05-27-80 Regular ctCitp of 119rlrap ~eacb 100 N. W. 1ST AVENUE 13051278.2841 DELRAY 8EACH, FLORIDA 33444 J. ELDON MARlOTT CITY MANAGER REGULAR MEETING DELRAY BEACH CITY COUNCIL AGE N D A May 27, 1980 (1) Second and FINAL Reading of Ordinance No. 22-80 relative to annexation -- 3285 West Atlantic Avenue (Chevron U.S.A., Inc., applicant) . EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/~ lEON M_ WEEKES, MAYOR MALCOLMT. BIRD. VICE-MAYOR CHARLOTTE G_ DURANTE, COUNCIL MEMBEFi JAMES H. SCHEIFLEY, COUNCIL MEMBER WILLARD V. YOUNG. COUNCIL MEMBER