03-29-01 OrgMtg MARCH 29, 2001
Call to Order/Roll Call.
The annual organizational meeting of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida was called to order by Mayor David Schmidt in the Commission Chambers at City
Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 29, 2001.
Roll call showed:
Commissioner Pat Archer
Commissioner Alberta McCarthy
Commissioner Jeff Perlman
Commissioner Bill Schwartz
Mayor David Schmidt
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given.
Presentation of statements, if desired, by Commission members.
Commissioner Archer again expressed how pleased and lucky she was to have served with
Commissioner Schwartz and hoped he would come back to visit us and continue to
participate in every way possible.
Commissioner Perlman wished Commission Schwartz well and trusts he will be around. He
said it had been a privilege and a pleasure to serve with Commissioner Schwartz.
Commissioner McCarthy echoed Commissioner Archer and Perlman. She has been lucky
enough to be his seat partner and it has been quite a pleasure. She thanked him for all his
support and the good things he has done during his term.
Commissioner Schwartz thanked the Commission for their comments. Its been such a
pleasure serving the City, the citizens, and working with such a wonderful City Commission,
City Manager, City Attorney and all City staff. It's been hard work but it's been a pleasure.
He will miss this and hoped to be around. He wished Commissioner Levinson well and
knows he'll do a wonderful job.
Mayor Schmidt also reiterated previous comments and it has been a pleasure having served
with Commissioner Schwartz both on Planning & Zoning and the Commission. He
presented a plaque to Commissioner Schwartz on behalf of the Commission and the citizens
of Delray in appreciation for his devotion and service to the City.
(4) Adiournment of extant Commission.
Mayor Schmidt adjourned the outgoing Commission at 6:05 p.m.
(5) Oath of Office administered to Commissioner Jeff Perlman (Seat #1) and
Commissioner Jon Levinson (Seat #3).
The Acting City Clerk administered the oath of office to Commissioner Jeff perlman (Seat
#1), and Commissioner Jon Levinson (Seat #3).
(6) Mayor Schmidt called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. Roll call showed:
Commissioner Pat Archer
Commissioner Jon Levinson
Commissioner Alberta McCarthy
Commissioner Jeff Perlman
Mayor David Schmidt
(7) Selection of Vice-Mayor (for the term March 29, 2001 through March 28, 2002).
Commissioner Archer moved to appoint Commissioner Perlman as Vice-Mayor of the City
of Delray Beach for the term March 29, 2001 through March 28, 2002. Commissioner
McCarthy seconded the motion. Commissioner Perlman declined the nomination.
Commissioner Archer moved to appoint Commissioner McCarthy as Vice-Mayor of the City
of Delray Beach for the term March 29, 2001 through March 28, 2002. Commissioner
Perlman seconded the motion. Upon roll call the Commission voted as follows: Mr.
Perlman - Yes; Mrs. Archer - Yes; Mr. Levinson - Yes; Ms. McCarthy - Yes; Mayor
Schmidt - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
Selection of Deputy Vice-Mayor (for the term March 29, 2001 through March 28,
Commissioner Perlman moved to appoint Commissioner Archer as Deputy Vice-Mayor of
the City of Delray Beach for the term March 29, 2001 through March 28, 2002.
Commissioner McCarthy seconded the motion. Upon roll call the Commission voted as
follows: Mr. Perlman - Yes; Mrs. Archer - Yes; Mr. Levinson - Yes; Ms. McCarthy - Yes;
Mayor Schmidt - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
Review and approval of regularly scheduled City Commission meeting dates for the
period April 2001 through March 2002.
Mayor Schmidt presented the schedule to the Commission for discussion. It was the
consensus of the Commission to move the July meeting dates back one week. Therefore the
meetings will be held on July 10~h, 1Th and 24~h.
Commissioner McCarthy moved to approve the schedule of City Commission meeting dates
for the period April 2001 through March 2002 as amended. Commissioner Archer seconded
the motion. Upon roll call the Commission voted as follows: Mr. Levinson -Yes; Ms.
McCarthy - Yes; Mayor Schmidt - Yes; Mr. Perlman - Yes; Mrs. Archer - Yes. Said motion
passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
(10) Establish date for 2000 Goal Setting session.
Mayor Schmidt stated he spoke with Mr. Harden regarding holding an abbreviated goal
setting session this year. Mr. Harden indicated that Mr. Sumek would be available to serve
as facilitator in April on the 18m and 19m or the 19m and 20m; or in May on the 14m and 15m
or the 15m and 16m. Commissioner Archer indicated that she would prefer to do this in May.
It was the consensus of the Commission to hold the 2002 Goal Setting session on May 15m
allowing Mr. Sumek to meet with staff in the morning and the Commission on an individual
basis in the afternoon; and the public meeting on May 16m.
Review and adoption of Rules of Procedure - Delray Beach City Commission (Local
Commission Archer moved to adopt the Rules of Procedure (Local Rules) for the Delray
Beach City Commission seconded by Commissioner McCarthy. Upon roll call the
Commission voted as follows: Mr. Levinson - Yes; Ms. McCarthy - Yes; Mayor Schmidt -
Yes; Mr. Perlman - Yes; Mrs. Archer - Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote.
Review of City Commission liaison appointments to various advisory boards and
outside agencies.
The Commission reviewed the list provided in the agenda packet. Commissioner Levinson
will replace Mayor Schmidt as liaison with the Downtown Development Authority. Tom
Lynch will continue to serve as the Commission's appointee to the General Employees
Retirement Committee. Commissioner Archer stated that she would continue as liaison with
the Parking Management Advisory Board. The Mayor is a sitting member on the Police &
Fire Board of Trustees. Commissioner Perlman agreed to continue as Commission liaison
to the Education Board. Commissioner Perlman agreed to become the liaison with the
CRA, with Commissioner McCarthy as the alternate member.
For the School's Advisory Committee, Commissioner Perlman will continue as liaison to
Banyan Creek and Pine Grove Elementary School; Commissioner McCarthy requested
Orchard View Elementary School since she has been unable to actively participate at Spady
Elementary since their meetings conflicting with City Commission meeting dates. She will
continue as liaison to Carver Middle School; Mayor Schmidt will take over Plumosa
Elementary School; Commissioner Levinson will take over Atlantic High School; and
Commissioner Archer will continue at Village Academy.
In considering the outside agency appointments, Mayor Schmidt noted that the City
Manager serves as the primary representative to the Palm Beach County League of Cities and
serves on the Board. Commissioner McCarthy will continue as alternate member.
There was no change to the Palm Beach County Beaches & Shores, Paul Dorling, Planning
Director, will continue as the City representative to this agency.
Commissioner Archer stated that she would continue as the primary member to the
Metropolitan Planning Organization with Commissioner McCarthy as the alternate member.
Commissioner Levinson agreed to serve as the elected official representative of the South
County Jury Trial Feasibility Committee, with former Mayor Jay Alperin serving as
constituent group representative.
Mayor Schmidt would continue to serve as liaison to State Representative William F.
Andrews, District 87.
Commissioner Archer offered to switch and serve as the primary member to the
Intergovernmental Coordination Issues Forum with Commissioner Perlman as alternate
It was the consensus of the Commission to accept the various liaison assignments as
(13) Presentation of statements, if desired, by Commission members.
Commissioner Archer had no comments.
Commissioner Perlman welcomed his wife and family and introduced them and thanked
everyone for all of their cooperation and support. He thanked City Staff, City Manager,
City Attorney, City Clerk's office, Department Heads and a special thanks to Delores Rangel,
Commission Secretary for all her assistance. He is looking forward to 2001, with the
Downtown Plan and Visions 2010. He is very excited about having Commissioner Jon
Levinson aboard and feels he is a wonderful addition to the Commission. He is very proud
of what has happened this year; he feels they have been a very inclusive commission, open
and accessible and looks forward to the challenges ahead, he's confident that the best days
are ahead for the City of Delray Beach.
Mayor Schmidt reiterated that it has been a very good year and looks forward to an even
better 2001. He welcomed Commissioner Levinson to the Board and looks forward to
working with him.
Commissioner McCarthy dittoed Commissioner Perlman's comments. She welcomed and
congratulated Commissioner Jon Levinson. She looks forward to sitting next to him and
working together. She thanked City Staff, the Mayor who has been just wonderful, City
Attorney, City Manager, and the City Clerk's office.
Commissioner Levinson commented he is "thrilled". The first person he thanked was Bill
Schwartz who graciously encouraged and supported him from the very beginning. He
introduced his wife and family and thanked them for all their support. He thanked City
Staff, City Manager, City Attorney and the Commission who were extremely supportive.
With his enthusiasm and eagerness he is now ready to work hard to keep Delray Beach the
Best Place on Earth in which to live.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Acting City Clerk
The undersigned is the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the information
provided herein is the minutes of the Organizational Meeting of the City Commission held on
March 29, 2001, which minutes were formally approved and adopted by the City Commission on
Acting City Clerk
NOTE TO READER: If the minutes you have received are not completed as indicated above, this
means they are not the official minutes of the City Commission. They will become official only after
review and approval by the City Commission which may involve amendments, additions or deletions
to the minutes as set forth above.
working together. She thanked City Staff, the Mayor who has been lust wonderful, City
Attorney, City Manager, and the CiD- Clerk's office.
Cornrmssloner Levinson commented he is "thrilled". The first person he thanked was Bill
Schwartz who graciously encouraged and supported him from the very beginning. He
introduced bas wife and family and thanked them for all thezt support. He thanked Cit-5,
Staff, City Manager, City Attorney and the Comnusslon who were extremely suppornve.
With bas enthusiasm and eagerness he is now ready to work hard to keep Delray Beach the
Best Place on Earth in wbach to live.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Acting City Clerk
The undersagned ~s the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the reformation
provided hereto ~s the minutes of the Orgamzauonal Meeting of the City Comrmss~on held on
Ma~ch 297 2001, wbach rmnutes were formally approved and adopted by the City Comrmsslon on
Acting City Clerk
NOTE TO READER: If the minutes you have received are not completed as indicated above, this
means they are not the official minutes of the City Commass~on. They will become official only after
review and approval by the C~ty Commission which may mvolve amendments, additions or deleuons
to the minutes as set forth above.