02-10-81 Regular
Delray Beach Florida
February 10, 1981
1. Opening Prayer.
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the united States of America.
3. Approval of minutes of regular meeting of January 27, 1981 and
special meeting of January 28, 1981.
4. Presentation of items by Council Members.
5. Recognition of public requests from the floor.
6. a. Items not on the agenda submitted through the City Manager.
(1) Consider approval of the Delray Affair.
(2) Consider revising the route for the bicycle path -- N. E.
8th Street between Swinton Avenue and the vicinity of St.
Vincent's School property.
(3) Consider authorizing execution of an agreement between the
City and Palm Beach County relative to construction of
bicycle paths.
(4) Consider approving liquidated damages settlement -- Island
Drive Bridge.
(5) Consider awarding a contract for highway modifications and
roadway paving -- U. S. No.1, Lindell Boulevard, Avenue
"L" and Florida Boulevard.
(6) Consider directing the City Clerk to send the notice re-
quired for City initiated rezoning -- Part of Hamlet
(Parcels "J" and "K").
(7) Appointment of Clerks and Inspectors for the upcoming
(8) Consider ratification of minutes of South Central Regional
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board's meeting of
December 15, 1980 to proceed with the final plans and
specifications for the liquid phase expansion of the
Regional Facility.
(9) Consider ratification of minutes of South Central Regional
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board's meeting of
January 14th relative to odor control program at the
Regional Facility.
(10) Consider execution of Developers Utility Service Agree-
ment -- Abbey Delray South.
(11) Consider membership dues refund policy -- Delray Beach
Country Club.
(12) Consider authorizing payment of MICA bill for Cemetery
(13) Consider request for solicitation of funds
Council No. 4839 Knights of Columbus.
6. b. (14)
Consider request for solicitation of funds -- American
Cancer Society.
(15) Consider request for water and sewer service outside the
City limits -- West of Military Trail on the north side
of Delray West Road (Richard J. Haft, Trustee).
(16) Consider adoption of Resolution No. 6-81 requesting that
the State Legislature repeal amendments made to the
Florida Banking Code.
(17) Report from the Planning & zoning Board relative to site
and development plan approval -- Domaine Delray.
c. Consider authorizing execution of a purchase agreement between
the City and Duncan Industries relative to parking meters.
d. Consider designating Council Member as a representative for the
testing of the Automatic Tabulating Equipment relative to the
Delray Beach Municipal Election.
7. Petitions and Communications
a. Acknowledge minutes of Beautification Committee meeting of
January 7, 1981.
8. Resolutions and Ordinances
a. Consider adoption of Resolution No. 7-81 relative to purchase
of Bermuda sod for Miller Park Phase II.
b. Second and FINAL Reading of Ordinance No. 72-80 relative to
changing the City's Land Use Plan designation for a parcel
located within boundaries of Avenue "A" on the north, Avenue
"E" on the south, Florida Boulevard on the east and Frederick
Boulevard on the west.
c. Second and FINAL Reading of Ordinance No. 2-81 relative to
annexation -- South of Germantown Road between Congress Avenue
and the SAL Railroad (Leo A. and Joan M. Blair, applicants).
d. Second and FINAL Reading of Ordinance No. 3-81 relative to
annexation -- South of Germantown Road between Congress Avenue
and the SAL Railroad (Robert D. and Virginia M. Horner,
e. Second and FINAL Reading of Ordinance No. 4-81 relative to
annexation -- East side of Federal Highway between Linton
Boulevard and S. E. 10th Street, if extended east (Donald
Thompson, applicant).
f. First Reading of Ordinance No. 5-81 relative to annexation --
West side of U. S. No.1, between Linton Boulevard and S. E.
lOth Street.
g. First Reading of Ordinance No. 6-81 relative to rezoning
request -- West side of U. S. No.1, between Linton Boulevard
and S. E. 10th Street.
AGENDA 2-10-81
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6. b.
It is recommended that Council approve, by motion, the
1981 Delray Affair for April 24th through April 26, 1981
inclusive, as requested by the Delray Affair Committee.
(2) The City's Comprehensive Plan includes a map of the City's
bicycle path system. One of the proposed routes is along
Dixie Boulevard connecting from Swinton Avenue over to
St. Vincent's School vicinity. This bicycle path route
was one of the projects included in the Bond Issue.
A petition consisting of 160 names has been submitted to
the City requesting that the bicycle route be changed
from Dixie Boulevard to N. E. 8th Street. This change is
also endorsed by Mr. Clare Short who represents the
Bicycle Path Committee.
It is recommended that the bicycle path be changed from
Dixie Boulevard to N. E. 8th Street between Swinton
Avenue and the vicinity of St. Vincent's School property.
(3) Palm Beach County has approved matching funds for the
City's three bicycle path projects which were included
in the Bond Issue. The bicycle routes include Linton
Boulevard from Germantown Road to the FEC tracks; S. w.
4th Avenue from Linton Boulevard to S. W. 10th Street;
and N. E. 8th Street between Swinton Avenue and the
vicinity of St. Vincent's School property. The County
agreed to matching funds up to an amount of $23,000 and
the County now has the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds
It is recommended that Council authorize execution of
an agreement between the City and Palm Beach County for
construction of these bicycle paths.
(4) As discussed at workshop on January 3rd, it is recommended
that Council approve the levying of liquidated damages in
the amount of $1,000 to be paid by the contractor that
built the Island Drive Bridge.
(5) One bid was submitted for the highway modification and
roadway paving for U. S. No.1, Lindell Boulevard, Avenue
"L" and Florida Boulevard by Hardrives of Delray, Inc.
in the amount of $85,435.
The contract provides for the requested improvements with
the exception of that little portion of Frederick Boule-
vard which was deleted until such time as the right-of-
way is obtained and arrangements worked out to have this
connection paved through to Tropic Isle Drive. The
estimate for this work was $93,325, which does not in-
clude a median cut on Federal Highway for access to the
Keeler property. Council approved this project on
November 25, 1980.
It is recommended that the contract be awarded to
Hardrives of Delray, Inc. in the amount of $85,435
with funding to come from the developer escrowed $40,000
and from proceeds of the sale of City land as discussed.
The County is preparing plans for the traffic signal at
the intersection which they have committed to install.
(6) It is recommended that Council direct the City Clerk to
send the notice required for City initiated rezoning
6. b.
(6) under Chapter 166 of the Florida Statutes relative to
part of Hamlet (Parcels "J" and "K").
Council approved the rezoning request at the January 27th
meeting as recommended by the Planning & Zoning Board.
(7) In compliance with requirements set forth in Chapter 2
of the City's Code of Ordinances, Council should appoint
Clerks and Inspectors to conduct the upcoming election.
It is recommended that the list of possible appointees
shown on the enclosed sheet, from which sufficient numbers
of Clerks and Inspectors will be selected by the City
Clerk, be approved by Council.
(8) The SCRWTD Board, at its December 15, 1980 meeting,
authorized Russell & Axon to proceed with the final plans
and specifications for the liquid phase expansion of the
Regional Facility for the next two months at an approxi-
mate cost of $50,000 earnings per month.
This authorization is subject to ratification by the City
Councils of Boynton Beach and Delray Beach.
Approval is recommended.
(9) The SCRWTD Board, at its January 14th meeting, authorized
the commencement of the odor control program at the
Regional Facility.
This authorization is subject to ratification by the City
Councils of Boynton Beach and Delray Beach.
Approval is recommended.
(10) A Developers Utility Service Agreement has been received
from Abbey Delray South for the providing of water and
sewer service to the area located at 1717 Homewood
In accordance with City policy, the developer has deposit-
ed a check in the amount of $24,800 in the City's Devel-
opers' Fund to cover $62.50 per living unit for sewer
and $37.50 per living unit for water for 248 units.
It is recommended that Council approve the execution of
the agreement by motion at Tuesday night's meeting.
(11) As discussed at workshop on January 3rd, it is recom-
mended that Council establish a Country Club membership
dues refund policy to provide, upon application, for
prorata refund of membership dues (1) to spouses of
deceased members, and (2) to members who move away pro-
vided there is a name on the waiting list to fill the
vacated membership slot.
(12) It is recommended that Council authorize payment of
$16,994.70 to MICA as full payment for the Cemetery
Study. The $16,994.70 is arrived at by multiplying the
City's annual savings estimated amount of $18,883.04 by
90% as provided by contract. MICA's estimated annual
savings figure submitted was $37,933, however, MICA is
agreeabLe to accepting the City's lower figure which
was arrived at as follows:
(a) Foreman Roy Penn moved to Parks Division with half
of his time being used in cemetery work.
(b) One laborer moved to Parks Division without increas-
ing authorized strength of Parks.
PREFACE 2-10-81
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6. b. (12) As a result, savings are as follows:
1/2 Roy Penn ($14,000 ~ 2)
1 Laborer
Christmas Bonus
FICA 1/4 @ 6.13%
3/4 @ 6.65%
Health and Life Insurance
$ 7,450.00
Estimated Total Savings
(13) A communication has been received from Trinity Council
No. 4839 Knights of Columbus requesting permission to
solicit funds on March 27th and March 28, 1981, ap-
proval of which is recommended by the Soliciations
Committee and the administration.
(14) A communication has been received from the American
Cancer Society requesting permission to solicit funds
from March 14th through March 20, 1981, approval of
which is recommended by the Solicitations Committee and
the administration.
(15) The City is in receipt of an application from Richard J.
Haft, Trustee for City water service to serve 4.2 acres
located west of Military Trail on the north side of
Delray West Road, which is outside the City. The property
is presently vacant and the proposed use is for a pro-
fessional office building.
This was discussed at the February 3rd workshop meeting.
It was the consensus of Council to not grant water service.
It is recommended that the water service request be denied.
(16) Resolution No. 6-81 requesting the State Legislature to
repeal amendments they made to the Florida Banking Code
during the 1980 session has been prepared for Council
consideration at the meeting Tuesday night.
This was discussed at the January 20th workshop meeting.
It is recommended that the resolution be adopted.
(17) The Planning & Zoning Board at a meeting held on January
27th, recommended by a vote of 5 to 1 (Simon dissenting)
that the site and development plan for Domaine Delray,
located on the east side of Federal Highway, between
Linton Boulevard and S. E. 10th Street, be approved,
subject to:
(a) City Engineer's memorandum of January 26th.
(b) Director of Public Utilities' memorandum of
December 15, 1980.
(c) Annexation of the property.
(d) A time limitation of 18 months be set for develop-
ment of the project.
This was discussed at the February 3rd workshop meeting.
Approval is recommended.
c. Council adopted Resolution No. 114-80 at the November 25, 1980
meeting authorizing purchase of parking meters.
When we double checked the quantity of meters to be ordered,
it was determined that more duplex meters could be installed.
PREFACE 2-10-81
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6. c. Also there were several locations in the parking lots where
quadraplex (four meters on one post) could be installed.
This reflected a saving for the City in both the type of
meters and the installation cost (because of the reduction
in the number of required posts and installations) and on this
basis, we asked Duncan to revise the purchase. By making this
savings the City is able to obtain needed parking meter repair
equipment and the resulting total cost is the same as originally
It is recommended that Council authorize execution of an agree-
ment between the City and Duncan industries for purchase of
parking meters with revisions in the contract.
d. Council should consider designating a Council Member as a
representative for the testing on Monday, March 2, 1981
of the Automatic Tabulating Equipment at the Voting Equipment
Center, Palm Beach International Building relative to the
Delray Beach Municipal Election which will be held Tuesday,
March 3, 1981.
It is recommended that a Council Member be designated as a
representative for the testing.
7. a. The Mayor should acknowledge minutes of the Beautification
Committee of January 7, 1981 and refer the item marked for
Council attention to the administration for investigation.
8. a. Resolution No. 7-81 relative to ratifying and confirming
prior contract negotiations and to award a contract for the
purchase of approximately four acres of Bermuda sod for
Miller Park Phase II has been prepared for Council consider-
ation at the meeting Tuesday night.
Stan Cruse and Associates is the only company that has the
desired sod available in this quantity at this time.
It is recommended that the contract be awarded to Stan Cruse
and Associates in the amount of $30,346.20 by passage of
Resolution No. 7-81, with funding to come from Bond Issue
funds provided for this purpose.
b. Ordinance No. 72-80 has been prepared for Council consider-
ation on Second and FINAL Reading at the meeting Tuesday
night. This ordinance, if passed, will change the City's
Land Use Plan designation in the Comprehensive Plan from C
(Commercial) to MF-15 Multiple Family (15 units/acre) for a
parcel located within the boundaries of Avenue "A" on the
north, Avenue "E" on the south, Florida Boulevard on the east
and Frederick Boulevard on the west. This ordinance was passed
on First Reading at the November 25, 1980 meeting.
Prior to consideration of passage of this ordinance on Second
and FINAL Reading, a public hearing has been scheduled to be
held at Tuesday night's meeting in order that any interested
parties may be heard.
Council, at the January 13th meeting, continued the public
hearing until the February 10th meeting.
c. Ordinance No. 2-81 has been prepared for Council consider-
ation on Second and FINAL Reading at the meeting Tuesday
night. This ordinance, if passed, will annex a 1.84-acre
parcel of land, located south of Germantown Road between
Congress Avenue and the SAL Railroad subject to LI (Light
Industrial) District. This ordinance was passed on First
Reading at the January 13th meeting.
Prior to consideration of passage of this ordinance on Second
and FINAL Reading, a public hearing has been scheduled to be
PREFACE 2-10-81
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8. c. held at Tuesday night's meeting in order that any interested
parties may be heard.
d. Ordinance No. 3-81 relative to annexing a 2.391-acre parcel
of land, located south of Germantown Road, between Congress
Avenue and the SAL Railroad, subject to LI (Light Industrial)
District has been prepared for Council consideration on
Second and FINAL Reading at the meeting Tuesday night. This
ordinance was passed on First Reading at the January 13th
Prior to consideration of passage of this ordinance on Second
and FINAL Reading, a public hearing has been scheduled to be
held at Tuesday night's meeting in order that any interested
parties may be heard.
e. Ordinance No. 4-81 has been prepared for Council consider-
ation on Second and FINAL Reading at the meeting Tuesday
night. This ordinance, if passed, will annex a four-acre
parcel of land located on the east side of Federal Highway,
between Linton Boulevard and S. E. 10th Street, if extended
east. This ordinance was passed on First Reading at the
January 13th meeting.
Prior to consideration of passage of this ordinance on Second
and FINAL Reading, a public hearing has been scheduled to be
held at Tuesday night's meeting in order that any interested
parties may be heard.
f. Ordinance No. 5-81 relative to annexing a parcel of land
located on the west side of U. S. No.1, between Linton
Boulevard and S. E. 10th Street, subject to SAD (Special
Activities) District has been prepared for Council consider-
ation on First Reading at the meeting Tuesday night.
This property is presently zoned in the County as CG (General
Council, at the October 14, 1980 meeting, requested permission
from the Palm Beach County Board of Commissioners to rezone
the land to be annexed.
Second and FINAL Reading and public hearing will be held at
the meeting on March 10th.
g. Ordinance No. 6-81 relative to rezoning and placing land zoned
CG (General Commercial) (County) in SAD (Special Activities)
(City) District, located on the west side of U. S. No.1,
between Linton Boulevard and S. E. 10th Street has been pre-
pared for Council consideration on First Reading at Tuesday
night's meeting.
Public hearing will be held and consideration will be given to
passage on Second and FINAL Reading at the meeting on
March 10th.
The Palm Beach County Board of Commissioners adopted Resolution
No. R-81-88 on January 20th authorizing the rezoning of the
property from CG (County) to SAD (City).
PREFACE 2-10-81
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