Ord No. 04-18 ORDINANCE NO. 04-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING CHAPTER 35, "EMPLOYEE POLICIES AND BENEFITS", SECTIONS 35.001 THROUGH 35.014 AND READOPTING SAME, AS REVISED, IN ORDER TO ADOPT A PERSONNEL POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL, PROVIDING FOR ITS ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENT; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AUTHORITY TO CODIFY;PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach has determined it is in the best interests of its residents to repeal the current Employee Policies and Benefits ordinance and enact a new ordinance, adopting a"Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into this Ordinance as if fully restated herein. Section 2. Chapter 35, "Employee Policies and Benefits", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby repealed and readopted, as revised; providing that Chapter 35, "Employee Policies and Benefits" shall hereafter read as follows: See Exhibit"A",which his attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof,any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be,and the same are hereby repealed. Section 5. Specific authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. Section 6. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular sessl o se d andJlLnaleag on this the day of ,2018. INN ATTEST: "' A Y O R City Clerk First Reading ,e . e Second Reading- � II AA A form d 1 sufficiency: Max LC id Attorney �G 'i 2 Ord. No. 04-18 EXHIBIT A—Ordinance No. 04-18 CHAPTER 35. - EMPLOYEE POLICIES AND BENEFITS Sec. 35.001. -DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context dearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Governing authority. The municipal officers of the City who are authorized to enact the ordinances of the -municipality, and shall 'include only those officers who are authorized to vote on those ordinances. Seniority. The length of service in any department in the municipality. Sec. 35.002. -APPLICATION; EXCLUSIONS. (A) All persons regularly employed by the municipality in any department shall be construed to come-within the provisions of this subchapter,except Assistant City Managers,Assistants to the C4 Manager, Department Heads and Police Majors. This subchapter shall not include any officer or person employed part time or for temporary duty only; nor shall itinclude employees covered under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement, or expired collective bargaining agreement which is subject to renegotiation unless otherwise expressly provided in this subchapter or in the code of rules and regulations or in the collective bargaining agreement. (B) The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to those persons appointed by the City Commission. (C) An employee appointed to the position of Major in the Police Department after October 1, 1996,with previous permanent status under the Civil Service Act, shall have the -tight to return to the employee's previously held civil service position. S ' -. Ct . 35.003. - GIA4L SER7„qCE BOARD /A� A f-lyll Serviee Boafd fiE��the ffFaiqieipa4ty is hefeby efe (1) The Beafd shall be eaffTesed of&e (5) fegula±fneinbefs, thfee (3) faeffibefs of the Beafd to be pefsofts of diffefe-Bt veea .ons of vaeational baekgfetm&, not en�loyed by the fnuiaieipahty in any odief eapadty, offidal oi! R19d sha4 be appointed by the g&ver-� aufhoi* of the .eipahty faf _9 teffn of two (2) yeafs.The f5ufth and fifth fegula±fnefabefs of the Beafd shA be eleeted ftoiaa Gity einployees at lafge, but net both ftei=a the safn depafttnent.The teffn of the fi5tifth and fifth feVI af fnei-nbefs shaR be fef on yeaf.!a addifion to the Eve (5)fegulat fneffib efs, _,___ _ded,thefe shaH be two (2) aheinate fneinbefs,one to be appe�inte__y the gov____9 ­ ­kg­dft_d dhan the difee (3) othef Tpeinted meinbefs,and the othef to be eleeted fieni the City eraployee.s a”large,but fioni a diffefent depaftntent than eithe of!Z44-11 fegula-f ORD. NO. 04-18 J and 4tei!eaftet- the eleetioa J shall be held ea that date eaeh 9 imer-e thaa ane eaiadidate eaten 6517 the J (3) Foi!these einplayees are aa 9 Gitthey sha J f 9 in aedet to be vandated. (4) 4he votes shall be eoffselidated aft the f6RE)vviilg day afte:,- the eleetiea. Th J de V 41-ttneSLJ. J theaJ inembei! of the J 2 ORD. NO. 04-18 219d one of its 9 J vAthetTt J Sec. 35.004 35.003. -ADOPTION OF CODE OF RULES AND REGULATIONS. Subject to the qualifications contained in Section 35.002(A), the City Manager shall re are rules and regulations.in the form of a Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual C'PPM"), which shall be effective upon issuance by the City Manager. This eede PPM shall cover the regulations for the conduct and direction of the employees and shall prescribe their duties, hours of work, discipline, and control. The cede PPM shall contain rules and regulations for the appointment, employment, and discharge of persons in all positions in the municipality, based on merit, efficiency, character and industry. This eede PPM shall have the force and effect of law on employees of the municipality. J) The PPM shall be subject to modification, amendment, or expansion as deemed necessar`T by the City Manager. See. 35.005. LIS-OF ELIGIBILITY. J ) ina-ifitaift lists of eligibles. The City Maitiagei! shaH divide the depai!tfnents qiq�e gifades. These lists in J available fai! eRaiaa�at—le.