Seaticin .33CI (1, CIM B Circiulan A-133, as nElvisec , ihEl rElaipiElnt shall submit a aciply of 1hEl 16nariaial neplartincl plaakagEl descaitec in Seatian .330 (a;, CIN13 CINCL Ian A-133, as neOsad, zinc any Namagemeni Letlers issuec t y the auc iian, is 1t a Depar mEird sit eziah oil 1h EI 1lolloti inig ac c ueSSEIS: k anon Naxon, Eluc clot & \Aark Program Coondinaiam Fllaric a Depar meni of Transplartalioni 34CIa \A mil Carrimenaial Blvc Rart L aL c arc ale, FL 3330c1 Caplies oil the firianciial hepar ing plaakacle nequ iaec by Part II cil It is Acpreement shall t e submitted ty or on behalf of -the radpiarit c ired IV I eacih of the fallowing: a� llt a Deplartmend al each of tt a kdlawing ac drass(es): Kamen Maxon, 91.0get & V1 ank Pracram Caorcinaior Rlcink a Depar mend ci Tnarisplaraiian 340(1 \A est CorrrmEurcial Blvc Far Law Enc ale, FL 33309 t' The Auc icon C Elnenal's Officie at the 1lallowing ac c mess: A Lc icor General's Office Roam 4a,1, ReApEin BL ilc ing -11 1 \A EIEd N adisam Streel Tallali asseel, Rlaric a 32IM9-1-'90 4. Copies till reports or the Nanagemenii Letiou nElquirElc by Rart III oil 'Itis Adneemearit shall tEl sLtmitlElc ty an an bElhalil of 1he radpient c irecil la: a; TH a Depar menl at east oil ifi EI ilollowirig ac c nessilau; : Kamen N ani on, Bu c gel &Wank Rnognam Cacmc iriadan Florida Deplartmeril oil Tnanisplortatiari 3400 West Cammeraiai HNd Fort LaLdElndalEl, RL 333ag 9. Aniy reports, N anaclemend Letlers, or att an imikinmalicin regL ined lo t e sL t mitiec to tfi a DElplartmend PL nEIL ami lo IM is Aclreeiment shall to sut milled in a timely mannan in aaoarcanicie with CINE Circiulan A-133, as ne\iSEic, Florica Siaiuies, anic Chslpltens 10.990 (locial go�errirrienial eniiities' an '10.69(1 rionipinofit and fan-pinofit crrganiziaiions , RuIEIS cd the A Ldiiar GEirieral, as aplplicatle. EI. Reaiplienis, wheni SLtmitiirig llinariaial negartirig paakagEls io ihEi Deplarimeni fan aLdids cane iri aaacrrdanaEl wilt CNB CincILlar A-133, as nEMSEld, or ChapllEms 10.95(1 (locial gmierrimenilal Eintiiies, or '10.690 (nicrniprafi and fan- pnofit cmganizaticros', RLles oil 'Ihe Auciion Gerianal, shoLlc incicia1e the tale 'Tai tte finanioial reporting package was delivered to the r8clipierit ini ecmreisplcrnic ElricEl aaacimpariginicl ihEl firianiciial neplari ing package. Parl V - Rciacnid RaWrilicirc ThEI nElaiplient shall naiain sufficient rElccinc s c eirriansiratirig ils ciomptliancifi wish the luirris of ifl is Ac neemElrit far a period of al least 5 yeans 1lncam the dalEl dhe auc ii nElplartiS issuec anic shall allow lhEl DElplartmElrit or ids cesigneEl, the slate CFO an Auditor CenEural aaaElss to SL ah rElccmcs upon reques'l. THEI neciiplienii shall erISLfie Thal 1he inceperiderit aucil caaLmenlaiian is mace availatle to the Depar MEW, or its cEisiclriee, ihE siaie CFO or ALdilan CemElmal L pion negL Esi ilor a pE nioc of at least ;I yE ons lrom the c ate &E aL c it neper Is ISSL Eld, unilEISS extElridec iri waiting by Ih e Depar mend. STATE OF HL OR 10 A DEPARTN 9NT CIH TRANSPCIRTATICIN 811 -Ola -44 Page LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAMAGREEMENT PRO(UCTIgN SUPPORT—ageI 1 5.C15 Inopeation: late Agency sFall plermil, anic shall neacluinEl ils canlnaetans 'la Flermill, the Deplartmenii's @Ctori21ec represenlalNes and aullhonizec ageniis oil FHWA lo insplect all v`ork, warkmanship, materials, Flaynolls, anc reaands and to audit/ 111 EI d calks, rElcanc s, and aeaaL nrls pertairii rig la ihEl finaniainig and de%eloplrrlEirrl cd tH Ei FlnajEiail. The DepartmEant nEaservEis 111 Ea right/ 110 L nilalarally oaniael tF is AcIneemarit fan refusal t y 111 EI Ageriay all any aaritnaeten, :IL b- eaninacrlar all rraatenials varidan Ica allow plublie access lo all cacLmElnls, paplEirs, IEd-ers or alter maienial sLtjeat lo -hel provisions of Chapiler '119, Florida SIMuies, anic mace an neaeKad in 0or1jLnclion wiili this Agreameni 113eciioni 287.088(1' (a), Rlanida SlatL tEls' . 5.a6 Uniform Relaaatiori Assistariae aric RElal Ruaplerty Stzailistiaal Report: Fan any projElcl neclL inincl ac c iiiorial rjghll- af-way, 1hEl Ageriay mus'l sLbmil 'la MEI Department ani aninLal neplar of ifs rElal pinoplery acquivition anic relocaalian a:Isi:dariOEi aciiviiies oni ihEl pnajElall. Acati%itiEls shall bEl neplarec an a fecElnal fiscal year Iasis, from ClciotEm 1 ftnough SElpllemter 30. TFE1 nEiplart mLEil ba pinepanec Lsing Re kuama- pinescnitec in 49 C.R.R. Part 04, AppElndi) B, anic to su t miilec la tM Ei Depar mEin11 no IalEm than Ocltat er 'I EI cd Elacah yElan. EI.(10 Real. isitionis anid Paymenits: RElqueasls fcan neimbu nsElrTianll ilor fees an alter eamplenisaiiori far sEU& iaE1s an e)plenises iriau nnEic shall be su t mi111ec in dellail sufficiienii Iona prapEul pine-auc ii and plost-au c ii iH Emecd QSeetieri J87.a581'I' Qa; , Rlaric a S-a']LleS;. All nvaipierits of funds foam this AcIneemernl, inclLding ihcse aoritraciec ty ihEi AgEincy, rTILsi submi'l tills far any iravEd EIkpEIrISEIS, wtEin ElLtl-ari21ec ty iME1 tElnmS cif itis AgrEismenii, in aciaandaricE1 wi-h Sedition '113.(IEI'I, Rlorica Staluieas, anc Chaplien 3 -"Travel" of iHe Deparmeanl's DistursEamerd Cloaratians ManiLal, Toplia 350-13cla-eaa (ISeclicn �187.aE18Q1;Qd;, Florida 31aiuies). 11, after pnojeot aamplleiioni, any claim is mace ty the DElplartmenit neasu liincl from an auc ii an fan work or ser& iaEis plerfonmec punsLann to this Aclnearnffi'l, the Deplariment may affse- SLch arriaLni Pram paymenifs CLe fall %&ork an services carve umcen aniy aclneEirrlElrrl 4iali ii has WIT 'Ihe AclElricy o&ninicl sucih arTiCILM if, Lploni demarnc, playmenii oil-hel amaunii is niat mace willhin 60 cat's to 'Ihe Department. ClffsEltlincl aniy arraaunil plursuarit to 'Ihi41 panacpapli shall riat be aarisicenElc a breacah all aaritnaclt by I EI Depar rrlenil. 71.CI0 Dapaartment Obligaatianis: 31.bjeat a clthan plravisians h 6nElaf, Re Depar merit will hariar rElquEIS'ls fan neimbu n iamenl ie the AdEinicy iri amoLnls anc all-irrlEls ceearTlEIC by 1HEI DepartmElrit to bEl prapEul 'la E1nsLnel tl-e caarr)irig aLt of 'Ihe prajeai anic paymenii afthe eligible acids. Ho&ne%er, riatwVtsiaricincl aniy c0an pinavi;liari afiHis AcpleElmElril, Re DeparrYlEinl may elect ty niatioe in wriiincl niat 'la make a paymenit if: ].(hl Misneprcisentaation: late AclElncy shall Have madEl misreplrElseritatiari oil a malEuual nalLnel in ils application, ar an} supplement ihEareila an amencment therecif ar in an wilts nespEacrl la any CoeLmeml a1 cala furnished ihEane&AitH ar punsuanl M EIR110; 7.M Liilidaatiani: THEmEI is lheri plenicing Iilligallian mitt nespecil to the parfanmanlae ty ihEl Agenay of any of ilsi duiiesi or catligaliami v&hiah may jeoplarc i2e or acvEansely affeal IhEa pluoical, -he AgneerrlEanl an playrraenls la Me pinojecrl; 7.03 Approval by Deplartmarit: llhe Ageniay shall Hava takeni any acatian pertaining to fMEa pinOjEla- %&Micah, LncEan this Achaaemenii, neCILines Re aplpraval all 'Ihe DElplartmenit or hast mace nelalff eXplendillure an inicLnred nedatEIC abligatiaris wiles CIL'l Having teens ac vised by tha Departmerit -hal same ane appino& ed; 7.041 Clarilliail of Initemests: TH anel has bean any vicdalian of the card ial oil intElnest provisions aoritained hence in paragraph 7.05 Defalulil: TYEi Agcria} has HElan celEmminEic b} It Deparrraen'l to be in dellauli Lrider aniy of Ilhe pinovisiclml of ate AgrcElmari 7.a6 Federal Rarliaiplation: THEi DEiparrraEiril may susplenic en ielnmiriale paymeril fan tta'l par ion of the projElcat wHioh It RF WA, an the Deplarlmenl aclinq in lieu oil FHWA, many cesignalei as ineligible fan federal-aic. 71.07 Disallowed Costs: In dedearmining the amount of Me playmElnt, the Departmearrl will e)clLde all pnojeals casts iricL nrElc by She Aclenuy pinior la -he Elffeati%e dale cd chis AgreemenH an ihel dale tillaulhoriaaiion, aosls iniclu rnec after 1HEI expina-ian of 'Ihe AclneemElnl, aos'ls v&Hiah ane not pino%idec fan in 1ha la'lest appnaved S&EIC L IEI of fundinicl in 9)hidil "9" ibr Page w9 TATECF FIC R IDA 0 RRAM RTRf I7 F OR TRANSPC IATIC N 919-010140 LOCAL AGENCY FROCIRAIM AIGREHMEN 11 PR(DI CTICN 9l RP CRT—aged 71 IhEi pin(ijacil, easlis agreec io fie bonne by the AgeniaN an ils cionllnectars anic sutooritraclons 11or ria'I mewling 11hei pinojoal ciammenicemenii anic ilinz I invaiae lime lines, a rid aas-ls a1iiituiable la goacs or siemiaes necisivac u ndEul a coniireci an other E ImarigemElrits u\hieh ha%a viol been aplpravElc iri wnitirig by 11he Departmorit. 7.08 Firial IrivoiaeEr ThEi AgEiria) mu sl submit 'I he flrial irivciiae ori 'Ihe prcijecl is 'Ihe DEirlartmeril will hin' 20 C eys after 1lhe ccimplelian oil IhE1 ppiojElcrl. Inivoieesl Submi'llEIc efterIhEl '20-Cey'Iima pleriac may viol be paic. 8.00 Termiriatiori ar Suspelrisiiari of Pno,ject: 8.0'1 Ielnmirialiciri or Susirlerisiciri G6rienally: The Derlartmenii may, by %ritEin rialiae to llhe Agenay, susperic Eriy or all of its cibligElions uniCen this Agreamenii unilil suah timEi as IhEi e%enl an cionicitiari reisulling in suah susperisiari Has ceasee an been clornecitec or the Derlartmeni may ieuminaie 'This AqueElmerit in wHcdEI or ini plait al aniy lime ilia inileresi of the Deplarl menl nequ ines su ah tenminz 1 iori. ila) lWe DEiplartmeril deienmiries 1Ihal the plerformarica cd'Ihe Ageria) is riot salisfaclory, Ifle Deperlmanl shall nciiiily'Ihe Agaricy of the c ElfiaiEinay in wriling wi1N a nElquirElrT1Eini'I 1hEl the eelli0i6ncy be acinwaled wiihini thirty (301 days cd Sua11 notice. Such noliaEl shall pravic a neasane b le SpElaiflaity to lfl a ACIEIricy cif lhEl dElliciienicy that nequ ices aoniecitiari. 1111`16 Cefiaieniciy is riot conraciec wilhiri suah lime peniad, IHEI Deparmerii may ei'Iher (1, irnmmiallely lermiriate 1HEI AgneemEirit s set far h in plan gaz plh 8.(Ib' below, ar (2) 1z ke whetevein action is ceemec a plprapniMei by 111e Deplarmenl io canreci the C E11(iiancy. In the EIVEiri'I Ihei DElpartmarlt chooses to to kei a crlian anis rlat llerrTlinlatEl the Agreemerll, 1HEI ACIElrlcy shall, uplarl dElmaric , pinarnpllly neimbu nSEI IhEi Depz rtrrierit fan aniy anc Ell Iasis aria explenses iniciurnec h y the Deplar merit in aorneating I h e delliciElnc). (IF If the Deplartmeint ieuminaies the AgrEiememl, the Depertmenl shall notify the Aganay of suah lermirie'licin iri wriling, with irisinucrlicins to 11he Eiffeciti%e Cale Ill 1Enimirialiani or spleeny the s1zcle cit %onk al which the AgneElrTlEinit is 1Io be tEnimiriaiec . I1c' I the AdneEirrlerill is lenmiria'16d telorEi IhEi ppiajecit is (icimpleiec , the ACIeney shall HEI plaid and) ion IhEi pElncEiniiaga c111HEi Flaojecrl saiisllaetanily pleriorrri6c kin uVhieh aas1s can to substen'lietad. Sucih pla)rrieni, hawElven, shall viol excieElc Ifle equKalenii pleraenilacie cil lhEi eaninaal pricie. All %ork in pnadness %ill bElaClmEI the pinorlEirty of the Departmenil Eric will he iurriec over ppiomptly by the Agency. fl.(12 Action SL lisiequenil to Nalicie-cif-Termiriation an Susirlelrisiari: Uplori reacipl of a riy finial tElnminaiion or susrlenisioni matiee umcer 'This panagnaplh, the AgeriaN shall prciaceid prarnptly to ciarry out 'Ihe aetieris required therEiiri whish may inaludei a riy or E II 0111HE1 ilollov,inig: (e) rieeessary acltiari lo'lenminala on susperic, as the ciase may be, prajacl acii%iiies enc canlnz ols anc suah other ecrlian as may bei reiquirac on cesinahlei la keeirl is a minimum IhEi eos1S uplom the basis of which the linianicirig is to be ciomplLtEid; (b, ilurriish a slla'Iemenii cdthe pinojecil Ecil:NitiEIS anc aciritnaets end tither unCEiraHirigsl'Ihe cast cdwhicih ene ollherwise inialucable es plrejElai ciosts. The ierrTiinaticin cin suspension shall be earned aut ini aanfcamity wish the latEISI schec u Ie, pia ri, z rid oast E s approVed by I h e 0 Eiplartmerit or uplan the Iasis of terms anc (ionc iiionis irriplosec b) 1hEl DepartrTlEirit u plan th a lailu ne of the A geniaN io fu nnish ih El sch edu IEI, plan, anic Eis-lirTiatEi u\ ith in a r6asanat IEi time. the closing CIL 'I oil fedeual finaniaial ple rticiple tion ini 111 El pnojecli shall rioi eansiillute a wE Iver of any aleim whiah the Deplartmenil me alherwise h v arising out of this Agreemerit. 9.00 Cori91lacils cif Agenay: 91.01 Thfrc Party AgreEIITIEIr1s: Hkcepl es otherwise eullhoriaec in wni'Iirig by 'Ihe DElrlartmenii, Ifle ACIericy shall riot exElaulei any acintnaclt or otlicla'Ie itself in aniy mE rinen nequinind'Ihe diatursemeril of Depermenil 111unics, irialucing ccinisulteril an acinsimaiiani can-laaets on amenicmenis Terato, wish aniy thind party v,ith nesrleci to the paajeet wiihaut the wnitieri e pprave I oil 111 EI Dape r rnffil. FE iiu ne tcl ab tE iri such aplprava I shall t e sufficiieril Eau SEI fcin nonrla) mens by the Deplarl mans. Tha Deplar m6ni spuciiflciall) rEISEwiEiS urilo itsehl iho right 1a ne%iew Ihe qua hlicaticiris of z ny consu Ite n'I cin aonifracilcni and to e pproVEl cul cise r1prov6 the emplaymenii oil IhEi same. 91.(12 Ccimpliariae with Consultelrits' Carrlpcililive Negotialiou Act: li is uncerstaac anc agneec b) the plartius hanEiio Thal perticiipEliori by 1HEi Deplartmenil in a rinajEiall wish lhEi ACIEinicy, whEme saic pinojual irivalvas E cionisuliarii eonlrecl fcin eriginEiEmincl, enchi'IElciure cin surveying SEirviees, is cioniiinigerii cin 1he Agenay's campllying in full wish provisions cd Saalian 281.C155, Flenida Siaiules, CariSulis rats' CampeiilNe NElclaliatian Aclt. Al 1116 c iscualicin cif the Deparimeni, the Ageniciy will imalve lhei Deplartmerit in 11he eomsultani selecilicin pinociess fan all pinojuals. In all cases, the Agenia)'s aitannay shall certify la IhEi Departm6nl ihei saleaiion has be6ri eaoamplisheC in carripilianae with ih Ei Canisullanis' CarTlrlelitive � 6golia'Iian Pal. SIATECIFCCIRMA 09AARIMEINIORTRANSPCIRIATICIN 929-d 10140 gla LCIC AL AGENCY RROGIRA M AGREEMENT 71 PRODUCTION SUPPCIRT 01/11 - A agla 9 ICLCIal Disadvainitacicc BLsirieiss Bniterprisa iIDBEJ Policy avid Cltligation: 11 is IHEi pldia� clthe Deplarmand ihat DBE's, as deflnEic in e9 C.R.R. Par 216, as amenica(, shall have 1hEi applarlunNy is participlate irn'Ihe plarlarmance oil con'luaats finance( in wh ale qui in plait wit11 Deplall menl fu nc s u rider th is AclueemEint. TF a DBE requiremenis of appliaat IEi federal anc statEi lai\& s aric ueclu latiaris aplplly is ih is Aclnearrterrl. The AclEincy and its coniraetars aignee 'Ia anst.ne that DBE's taxa the opIrlarturiiiy to par iaiplate in REI perfarmariaEi oil chis Aclueement. In th is neclarc , all necipienis aric condraclous stall Zak a all necessary anc reasanat le stEips ini aocan( ante mitt atplRlicatle fedenal anc state ki\&s and reclulalians 1a ensure that 1110 DEE's haVE1 111Ei appertunily to aamplEltEl 1011 anc perform aonlracis. The Aclancy anc its candraators and sutaortnaclous shall not c iscuimiriate an the tasis of raae, colon, nalional cnigin an se) in 1hEi a\&arc aric pEirfarmariae of caninaals, eritEinec punsuarrl to This AclneEimenT. RurtIlEirmone, the A geniay aclneEis th aT: Qa' Eaah firianeial assistanice acluearriarit sidnac \& ith a US. -DOT oplenalincl ac rrinisinadion jar a primary recipliOnrl) rr u si irialu c e th a lollcuv incl assn naria0: "llhe waipiont shall ncd disarirrinate an The basis ail raae, color, nalional anigin, or se) in Ilia awand anc perfanmariaa oil an} DCT-assisiec can'Inact or ini the ac midstualian o1 its DBE pinoclnam ar 'Ihe nEiquirEimanis of 451 C.R.R. Part 216. ThEt naaipient shall take all naaessary and reasanatle stEtps uncer 49 C.R.R. Par 2EI tc enisure nandisariminatian in ihEi awand and acminislralion of DOT-assisiec aontracis, llhe reciplieni's DBEI pragrarrt, as necluinac by 49 C.F.R. Part 216 anc as appinovec b} Department, is inicorploratEid ty ueilerEiniva in th is Aclneemanl. Implarnetniaiian of this pluagram is a IEigal abliclaticn and failu ne to oaury au'l its Tanms shall to treaiec as a violation oil 111 is AclneEirr Eini. Upari riotifiaalian to 111 Ei rEicipli0nl e1 its ilailL ne 'la aarr) aut ills appraved pincdnarri, 111Ei Deparmens mziy irriplasEi sanialians as pincvidec ilor uricer e9 C.F.R. Par 28 and may, in aplrinopniaie asses, redeu 1hE1 maltEin tlor erifancameinl LridEm 18 U.S.C. 1cel ancAcui 1hE1 Pnodnaim RnaLC Civil Rema( iEls Ani of '1986 (I<I1 U.S.C. '3801 EIl seicl.),." It) ElacH candraat signed wish a aoritractou ijanc Eiaah subaondrad the pinime aerituactcui signs with a sutcan'luaatonj must includEi the fallowing assurance: "Thea caniracdor, sutnedpient or SLbcarilnaatan shall nat disariminale an the basis oll nate, calor, nalional cnigin, an sex in IN Et performance oil chis condrad. 1h acntuaclon shall canry CIO ziplpliaatla uequinements of 451 C.F.R. Part 21EI in the a\&arc and administuallion of DCT-assisiec con'InaaTs. Railure ty the acrrluactan to carry oui these necluinements is a matanial tnaach of this caninaicil, \&11 ich may uesul'l in Iha tEmminaiiori oil this cant na al or such ME an netmetdy as ITT uecipieni teems apprapriatEi." 11.00 Compliancia with Caric itionu aric Laws: Thei Agaricy shall complly anc require its eanlnaalars aric su teanlna clans to acrriplly WIT all tenms anic Banc iiioris of Itis Aclneerrenl and all fec Emal, stats, anc lacad la\&s aric ragu laticris applicat l0 Ta this pluajeat. Elxecutioni til This Agreement aanstilules a cEirtiliaatian Thar thEi AclEiney is in aarripllianee with, anc \&ill rEiquirEi its carrluaatans aunt subaontraclors ie (amply with, all recuirElmenls implosed ty aplplliaatle Tleceral, state, and laaal laws anc negu Iallians, iriclu c inig 111 a "Certifiaaliori REigare incl Det arment, Suspension, Ineligibili'ly anc VCIIL niary b alu sion — Lc\&er Tier CavE nEic lbansaeliaris," in 49 C.F.R. Part251, wh an aplplliaatle. '12.(18 Reistricticma, Piahibitions, Controls, and Lahor Rrcvisioris: •12.01 BqL al Bmplaymeint CIPIPIarturiity : In cannEialiani wilh 111EI canrying out of any pluojeat, IVEI AgEinay shall not cisaniminale against any employeEi ou apIFllioairit fan Eimpliaymenrl bElaat.sEi oil race, agEl, neligicri, acdan, se), nalional origin, cisatilily cin mani'lat s'latus. The Agency will take affinmalivE1 adian to Eirisune thal applicants are employe( and that Eirripllayeas are treated curincl EimpllayrriEinil wiihaut r0clarc 10 RON nate, adE1, neliclian, calor, clenicer, riaiianal oriclin, cisatilily or marital status. .uah aalian shall inicdu(EI, but not to lirnitec la, She fcdlawing: emplcrymEirit uplgracing, cemoTian an lnarisfer; 11eenuilmEinl an rE1c11ui1rrenIl acvEir isincl; layoff au lerminatian; radEis of pay an cdhEm ibrrrs of campenisadionr, anc saleation far trainincl, includincl aplpinEiritiaeship. llha AgEincy shall insert 1hE111orE1g0ind pro%ision mociliec only to show the partiaulan canilraaluail nelatiorish ipl ini all its eanirads in connection \& ith the developmen'I cl apenaiion of the pluajeet, except canrluaets far th a standard oommeraiat su plplies or ra\& madeuials, and sh all neat, ine all SL ah canTnactars ila insert a sirnilan provision in all sutcanluacts, exaeplt sutacntuacis fan stanc and commemial supplies or naw materials. When the prcjeal involves inisTellalian, cansinaiioni, cemalitian, nurrtcval, site improvEimeril or similar wcuk, the Aclemoy shall past, in aorispliauaLs planes availaNet 10 emplo}ees and applliaants liar emplaymeni fan pinojEicrl wank, nalieesi'la to plrovidac ty the Deplarimeni selling forth the pluov isions of the niandisauiminaticn alaiu se. STAIN ON NLCIRIDA DEPARTN ENT OF TRANSPORTATION 535-010.49 LOCAL AGHNCY PROGRAM AGRIEBMBNT PRCIDU471CIN9URfl ORI—09/11 Aagle 19 121.a2 title VI —Civil Rights Act of 99(141: IV Agency trill comply With all 11Ha requirerrienis irriclaseic ty 1Ii11e VI al lhei Civil Rig His Aat o1 196', the negulalians oil llhe U.Ei. Deparmani all Tnamspartatian issu6c theraunicer, and 1116 assunaraaei t y th a Aganay pu nsu ani i H emeto. Thea Aganay shall include pinmisions in all coninaacts with thirc parties that einaune compliance vtith Ilitle VI of the Civil RightsAcr1 al'iW4, -19C.F.R. Rar 31, and relaiec statuteasanc regulations. 92.0:1 Americaams Hulk Disabilities Aull all 1990 (ADA): Ilha Agency will aomply %ith all the nequinorrianrs as imposec by th a ADA, the nedu latians all th e F 6denal gav anmment issu ac R eneu nidem, and assurance t y th a Agencry pu nsu anis tt- erecta. 13.x4 Rublia Entity Crime: A pensan cm affiliate who has taeni plaaec oni the cionvicteic Nemcan list fallowing a aamviciion 11or a clublie eniiity arime may not submit a tic on a cioniraai to clnovide any goats or services to a clublici eriity; may not submit a tid on a cianHraai with a putlia eriiily tan the cionislnuatian on neapair of a putlia t0l0incl an public wank; may niat su bmi'l bic s an leases oil real p110per y to a pu t Iia eintiiy ; may nal bei awardelC on perfanm work as as aantuaclan, su Rplien, suLcianiraaiar or eansullant uriden a cianinaa'l \A ft ariy putlia amity; aric may not tranuaai tusiness with any Klublia entiiy in e) cess of the 11hr6s11old amen n'l provic ed in Secrlian 2187.017, F larida Sutures, 9or CATEIGICIRY TVI CI far a peorioc of 3E months iharn the (ala ail teiniq plaaec an the oomviciec �emcar list. 12.05 Discriminvlicm: In accoorcamcoe v,ith Eleclioni 287.134, Florica Statutes, sari eniiiiy cm affiliate who has teen plaaec an the Disarimimatory Vein( an U is'l, kept t y the F lank a 0 epartmerit of N anagamani Services, may niat su t mil a bic an a coonatraal la provic6 goads an SlervicaS 10 a publico entity; may riot sutmit as Lid an a cianimal wish a publico anility far the camstnuc in cm papain ail a clublici bu ilc ing an publico work; may niat :au omit bic s an leasers of real pn0pary to a put Iia anility; may not be Emuidec on pearfonm wank as a aonlraalor, supplier, sutcaritnacicm or cionsullanii uncer a cioriiraci with any putlia aniiity; and may niat tnarisaal t usinieass u`ith any pu Llia eniiiiy. 92.0(1 Suspemsioni, Revocation, Denial of Quailificalioni or Deiermiriaatiari of Car1mator Nori-Revrjc msibilily: An anility on affiliate u`ha has had its Ceartificiala of Quaaliilicatian suspenacad, ra%akeic, denied or have further bean catermimed ty the Deparmant to be a roam -responsible cantractan may not sutmit a bic on parfanm work fan Me coanstnuclion aN repair of a put Iia b u ilc ing an put lit wank on a cant pact Will the A gencoy . 13.07 Fnahibited Imierests: Naithan the Agenay nap aniy oil its coninacitam an iheiN sutcanrmacitam shall arrlar inla aniy coantnaal, su tcantnact or arnariclemenii in cianmeiaiian with the pnajecl or any gpiopearty iriclu cec or plaarinec to baa imcluc etc in Te pnajaai in wh iah aniy merriten, afliaen tui eimplayae of the Agency on the locialily c uninicl tanune an ilcm 2 years ihemeaflar has any inilemest, c ineat cm inc ineat. til any such clnesenil or fonmer merrat ear, afficem or emplcryeiea irivolu ritanily aaaqu inns cn had acquired Arian la the beclinninicl c1 tanure arty such inilenesl, an( if such intemesi is imrroedialely ciscilmled to the Ageriay, the Agency, v`ith prian aclpraval of 1116 Deapartmeril, may waives the pnaliiliilioni aaritairiec in this paragraph KlacMdec Ihat any suaH praserrl membem, officien cm eirriplayea shall not particirlat6 in any action by thea Agenay an thea locality nelaiinq la such aoritnacl, su t aaritracl or annarigemenil. Ilha Adeinay shall insar inc all aaninaals antarec inalo in cannaction with Re pnajeci or any pnopery inalucec or planinec to to inclucec in any pnajeat, arae shall require its coninaatans to insert in aaah of their suLcaninaais, UEI 1lollov,inig provision: "No merraten, afflaen cm erriplayea all Re Agency cm of 1116 locaaliiy curing his tenure or far 2 yeans th eraaften shall have aniy interest, dinual on indireiai, in this canlnacat on the pnaciaec s R emeof." The provisions all ih is claragnaph shall not t e applicable to any agreement tellwean ilia A geriay and ills fiscal c apasitaries or 1a any agraameni lcm utility semiaiaes 111 ea nalas fan wh iah are liyea or aaninallec t y a go%ernmenial agency. 12.0(1 Interest of IV ambers of, on Delegates to, Conigness: INa memter ON del6gale 'la the Cancluess oil tha lnilec Slates shall be ac mined to any share an part of chis Agreement or any benefil arising therefrom. 13.a0 N isaellaameous Rrov isioms: 13.0 Enivinonimenitail Regulations: The Agencry will b6 salely nesporisible fan caomplianae willh all the applicatle eriviranimenial regulaii0111s, liar any liability arising 1lrarri man-ciompliarice v\i1H llhese reagulalions, and will neimturse &a Deapartmerit 11or any lass incau nread in caonrieci ion iH emev` ith . T11ea A gemcry u` ill t e r6spansit le far securing aniy appliaat le peuim ills. STATE OF F L CIRIDA DEPARTN ENT CIF TRANSPORTATION 575-010-110 LOCAL AGENCIY RROGRAM AGREEIMEINT PRCIOUC71CR19UAAORT-118/11 pa! a 11 12I.CI3 Deplartmeril Nall Obligatcic Io Thind Parties: Tile Department sliall nol be abligalec or liable hareuncan to any inic i\jidu al an anlily nal a plarty la 111 is Agnearrlent. 1:1.(13 Man Rights and Remedies Not Waived: In no avan'I shall tha making by the DeFlartmenil of any paymenil to the Agemay aonslitutEl or be aonislnuec as a "ai\an by 1hEi DeFlartmenil all any breach of 00jerianil on any cefaul'l wHah may hien exist on VhEi par cllthe Agemay anc the making ollsuah paymenii ty 'Ihe Depiartmenil, Vlhile aniy suah breach an dellaull shall e)isl, shall in no way irrlplain or prejuc ice aniy night an nemedy anjailab Ie to tl-e Deplartmenil with nespeat is suah braaah an cellauli. 13.04 How Agreement Is Affected by Provisions Being Held lr%slid: Many p1no0sion cdtl'isAgneamanl is helc irnalid, tTe nElmaindan cd this AgreElmani shall mat be affeclec. Ini suah an inslanicle, 1hEI rarrlaindEln \&oulc then acintinua to aanllorm to QEl lerrrls anc requinamenils cdappllicatIs law. 13.05 Bonus or Carrlmission: By exacIu lior of the Adneement, the Agenay nepinesenils 1h at it has nut plaie anic , also agrees nal Io play, any bonus or aclrrlmission for Ilia punpase of abiair ing an aplpno�al cd its aplplliaalion fan 1hEl firiancling h araL nc an. 121.06 Slats Law: Nolhimcl ini'Ihe AgreElmenl shall require 1h El Agency Ia otsEIrVe an anfcmae aclrrlpllianicle willh any pino�isian on plerfonrrl any aai or ca any other ilhincl in aonilraventiun of any applicable slaie law. If any cd'Ihe provisions of ilia Agreamenil \iolale aniy apppliclable slain law, the Aclenay will at ancla rialily 'Ihe Deplartmanil in wniting in orcer thai aplpinopiniale all anges anc mocitcatians may be mace by the Deparmenl and tlia Agency Io the and that the Ageniay may praCead as soon as possib Is %flh 1h EI pinojecrl. 13.01 Plans and Spleuificatians: Ini Iha event II -al this Aclueement irivcll\jes canslrucling anc equiplpind of faalhtias, the Aganny shall submit to the Dapartment lbr appno\al all apipnapniale pilaris and spieaifiaalians covEmincl the pinajeal. the Deplarmanl will rEIviEIV1 all plans aric speciilicaticlns and will issue tcl IhEI Agancly a tirittan aplpinawal wish any aplpnaved plartionis oil the pinojecrl anc commenils or neclammercalicns aa�ening ary uamainCen oil Il -e pinojEla'l deemed aplplraplriale. AfIEnI rElsclluticlri cd 1hElse aammElrits and recarrlmem atians IcI the Department's salisfaclion, 111a DepartmElrt will issue 'la ilhe A gemay a wnilileni appino�al will- said nElmainden cd the pinojeat. Failune IcI obtairi '[his wniilem aplpino\jal shall be sufficlienl clause oil nanpaymert by the Deplartmenil. The Ageray will pl-ysiaally inChda Ranm FHWA-12713 in all ils aontracls anic su bclanlnaals. 111(I8 RigFl-of-Wary Certification: Uploni clomplE1lion of righ1-o1-\nay aciivilies on the prajaci, the Agancly must clertify aorripllianaa "ilh all applicable feceral and siaie nequirernanls. Cerlificlalian is nequirElC Anion to ac�ertisamanh fan an soliaitaticln of bic s fan aonslnu aJon of lha pplojeclt, inclu c ing Those plrajecls liar which nice right-oikA ay is nequ inec . 13.09 Agciricly Cerliflcation: Tha Agency trill Mirtify in \nniiing, pinior to pinojecrl alaseaui 1hal the pinojecrl was campllelec in aaclarcancle tiith applicable plans aria speoificlalians, is in pllaae on the Agency's faaility, acaquate fitlEl is in the Ageniq's rams, and tl-a plrajecl is aclaepltec by the Aganay as suilablEl llorihe inlaniced punplosa. 13.10 Agneement Roumat: All wands usec herein ini Ilia singulan farm sliall exlend to and inaluce the plural. All wands usec in the pllunal farm shall ,sand to anc imclluca 1hEI singulars. All tiores used in any gencer shall exlenic to anc inicduc EI all gencers. 1:1.11 ffiieculliori of Agreement: This AclueElrrlerrl rrlay be simultanEiausdy e�eclutad ini a minimum of two aaunlerplarts, each cdwhiclh so Elxeaulec shall bEl deemed 10 be an original anc suah aountemparts ioclathar shall canstilLie ane in the sarrle irisinumerit. '13.12 Rlelstrictions on L at t ying: Rederal: We Agancly agrees Tal mo faclovally-appinopinialed funds hE E1 teen paic, or will be paie by on or b&ahl oil lhEl Agarcy, la anpansan Ion influencing on atlerrlpllimg 'lo irfluencia any officen an Eirrlpilayee of any federal ageniay, a WmLan cli Congress, an offiaen on amplloyea oil Corgr(iss an an emplayea o1 a Memter o1 CongrEss in clonreclion \pith 1hEi a\narcing of any 1EICEiral claninaat, the making oll any fadanal gnarit, ihEi maNing of ary IeCEIraI loar, the anlering irito of any aoopEinalivEi agrEiarrlenl, and the e)tElrisliari, aonilinuatiari, nemEl%al, amenicalenil cin madiflcalion of any liecElnal canlnaclt, grand, loan an aoapleratNe acpleemElrit. STATE OF FI ORIDA 09flARTMINI OH TRANSPCIF IATICIN 531-010140 LCICAIL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENT UCIION 9URNORT—e/11 A age 17 111 any Tunics oilhen ihari lacerally-apprapriatec furies have deeni paic ty the Aganay la any person far influericinig an attempting la influeniae an ciffiCEIn cul Elrrlpllayee till any fElceral aclency, a Merriter of Carigress, an cifliaem cul erripllayee cd Carigress or an eMplloyee of a NEirriter of CarigrElsa in aonineatiari with this Agreement, the LnidEuisigrec shall aampleie anic submit Slancand Fanm-LUL, "Di;iciloaurEl Farm to Replort Lattyirg," in aaaarcaniciewilh its imslluatiari.i. The Agenay sh all require that the lani(lu aga of phis plaiiacplapll- Le inialu c ed iri the awanc daau rrierits kir all su taln arcs at all tiem ilinclucing .n.Laaniracils, sutgranlls, anc aaninaats uncer cpianil% loans, anc aaapleratNe agreements) vinic that all clLbreaipliElrits shall certify anc c is(daso aacanc irgly. Stale: Na ilurids rEICElivec AILn;iLanii ici This carilnaat may Ile Eixparidec for lotltyimcl 11he LEigislaiure, thejudiaial tnanah ora stale agenay. 13.13 Maintenance: T116 Acleray acpiees to mainllaini any grajed roll an the Silala HigNay System oonsllrucrlec u nicer ,his Agreement. 11 the ACIericy ocirisirualls aniy impia%emend an Department night-cik%ay, the Agenay ® will ❑ NAill neat maini'lairl ih EI impravemenis made for iheiin a seilul life. 13.14 Verlcars Ricldls: Vericors Ilin this caUrrienll icerdifiec as Ifle Ageniay) pinovidinicl clacids arie services Ia iha Deplarmerl Eihoulc la a\Aare oil IhEi fallowirig lime ilrames. Upon necieipli, llhe Deplartmend has 3CI wankirig cat's tci insgecit and apprave the gciads aric services uHess the tic sgeaificialianls, gunahasE1 arc an an aan1rad .ipecdies oihElrwise. The DeplarrrlEinll has 20 cays to deliver a requEist llor playmerit (vouahau) to the Departmerit o11 Hiraniaial Sarvicies. llhe 2(I days sine rriaasLnec Ilram the IaitEin o1 the catEi the ir%aiCE1 is recEINEIC or Ifle gocics cin serviaEis ane reoeivec, inisgecitEid, anc agAlnavec. If a payment is rias availat le wish iri z Cl c ays aflEir necieipli cif the irivaicie anc the necieipli, inspleatiar, anc arprowil of goads anc services, a sepaualle inllerElsl perially in aaaandarica with EIedioni �115.4,'Q113; IIb;, Flonica Statuses, will Le cLa anc playable in adcition Io the irvoicie amourit to the Agericy. Irtenest AlerialiEia 011IEIss than ane $11 will poll to Einfaraec unllEiss the Ageriay rEIgUEl81s qai mend. Imaices which have Ila Le nelLrniec to the Agenay bElaaLsEI of Agenay pnepaua1an errars Will nest It iri a c elay in the payment. llhe irivaicie qai mend neclu inemenits ca neat start a nllil a pragerly ciompllalac in %oiae is pravic ec ici the C egartmerit. A Verclon OmtlLuimari has teem a.datlishEIC withini the DEigartmerit of niriamaial ServiCEIS. The duties oil this ircMCLal inialude adincl as am ad%acate fan Adericies lnho may to ElxplEnienciincl prcitlems it attairirig timely payment(s) ilram the ❑eprtmerit. The Veridon Clrrld Ldsiman may be aonilaated al E 90-4'13-951E1. 121.19 Reimd a rsement of Rederal Funds: The ACIericy shall aamply \Aiih all appliaad IEi Tec oral gu is elinas, pinoaec Lues, stmt ue(lu Isiticiris. If al aniy lime a nev iew dant u ciec d y Department anc cul HHWA nev eals Thai the applliciad le fec Emal gu is eliries, pracec u ia.l, anc rEigu lotions wane not followed Ly llhe Ageniay and FIF WA recluires neimftnsemenii of llhe funcs, the Ageniay mill de nesplanisiLle fan neplayrriffil to the Deplartmenii of all funcs awandElc L ricl ul the terms of Ihis Agreement. 13.16 8- VERIFY the Agenay: I. spall utiliae 11he L .S. Department cif Hcirudarc SeUnity's E -Verify syStElrrl to verify the eMplloymenI Ediclitiliiy oil all nElw Eimplloyees hinec dy Aclemciy c Luing the tElnm cif the (icinlnaal; anic 2. shall Eixpinessly uecluine aniy sutacirtnacians pElrfarming wark cm plrcivic ing services punaLand ici the aide carInacit la IikeWiaEI i liliae the U.S. Deplarimenll cif HarrlEdamc Security's 8 -Verify ciy.dem to veriily 1hEl erriplayrrlEirt eligitility till all nEM emplloyaes hinec dy the sudaondradon curinig the cianllracrl term. STA79 ON RLORIDA DEPARTMENT CIF 7RANSNORTAVON 575-410-40 RT LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGRBBMBNT P�ECTd0�4$_�Page/13 I� WITf ESS WHORECIF, ihEl pleries AGE� C ThEI ity cd Delna y EI ch By: NamEl: , V.,6 these pinElserlis I bEi a>eau'lEid tIlEI cay a rid ye I ri a �! tiJ STAVE OF RLCI IDA DEPARTMEf T O NS TI� �0 By: G Name: ERRY 'REILL'9, P.E.UF e Tile: Dinocitan of Tralnsplorta ficin Deve prnElrit AflElai: U +� r Tiil���v-'n. , II ElgB I REMEIU : AlltclnnlEly Sae aita shed Eriourrlt nariac Fanm llor c atEl a1 fl. nc inig aplpna) STATE CIF RLCIF 10A DEIPARTMEIP11 CIR TRANSPCIRTATICIN 57°I -010-4U LOCIAL AGENCY RROGRAM AGREEMENTRRgDUCTICIN SUPPCIRT oeioa Rage 14 EIXF IBIT "'I" SINGIL 0.4 L DIT ACT Reiderd Res cru ices A wardec to th ei Recipient Flu i suanlll Ila This Agreement Cons is 1 cif the Hollowing: Ruderal Agency: REICEmal Ficlhway Acminislnalion CHDA Al: ai.2a5 F iclhway Manning and Carislnualian A rriciu ril: $ 3,,18c1,8,e a.C1a REldEmal A rriciu ril: $9,0°I'l ,EIa4.0(1 :Hale Compliance Requii ement: A llowzit le Aciliv illiers: To be eligible, rricisi ppiajeets must d El loaalec ori pau t Iic naac s 1h al arEi ncit fu riclionally c lassiilied a:r local. The majcm exceRllioris area the HigNay Briccle ReFllaceirrieinl and Rerabililaticiri Program, whish plrcivideis assislarice far briccles ori aric off the fedenal-aic hiclhways, hiclhHay safely aeti%itieis, biciycile and Rledesliian parajecls, lranisFlortaliori erihariaerrierit aalivilies, the 116cnealiorial Nails pprocpram, anc planning, nesEiauch, deivelciplmEinl, anc leahncilcigy lranisleu. PrciFlosed pincjeais rrieieiinig these anc olhen planniincl, cosign, erivircrnimerilal, safety, eic., reiquireimEinils sari be aplpinovec on lhEI tlasis cif slate aric local puicmitie:r H i1h in the limit of 1hEi ilurics aplplortioried crr alloaai6c 1a each slatEi. Allowable Casts: Eligidle aalivilies and allocable costs will be dEItEI1IMirle( in accarceinee with Title 2"1 anc Tills 4c C.F.R. anc the OMB cost pniriciFllEis arlrllicabla to the recipierit/sub-neeipliEinl. Eligibility: By law, 1h Ei ilec Emal-aid highway ppiopiam is a sec erally assislec states piiagram lhal nequireis each slates to have a suitably Eicluiplpaec anc cmclanized InarisRlaraticin dEiFlartmeril. TheurefarEi, mass plrcrjeials ane adminislemec ty cur tl-rcugh State Deparrrienils oil Trarisplartalion 11.11ale OClllsI. Rnojecrls to be ilurICEid uricer the ilecEiral-aid hicll•mir plrcigram ane clenenally selected liy state DCITs on NErinoplclitari Manning Onganiaalians QMPOsr;, in ccropenaliori with aplpinopiniale kcal officials, as sRlEiaiilie( iri �Ic1 U.S.C. aric imRllerTlEiniiirig regulalioris. llenrilonial 1-igh%Aay pprojecrls a1IE1 luridec in the same mariner as tither feideual-aic hiclhway pucrjecls, with th6lemrilouial lrarisFlartatian aclericy lurialioriiricl in a manner similan to a siale DCII. Mcisi FeCElral Land High%Aay Rnocpiam IJRLFP; pncrjecls ane acminislenec by the Reiceiral Highway Adminisdnaticin JRHWA) Clfflae cif Redenal Lands Hiclhway aric its Divisicrn:r crr Uy the various Rlcmida Laric Managemenl Agencies QRLMAs;. Under the FLHR, pmjEicls iri the Iridian R6SEINaticin Roac ilIRR; Program ane sedealec by Iiiibal Gavennmerils anc ane aplprcrved by the Blneclu of Inciari Affain:r IlBIAl and the FHWA. Duel 10 ueceint legislation, lnibal Goveunmerils meieting certain neClOrements may new acminisier vauicius IRR Flnojecrls cin beihalf cd the BIA anc RFIAA. The Rish aric Wildliilei Service IJMAS9 and lhei Nacional Rark Service JNRS; sedecl pprojecrls in the Refugei Road grid Pauk Rcia(s aric Rarkways Rnocpiams, reisplecli Elly. Fon the F0116st HighvAay Rnacpiam, 1hEi ROIIEIs1 Service, 1hEi Males aric the FHWA jairitly seleat ppiojeets. Carripliarnice Requirements AFIFIIicable tci they Rederal Resourcies Amiaided Flunsuanit 10 this Agiecirr it Are As Follcimis: The reciRlierit oil Lcical Agericry Pnoclnam ill -AR) iluricincl MUll corriplly with the slaluiary necluiuemerilsi iri SEIClioris 1 I3.C61, ala.<<la, :1"19.12, avid 3'IR1215, Rlcmida Statutes, and Title X1:1 and Title a 9, C.R.R. 515-410-411 STATE OF RI ORIO A 3HPA RTMONT OF TRAMSRO RIATION PR0 JRCT MAW GEMENT 0 FRICR LOCAL AGENCIYPROGRAM ACREEMENTPaine ip1 17 RPN: 4ACI41121-11-98-a'1 & 42ICI4112I-2-98-C11 EXHIBIT "A" PROJEC T CIESIC RIPTION AN 0 RESIPONSIIBILl'Il I -this Elmhitit farms arl irltElgrail plait cif 11he AgrEiernenl retwElElnl the Slei IEI cif Florica, Departawnrl cil Tnalrlsplarlallarl arlc Ther CIN of Dalray Boaclh Dalec 7 RRO, ECT LOCATION: SR9J 1-18-'1 fnam SOL& cd F anbansicEl Dri%El io Banc Wary anc Atlanrlia Ave fnom CICIL'IhbClLnc UCl-'1 tcl Narthldaunc Ucl-'1 The prcijElCll X is on ❑ is rioll an tIlEl Naliomal Highway SystEim -91he prajeal X is ori ❑ is ncll oni the Elialo Highway SyslElm RRO,ECiI DESCRIPTION: Milling arid resLriaclirlg on recarlsALcliirlg plus landscaping, lighting, and mirror drainage impnCNElrrents. SRECIAL CONSIDERATICP BY TF E AC ENCY: ThEI aucii nepartils', rElcuired in t1re AgrElemenii shall irialuce a ':IcihEICLIe cd Prajeci AssislaricEI thal will IlElflElcl llhe DEIPMtalent's aciritnaat Urrlter, the Rinariaial RnojElcrl NumbEll (IFPI`;, the FecElnal ALToriaaiion NLrrlten ARAN], whEino alplpllicatle, the arnalUnll cd Seale luricirig adian Ilnecleipi aerie cistUnsElrrlElnrl of kriids), any Reeeral or laaal fLncirig aclticin, and thEl furiding acdicin from any cithen sclerae Wlh nespleclt ilo the pincijea9. TH El A gemcly is nElc uirEle a pravic El a aapy of iH El eesigri plans for th a DElplartmeril's nev iam anic appraval to cloculdinGlEl plenmittinlg Wth the DepalrtmEid, anc ncrJIN the DepartrnEirrl pinior la aonimencerrlent cd any nighi-cif-way aidiviiies. The Ageriay shall carnnnarlcle iHEI plrcijecls aclivilies sLtslequElnl to the ED(eclullian cd lHisl AgrElemerii aerie shall plElrfarm in aaaarcarue with the 1cillciwiriq sdadukl! all NJA StLey 9a to campllelEld ty N.IA QFIhE se 18 E ric 22161 LAP Agreamenk,i; tl Design la to campllelec on on tefano NIIA QFIhE sa 38 LAP Agraemeri ki) a; Riclhl-oll-Way rElqu iremerilEi is Elnlifiec and plrcivic EIC ice She DElplartmerit by . (All LAPS reclu/r/rig FVWI (Elisllrict wiA4 hs ndle alll Rigtlil-af-1/s y, scdviiliesi cin LAPS, MEM ds de wauld bEl stet By Ma nec assn ry tirriaframe to compkitei P/W E cJvidesi) d' Right -d -Way la to Cartiiliec pinior la ad%Elrtisirig fon Coris0ivaticiri. (AIII PtIESEI 58 LAPS). e, Ccirislrualliari carilnaclt la tEl let an or bEdoue C17J1,1201A IIForFIhE se 58 LAPsi,l (ITtlisi dsta waUd be E dor to dfla Eind of df1Ei Fisica / Yea r Hila d the Ptlas ici 661 is prciglrE rruricic in FM,I f) Corislnucltian tcl to aompllEltEla an ar bElkule ciazlIaJa014 (FV7ESlEI 5EI LIAFlAcliiecirrlEirtsiiI If this schedulEl aannicit to nlEli, the AClElnay will ncilify ihEI DElplartmerit in wniting with a nElvislEld Ei&adukl or the pinojeal is ElUHjElall io 'Ihe willhc nam al cif fedenal fu riding. Vis plrcijElci isl ilon Canistruatiani orily wilt lluricinig ini 1HEI year ACI'1'I / 20,12 in the amourit of $I7I,2l4'l,4,e4.(ICI. Uplani EIXElaUliorl oil this agreamenii ty all plartiesl 1HEI Departn'IElnrl gill pravice io the Agenay CNE EXECU1ED AGREEMENT an( a ItC710E 7C RROCEED. 111'El AgElricy shoulc noll slalrt any ccirislrualiani pinior tcl t118 EXECUTED AGREEMENT aeric a NOTICE TC PROCEED. THEI Agericly will cirily to rElirriturslec fcin aaslis inclLnied after thEl eNeclWad algrElEln'IEInil (ata aric plrian to the agrElemenil ar tima eNtEimiian (lif rElCuirElc ty a UElc Lest fan a lime eNlElrisliorl 1norrl tie AdElnay; dalo. Arly unusec fu rids) w ill HEI c elelec by iHe DepartrTlEln'l and the REleenal-Aid CfficlEI L p>lori aampleliori arlc final billing. L plan aclnlpllElticin cif the prcijecH the Ac ericly is rElcuirElc tcl ricitilly the DElplartmerH of the dale oil clomgllElticiri and firial invaicing. ThEI Departmerrl malt' necuinEi art cirlsile imipleaiicirl with ihEl AgerioN. SRECIAL C CNSIDIERATIC NS BV DERA RTMEN T: 9TATECIFFLOF IDA 09RARTMFIFI7(IRTRANSPCIRTATICIN 920-010-00 LOCAL AGENCIY PROGRAM AGREE ME NII Rfla.IECTMANAG9MENTCIFFIC9 oaiar Rage 19 E)4 H 1131-111 "Ei" SCh EEIUL13 CIR FUNDING AGENCY N AMB 81 BILLING ADDRESS FIRN : -it a Cliiy of Ualray Eeach 420/'12-1-58-0' &4004'2-21-98411 4:14 Soulh SAinion AVEI Dalray Beach, RL :1344 FIRCIJECIT IIESCIRIRINCIh tame: US 'I it 9R-9 aric Allarilic AVEinue Length:4.833 Miles - learnini: Sou 1t1 oil HakOlS C EI Dniv a is Hand Way aric EICIL't bot, rid L S -'I 10 N cir 1, bm ri( L S-1 TYPH CIR WORM By RiElcial Year FUNOIt CI TCITAIL PROJECT FUNDS (2) AIGENCti FUNDS (3) STATE & FEDERAL FUNDS Manning 9006-2007 2007-2008 2908-2909 Total Planning Clait Rraject Developrr en 181 EnviKmrr enil (RD&E) 2006-200 7 209-1-2098 2008-2009 la tal ROM Cla it Design 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 Notal Design Cost Rigi 1 -c11 -Way 2006-2007 2007-2008 9008-9009 Notal Right -of -Way Cost Clonstmucllian 20'1'1-20'12 DDR 20'1'1-20'12 HRR 20'1'1-20'12 119 2011-2012 A total Construction Cost $5.051.604.00 $5.051.604.00 $1.439.840.00 $1.439.840.00 $750,000.00 $750,000.00 $882.000.00 $882,000.00 $0.00 882 000.00 57 241 444.00 $8.123.444.00 Ccroslinucticin Engineering and InsF1ec11ian (CIEI) 2006-2001 2007-2008 2008-2009 Notal CIBI Cost Notal Construction and CBI Costs 11011AL COST OF TH E RROAG11 $8,123,444.00 $882,000.00 $7,241,444.00 11110 DElpadment's 'liscal yean begins an July 'I. Ror chis pajeci, flunds are noil plRojOCIEu is to availatlE1 until AM 11 a 'I sl al July of each fiscal yEiar. The DEipariment mill noiiN thEi A9lancy, in mi'ling, when lluncs we availatlel. 9IATECIFNLCIHIDA 09gARTMMN7CINTRANSPCIFIIATICIN 92l-010-40 LOC AIL AGES C Y PROGRAM AIGRIEEMU TI PRCIDUCIICUI SUggClql U/11 gag( 11 EXHIBIT "L" LANDSCAREMAI�TENAINCE AGIREEMENTIILMAj Paraguaph 13.13 is e>paindec ty the 1cllcwind: The Depar mend and the Aclerlay agnec as klllcws: 'I. Until Suoh lirrlEl as the pinojecrl is uemoved fnam 1h EI pnojecd liiclhway plursuant ila plaragraphs 21 and 9 of this LMA, the Agency shall, al all timEIS, mainrAin the prajecd in a reasanatle manrlEin aric wi'lh cuEl care in aaaondariw with all applicable Department duideliries, slarldares, aric plracecurEls Neneiriaften callec "Rnojecrl Slarlcares." Specifically, ihEl AgElnay agrees 'la: a' PuapEudy waien an( lElrtiliae all pllanils, keeping 'Ihem as fneEl as plracdicatle Ilnom ciscasu anc hannrllul inisecis; t; Properly mL loh plant H EIC S; a; KeElcl IM El pinemises fneEl C11 Weeds; c Mow and for aul the guass tc Ilhe pnapaii length; al Rnoplerly pnurlEl all plarlls which nesplorlsibility incluces rElmciving cea( ou ciseasec pars of pllanlis anc llon pinu ping SL ah par s th ereaf w h ich pineserli a v iSL al h aaarc far 'I hose using ih a noac way ; and fl Remove cul neplaoe dear an ciseasec plants in thein erdirety, or remciva on rElpllaae lhase plarlis Ilhal ilall telow cmidirlal Prajecl Slarlcares. Th EI Aclenay agneEls la rElplair, remove an nepllaC8 at ills awl EIYpEIrISEI all an plart oil the prajeci Tal falls belcw Rnojecrl Stan( ands cause( by ihEl PgeriaN's lailune to mairllairl the sarTIEl in aaconcarice with ihEI pnavisiorls cd this LMP. In the evElnrl any part cul plartsl al the pirajUall, iriciludincl plants, has Ila be nElrrrcvElc zinc nerllaaElc ilon w haiever rElascinl, IIhEIrI ihEry shall to replace( ty pars cd -Ihe same cluada, size, aric splecillioalicin as rinovicec in ihEi anidinal plans fern the pnajecit. RurthEuimore, Ilhe Pgerlcp agrees llo keep liner rElmcivElc from ihEl pluoject h iclhway. J. Maintenariau oil the ppioject shall tle Sutljectll to plenicidic inEiplecticinci by ilhe Deplartmerii. Irl the evenll Thai any cll the afanernariticinec respandIcilities are rlcit canriElc aul cin ane ollhurwisie celerminac ty the Derlartmeni la ricd be in canfanmariae wish the applicatllEl Prcijeai Sllaricares, the Department, in acdilicin to its night of lerminaticiri LrldErn paragnaph 4(a), may al its opiiori plerfouri aniy neaessary mairllerlanae willhout Ilhe rived o'l any plrion nolliaU and aharge the cast thereaf la th a Aclenay. :I. li is urldensiloac hEltweeri the plarties herald that any plorticin cd an IHO erltiiia pluoject may tle rElmaWid, relacated or adjusted at anly time iri the ilullurEl as deleurnirlec lo to rlElaessiary by the Department in ouden that the acjaaElrlt sllalle naad be wicElnec, allerEld ar oilherwi:ie ohangec lo meet Will- ihEl ilulluIIEI criteria cui pllannirig cdllhe Deplartmerll. The Agency shall tEI cliverl ricitice negandirig such uemoval, rEdacaticin cm acjusdmerlt aric sihall to allawec EICI c aysi Ila remove all an part o-1 the pinajeoll al its awn Iasi. Ve AclElncy will o\An Ilhai Alar oil IIhEI plrcijElci ii remcivEld. AftEui Ilhe 60-cay rarrlcival peuiad, the DepartrTlElrit will becorTIEI the owner of the urinesolvEld plclrlian cd iha p1mi0a9, an( Me DElplartmerli than may nemcive, redciaaie ar a(jLSIl the prajeci as it deems test, with the Aclenay being resrlcinlsitle ilor the cosh inaunied fan ihEl rarricival oil tTe plrcijElai. � . phis LMA may be lermirlated uric en ariy cine oil ihEl ilollowind candilliansr a) % the Deplartmerii, ilihe AclElncy flails lo pElrfanm HS cubes urICElr this LMA lollawincl 19 cays' wnittElrl riatiae; ar IIA1E CIn FI ARIDA DEF A HIM ENT aF 7RAW CIRIAII&I V5-41 CA0 CIAIL AGENCY RRICICIWM AGREEMENT 10/10 LCI 1a1a Pace 18 EXHIBIT "L" dcoritinued] LANDSCAREM Alt TENAt C8 AGREEMONT 111. MAI b; By eiihen plarty 11ollowing 60-aaleric an cat's' wnitleri ricliiae. El. Ini IHS ElvElrlt This LMA is tElnminialec in aacandariaEl Hii11 panaclnaph 4 henwil, 111a AdElricy shall Hava 60 cays after 0EI dale Lpori which chis LMA is Elffectlively 1Elnminiaiec to nElrTicivEl all an par oil the nemairiirig pinojeal all its awri cast aric ElxplEinse. The AclElricy will awn thal par oilIhEI prajeci ii nemavec. AftEin 1hEI 6(1 -cat' r8maval plEmioc, 11`8 DeplarrrlElnill lhElri may take arty acliori wii11 the pinajacill highHay or all an part ollihe p ajeclt it dEIElrris best, wi'lh AEI Aguriay t8ing nElsparisitle ilou aniy r8mau al costs iricu nnEIC . 6. This LMA Elrrltadius the erlllrEl agreElmerll arIC uncEmatarldirlcl tetwEieiri the pariEls 118nolo, aric ihenEl ane rici Clther agnElElrrlenlVs oil LnlcElnsiarlcincls, coral or "nlitElrl, %Aith neferElrlcEI to 11he Elubjecit mailer henucif Thai arEl rlai rrIEIIIgEIC hereini anc supEllnsElcec hEmety. 7. phis LMA may ricit be assigr1EIC cin Inarisfanim by the Agerucly, in whale ar irii Alar, wii11ciut aoriserii oil 1118 Deplartmerii. 8. This LNA shall to gcivenniec by avid carisioLec iru aaacidariaEl %Aiih the IwAs of 1hEl S'latEl cil Rlarical. 9. All nalliaes, cemancs, rElquasls arI oi118rl iris'lnumerits shall tEl di%ari ty cepasiiirig iho sarTiEl ini 1hEI U.S. mail, plaslag8 preplaid, nledistEMElc an certillied wish neiunn necieipli rlegLestBc: a) 111 is 1hEl DEIFIartmElrit, adc nessec io: EIIlEm Dariial, CPM, P.Ell. Local Nagram Engirieen 3� GO "est CarrimEmcial BNc Rort Laucercale, RL 33309 Cin a1 suah ather acerElss as the Deplalrimerli may fnom tirrlEl I tiam c Elsiclrlaie ty H rlltlerl rlciticie to I H a AdElricy; alnd bJ 11Ita Ma AclElrlcy, aCdraSsed ta: Ran(all L. Kneicanck, P.Ell. City ElriginElElr 434 Sauth S%A iritan A%e Delncly EIEIach, FL 3:1444 or M suciH oihou c'ICc Iless as -the Ageriay may lrcirrl lime to lime eesigricilo by writtElnl rloliao tcl 111 EI Depar rriari'l. '10. This LMr, jf aiiachec as an Elxhitii 10 1116 AgrElemeril, farms ari inrlegral part of the AgIlElemerit tetwElElni 1hEI Flarties carled 1 All IirrIEI limit pravic ed heiieuricer shall nluri fnom the dale of iiwaipli cil all such nloliCaS, cemarics, nequests, aric aiher iristnumerils. STATE CIF RLCIRIDA DEPARTMEIM CIR TRANSPCIRTATICIN 921-010-40 LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAN AGREEMENTPRCIDlI4 ICIP ;IIRRCI/0 olI ios Rage 19 EXHIBIT "RL" RC ADW AY LICHTING MAINTENANCO AGREEMONT IRLMA) Ranagraplii 1:1.141 is Eixpan( Eid ty 1hE1 fallawing: 'I. a' ThE1 Agericly shall, at its sC11E1 cast and E1xp1E1nse, maintain thE1 Misting or abaul Ic1 It El iristalkid naacway lighting syslem throughout its EaplecdEic usEdul IifEi unless anc until this Eahitit is supEulsEicec by a S9a'le Highway MairltEinanloEl arlc Ccmplensakin AclneEirmint. tl; In mainllaining the naacway Iiclhtirlq syslem, the Pgerlcly shall plerf iwn sill activilies n0ciessarjl iia kE1E1pl the naadway lighting aystEim fully and K1110PEudy furlalioning, wish a minimum of 9(1% lighl:i bumirlcl fcm airy lighting typ16 JELCI., high mast, sAn( anc, Ln( E111 c E1ck, siclri) ar noacwaiy system at all times fan 111 did nanmal Ea ple4d is u seilul lisle in aaaclrc anae wilh the ariclinal cosign 11`16rEicif, whElther necesisi'la'led by nlclrmal wE1ar anlc lean, aCI&Elntal ar inlanllianal c amage On aicils oil nalum. Sai( maintenarlae shall incluce, but rid Iimilec ta, clnw idirlcl electniaal plowEin anc playing ad1 ahamgEls assaaiatEld IherElwiilh, noutirlEl insplaclion anc ilesiting, pplevenlatiVE1 mairltElnanaEI, emengenq mdni Einariw, rElpllaaemerll oil ainy carnPlonlE1n11 parts cd the fldWiEis (irlclucing thE1 plale:i and arty anc all olhErl ciompclnerll parts insiallec as part cd the fa1c11111aa;, and the laaallrlcl I1tolh VEIr lclally alrlc horizorllallly) O'I lhE1'lac111lles as may bE1 rIEIOEissary. a; All maintenancE1 shall bE1 irI aaacmdanac with the pravidans cif the fallcminlq: 1j'I; Marlual of Unifcmm Tnaffic Corltnal DeviaEls (IMI TCD ; anc 112 All olhEM aplplliaat le ICICE11, stalte ar Ile( E1nal laws, rules, rE1801U110ris an orc inan cies arlc Department pinoce( L nE1s. Rccionc Keepirlg The AdElnay shall keepl neoores cif all activities porfanmec pursuant to this RLIVA. The neoores shzill to kept in such ilormat as is aPFlnove( by Ihe DepartmElrlt. E EifaUlt In the evEint tha'1 the Agency tmad Els arty cd the pimisiorls al: me, 'Then in acditicln to arty cilhen nemecies which ane atherwisE1 pinovicec 'lar in this AgneElrmini, the DeFlarlmerit may eNElraisEI OnIE1 an mcme oil Ihe ilalloNAing clptians, pnavica( 11 hal at rlci Iime shall 111 E1 Deparrmini hE1 Elnrlillec ilo neceive coutlE1 ne(IclVElryl of damages: a) RL nsue a claim 'lar ( amages su ffEmec t y th a DElpartmend an the plu t tic. tj RGrsuE1 airly oilhen name( iE1s legally availatle. c' Ps to any wank not FlerforrTlac t the PgElncy, porkinm any wank wilh its oNAn 1011cE18 cir 1Hnouclh corllraalors anc seek mirTi umarnenll far -Ihe cast tharocif 'Inom the Pgerlcy, if ithE1 AgElrlay tails 10 UrE1 ihE1 ricin-Flerformanca within 1,e calcrldan c ays after wnitlerl rlcitiae 1rcim 'Ihe DeFlartmerll; hawEn en, that acwinw nolica and cmie shall not to Flnecorlciticlns in IhE1 E1ven11 o'I arl Elmergenay. STA79 OF1 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF IR/ PIE F ORIAIION 59 9-010�Ic LOCAL AGENCY PRC GRAM AC REEMEN11 PRODUCTION; UPPORT Wae Page 90 EXHIBIT "RL" dcorillinueidj ROADWAY LIGE TNING MAIN TEN A N C EI A G REEIM ONT ijRLMA ) Fuici I MajEIL nEI Neilher the Agency rlan ih8 Department shall bEi liablEl to Te atter lcui any failune is perfanm urideu This Eoititil tci 1HEI EIrIEIrit such pElrfanmarICIE1 is prEIVElrrlEld by an actll of Go(, wan, niois, naiuual cataslraphEi cm oihen evElni beyoric iHEI aoritnal cif Te riori-pEirfanming party anc wtiah ccwld not Lave teens avoicEic cm civEuicarre ty the 8NEnclise 011cLe diligeriae, plravi( Eid 1118 party claiming tte eNcluse foam Flerforrr eircie 1 -as: a) PnamFlily ricitiliec the o1hE11I party o111te cicaunieriae anic its es'limate c Lnaiion, t Pnampily rEirriEldiec cul n iiigaiec the effEici,l cif'lhe oaaLiirEiriCEl to'lte eNierit pcisEiitle, Eind a; REISL fried FlerFanmaruae as soon Ess Flossih IEI. M isaellariEiau s a' The paries urideidaric and agnae shall 1110 DeFlarrriElni 1 -as manuals and wisher Flciliaies and pucicEIduues vvhict shall to appliciable ai the time of ite prajeai arld 1he relacatian cif the laciiliiies vrid 8xaepi Thai UE] Agenay and ihEi Deparmen'l may Nive Elnier8d iriiio jciirrl agrElemenils fan utility work lo to Flerforn Eld dy a cardiiaatan. To 1110 eNtElnt that such a joirii agrElElmeni Eikisis, this Ealiihii shall not applly la llaailiiies acivenec by the jainrl acpaemEirit. CaFlies of DeAlarlmeni manuals, pciliaies, and FlraaecLnEls will to FlravicEld to the AgerICIN Lrjori rEiquEls'l. t; Time is 011111 El Eisseruoe in the performance cif all oldliclaticins urideu This RLIVA. STATE CF 1LCRI0ADE1PARTM9Pl Cf1TRANSPCRTATICN 121-010-40 LOCAL AGENCY PROGRAM AGREEMENTPRC DICTICPISURRC/1 rano Rage 21 EXHIBIT "I" TRA FIRIC SIGNAL MAINT11i N C Ii C REEIM ENI QIISMA ) RaragraplH 1113 is ail plainic ed by 1111i falloff ing: The pair ies mu'ually aigrae circ cavarianii ais falloffs 1. WhElri'he Disiriat llnaffia OKIEWlionis Engineer of'fie DElplartmerit has senvEic a naquesl ouden on the Ageniay, aric the desigmatEic officien oil lhE1 Agemcly hzis lla\aratly ackncmle(cla( the requEls'l oneer, thEl AgEiria) Si uni(ElrakEl the relspansitilitias to maintain and apanale misting ar new traffic signeils anc signal sysiems mEintianec im -Ihe nuquesl anclan. 2. The plrciplose( furialiomal eesign and apleratian oil mew lrallic siclnials anc signal syslerns shall de reivie\Le( ty lihe Ageniay in aorljunatiari Hilh the Deparmant Fluiar to installation. Suad design ainc oplEmEliom will to ais ememdy ElfficiElrrl as plossit le. J. Ilhe installatiari cd signals cm sidnail systems shall not an(anigEnl higli 'na\el anic shall be aanicuclec iri aaaarcainicie with Part uI of the Manwail oni l riilcmm Traffic Ccinrinol DEI\icas QMUIICCI;, as ElmElridec, anic Hith all alpplliaablEl Derlairmenil sianicares, splacillicaitiaris and plains davEmnincl iraiffic aoniiral fan slrElElt anc highway aanistnuatian anic mairltElniariaEi. z. Ilhe Aganay shall dEI respansitle tan the maimienlance and aantinuous apleratian of the iralffic signals Elrid signal sysllems (cieniiral aampluien, aEurlElnas, Message signis, anic aommumiciationis inil enaarinieat), sahcial aonlEl'nEiffia aoritral ce0aes, inileusEia'lian flashing tElElaonis, illuminalEic stneei sidri marries, ainic the paymenii of elEiailniaity ani( elecitnical changes iricu nrElC iri cloniriElcdiari \Lith the oplEiiiion cd such Inaffla signails anic signal systems upon clomKllEltiari cif Their inistallariicin. Iri the caisE1 oil ccinislrucliori aciritnaats, 111Ei Agenicly shall to nesplonisible ii the playmcrit of aleatniaity ani( Eleclricial cihangEls iricunrElC in aarinecitian \Aiih the operation of the traffic signals anc signal systEirris, anic shall urieertEike 111Ei mainlerianicie ani( acinilinivaus oplEmalion oil sat( Inaffia signiails anc signial sysiems uplom firial aiaaeplanicie oil lhEl installation ty the DEipiartmemi. Rapain cm neplaaernent Elne other rElsKlansitililies of the inslall0ion cianluicrlcir anic ihEi Deputrriarrl, dunind the bunni-ini penia( te'weEln aonicilioriail anic final aaaeptanicie, ane cioniiainied in the most nElcierit Derlarimenii's EItaindEind cipeaifiaaliariis 11or Rciac Eiric 9nicpE1 Ccinistruclioni. 9. ThEI Ageria) shall mairriain and al iaia 1hEI'nafficl signals anc signal syslems in a muiren'hal \A ill enisune sane ani( eftiaiElrit mo\emerit oil higli tnafficl ainc ilhal aigrEle with mainiamaricE1 pnaicli(lEls pnasaritEld by 1110 Interria'ianal Muniiciipal Signal Assaaialiom ]IMSA) anic ciplenaticinial rElquiremenlls cd the MhIICD, as amElniced. -Re AgElriay's mairtenialncie uesponisibiliiies shall inialuca, bui not de limited ta, prEivElrlti\e malintanariae (pericicia inspeatian, scNiaEI, anc rciu'lirlEl nepains), ani( EirnfflgEiniay mairrlanariaEl Qlraubleshociting ini the ElvEirit oil Elquipmerit mallfuncitiari, failurEl ou c airriagE(. ThEI Ageriay shall neacinc its mairlt0nianiae acliviiies ini a lraftia siclrial mEiiritElrianicie Icig \Ahich shall aoritairi, as a rriiriimum, tnaffia sidrial lag details neccimrriEinic EIC ty the IMSA. EI. ThEI AgElricy may rElmo\e any aorriplcinerit of thEl inistalla( equipIrrlEinrl fcm nai in; howe\ar, iii shall riot make any planmananl rriae ificialionis aridilor equ iplmenil nepllaaerrlElrits u nless th a equ iplrrlElnrl Apia\ is a( is th El same age an nawen ainc is capable cif performing the same iluniaticins. -1i DElplartmerit shall ria'l makEl any madifiaaiioris Eirid/cm ElquiprrlElrit ueplEiaernElrits without prion written nalicEl to the Aclenay. 