J Peterson 3CITY OF DELRAY BEACH EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PARAMEDIC - ..._._ .......bald.. onsuv,wua, 1 ,mss aoo, EMPLOYEE NAME: Jacob Peterson CHECK ONE: Please provide comments for all six Performance EMPLOYEE#! 736934 POSITION: Paramedic 1. QUALITY/JOB KNOWLEDGE: GRADE: 223 DEPART1iErT: Fire SICK HOURS USED: 0 TARDIES: 0 REVIEW PERIOD. 09/08/14 — 03/08/15 TYPE: A14-NUAL ❑ PROBATTONARY 0 6 Month AlU1P_: Pursuant to federal regulation, absences designated as FMLA leave are not to be relied upon in assessing an employee's attendance/reliability, or in otherwise discialining or counselinjZ the employee. FACTORS CHECK ONE: Please provide comments for all six Performance IPERFORMANCE i Factors. 1. QUALITY/JOB KNOWLEDGE: SMeets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations Understands job requirements; demonstrates required job skills and technical knowledge as Comments: Peterson is performing at a jab skill level of a six month it relates to position. Work product is timely employee, and accurate. 2. JUDGMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITH ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations POLICIES: Decision-making and problem - solving abilities. Complies with rules, policies Comments: Peterson's decision making and problem solving on and procedures as described in the department EMS calls continues to improve with experience. and City's policies. 3. PRODUCTIVITY A\D RELIABILITY: NMeets Expectations ❑ Does \Tot Meet Expectations Produces acceptable volume of work and meets commitments. Does not use excessive sick Comments: Peterson finishes reports timely and any other assigned time (excludes FMLA covered time). tasks. $4. CGSTO ITER SERVICE: Ability to get along $Meets Expectations � ++ Does Not Meet Expectations with both internal and external customers. Comments: Gets along well with his co-workers and public. He is polite and professional. -. SAFETY: Committed to working safely; uses ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations personal safety equipment appropriately, follows safety rules and regulations. Comments: Follows all safety rules 6. INITIATIVE AND FLEXIBILITY: Self- MMeets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations starting ability, resourcefulness, and creativity as applied to the duties of the position. Open to Comments: Peterson- is adaptive to the changing needs of his change, new ideas and responsibilities. Position. Handles pressure and adjust plans to meet changing needs. DOES THE EMPLOYEES OVERALL ® YES 0 NO PERFORMANCE MEET EXPECTATIONS? (Overall rating is "NO" if employee received a total of 2 or more " Does Not Meet Expectations" rating in any category). Note: An employee whose overall performance "does i'vot =neer txpeerarions-- is nor eugmre Jur a merry rncrcase unu enrNrvycc will e,e placed an a Performance Improvement Plan fallow -up evaluations conducted every (30) day-. Formulate with the employee his/her performance goals for the next rating period. State how often you will review his/her progress and what training or assistance you will provide to help this employee reach his/her goals. The employee is responsible to schedule the review session with the evaluator. TO BE CONIPLETED BY EMPLOYEE: Answer the following questions and return this form to your supervisor. MAJOR ACCOMIPLISHMEN.-T(S): What performance goals have you achieved during this rating period? - Became proficient at the charting system - Became proficient at DBFR protocols. - Became proficient at daily routines and task associated with a DBFR probationalfirefighter. EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT: What specific training or work assignments have you provided for other employees to develop their knowledge and skills? Assisting new recruits with any questionsleoncerns that have been assigned to stations with me. Due to me being a RN in the ER at Delray medical center I have had the opportunity to discuss/inform personnel with questions they have as to why specific questions/actions take place upon arrival to the emergency department. SUPPORT \SEEDED: What type of guidance or other support do you need from your supervisor to improve your performance during the next rating period? - To continue to advise me on unfamiliar fire ground and EMS operations I have not been exposed to. SELF -DEVELOPMENT: What methods/programs/courses, etc. are you using to keep abreast of new developments in your field? Continuing to study E•tlSprotocols, and SOPISOG of this department. After my 1 year probation is completed, I will then be allowed to further train to become certified in advanced areas of rescue. Areas including but not limited to, HAZ%L4T Tech, Dive Rescue, Inspector, ect ... Continuing ask for tips and advised from more senior members of this department, to better equip myself with the tools need to excel in this profession. Taking advantage ofour new online training programs offered through Target Solutions. CITY OF DELRA Y BEACH - EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVAL UA77O Nr P_4RAMEDIC EMPLOYEE. I have reviewed the evaluation and it has been discussed with me. i have been encouraged to make comments. I understand that my signature does not imply agreement with the evaluation. Employee \Tame (please print); Jacob Pet Employee's Signature "' Date; -z � EMPLOYEE COQ IENTS: Overall I have been more than happy with my experience thus far. I can't thank my step trainer, Captains, and Chiefs enough for providing me the tools to become a proficient firefighter paramedic at DBFR. I am looking forward to my future here with DBFR. DISCUSSION ON FUTURE PERFORMANCE GOALS: PRIORITY#1: Complete and Sign off of DBFR S.T.E.P Program. OBJECTIVE: Become proficient at DBFR ETNIS Protocols, SOP, and SOG's. OBJECTIVE: Gain skill and abilities that will allow me to be a functional paramedic at DBFR. PRIORITY##2: Complete and pass 6 month evaluation. OBJECTIVE: Practice and become proficient at DBFRs fire ground operational procedures. OBJECTIVE: Continue to gather knowledge and skills needed to be a proficient DBFR employee. EVALUATOR: I have discussed this performance evaluation with the employee. Name (Printed) Ilene Rose Title: Captain Signature: Date: BATTALION CHIEF: Name (Printed) Gregory Giaccorie Signature: Date: 3 -t7 -/-5 3A / is ASSISTANT CHIEF: Name (Printed) , Signature: Date: 3 J(S FIRE CHIEF: Name (Printed) c4 kino Y Signature:�@,,dw, I'at, - Date: