67-84 ORDINANCE NO. 67-84 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 18, "PENSION AND RETIREMENT", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING ARTICLE IV, "PENSIONS FOR GENERAL EMPLOYEES," DIVISION 2, "ELIGIBIL- ITY; PARTICIPATION; SERVICE", SECTION 18-79, "ELIGIBILITY; PARTICIPATION", TO ELIMINATE MAXIMUM AGE RESTRICTIONS FOR ELIGIBILITY; BY AMENDING SECTION 18-80, "SERVICE", TO ALLOW SERVICE CREDIT FOR PARTICIPATION AT ANY AGE; BY AMENDING SECTION 18-89., "CREDITED SERVICE", TO ALLOW REPAYMENT UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCE; BY ENACTING A NEW SECTION 18-83, "ACTUARIAL EQUIVALENCE", TO DEFINE ACTUARIAL EQUIVALENCE; BY AMENDING DIVISION 3, "MISCEL- LANEOUS PROVISION REGARDING THE PLAN", SECTION 18-93, "PARTICIPANT'S CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT", TO ALLOW CONTRI- BUTIONS FOR PARTICIPATION AT ANY AGE; BY AMENDING DIVISION 4, "BASIS, AMOUNT AND PAYMENT OF RETIREMENT INCOME", TO COUNT SALARY EARNED FOR PARTICIPATION AT ANY AGE; BY AMENDING SECTION 18-110, "NORMAL RETIREMENT AND RETIREMENT INCOME", TO REFLECT CREDITED SERVICE AFTER AGE 60; BY AMENDING SECTION 18-111, "EARLY RETIRE- MENT AND RETIREMENT INCOME", TO INTRODUCE NEW EARLY RETIREMENT FACTORS; BY AMENDING SECTION 18-113(A), "BENEFIT ON TERMINATION OF SERVICE AND ON DEATH AFTER TERMINATION OF SERVICE", TO CHANGE METHOD OF CALCU- LATION OF VESTING BENEFIT; BY AMENDING SECTION 18-115, "LUMP-SUM PAYMENT OF SMALL RETIREMENT INCOME", TO RECOGNIZE NEW DEFINITION OF ACTUARIAL EQUIVALENCE; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it to be in the best interests of the current and future members of the general employees' pension plan to eliminate any possibility of age and/or sex discrimination, to allow a buy back of service for previously excluded and reemployed employees, and make other miscellaneous changes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 18-79, "Eligibility; participation", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 18-79. Eligibility; participation. The word "employee" as used herein means any person in the regular full-time service of the city; provided, however, that such term shall not include city council members, the city attorney (and assistants), judge, prosecutor (and assistants) or any person employed for a temporary period or for a temporary job, or whose customary employment is for less than twenty (20) hours in any one week or for less than five (5) months in any one calendar year. Also those firemen and policemen employed by the city who a~e participants in retirement plans as provided for in Chapters 175 and 185 of the Florida Statutes or other applicable city ordinances shall not become participants in the plan. The pronouns "he", "him", and "his", used in this plan, shall also refer to similar pronouns of the feminine gender unless otherwise qualified by the context. The date on which each such employee will become a participant in the plan shall be: (a) April 23, 1974, for each employee who was a participant in the superseded plan as of April 22, 1974; (b) April 23, 1974, for each other employee, excluding those hired after January 1, 1965 but prior to April 23, 1974 whose attained a~e at hire was sixty (60) or over, WhO was not a participant in the superseded plan but who has completed one year of credited service as of such date; pt'e~ded-,--hew- eve~, - -a~y'- l~.~m~- -em~le~.~l- -by- -~e- -e~- -a~t~.- -~am~ a~ -1~ - -1-966-,- -bu+ - p~Ier - ,e (c) The date after April 22, 1974, as of which each other employee~ those hired on Or after April 23,. 1974 but prior to the adoption Ordinance by the city council whose attained a{~e at hire was fifty-five (55) or over, has completed one year of credited service; (d) The ben. inning of the first ~.a¥ period commencing after the date of adoption of this Ordinance by the c~ty counCil 'for each employee who had t~e~n ~re'-" viously excluded from' the plan due to being over the' 'stated maximum participation age at ~re. Each such employee who meets the eligibility requirements as set forth above shall, as a condition of continued employment, make contributions to the plan as required by section 18-93 hereof, and shall become a participant in the plan and will be subject to all other provisions in the plan beginning on such date. Any employee who is absent from the active service of the city on the effective date of the plan by reason of absence granted by the city, or by reason of compulsory military service, will become a participant hereunder as of the date of his return to active employment. Each participant will be retired under the plan and entitled to a retirement income upon retirement from service with the city by reason of his age, subiect to any mini- mum service requirements herein. Each such participant whose employment is termi- nated because of mental or physical disability in accordance with section 18-112 shall be entitled to disability benefits. Upon the death of a participant, his beneficiaries will be entitled to death benefits as prescribed in section 18-113 hereof. Any participant whose service is terminated for any reason other than retirement, disability retirement or death will be entitled to benefits upon termination of service as provided in section 18-113 hereof. Section 2. That Section 18-80, "Service", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Deiray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 18-80. Service. The term "service" means that period of continuous, uninterrupted employment with the city from the employee's or participant's last date of employment, .subiect to reemployment credits described in section 18-82(c), to the--ea~Her--~f the date of termination of his service a~d-'~ri~--t~"twa~-retit'ement-ds~e-et'-~-t-e~it'eme~-~l~t~, ~,t~-ie--~t~pHe~ble~, as herein described. Any absence from the active service of the city, including but not limited to absences by reason of discharge or resignation, which is not deemed a leave of absence as defined in section 18-81 hereof, will be considered a termination of service. Section 3. That Section 18-82, "Credited service', of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 18-82. Credited service. (a) The credited service of each employee or participant will be the total period of his service as defined in section 16-80 hereof, in completed months, from his last date of employment, sublect to reemployment credits described .bel°w. in subsection (c) until his date of termination of employment 2 ORD. NO. 67-84 st~,~p-tq~t-4~lt*thd~,-~f-~lqte~, except as provided in section 18-79 and t~lte f~le~~~ph subsection (b) below. (b) The period of any absence of thirty-one (31) days or more will be excluded from an employee*s or a participant's credited service unless he receives regular compensation from the city during such absence and except as other- wise provided below. Any absence of thirty (30) days or less will be included. The first two (2) years of any absence after the effective date of the plan due to the employee's or participant's engagement in military service will be included in his credited service if such absence is covered by a leave of absence granted by the city or is by reason of compulsory military. service. An employee or a participant who was absent prior to the effective date of the plan because of his engagement in military service will be credited for the full period of such absence if such absence was covered by a leave of- absence granted by the city or was by reason of compulsory military service, provided such period would otherwise have been included as credited service if the employee or participant had been in the active service of the city. (c) Former plan participants who are reemployed by the city as eligible employees will be considered new employees with credited service, for all purposes .cal- culated as such unless the former participants elect to pay back to the plan the amount of any previous distribution received from the plan plus {nterest. The amount of interest recAuired will be, calculated based upon .a seven, per-'cent (7%)per annum rate. for thepereriod from date of original distribution to the date of repya ment. Former plan participants who elect to repay this amount. will be ~ranted the credited service awarded prior to their previous termina- tion of service. (d) Eligible employees who had previously been excluded from. plan participation due to bein~ over the maximum stated allowable a~e at hire and who shall become participants as of the date of ado~.tion of this Ordinance by the 'city council will be considered new employees 'with credited servi~e' for all pur- poses except determinin~ their normal retirement date calculated as if they. were new employees as of their date of p~rticipation un[ess these new partici" pants elect to p.ya to the plan an amount which ...represents the em~l.oyee._ contributions they would have made to the plan had they always been eligible, plus interest. The amount of interest required will be calchlated based a 7% per annum rate for the period from what would 'have been their prewous eligibility date to the date of repayment. Those new participants who elect to make th{s payment will be ~ranted credited service ~nd~ t[x~ Plan from thei~ date of hire. All of the new participants will receive credited service for the purpose of determining their normal retirement date whether or not the optional payment is made. (e) The repayment of a previous distribution plus interest under subsection (c) above or the payment of employee contributions plus interest under subsection (d) above will be payable in'a lump sum within ninety (90) days after reemployment or after the date of adoption of thtg Ordinance b'¥ the city council, if later. However, ~ersons who are'employ'ecs of the cit~ as of the date of adoption of this Ordinance by the city council ma), elect to pay the amount required in installments. If t]xis option is used, one thousand dollars ($1,000) w~ll be due within ninety (90) days of the date of adoption of this Ordinance b~ the [cit~ council with