J Braswell 5CITY OF DELRAY BEACH EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALU PARAMEDIC / / � IHLE QC otturtrua+ '. TION�ice[. •.' Yc rTrx• s't r _ 4v .� r t t _ 3 y,r�- . a ,.' _ Y f .... y, .r' y�}��4 •,�„� -. ! ; A r i w .` - � a �;, 6A 1„�'•( r� o '� _ - Y,E,E17PIQf >� �SSGa6�YEMJ.. �,- ""`? 'rf it relates to position. Work product is timely and working on his skills. He completed all probationary POSI i'ION t + "fin s DF :p?Paramedic=s 2. JUDGMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITH CRr -,2Z3 . POLICIES: Decision-making and problem - DEP.4RTi17E1VT: _. Ftre x ,SICK.HOURS USED. 4� q,. ' ` 7 TARDIES:4, ._,.. :.�_ ', i..•F i' . •`Y� { np `' r 'H.'.-- .. ✓ _4 -i�.' `•�y. } ..` > ti, *, --_S` �. 1f_ 'r '�' ,-', r ." :, Yo RE�'IE}�` PERIOD '; 0910811 0 TYPE'ANNW1,b-$PROB'7AiCTIOlN !: �2'YMont-h ro.yt aty ia } NUI E: t'ursuani to Jederal regulation, absences designaled as PAIL.4 leave are not to be relied upon in assessing an employees attendance/reliability, or in olhertivise disciplining or Counseling the employee. PERFORMANCE FACTORS CHECK ONE: Please provide comments for all six Performance 11. Factors. QUALITYMOB KNOWLEDGE: ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations Understands job requirements, demonstrates required job skills and technical.knowledge as Comments:. Paramedic Braswell has worked hard at.learning his job it relates to position. Work product is timely and working on his skills. He completed all probationary and accurate. requirements. I -le completes assigned tasks in a timelymanner. 2. JUDGMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITH ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations POLICIES: Decision-making and problem - solving abilities. Complies with rules; policies Comments: Paramedic Braswell continually demonstrates good and procedures as described in the department decision making skills. He follows all city policies and procedures. and City's policies. 3. PRODUCTIVITY AND RELIABILITY: ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not,Meet Expectations - Produces acceptable volume of work and meets commitments. .Does. not use excessive sick Corinments. Paramedic Braswell is a,hard worker and a self-starter. time (excludes FMLA covered -time). He, completes tasks with little direetion..He used no sick.time. 4. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Ability to get along NMeets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations with both internal and external customers. Comments: Paramedic Braswell has a good working relationship. with his co-workers and.has a great demeanor►with patients. SAFETY: Committed to working safely; uses ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations personal safety equipment appropriately; follows safety rules and regulations. Comments: Follows altsafety rules INITIATIVE AND FLEXIBILITY: Self ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations. starting ability, resourcefulness, and creativity as applied to the duties of the.position. Open to Comments: Great self-starter and easy to instruct. Handles pressure change,. new, ideas and responsibilities, and adapts well to changes during calls and around the station. Handles pressure and adjust plans to meet changing needs. DOES THE EMPLOYEES OVERALL ® YES ❑ NO PERFORMANCE MEET EXPECTATIONS:' (Overall rating is "NO" if employee received a total of 2 or more " Does Not Meet Expectations" rating in any category). ,vete: An employee whose overall performance "Does Not-,Neet Expectations" i.s nit eligible for a merit increase: and employee )411 'be placed an a performance Improvement Plan folloti-up evaluations conducted every• {3D} days, -r..r�+�aw-e.rTrn--.+u+-. ..w+=�_�_aa-� .w_ _ _ _ .__._- _ +ui.. rs.:e_i. a.--arm.--moi-ac _._-=i..r.T--ar..r —=s..�.t �J��=_.__i+_.J_ e. S. s!_ �.A ✓fF.::'t'n^J _F: _ _ Formulate with the employee his/her performance goats for the next.rating-period. State how. often you will review his/her progress and what training or assistance you will provide to help this employee reach his/her goals. The employee is responsible to schedule the review session with the evaluator. TO.BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE: Answer the following questions and return this form to your supervisor. MAJOR ACCOI'IPLISHI'IENT(S): What performance goals have you achieved during this rating t period? I have completed my 12 month probationary testing and passed all nry. modules. EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT: What specific training or work assignments have you provided For other employees to develop their knowledge and skills? I have helped some of my probationary co-workers with practicing on probationary fire skills, ems scenarios, studying protocols. SUPPORT NEEDED: What type of guidance or other support do you need from your supervisor to improve your performance during the next rating period? I «,ill continue to ask questions and learn from my mentor captain. He has lots of experience and knowledge in the fire service. SELF -DEVELOPMENT: What methods/programs/courses, etc. are you using to keep abreast of new—developments in your field? I will be attending fire classes to obtain snore certifications to expand my knowledge in the f re service. training on skills and.continuing to study.SOG's• and protocols CITY OF.DELRAY BEACII - EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PARAMEDIC EMPLOYEE: I.have reviewed the evaluation and it has been discussed with me. I have been encouraged tc comments. 1 understand that my signature does not imply agreement with the evaluation. Employee Name (please print): JoW Braswell Employee's Signature ! Date: EMPLOYEE COMMENTS FOR THIS EVALUATION: I have learned a lot from my mentor captain and employees through this 12 month period and will continue to listen and learn from.my co-wokers thoughout my career. llt�C UJJtVl`I VIN r U 1.UML FhKt VKMAINUt UVALN: PRIORITY#1: Attendina fire classes OBJECTIVE: Expanding my knowledge in the fire service. 011JECTIVE: Gain more experience through obtainin more certirications. PRIORITY#2: Maintaining physical fitness. OBJECTIVE: Working out and training on my skills OBJECTIVE: 'Eating a well balanced diet to stay in in shape. EVALUATOR: I have discussed this performance evaluation with the employee. Name (Printed) S Title: _ Cr,LlrGt signature -4 Date: BATTALION CHIEF: Name (Printed) jc- C r 4 L c -s v Signature: ASSISTAI Name (Prix Signature: Date: FIRE CHIEF: Name (Printed) 0 0 O Signature: [.&&q— Date: