M Strahle 2CITY OF DELRAY BEACH EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION P A R A MPnTC DELRAYBEACH ki'Ai AR•Maed l 7793 21101 1--, , ov awurFr. avJeuer"GFL !'E;�'Gl{UllUIT, aosences aesignatea as PjKLA leave are not to be relied upon in assessing an employee's attendance/reliability, or in otherwise disciplining or counseling the emplovee PERFORMANCE FACTORS CI;IECK ONE: Please provide comments for all six Performance Factors. l . QUALITYMOB KNOWLEDGE: ❑Meets Expectations ® Does Not Meet Expectations Understands job requirements, demonstrates required job skills and technical knowledge as Comments: Matt is a very hard worker. The only current opportunity it relates to position. Work product is timely for improvement would be completing the STEP. Additional and accurate. time/h aining is needed prior to testing out. 2. JUDGMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITH ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations POLICIES: Decision-making and problem - solving abilities. Complies with rules, policies Comments: Matt complies with all policies and procedures, and procedures as described in the department and City's policies. 3. PRODUCTIVITY AND RELIABILITY: ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations Produces acceptable volume of work and meets commitments. Does not use excessive sick Comments: Matt is always looking for additional work and has used time (excludes FMLA covered time), no sick time. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Ability to get along ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations with both internal and external customers, Comments: Matt works well the crew ans hs a good rapport with patients. 5. SAFETY: Committed to working safely; uses ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations personal safety equipment appropriately; follows safety rules and regulations. Comments: Operates safely on fire scenes. He does need a little improvement being aware of biohazards and positioning while assessing patients on scene. INITIATIVE AND FLEXIBILITY: Self- ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations starting ability, resourcefulness, and creativity as applied to the duties of the position. Open to Comments: Matt has adapted well to shift life and is always willing change, new ideas and responsibilities. to go the extra mile with his duties. Handles pressure and adjust plans to meet chap in needs. DOES THE EMPLOYEES OVERALL ®yES 13 NO PERFORMANCE .MEET EXPECTATIONS? (Overall rating is "NO" if employee received a total of 2 or more " Does Not Meet Expectations" rating in any category). Note: An employee whose overall nerfarmtntce "Does Not Meet Expectations" Is not eligible for a merit Increase and employee ivill be placed on a Performance Improvement Platt follow-up evaluations conducted every (30) days. Formulate with the employee his/her performance goals for the next rating period. State how often you will review his/her progress and what training or assistance you will provide to help this employee reach his/her goals. The employee is responsible to schedule the review session with the evaluator. TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE: Answer the following questions and return this form to your supervisor. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT(S): What performance goals have you achieved during this rating period? I have completed more than the minimum probationary signoffs needed. I have grown my paramedic knowledge by putting in extra time doing scenarios EMPLOYEE bEVELOPMENT: What specific training or work assignments have you provided for other employees to develop their knowledge and skills? 1 hovejoined the awards committee and became the secretary. I am helping the newer recruit class with anv help they need or questions pertaining to our rookie year. SUPPORT NEEDED: What type of guidance or other support do you need from your supervisor to improve your performance during the next rating period? I have had great stpport when it has come to my paramedic scenarios, My crews, extended crews (A and B shift) and Captains have gone above and beyond preparing me for my final STEP test. SELF -DEVELOPMENT: What methods/programs/courses, etc. are you using to keep abreast of new developments in your field? 1 have been studying ACLS scenarios online, working on rhythms with SKILLSTAT.com, teaching my crews scenarios to learn it from another perspective. CITYOFDELRAYBEACH - EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PARAMEDIC EMPLOYEE: I have reviewed the evaluation and it has been discussed with me. I have been encouraged to make comments. I understand that my signature does not imply agreement with the evaluation, Employee Naive (please print): Mattli Employee's Signature Date: / EMPLOYEE COMMENTS: I ani continuing to grow as a new PM. I am working hard each day to develop my skill and confidence. I worked hard on my probation book and have completed more than the minimum requirements for my sign offs. DISCUSSION ON FUTURE PERFORMANCE GOALS: PRIORITY#1: Finish the STEP and pass my STEP Final OBJECTIVE: Work nonstop with my crew on scenarios and training OBJECTIVE: I have been working after shift with Captain Saxton on scenarios. PRIORITY#2: Finisli my probationary book OBJECTIVE: Keep working with my Captains on shift to enhance my tool knowledge and use. OBJECTIVE: Keep working with my crews and Captains on my remaining sign offs. EVALUATOR: I have discussed this performance evaluation with the employee. Name (Printed) l -19/ Title: C4 l n Signature: /'�.r-- _ J Date: 3%1a �f S —T� BATTALION CHIEF: Name (Printed) % C..#4Z4?_--1 " Signature; _16Date; ASSISTANT CHIEF: Name (Printed) t. Signature: Date: 3`235 FIRE CHIEF: (+ Name (Printed) Ce VrVW Sigvature: Date: