06-04-85 Special/Workshop
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Please be advised that if a person or persons decides to appeal any decision made by
the City Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing,
such persons will need a record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons
may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record
incllXles the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City
does not provide or prepare such record.
Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, Mayor lbak S. Canpbell has instructed rre to advise you of a Special M=eting
of Council to be held in the Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 4, 1985.
This rreeting has been called for the purpose of:
(1) Considering award of a contract to rerrove asbestos fran the Civic Center
and allocation of funds. (Bids are to be received on June 3, 1985)
* (2) Considering authorizing execution of agreerrent for engineering and
professional services with Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. for
water and wastewater utility system projects.
* (3) Considering execution of a water service agreerrent for Polo Plaza, a
proposed 152,650 square foot specialty retail shopping center and offices,
located on the west side of Military Trail, approximately one-quarter mile
south of Linton Boulevard.
* (4) Considering Resolution No. 50-85 for the abandonrrent of certain utility
easerrents wi thin Rainberry Bay, Section 9.
* (5) Considering acceptance of an Easerrent Deed granting replacement easerrents
wi thin Rainberry Bay, Section 9.
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CJ.ty Clerk
City of Delray Beach
June 4, 1985
7:00 c.m.
Council Chambers
Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any
decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter con-
sidered at this meeting or hearing, such persons will need a
record of these proceedings, and for this purpose such persons
may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon
which the appeal is to be based. The City does not provide or
prepare such record.
*1. Consider ordinance. amending Chapter 11 "Fire Protection
and Prevention" of the Code of Ordinances to provide
exemptions from retroactive provisions of our fire codes
other than the State minimum code (City Attorney).
*2. Consider ordinance amending Chapter 29 "Water and Sewers"
of the Code of Ordfnances eliminating hydrant meters and
upgrading the rates for fire hydrant use (City Attorney).
Consider ordinance amending Chapter 5
of the Code of Ordinances prohibi ting
upon improved City property and
exceptions (City Attorney).
"Animals and Fowl"
dogs from enter ing
providing certain
Consider ordinance amending Chapter 5
of the Code of Ordinances prohibiting
upon improved City property and
exceptions (City Attorney).
"Animals and Fowl"
cats from entering
providing certain
*5. Consider ordinance amending Chapter 9 "Buildings and Con-
struction" of the Code of Ordinances prohibiting direc-
tional signs in City street rights-of-way (City Attorney) .
*6. Consider ordinance amending Chapter 26 "Traff ic" of the
Code of Ordinances establishing that it shall be a vio-
lation of the Code of Ordinances for any person to park
in a handicapped parking space without a valid permit and
establishing certain penalties (City Attorney) .
7. Consider beautification ordinance (Mayor Campbell).