04-04-83 Special [ITY DF DElRAY BEA[H 100NW 1siAVE~JI)F. DEL.RAY BfACH. FLORIDA 33444 3051278-2841 SPECIAL MEETING OF DELRAY BEACH CITY COUNCIL Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, Mayor Willard V. Young has instructed me to advise you of a Special Meeting of Council to be held in the Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M., Monday, April 4, 1983, to consider and take action on the items appearing on the attached agenda. ~~""L-::::Z- C~ty ~ Clerk Enclosures THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH SPECIAL MEETING -- CITY COUNCIL April 4, 1983 7:00 p.m. AGENDA Council Chambers 1. Roll Call. 2. Opening Prayer (Reverend Donald Mackay). 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 4. Approval of minutes of regular meeting of March 22, 1983. 5. Presentation of statements, if desired, by Council Members. 6. Adjournment of this Council. ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF COUNCIL 1. Oath of office to be administered to the newly elected Council Members. 2. Roll Call. 3. Selection of Council Member to serve as Vice-Mayor for one year. 4. Selection of Council Member to serve as Vice-Mayor Pro Tempore for one year. 5. Presentation of statements, if desired, by Council Members. 6. Determination of Council meeting dates for 1983. 7. Appointment of members of Committees and Board: a. Beautification Committee b. City Physicians 8. Consider passage of Resolution No. 22-83 authorizing issuance of $4,000,000 Vlater and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1983.