subsecluent payments of'"'the lesser of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or the balance due ~a~rable.. ever~ three (3) months after, the initial pa~nent. If. an. y t e of benefit p yma ent under the ~lan begins prior to the full ayment o~eem lo ee contributions or a rev~ous distribution plus interest, the outstandin~ balance will be deducted ~r~m the benefit payments due. Section 4. That a new Section 18-83, "Actuarial equivalence", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby enacted to read as follows: ORD. NO, 67-84 Sec. 18-83. Actuarial equivalence. The term "actuarial (actuarially) equivalence (equivalent)" means equality in value of the aggregate amounts expected to be received under different forms of payment. Actuarial equivalent amounts under the plan will be determined herein utilizing the 1951 Group Annuity Mortality Table projected by Scale C to 1965 with interest at seven percent (7.00%), where the participant's age shall be set back one (1) year and the beneflciary's age should be set back four (4) years regardless of the actual sex of such individuals. However, in the event of plan termination, actuarial equivalence will be based upon the interest and mortality assumptions prescribed by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation for plan terminations in effect on the actual date of plan termina- tion. Section 5. That Section 18-93, "Participant's contribution account", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 18-93. Participant's contribution account. The "participant's contribution account" will consist of mandatory participant contributions. Each participant will contribute toward the cost of the plan an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the first four thousand eight hundred dollars ($4,800.00) of his basic annual compensation as defined in section 18-109 and six percent (6%) of his basic annual compensation in excess of four thousand eight hundred dollars ($4,800.00) until the beginning of the first pay period after the adoption of this article by the city council. Beginning with the first pay period after the adoption of this article each participant will contribute toward the cost of the plan an amount equal to six percent (6%) of his basic compensation as defined in section 18-109. Bach participant shall continue to contribute to the plan until the earliest to occur of the following dates: (a) Date the participant retires under the plan. (b) Date of death of the participant. (c) Date of termination of the participant's service with the city. seett~n- ~~. Anything in the plan to the contrary notwithstanding, the total benefits payable under the plan to, or with respect to, a participant shall not be less than the benefits that can be provided by the participant's contributions, and further provided, if a terminated participant (as defined in section 18-113) elects to withdraw his contributions prior to his normal retirement date, he will be entitled only to the return of his contri- butions in lieu of all other benefits payable under the plan. Contributions cannot be withdrawn while a participant remains in the service of the city or after the payment of benefits under the plan has commenced. Section 6. That Section 18-109, "Basis of retirement income", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 18-109. Basis of retirement income. The monthly retirement income payable on retirement will be based on the partici- pant's final monthly compensation and on his credited service. 4 ORD. NO. 67-84 The term "final mnnthly compensation" means the participant's average monthly rate of compensation from the city for the twenty-four (24) successive months out of the one hundred twenty (120) months next preceding t~he-~-o4--~) the date on which his service with the city terminates for any ~s~mml--~etb-eme~t-~ia~,--~f--t~t~t% which give the highest average monthly rate of compensation for the participant. The participant's average monthly rate of compensation will be determined by dividing the total basic compensation received by him during such twenty-four (24) month period by the number of months for which he received compensation from the city in such twenty-four (24) month period. The number of months for which he received. compensation from the c!t-' will be computed, to the extent he was paid on other than a monthly basis, by determining the number of pay periods ending within such twenty-four (24) months for which he received compensation from the city, and' converting such pay periods into months by dividing the number thereof, if weekly, by four and one-third (4-1/3)), if biweekly, by two and one-sixth (2-1/6), and if semi- monthly, by two (2). In computing "final monthly compensation" for a participant who has returned to the active service of the city following a leave of absence granted by the city during which he did not receive regular compensation from the city, or following a period of disability retirement or termination of service with a vested benefit, as described in