P Britt 7CITY OF DELRAY BEACH EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PARAMEDIC HU T .. y} �r �. tr �i n�i�•� * r� = 5574 � ` .yeJ. i:t_ -3S'T�.TYkf y '1Y L�i�rf' _. '� 'Fl 4-4-qGf'£ 571 f ' �= ': # � "IPLOYEE-NA' � Paul Brttt'4 . ti' EDIPI OYEEt# 1 - i r r i i, i hf x '� ;.. ,���r:4t }' E a _' s 3 x '• r� POSITION cP.aramedtcaw 223 } `lx . ' = _ _..� a F },Sii, -. �°'. _ f. G. ,.. �,•-�ri `:z r. - 3- '_ a ,-, - 'tawZ ' r °".sr c, ',}yiF� t.rt,. r` ,DEPARTMENT:. ,F[r•e'_ a � j SICK'IIUURS,USEMI . 0 r TARDIES.;0 -r Nf,YPI✓: `REV[E1V!'EIiIQD '�0910S/,l w 91Q8/,]5. ANNUAL,❑:PRUI3ATt n'ARY ®,fl2;i`onth`Probatiana NUI E: Pursuant to federal regulation, absences designated as F1t7L.R lecive (ire not to be relied upon in assessing an employee's attendance/reliability, or in otherwise disciplining or counseling the employee. PERFORMANCE FACTORS CHECK ONE: Please provide comments for all six Performance Factors. I. QUALITY./JOB KNOWLEDGE: El Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations Understands job requirements, demonstrates. Comments: PM Britt has successfully shown the required KSA's pursuant required jab skills and technical knowledge as to what is expected of a probationary employee, l_feel his work ethic on it relates to position. Work product is timely emergencies and a routine duty around the station are excellent and in line and accurate. of what are expected of him. 2. JUDGMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITH Olvleets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations POLICIES: Decision-making and problem - solving abilities.. Complies with rules, policies Comments: PM Britt. demonstrates the proper decision snaking and procedures as described in the department skills on emergency calls for his level. PM Britt has not had any and City's policies, issues following policy, SOG's and protocols and 1 do not foeewe any issues in this area - _ . PRODUCTIVITY AND RELIABILITY: ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations Produces acceptable volume of work and meets commitments. Does not use excessive sick Comments: PM Britt is a hard worker on and -off emergency scenes time (excludes FMLA covered -time). and is a valuable asset to DBFR. No use of sick time to report. 4. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Ability to get along OMeets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations with both internal and'extemal customers. Comments: PM Britt has excellent. customcr service skills and goes above and beyond when dealing with the public and addressing their needs. He gets aloe with coworkers with no'issues. -. SAFETY: Committed to working safely; uses ®Meets Expectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations personal safety equipment appropriately; follows safety rules and regulations. Comments: PM Britt has demonstrated a safety conscious attitude and it has been stressed to continue operating in the safest manner possible looking out for himself and crew members on emergency scenes. INITIATIVE AND FLEXIBILITY: Self- ®MeetsIxpectations ❑ Does Not Meet Expectations starting ability,, resourcefulness, and creativity as applied to the duties of the position. Open to Comments: During his probationary year 1 received several calls change, new ideas and responsibilities. from PNS Britt to train on probationary skills. PM Britt always was Handles pressure and adjust plans to meet eager to learn and demonstrated his ability to absorb the information changing needs. and pass all of his required annual probationary. testing including the STEP program. DOES THE. EMPLOYEES OVERALL ® YES ❑ NO PERFORMANCE MEET EXPECTATIONS? (Overall rating is "NO" if employee received a total of 2 or more " Does Not Meet Expectations" rating in any category). �. �v aYtM^C✓YCt-r_t_ �-�Sc�- JL+V'v'J�.--a.++�1�=i Note: An employee whose overall performance "Does Not Meel Expectations" is not eligible for a naeril increase and employee will be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan follow-up evatuations conducted every (30) ddys. Formulate with the employee his/her performance goals for the next rating period. State how -often you will review his/her progress and what training or assistance you will provide to help this employee reach his/her goals. The employee is responsihie to schedule the review session with the 1, evaluator. I t� TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE: Answer the following questions and return this form to your supervisor.' MAJOR ACC0117PLISHMENT(S): What performance goals have you achieved during this rating - _ _— period?� r 1 have finished my 12 month probationary period and began: taking. certification classes. f I EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMLNT: What specific training or work assignments have you provided for other employees to develop their knowledge -and skills? n/a I I SUPPORT NEEDED: What type of guidance or other support do you need from your supervisor to { improve your performance during the next rating period? 1 do not need any further support from my supervisor. I SELF -DEVELOPMENT: What methods/programs/course;, etc.' are you using to keep abreast of new developments in your field? Training videos, articles, SOGs. f r CITY OF DELAAY BEACII - EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PAItANIEDIC EAMOYEF.: 1 have reviewed the evaluation and it has been discussed with me. I have been encouraged to make ! comments. 1 understand that rimy signature dues ngt imply agreement with the evaluation. Employee Na►ne (please print): 1 LEc,- � Employee's Signature EMPLOYEE COMMENT$ FOR 'THIS EVALUATION: Date: -- L.2- ), I have had a hard time finding classes available for career development. Cert pay classes are limited and many coincide with my work schedule. HazMat Tech has been particularIX hard to find. DISCUSSION ON FUTURE PERFORMANCE GOALS: PRIORITY91: I will complete two of my 5 inspector courses. online. OBJECTIVE: I will use time at the station and home for school work. OBJECTIVE: I will achieve a grade B or higher. PRIORITY#2: I will continue to work on career development. OBJECTIVE:: I will try to find a Hazmat or Dive C OBJECTIVE: I will continue to train on high'hazard responses EVALUATOR: I have discussed this performance evaluation with the employee.. Fame (Printed)—�ALC�_. Title: �i ; n Signature: \ Date: 1 l 5 BA'I'rALI ON Name (Printed) Signature: ASSIST C Name (Printed) Signature: Date: 1, ( :5 -- Date': FIRE CHIEF: Name (Printed) G n V1 D Signature: Date: