03-17-81 Workshop
March 17, 1981
7:00 p.m.
1. Presentation reo Disabled Citizens.
2. Request reo Community Outreach Program (Rev. Keith Dennis).
3. Water Service Request - West of Military Trail North of Atlantic.
4. Water Service Request - George Bossy.
5. Water Service Request - Federal Plaza.
6. Recreational Request - Plumosa School.
7. Sewer Rate Modification.
8. Beach Parking.
9. Letter reo Recognition of Dr. Clayton Coleman.
10. Consideration reo Garbage and Trash Ordinance Modification.
11. Open Dumpsters (James Carter).
12. Concession Stand/Rest Rooms - Miller Park.
13. Two Amendments reo Police and Fire Pension Plan Ordinance.
14. Ordinance reo Protection of Police Dogs.
15. Ordinance Amendment reo Tandem Parking.
16. Ordinance Amendment reo Off Street Parking Regulations.
17. Ordinance Amendment reo Dedication of Park and Recreation Land.