sections 18-112(h) and 18-113(A)(3) hereof, respectively, the period during which he was on leave of absence, or during which he was on disability retirement, or during which his service was terminated, shall be ignored, or excluded, in determining his twenty-four (24) months preceding a subsequent date of termination of service or his date of early, normal or extended retirement. The term "basic compensation" means the compensation actually paid to a partici- pant by the city, exclusive of overtime pay, commissions, bonuses, expense allowances and all other extraordinary compensation. Section 7. That Section 18-110, "Normal retirement and retirement income", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 18-110. Normal retirement and retirement income. Ngvrmad--t-et~~ .tt~tder- ~he- l~ait= ~s - reti~ement -Et'om- ~ h~- -set-'~ee- of- ~he- cf, t 3~ ~ ~ -or a~e~r ~ -~erme~ -retfreme~ -el nee r - -f~ -sue~- ,~,-em~-,- -pay men*- ~f- ~-etfrem e~ - ½neeme- -~fl~ -b e (a) Normal Retirement Date: The normal retirement date of each participant will be the first day of the month coincident with, or next following, the date he both attains the age of sixty (60) and completes ten (lO) years of credited service; provided, however, that a participant may continue in the service of the city beyond his normal retirement date and retire on an extended retire- ment date as defined in paragraph (c) of this section. (b) Amount of Normal Retirement Income: The monthly amount of retirement income payable to a participant who retires on his normal retirement date shall be an amount equal to the product of (a) and (b), where (a) is two and one-half percent (2~%) of final monthly compensation; and (b) is years and completed months of credited service, maximum of thirty (30) years. (c) Extended Retirement Date: The extended retirement date of a participant will be the first day of the next month past normal retirement date after actual termination of service. (d) Amount of Extended Retirement Income: $ ORD. NO. 67-84 ered~led-seevlee. The monthly amount of retirement income payable to such a participant who retires on his extended retirement date shall be an amount equal to the product of (a) and' (b) where (a) is two and one-half percent (23%) of final monthly compensation; and (b) is years and completed months of credited service, maximum of thirty (30) such years. ae~u al- -eetHe emefl~ ~Let~, reHremen~ -date ;- -Lf- ~te~. (e) Payment of Retirement Income: The monthly retirement income payable in the event of normal or extended retirement wiU be payable on the first day of each month. The first payment will be made on the participant's normal or extended retirement date (or on the first day of the month coincident with, or next foliowing, his actual retirement, if later), and continued thereafter during his lifetime; upon his death the full retirement benefit shall be con- tinued to his spouse for one (1) year and sixty percent (60%) of said amount continued thereafter until the earlier of death or remarriage. Section 8. That Section 18-111, "F. arly retirement and retirement income", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as foliows: Sec. 18-111. Early retirement and retirement income. Barly retirement under the plan is retirement from the service of the city, with the consent of the city, as of the first day of any month prior to the participant's normal retirement date but subsequent to the date as of which he has both attained the age of fifty-five (55) years and completed at least fifteen (15) years of credited service or the completion of twenty (20) years of credited service, whichever is applicable. the event of early retirement, payment of retirement income will be governed by the following provisions of this section: (a) Early retirement date: The early retirement date will be the first day of the month coincident with or next following the date a participant retires from the service of the city under the provisions of this section prior to his normal retirement date. (b) Amount *of retirement income: The monthly amount of retirement income payable to a participant who retires prior to his normal retirement date under the provisions of this section shall be an amount equal to the product of (a) and (b), where (a) is an amount equal to his number of years of credited service, maximum of thirty (30) such years, at his early retirement date multiplied by two and one-half percent (2½%) of his final monthly compen- sation, and (b) is the applicable actuarial reduction factor to take into account the participant's younger age and the earlier commencement of retire- ment income payments. The factor to be used in (b) above will be beoed-~ 6 ORD. NO. 67-84 t~-~-~ ec~ual to one (1) minus five-twelfths (5/12) of one (1) percent for each month that. ,the early retirement date precedes the normal retirement date. (c) Payment of retirement income: The retirement income payable in the event of early retirement will be payable on the first day of each month. The first payment will be made on the participant's early retirement date and continued thereafter during his lifetime; upon his death the full retirement benefit shall be continued to his spouse for one year and sixty percent (60%) of said amount continued thereafter until the earlier of death or remarriage. Section 9. That Section 18-113(A), "Benefit on termination of service and on death after termination of service", ~f the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: (A) Benefit on termination of service and on death after termination of service: (1) In the event of the termination of a participant's service prior to normal retirement date for any reason other than his death, early retirement with the consent of the city as described in section 18-111 hereof, or disability retire- ment as described in section 18-112 hereof, after he has completed ten (10) years of credited service (such participant is hereinafter referred to as a "terminated participant"), he will be entitled to a monthly retirement income to commence on his normal retirement date, if he shall then be living, in an amount which- - ea~- - ~--pee~/ded-- bT- -'~he- -s/v~le-s~m - -vahte- ~f- - h/~- ~te/eered em~thi~-eet/re~-iew~we- ~n~n~ ~ ~i~ -e~qwa~ - r et/eee~ent - da~e - ~ithh--has accrued to the date of termination of his servicev-aee~l~te~l--~t-in~erest-/eom ~he- ~lete--e~- termin~tio~ - ~f- -h/~- -,-~ee~/ee--t~- h/~ - e~-mal--~t-- dale. The amount of such accrued deferred monthly retirement income shall be computed as for normal retirement under section 1S-I10(b), based upon the terminated participant's number of years of credited service and final monthly compen- sation at the date of termination of his service. (2) In the event a terminated participant dies prior to the commencement of his retirement income at his normal retirement date (without having received, in accordance with section 18-115, the value of the benefit in section 18-113(A)(1) above), his beneficiary (or beneficiaries) will receive the monthly retirement income, payable for ten (10) years certain and life there- after and beginning on the date of the participant's death, which can be provided by the single-sum value of the participant's accrued deferred monthly retirement income as of the date of termination of the participant's service, accumulated at interest from the date of termination of the partici- pant's service to the date of his death. (3) If a participant's service with the city is terminated while he is entitled to the retirement income described in section 18-113(A)(1) above and he subse- quently reenters the service of the city, he will be entitled, upon such reentry, to the credited service he had on the date of termination of his service in lieu of the benefits to which he was entitled on such date under section 18-113(A)(1); provided, however, that the monthly retirement income payable to such participant commencing at normal retirement date shall not be less than the amount to which he was entitled under section 18-113(A)(1) prior to his reentry into the service of the city. Except as provided in section 18-112 hereof with respect to disability retirement, any other partici- pant will, on reentry into the service of the city (unless he has been on leave of absence pursuant to the provisions of section 18-81 hereof), be treated as if he then first entered the service of the city, except as indicated in section 18-82(c). (4) The provisions of section 18-114 hereof relating to optional forms of retire- ment income are applicable to the benefits provided under section 18-113(A) (1) hereof. 7 ORD. NO. 67-84 (5) Except as provided in section 18-110 with respect to normal retirement, section 18-112 with respect to disability retirement and section 18-113 with respect to death, the participant whose service is terminated prior to the date as of which he has completed at least ten (10) years of credited service shall be entitled only to the return of his contributions without interest. Section 10. That Section 18-115, "Lump-sum payment of small retirement income", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 18-115. Lump-sum payment of small retirement income. Notwithstanding any provisions of the plan to the contrary, if the monthly retire- ment income payable to any person entitled to any benefit hereunder is less than fifty dollars ($50.00) as of the date of his retirement or termination of service, whichever is applicable, the committee may, in the exercise of its discretion, specify that the actuarial equivalent of such retirement income be paid in a lump sum or in monthly installments for a period certain of not more than sixty (60) months;-~-l~-~aat-iel eqtetvale~tt -re-be- ~-upe~- -t4~e- -merteli~y- aw~ -ii, tercel- aeSaml~tteme- -t,sed- as- a- 4~ls- ~o~ Section 11. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 12. That this ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 25th day of September , 1984. ATTEST: }~. City Clerk ' First Reading August 28, 1984 Second Reading September 25, 19~4 8 ORD. NO. 67-84