140-85 ORDINANCE NO. 140-85 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 30, "ZONING", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY ENACTING A NEW SECTION 30-8.4 "RO RESIDENTIAL OFFICE DISTRICT", AND PROVIDING (A) "PURPOSE"; (B) "PERMITTED USES"; (C) "CONDITIONAL USES"; (D) "LOT DIMENSIONS, SITE AREA, DENSITY COMPUTATION"; (E) "AGGREGATE FLOOR AREA"; (F) "BUILDING SETBACKS"; (G) "GROUND FLOOR BUILDING AREA"; (H) "TOTAL FLOOR AREA"; (I) "BUILDING HEIGHT"; (J) "PARK ING AND LOAD ING REGULATIONS"; (K) "WALLS AND FENCES"; (L~ "LANDSCAPING"; (M) "SIGNS"; (N) "SPECIAL REGULATIONS':; (O) "PARK AND RECREATION LAND DEDICATION; PROVIDING A GENERAL RE~EALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Chapter 30, "Zoning", of the Code of Ordi- nances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended by enacting a new Section 30-8.4, "RO (Residential Office) District" as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and which is expressly made a part of this ordinance. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances which are in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 4. That this ordinance shall become effective ten days after passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 14thday of January , 1986. ATTEST: ~ City VC'lerk -- First Reading December 17, 1985 Second Reading January 14, 1986 "EXHIBIT A" Sec. ~0-8.~ P,O =E~[O£~T[a,L OFFICE DISTRICT The RO district is intended tc provide Far mixed uses or neighborhood office and reszdent.tal nature, in or,er tc serve as a tra,,sition between a strictly commercia) or industrial area and a strictiv r,sidential area; or p~ovide an incentive for development and redevelopment cf older residential neighbo~hooas ~u.:~ch are deteriorating in a state of t~ansition; o~ to proviee Professional offices to meet the needs of the residents of surrounO~ng or nearby neighborhoods, al] builOings and structures shall appea~ to be ~esidential in character regm~aless of the. actual use therein, shall be kept in a sound attractive condition, and in estzblished neiQhborhooOs shall be gene~al]y compatible in architectural style scale ~ith the su~roundin9 area. A building o~ structure in an RO district may contain e~ther a residential use, an office use, o~ a mix, subject to subsection (B) and ~C) below. Ail uses shall be in completely enclosed bulld~ngs and. any outOoor storage is expressly promibited. (1) Ouplex structures, subject to Site and Development Plan Approval (Sec. 30-22). Single family dwellings an~ the: rustomary accessory uses, including bird aviaries, c_~t docks, dog houses and dog runs, garages, green~o~.~s, guest cottages, playhouses, pool houses and ~:~..ers, pump houses, slat houses, storage sheds, swimming pools, tennis courts, tool sheds, ~orkshops, and similar recrea- tional facilities. Single fam[ :v O~ellings shall comply ~th the distr~ct cegulac~cns for t~,e zoning (3) Business offLces subject to 5~te ~C Development Plan Approva] (Sec. )O-Z~), anO Commun'-,~ ~ppearance Board approval. Such approvals may or../ be granted upon findings that the purpose of the ~istr[ct, and Cae p~ovi~ions related thereto, as <.~unc~ateO in su~- pa~ag~ap~ (A) above~ are being met. Professional offices, subject to ~.~e and Development Plan Approval (Sec. )0-22) and r'~mun:ty .4ppearance Board approval. Such approvals -~ only be granted upon finOings that the purpose cf the dkstr~ct and the provisions related thereto, aJ ~nunciated in sub- paragr~:~h (A) above, are Oeing m~t. -1- · (C) CONOI TIONAL USES As prescribed in Sec. 30-21, and after the review of the application' and plans appurtenant thereto, and hearing thereon, the "lannin9 and Zoning 8oard finds as a fact that the proposed use or uses are consistent with good zoning practicea~ not contrary to the Master Plan, and not detrimental to the promotion of public appearance, comfort,. convenience, general welfare, good order, health, morals, prosperity, and safety of the City, the following uses may be recommended to the City Council as Conditional Uses. (1) Adult congregate living facilities, subject, to Sec. ~O-17(Z) (A) (2) Alcohol a~nd drug abuse treatment ffacilities, subject to Sec. ~0-17(2)(8) (~) Child care, adult day cate, and family day care facilities, subject to Sec. }0-17(2)(D) (4) Churches or places of worship~ and their attendant educational, recreational, and columbarium fac- ilities (5) Community center facilities, when operated by a residential, homeowners association (6) Continuing care facilities, subject to Sec. )0-17 (Z)(E) (7) Convalescent homes and nursing homes, subject to Sec. ~O-17(Z) (F) (8) Educational institutions, excluding colleges, semi- naries, training centers, universities, and vocational schools (9) Golf courses, and their attendant accessory uses (10) Governmental offices (11) Libraries (12) Museums (1~) Public utilities, in a completely enclosed building (14) Single family zero lot line dwellings,, subject to Sec. ~0-6.5(P) (1) (15) Social and philanthropic institutions (16) Swimming clubs, and their attendant accessory uses (17) Tennis clubs, and their attendant accessory uses (D) LOT DIME, NSI,,ONS~ SITE AREA,, OiEN,SiITY CQMPUTAFION (1) Minimum Dimensions (a) Frontage 80 Ft. (b) Width BO Ft. , (c) Oepth 100 Ft. (d) Area 8,000sq. ft. (2) Exception On lots or parcels of record, the frontages of which do not m~,et the required minimum of eighty (80) feet, and are not less than fifty (50) Feet, but contain a minimum lot area of six thom;sand (6,OOO) square feet, a single family dwelling, or non-residential use shall be allowed, provided other requirements of this Section can be c~plied with and the setbacks shall be aa provided for in the R-lA zoning district. ()) Duplexes On lots or parcels of. record where duplexes are permitted, and where skid lots or ps,cole are at least 8,000 square feet, and where there is a party wall separating the two (Z) duplex units, each unit together with approximately one-half (~) of the lot may be conveyed, providing each portion of the lot contain'e not lees then 4,000 square feet, and the dividing line runs through the party wall. Tile conveyance as set forth in this paragraph shall not constitute subdivision requiring additional, platt lng. (a) Conditions., (l) The common wall separating the two duplex units must be a fire rated wall, aa required for resi- dential separation in the Standard Building Code, as adopted by the City. Whenever a screen porch enclosure attached to said duplex units is set back from the dividing line between three (3) feet or more, then a screen wall located on the c or:lee n property line between the duplex units shall be extended the same distance aa the screen porch enclosure. Whenever the side of a screen porch enclosure is closer than three (3) feet to the dividing line between the two units in such duplex, then a fire rated wall shall be extende~ the same distance as the screen porch enclosure. Each individual duplex unit and its portion of the lot or parcel it is located on. must be adjacent to a public or private street and have direct access thereto. (E) AGGREGATE FLOOR AREA, (1) The following shall be the minimum floor areas for ali individual units, within duplex structures, expressed as net living area, exclusive of balconies, decks, porches, and common area such as corridors: (a) Efficiency /400 sq. ft. (b) One (1) bedroom 600 sq. ft. (c) Two (2) bedrooms 900 sq. ft. (d) Three (3) bedrooms 1,150 sq. ft. (e) Four (/4) bedrooms 1,:~50 sq. ft. A minimum of l:wo (2) bathrooms are required four (/4) bedroom multiple family dwelling units. (2) No building or structure shall oontain more than Z,SGO sq. ft. of business or professional oft'ice space therein. - (F) BU[LO[':G 1he ~¢~low~ng shall be the minimum setbacks for al~ build. Lng stcuctures in th~s zoning distr~ct and shall apply separately to eac~ story: ~s~or~es ~ o~ .... (1) Front 2~ Ft. (Z) Side (interior) 15 ft. ... (]) Side (~t:eet; Z5 (~) Rear Z5 Exception: When a ~arcel of l~nd zoned RO Residential Office District abuts a parcel of land zoned single f~mily withou~ any divi- sion or separator between them, such as a street, ~lley, rail. road, waterway, pa~k, ar other public open space, the following shall be the minimum setbacks on the abutting perry line of the parcel of land zoned RO and shall ~pply separately to each sto~y: ~ S~o~i~s~ ~ Z (1) F~ont Z5 ft. Z5 ft (Z) Side (interior) l~ ft. ZO (]) Side (~treet) 25 ft. 2~ ~t. (~) Rear 2~ ~t. ~ ft. (G) GROUND FLOOR BUILDING AREA The toro[ g~ound rloo~ buL[d&ng a=e.~ of a]]. buildings and structures sha[[ not exceed forty (~0., percent or [he [ot a~ea. (H) TOTAL FLOOR AREA ~0 ~equ~=emen[s. (I) BUILDING HEIGHT No buk/d/ng or structure sha[[ be conzccucLed to a exceeding ~'o (Z) rloo~s~ or t~enty-f~v'e ,~5) feet. (J) PARKING AND LOADIXG REGULAT[ONS ([) Sec. ]0-[8 and Sec. )a-j9, sha[~ apply excQj~ as modkr~ed he~ekn. (Z) Bus,ness and professkcna[ orr~ce ~8LL p~ovkde one pa~kkng space per lO0 sq. Ft. cf tcta[ f[oa~ a~ea. P=ov~ded, ho~ever~ that this cequ~ce~ent ~ay be ~educld [c one ([) pa~k~ng space per ~OO ~. ~[. or to[a~ rloo~ a~ea~ o~ hy at [east cna ([) pa~kLn~ space~ uhece ~s a mkx oF ceskdenL~a[ &nd oFFice uses ~n [~e same bu~[d~ng o~ st~uctuce. -4- (3) All pa~king for business and professional offices shall be located i~ the side ox rear Ya=d o= adjacent to a rear alley. No such parking Shall be located in the area between any street and b~e building struct.~re. Where there are existing buildings or structures, however, the C~ty Council may g~ant Administrative ~elief ~n acco=dance ~ith Sec. ~0-18(F), provided ~[ ~s determined that compliance ~ith these p:ovisions ~s not feasible and ~hat the residential cha:act~r of the a~ea ~ill be maintained. If app=oved, ~ucb pa~king spaces shall be substantially screened from off=premises vie~ by ct l~ast a fou= (~) fcot hedge. (K) WALLS ANO FENC[S ~ee A=~icles IX and X, Chapte= 9, Ci~y Ccoe of 0t'dinances (L) LANOSCAP[N~ See A=bicles IX and X, Chapter ~, Ci~y Code of 0=dinances (M) SIGNS (~) Se~ A~t~cle ~III, Chapte~ 9, C~ty Cod~ of O~'d~nancmm The prov~on~ of Section 9-~1~{C} sha~l ~pec~f~ca~y apply to ~he RO D~mt~ct. (N) SPECIAl. REGULAIIONS (1} Zero Lot Line D~eilings (a} Ze~o lot line d~eilings, as defined below, are allowed in the RO zoning dZsc~Zct ~hen approved as a conditional use (Sec. )0-21). On lots ~hich contain at least 6,000 sq. ft. and ~hose lot dimensions a~e as stated at Sec. )O-5(D} (5), the resident ~al structure may be placed contiguous to the side p~operty line, provzded the sum of the t~o (2) required szde setbacks, as set forth at Sec. )O-5(F)L>~, exists on the opposite property lzne. (b) In ze~o lot line developments, ~! accessory build- in9s~ stcuctu~es, or uses, atta~ed o~ unattached to bhe p~ir, cipa] structu~e~ ~r~ll comply u~th the applicable buzlding setb~.~ks. ~rov ided, ho~eve~, that attac~ed ga~age~ small be placed contiguous to the side p~ope~ty l~ne that the p~incipal structure is locatec, p~ovided the sum of the t~o (~) ~equz~ed s~Je setbacks exzsts on the p:ope~ty line. (~) Setbacks: shall be measured f~om t~ ~ight-of-~ay line fo~ public streets, and f~om the ~ccess easement line fo~ p~ivate streets. -5- (5) seimming pools, the top of which are no higher than grade level, may extend into the setback area~ but not closer than ten (lO) feet to any rear or side property line, nor closer than fif- teen (15) feet to any street right-of-way line. Although seimming pools may extend into setback areas, under no circumstances shall a screened or other pool enclosure be permitted to eqcroach into such setback areas. (4) On curving streets and cul-de-sacs, the required Frontages of lots may be reduced by Forty (40,o) percent, provided the center line radius of the adjacent street is one hundred (100) feet or 1 ess. (§) In duplex developments, if the party wail is extended, all accessory buildings, structures, or uses may be placed contiguous to this wall. (6) In the geographic area bounded on the east by Swinton Avenue, on the west by N.W. 1st Avenue, on the south by the south line of Lots & and 12, 8lock 60, and on the north by the north line of Lots ~ and 11, Block 60, the regulations contained in the POC Planned Office Center Oistrict shall apply, except for building height, lot dimensions and site area, aha quantity of parking, ~hich shall be governed ~y this Section. (0) PARK AND RECREATION LAND DEDICATION See Sec. )O-I?(1)(L) and Chapter ~4, City Code of Ordin- ances -6- , .- · S - ~ ~OU~ PR~~D RESIDENTIAL OFFICE DISTRICT ~~ C~I~ON8 G~ M ~Y ~GH ~Y ~CH, FLORIOA A~T