—' in eligiblesexeept as otherwise pi!o-�ided J ) if the J See. 35.006. - SUSPENSION OF PROVI-S-1011,TQ IDUCITTI Td-- P" TETITION. J J bigh J J ) and all eases of suspeasio�a of the exa±niaa6eia shall b J �A) The City Goii�ssieia sha4l fix- the pay of all einpleyees, shall fix the fitifnber e J 3 ORD. NO. 04-18 J 119 J the einplayees shaR bedepartine-at J if 9 J to aaothei! I if the J iti fl-9opiniaia of the Depai!tineat Head and the City I 9 J J I but the iftaetive eia*E)yee shall�aot lose 9 pos— e-,�:iotisly held by the einployee is open,. (D) Ra the event aft eimpleyee disselits to the J J &ad the fiadiiigs of • See. 338$. DTIS�CTSAsF � T I I mad I if J imade by h • See. 35.009. LAPP T .9 HEARING; lC%l'cc-viz-ITT I J vAffie-at pay (as above ifefei!fed J as show-a by that la the ease of ) days,be held vvithift niffety (90) days, fi�oin the date that a'a appeal shaI4J the date that aia appea4 shA have beeia so filed with the Boatd. Heati� dates ifa all �tppeals inq be exteiaded if ffiutually agreed to by the einployee,the J to the pe:eseja se I ti±ne and plaee of heating the J whieh heariag shaR be open to the . 4 ORD. NO. 04-18 9 ) J J whete so identified by the Gity J of t ) ) J -) the Beai!d the B a-l!d shall J J J the J ) (3) if the Bea--rd eounsel foizEaatis iiot 9 ) a!a behalf ef the sh J City, 9 subffiitted vAdiin teft (10) days frofn the date an appeal is filed with the B of the ten day pe:6od. if they so J desire, J 5 ORD. NO. 04-18 sideeess-ei!. ef law. The Beard eattnsel shall also ilule upaa qaestioas of eaftfliet ef iatetest 9 1 aft A qaestiaas of f)ineluding but not hinited to his 9 his ftA*S judge aiad J ) to the appeal a-ad heai=�. J J eaasidei!ed by the BE)ai!d eouffsel or the Beai!d. The pi!oeeediiags shall be as (9) The ei!de:,- of proof at all heai4�s sha4 be as follows! The Gity Managel! shau (10) hi a4l heatifigs, J J pat-ties a--ad vAtftesses shall be-nade uadei!oath.Hea-tsay e-�idenee tnay be uaed J but it shA aet6 ORD. NO. 04-18 The Board e0uasel or the Board, by its J used,Board eaurisel is J or uperl his oveia J rnariaet- pra�A-ded in the Florida Rules of Givil 9 respaadiag to a diseo:v� request shag be liberally gT-a-rtted by- the Board eatiasel- or by the Board whea ftE)Board eE):uftsel is J used. la the ease of aia appeal of art ernployee's J other irt wi!�g widiia thit-� (30) days fiern the date the appeg was filed the Board,whe their witftesses will be aftd the addresses of these vAtiaesses. 1 other appeal eases eaeh party rn�ast advise the other of th—eir filed with the Board. FaAure to so ffetify the opposing par--of the ftarnes a!ad ly ftdd±esses of the other 1 J as detertniaed by the Bear f eathase� or by the Board whea ae Board eethasel is used. Copies of aR par�when prepared arid�aot later thart tea(10) days priar to the hearifig,along ) IVH— the oppor-- shaR efftide the deprived party 9 J Board wheia ria beard eE):uftsel is used. J J there is aa Beard eaurisel heari� the subjeet to ifffvalidate the J subpeena—at eideron the grourid that it was not lawissued--1S' issued tiader the authority of dais J However.failirig to eomply vA-th the subpoeaa er order resides.A failure to eeiiTly with as pr�ded in subseetion (B)(14) of this Seetien. (16) After the hearifag of the appe�d, when a Board eouiasel is used, the Board > ) as well as I-As legal J 7 ORD. NO. 04-18 stated J vAliehevei! is later. if a p" f J J J J diseipliiie if J 9 . (18) The above desei!ibed I suspeiisioiis without pay foi!tnei!e than seven (7) ealendai!days a�ad detnotia shall be i!e�adeteed vAibia thii!ty (30) days aftei! the last day of the heai�� e,-,z i!eeeipt of if J J whiehevei!is later-.appeal eases afid the I appeal I as i:efi��ed to above, fj J J waivedJ to his attoi!�of i!eeoi!d. See. TliT Z- �ij -S >3 J afldd shall be punished in the iznafj±iei!pi!esetibed by law figi!that offense. If the eimpleyee whose appeal is to be heard as set out ia the fat-egeiiag Seetions shall fail to J entei!ed thei!eon. If the City MaiaageT shall fail to appear at the heaing, aild if ao evideflee be off-ere ifl suppoi!t of his J eiatetedth 8 ORD. NO. 04-18 5.n71 o I EIN Q � s� vv�i-''f''rrLTs!`AYT . J J 9 J pay tnfd bis ease is J 9 J (B) la a4 eases of stispeasiea—­4t_b8'd+ J J 9 disii-Assed ai!demoted shall have the—iight of appeal to the Gi-61 Seiwiee Beai!d iii the i:naffaer-set figith iii Seetiea 35.009 vviffi i!efe:�eaee to a-e appeal -- the ease of eyeept the duty to pi!avide--ft J J J J as heizeift J J inayas detevTieed by the i!eeeive the pay he lost beea-use of that J J J See. 35.013. - DT011T . J the Gity J if the Gity Maaagee so3 of the dis±nissal to the Giv4 Sefviee Board. J See. 35.014. PzEREN-Trr�v7NUaP®-rr-rz:r. veteiaaJ J ofMedal eoi=apefiftg fai!a Giv4 Sei!viee pos'--oia iii the City.A pi!efiei!e-atial beaus of teft (40) peiats shq be added to the exain�atio�as seei!e of aiay eligible disabled vetei!a�a "o sei�ved ea aefive duty ia a 9 ORD. NO. 04-18 Secs. 35.004-35.029. - RESERVED 10 ORD. NO. 04-18