06-17-80 Special/Workshop /11. /\/ ~...... "~'. '~'. ~ 'J.~ tf\ -~~, ((Itp of 119elrap ~ca(b 100 N. W. 1ST AVENUE 13051278.2841 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 J. ELDON MARIOTT CITY MANAGER LEON M. WEEKES, MAYOR MALCOLM T. BIRD, VICE.MAYOR CHARLOTTE G. DURANTE, COUNCIL MEMBER JAMES H. SCHEIFLEY, COUNCIL MEMBER WILLARD V. YOUNG. COUNCIL MEMBER SPECIAL MEETING OF DELRAY BEACH CITY COUNCIL Pursuant to Section 3.07 of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, Mayor Leon M. Weekes instructed me to advise you of a Special Meeting of Council to be held in the Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, June/17, 1980. This meeting has been called for the purpose of: (1) Considering Chatelaine Clubhouse Facility acquisition. -?~~ E zabeth Arnau ity Clerk EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F Proi':~ --, i{e:iiLlents of the Chatelain<:-Tall pines area are interested in having the City of Delray !.leach purchase the 7t acre park with recreational facility adjacent to their community in the western area of Delray Beach. Their interest is based on 1) preservation of green and open space; 2) fulfillment of the statement of in the 1979 Comprehensive Land Use flan which pro,ided for park land in planning area 7; 3) acquisition of recreational facilities in this area where all City residents could JOG, swim, play tennis, relax in the sauna, whirlpool and generally have a place to meet people and hold meetinbs. In an effort to assist the City fathers who have said that they have NU problem with this purchase I 9f the facility is self~supporting, we present the following financial p:;:oposals: Employee plan I Supervisor I ~8400 annual salaries ~18,900 plus benefits Supervisor II ~10500 who will set up programs, teach lessons, all income to City Employee plan II Year Round Operation PersonnelExpenses 2 temporary emp10)'ees @ $500/month 12,000 no benefits who will set up ~rograms in tennis, swimming, 'giv~lessons, and keep a percentage of fees Employee Plan III 2 contractors who will set up pr06rams in tennis, swimming give lessons and keep 90% 000,000 Uther .Expenses utili ties/chemicals general upkeep ~4500 1500 Summary of Expenses personnel plan I $18,900 + plan II utilities/chemicals 4,500 general upkeep 1,500 ~24,900 Income ::>12,000 4,500 1,500 .)>18,000 plan III $0,000 4.500 1,500 ::> 6,000 Club House plan I to be leased--leasee keeps rentals locker fees, activities fees and maintains building sets up fOOd and liquor service. City gets either Monthly rental fee or percentage or gets a minimum of $300/month or combination of percentage and rent Club House Plan II bnployees (as described above) operate and City gets all revenue .f~ Daily fees will be charged l>lembership fees will be charged/proposed 200 at ::>250 --::>50,000 SummalY of Proposal 12 r.tonth ope ra tion 50 ~embers at ~250 Annual rental plan I :p12,500 3,600 or income plan 2 .$1b ,100 ." t'ror'u:>cd l,udget--Pro,'(> ed L:ity l(ccL'eation Facility Initial investment or clown payment from Isles of LJelrilY Improvements One tiII!~ CX~enscs Racquet' ball Courts 5 picnic tables from lilncl sales i? ~170 650 clean and fill pODl 300 cut out jcgginb path and set up steam clean building and paint trim expand parking lot--parking bumpers ~f .~::>4 (32) landsca()ing, mowing, bush trimming set up sprinklers at present owners "---- less picnic exvense total tables ~ ----- _. ---- .. ~ r l'lan 1 If .~ro~osed Schedule: Chatelaine ~eighborhood ~ool and Park July. 4,1980-April JO,lY81 The Pool and Club House July 4-September l(Labor September 2-30 Jpm-7pm will be open to the membership for Day) ll~m to 7pm (59 days) (28.days) Total days 97 s\..;imming Swimming pool--club house will close September 30 and re-open May 1 (Uther Hours worked out on and individual or group basis fees to be determined on a-pay as you go or user pay plan). The Park will open on a fee basis from 9am--7pm July 4--September.- 1 and from 9-0 September 2 to April 30 to the general public for tennis jogging, walking, sitting and socializinf,. Employees 1 s.,imminb-tennis supervisor wl10 will keep lJO% of lessons and be paid hourly at a rate of $5.00/hour (no benefits) for 8 hour day. Supervisor will arrange and/or conduct activities and lessons and manage facility--40 hour 7 day week 1 assistant to supervisor who will have life saving certificate and assis t su..,er V1sor ana du ~Ul1U\::.&: ::;U..I't:4....E;....}J.., ;",,1 ~"d building maintenance at rate of ~4.00/ 0 hour day--~27.00 daily 1 watchr.1an who Ivill lock and unlock par', :In" +('~~~- c':'tt-ts, ~ick up paper:; and trash, and keep an eye on things approximately 1 hour/day e3.00--~100/month. Salaries Swimming-Tennis Supervisor July 4-Sept. 1 00 days ~.)>40 Sept. 2-Sept. 30 29 days ~.)>20 ~ssistant 54 days 0~27.o0 lIatchman \tilOO/month :3 months ';;2400 580 l02i>.40 300 .;>49108.40 Maintenance Utilities & Chemicals Annual ~4500 July l--April 30 (9 months) 3375.00 General LJl'i<.eep Annual $1500 ::> 1125.00 :;;5500 upera ting 5500 :;, 10, 408.40 Total Park---- Swimming Club Fees June, July, August $40/month May ~ September .;>30/month Seasonal Membership May - September :;;150 97 Day membership ~100 Other Income Kemtals--building for receptions, private parties $50 pool extra, clean up extra lockers Food and !.leverage maclling revenue or concessionaire Daily fees (swimming,tennis, etc) 10% of swimming Uther income will defray app. $1i>00 97 day U~erating Summary start UlJ fees :;,6000- 5500 .)>11500 salary plan 1 chemicals/upkeep .))4000 .'5500 9500 plan 11 plan 111 flOOU, 5500 55i.JO plan IV 4900.40 5500 10,408.40 Income 50 members ~100 105. members 5,000 10,500 Amortization of loan of :;>100,000 over 20 years at 10% = .)>11,500.36 starting lliy 1,1981 when"acility ....ill be open for full summer membership. 200 members ~$150will equal .;>30,000 (plus other rever Lxpenses will be salaries bases on pay plap IV plus operating eXlJense Supervisor Salaries :;,7931.60 92 days~ 40 3680 Upkeep, etc. 6000.Co 62 days~ 20 1240 13441.00 Assistant "'IL" 1000;00 insnr>tnc'e 91 days ~ (Tmm Webber) 27.60 2511.60 plus \\a tchman 500 mor tcage 11,580.36 "'--'..Total ,,7931.iJl) Total :;,211,521..-:l/: Uu t go = income=r~c.I:ea.tion=open soace/l11ank you~ --.. .iifJ COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING Agenda June 17, 1980 7:00 p.m. 1. Burglar Alarm Ordinance. 2. Ordinance No. 24-80 - Newspaper Vending Machines. 3. Noise/Time Ordinance (Kraft). 4. Traffic Regulation - South Federal Highway (Mr. Robert Stump) . 5. Ordinance No. 29-80 - Trade Shops. 6. Summer Rates - Delray Beach Country Club. 7. Resolution - Hospice Program. 8. Water Deposit Increase (Council Member Durante) . 9. Appointments - Downtown Development Authority. 10. Appointment - Housing Authority.