3. Ilhe Aclenay shall Set auric mainllaini the timirig ainic plhasincl oil the traffic signals ini acciorcaniae with id EI DeplartmenTs liming anc pl img plans, spe(ifiaatians cut splElaial ppio\ isions. The Ac gena' may make moc ifiaalicins in pflasing oil tnaffia signials anc signal sys'lems to aaaarrirriacaile adariginici mElElds oil tnaffia pino\id0c Fliicir wriliEln appno\aI is oblaimEld 1lnarrl MEI DElplartrrlElrit. DeplarimElnll arlplraval shEill to cionilimclenll uplan ari eriginieEluind neplar pliElli ty ar tan the Ac eniay ini aaccm(ancEl with CIElalian 'IA.CI9, "9nginElElnimg Study ain( EniclirlElElrinig JucgmEmii", of ida IUUTCD rElciommericincl such ahEiniges Eirie signed anc sElalec by a cluallifiElc PrcifElssianal 9ngimElan licierisec ini the cliale of l iida. ThEI Agemay may make ahaniges in 111El siclrial iimirig plil idElc'hese cit inges Eine mac El uriden the cineciticiri all a dualifiEle Pnofessiciriail Endiriaer. Ilhe AdElnicy shall senic a signiad Eirid sealElC (lop) o11'he timings la the Department immec iatEly aflan inis'lalla'licini. ThEI Department rElsElrvEis td El night to ElxEuriinle equipment, timing, arid plhasirlg all Ery lime and, aftEui acinsultatian Hi111 the A(18ricy, may specify mocifiaaticinis. 11 111E1 DEIpVrtment SFIElcillies macillicaiian ini timimcl anic/an Klhaisirig, implerrlElritaiticiri of such rriacifiaa'ianis shall bEl caorcinalec Hilh, air mac EI ty thEl AgEiray. 31ATE CIF FI ORIDA DMRARTNINNT ON TRANSPCIHIATICIN 335-410-00 LOCAL AGENCY RROCIRAIM AIGREOMEN11 PRCIOIICTION9UPPCIRT lon0 Page32 EAHIBI11 "T" (corilimCIC j IRA RRIC SIGIS A L MA INTHNA NC E AC REHM EN1 ,17SMA ) EI. THEE Acenay shall nate ins 1H6 mairiteiriariae loc any liminc ariddor plhasirig chariceei and keep a coyly of 1116 timings anic arty agInaval documerldian in a file. SI. THei Aceiriay may eriien irita acneeirn6rils with ather parieei pleirainincl to traffic signals anc signal sysielms inal4diric, Lull ria'l limiteid 1o, agr6emerls redaitirig io casiei anic eocplGrieieis ina4rred in carreciiori m illi the cplenalian of inaffia eiignals aria signal sysiemei ori the Siale Hiclhway Sysilem plimidec chat mch agneem6nts ane aorisisit6rrl with IHEI mutLal aavenaritsi corilairied iri chis IISMA. The Pgeniq shall ftnrish a aaply oil such adreemerlei to 'Ihe 06plartmerl. 'I (I. Thisi TSMA sh all remain ini ilarce du nincl ihei lisle oil the aric irlally inisitalled ec L iplment arc/cm II -e life cd arty replacement ecuiplmenil installed wish 1116 muival carmeni al the plairtiesi 116nelO LnIA eiupem;iedec by a Traffic Sicnal N airiteirianice aric Comperisalion Ac reemerl Leiweler the D6plartmenil aric lhei Ageriq. STATE OFHLCIHIOADEPARTMHPI CIH TRANSPORTATION 575-010-4( LOCAL AGEN CIY PROGRAM AGREBMBN 11 HHgDUCTICIN SUPPORT asno Page 33 BAH 161111 "A" PROJECT ElErnMATE AND 111SIBURIIEIMBNII SCHEDULE FPIN: 420412-1-58-CI1 &4204'12-2-5f1-CI1 This ay 1, it ii ilorms ari iritegral Flart of tl• a AgreEiment betweari iI f• a E talEll of Flcuiic a, ❑Eiclartmerit of TranspartaJari (DepartmEirit) and The Cliiy cif ❑elnay Beach Bated 571Z SIREGIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY AGENCY: TH e following paragii rorllacias Sleotiori 4.00 Plrajeci Esil imatEi and Disk u nsemarit Slch ec a le of the Local Agency Rnognam AclrEiEimenil exEiciuted tatween the Declartmenil and Da�I ec -15 Fl icir 'Ici 'T Ei execution ciil chis Agreemarit, a clnojaot scil- Eic u le of furicing shall be Klneclaned k y We Agency and appi by tli a ❑eclartmenil. Tf e A genoy shall maintain laic scil' ac u le of furic ing, carry ciut tl1 a clnojecil, aric sliall inciu n obligations againsil and make disbursements oil prcijecit funds only iri confcmmity with the lailes,l appro%ec scitedu IEi of fu ric iricl for I El projecil. The schedule cdl ilunding may bEi reg isac by exEiciution cif a LA Fl Supplemental Agreement lretwaEw tl'e Department and the Agency. The Agency acNrtiwlacgas aric agreed it at funding ilor this clnojecil or any AmEmician Recioveryl and Reirivesimenil A cit (JARRA) clnojecil may bEi reducec u pori determination cif the awand amount and e)eouticini of a LAR Slupplemenial A cpaemeni. If a LAR Su FIplamenilal AclraEimenil is ayecu ied, a ccirly oil ire LA R Slupplemenial sl1 ciu Id t e fcirvaarc ec to tll e ❑aclartmei REic Emal-Aid Managemeni Office. STAIE CF It CIRIDA DEPARIMENI CIF 1RM SPCIRTATIaN 52! -010130 FIEDERAL-AID RRC JECI RUNDINGI RECIUEST CaNSIRI CIICIN 08M Pag4 1 at: DAl E AGE N C ti Ci y o1 Dellnary Bealct FE 0E RAIL -AID FRCJOC T NL MBI1Fi 4EI`I4 CACP FIN N L M BER 420412-1-98-0 8 42a412.2• 0I8 -0'I S1ATEI JC B N L MBER 11F PAGE N L MBER _ F FIOJECT IIILEI: Milling and nesurfacirg an necorislrr.clirig portions of US 'I i SR -5 and A11EirndiaAve RRCJEICT TEIRMINI FRC M: Sault of Hartorsic EI Drivel to Bord Way and 5aulhtourid U9-1 La Nartht:ounic US -1 \A ORK RF AISE : ❑ F LAIN N ING ❑ BNVIRC N N ENTAIL C DE SIGF � CC NSl RLC 11C N ❑ RIGHI CF WAN AM ARO TYPE : 51 LOC AIL ❑ LOC AIL FORCES E N � IRCNMEIN TAL UOCUN HNT: N a6 the lyFle of envinann,ein al dacurr enl pnepE nec , inc icalc lhei appicival c tet, anc 1hE1 rr osl nE1aEIn1 reEIVEllUVIi(In CMCI. EIS aIplFlrciVEld an: and reevaluaiec on: EA i FC NSI apFlnclved an: Catec arical Exclusion: Ri agrarr rratia CEltegclnical Exclusion dElterminatian an: Type I C alagadcal Exclusion delEmrr ina licln an: 1'U15d21(1'1 I lype II Categicimall Elxalusian determination an: Ce ecclnical Exclusion Rafin aluatieln an: anc nElevalualEld can: PHA; 9 TOTAL E 911MAIED COST nearest Dollar LOCAL AGEINCY FUNDS nearest Dollar SIATEI FUNDING nearest Dollar FEDERAL FUND: (maresl 13ollan) F EIRCEINT OEILIGATICN IVITE FEMORAIL Manlh A Year FUNDS PLANNING DESCRIRTICNOF FROFOSE 0WCRK ❑ N(ivy Canslructicm C 3-R ■' EnhancerrElnl ❑CangfislianNitigalion MillinidalndrElst.rtacingorreraarmtnucrirg,IancsaaKlinid,ligtlting,arc miriardoairiageiinKlnciverrerls. Raau way \A idlh an L 9-1: 22 fl PM E Bnidce Nurrtiens(s; an FrajElct: NonEl Roadway Width an Atlanlic: 4� H N L mbEin oil L air e:1: 2 LOCAL AGENCY CONTACT REIF119C N DEtE iGN Randal L. Kre'carek, P.EI City Engineer MAILING AIOMBE S: PHONE: RNV CONST. $8,123,44 d .aa $882,000.00 $5,051.604.00 $2,189,840,00 26.95% TCTAL $8,123,444.00 $882,000.Oa $5,CI°1'1,604.00 $2,189,840.aC1 261.951/ DESCRIPTION C R EXISI IN G F AIC ILIT) (Existing 0esicn and Pmsent Candilicln Raacw a y Wic h an UE • 1: 2� H N urr ban cd Lanes a (ane -we y pair) BI is ge N un' ber(s) an RaclijElct : N ones Rc1ac way Wic th an Al le ntic: 2 4 fl N urT ber cif Lanes: 2 DESCRIRTICNOF FROFOSE 0WCRK ❑ N(ivy Canslructicm C 3-R ■' EnhancerrElnl ❑CangfislianNitigalion MillinidalndrElst.rtacingorreraarmtnucrirg,IancsaaKlinid,ligtlting,arc miriardoairiageiinKlnciverrerls. Raau way \A idlh an L 9-1: 22 fl N urr EEm of Lanes: 4 (ane -way pair; Bnidce Nurrtiens(s; an FrajElct: NonEl Roadway Width an Atlanlic: 4� H N L mbEin oil L air e:1: 2 LOCAL AGENCY CONTACT REIF119C N TITLE: Randal L. Kre'carek, P.EI City Engineer MAILING AIOMBE S: PHONE: 4 34 Saul h c winl an AVEI 561-2148-7322 AGENCY ZIF COUEI: Delray Beach FL 3 3,4 4 LOCATION AND 09SIGN ARRRO%AL: B): ^projpg Authority ��Y ��J�-�L�C Z 2ZJ TITLE: C. DATE: 525-010190 CONSTRUCTION 08!00 F age 7 o12 AGON CIN: PROJECT TITLE: DATE: 1 h e City c f Delnay Beac h N illir cl ar d reiiSL r ac incl c n neiicc n stmt tir g pc r for s oil US 1 / SR -E Irc m Sc ut tl c if F cart orsic ei Dn t o Bor d Wary ar d nesaurfacinag Atlantic Ave fncm SOL titoLnc US -1 to � L --- Northbound US -1 BNVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENTS AND CONSIDE RAITI An environmental deivrr inalican has Helen cgrriplekid kiii chis projeict RIGHT C F WA) P IS CI RELOCATION: No dgt I cif way acquisition was nee( eK for this plcaject. 'III- IS RRO, BCIT FAIS BBEN REVIBWE C BY TIF E LEGISLATIVE EIOCY OF TIF E ADMIN ISTIRATIION PIC SN CIY OR AGSNCISS, OR IT'S DE.cIC N BB, ANC IS NOTI INCON.IISTIANTI WITF THS AGBNCIY'SI COMPRE F BNSN B KLAN FlOR COMM L N ITIY DEv BL ORMENT. A EN CY: City afl Del ay ­BS CH a n , DAT EI: `� �9 Z By: ( ayon d Chairman; ✓c l�LfXi "-' C eo- Appuc ved as i o norma and legal a�tti_ oiency: BY: LL:�._ ofto City Attorney