105-84 ORDINANCE NO. 105-84 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER lg, "PENSION AND RETIRE- MENT", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING ARTICLE IV~ "PENSIONS FOR GENERAL EMPLOYEES," DIVISION 2, "ELIGIBILITY; PARTICIPATION; SERVICE", BY REPEALING SECTION 18-79, "ELIGIBILITY; PARTICIPATION", AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 18-79, "ELIGIBILITY; PARTICIPATION", WHICH DEFINES "EMPLOYEE"; SETS FORTH THE DATE OF PARTICIPATION FOR EACH EMPLOYEE IN THE PENSION PLAN; MAKES THE PLAN MANDA- TORY, BUT PROVIDES THAT CERTAIN EMPLOYEES SHALL HAVE AN OPTION OF WHETHER TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PLAN; PROVIDES THAT PARTICIPANTS MAY UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES BE ENTITLED TO DISABILITY BENEFITS AND THAT THE BENEFICIARIES OF CERTAIN PARTICIPANTS MAY BE ENTITLED TO DEATH BENEFITS; THAT SECTION 18-g0, "SERVICE", IS REPEALED AND A NEW SECTION lg-g0, "SERVICE", IS ENACTED TO DEFINE "SERVICE" FOR PURPOSES OF BENEFIT CALCU- LATIONS AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE PERIOD OF SERVICE MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE PARTICIPANT'S BUYING BACK CERTAIN PERIODS OF UNEMPLOYMENT OR EXCLUSION FROM THE PLAN; BY AMENDING SEC- TION 18-82, "CREDITED SERVICE", TO DEFINE CREDITED SERVICE FOR PURPOSES OF CALCULATING NORMAL RETIREMENT DATE; TO DEFINE CREDITED SERVICE FOR PURPOSES OF BENEFIT CALCULATION; TO ALLOW FOR THE REPURCHASE OF PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT PERIODS AS WELL AS ANY TIME PERIODS DURING WHICH AN EMPLOYEE OR FORMER EMPLOYEE WHO RETIRED FROM THE CITY DURING THE PAST YEAR WAS EXCLUDED FROM THE PLAN; PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, deems it to be in the best interests of the current and future members of the general employees' pension plan to ensure that any efforts made to eliminate age and/or sex discrimination do not result in further hardships to present or recent members of the plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 18-79, "Eligibility; participation", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida~ is hereby repealed. Section 2. That a new Section 18-79, "Eligibility; participation", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is enacted to read as follows: Sec. 18-79. Eligibility; participation. The word "employee" as used herein means any person in the regular full-time service of the city; provided, however~ that such term shall not include city council members, the city attorney (and assistants), judge, prosecutor (and assistants) or any person employed for a temporary period or for a temporary job, or whose customary employment is for less than twenty (20) hours in any one week or for less than five (5) months in any one calendar year. Also those firemen and policemen employed by the city who are participants in retirement plans as provided for in Chapters 175 and 185 of the Florida Statutes or other applicable city ordinances shall not become participants in the plan. The pronouns 'qae", 'q~im", and 'q~is", used in this plan, shall also refer to similar pronouns of the feminine gender unless otherwise qualified by the context. The date on which each such employee will become a participant in the plan-shall be: (a) April 23~ 197#, for each employee who was a participant in the superseded plan as of April 22, 197t~; (b) April 23, 197~, or the date after April 23, 197g~ as of which each employee not a participant in the superseded plan completed one year of credited service' since his last employment date provided that the employee made payments to the plan beginning on the first anniversary of his last employment date. Any employee who was excluded from making payments into the new plan by virtue of being over the then-existing maximum age provisions shall be considered a participant for each year after the first year of credited service he elects to buy back under the procedures provided in Section 18-82, plus whatever participation time he accrues after September 25, 1984, but before termination. Re- employed persons may receive credit for participation based upon a previous employment period provided that they buy back that time as provided in Section 18-82. All previously employed persons who had been excluded from the plan due to being over the then-existing maximum age provisions and who chose not to buy back any previous years shall become a plan participant on the first day after September 25, 19g~, on which they have been continuously employed for one year. Persons who were previously excluded from the plan due to being over the maximum age and who choose not to buy back shall have the option of not becoming a plan participant. ~ employee except those exempted under subsection (c) above who meets the eligibility :nfs as set forth above shall, as a condition of continued employment, make contributions to is required by Section 15-93 hereof, and shall become a participant in the plan subject to all lisions. employee who is absent from the active service of the city on the effective date of the plan of a leave of absence granted by the city, or by reason of compulsory military service, will participant hereunder as of the date of his return to active employment. ~ participant will be retired under the plan and entitled to a retirement income upon ,t from service with the city by reason of his age, subject to any minimum service :nfs herein. Each such participant whose employment is terminated because of mental or lisability in accordance with section 18-112 shall be entitled to disability benefits. Upon the I participant, his beneficiaries will be entitled to death benefits as prescribed in section 18-113 ~ny participant whose service is terminated for any reason other than retirement, disability t or death will be entitled to benefits upon termination of service as provided in section Section 3. That Section lg-g0, "Service", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray )rida, is hereby repealed. Section 4. That Section lg-80, "Service", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray ~rida, is enacted to read as follows~ Service term "service" means that period of continuous, uninterrupted employment with the city )articipant's last date of employment, subject to buy back credits described in Section , absence from the active service of the city, including but not limited to absences by reason ]e or resignation, which are not deemed a leave of absence as defined in Section lg-gl I be considered a termination of service. Section 5. That Section 18-82, "Credited service", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of ch, Florida, is hereby amended to read as followsJ Credited service. The credited service of each eml~leyee-~ participant for purposes of calculatinl~ normal retirement date will be the total period of his service as defined in Section lg-80 hereof, in completed months, from this last date of employment, subject to reemployment credits as described in subsection ~ (e) until his date of termination of employment, except as provided in Section l(~=79-1g-g2(c) af~.~e~-~.~(b} below. Credited service for purpose of calculatinK pension benefits shall be the same as subsection (aY abovet provided that the employee became a plan participant on the first anniversary his last employment date and continued to participate until termination of employment. Any eml)loyee who was excluded from becomin~ a participant in the plan due to beinl~ over 2 ORD. NO. 105-84 the then-existing maximum age provisions shall have credited service for purposes benefit calculation which is equal to the years of participation he elects to buy back under subsections (f) and (~) plus .one yeart plus a.ny time after Septembe. r,2~t 1984 the employee remains-in the employ, of the city and a,.pa.,rticipant of the plan. In no event shall this credited service calculation exceed the total number of years of permanent employment with the city. (c_~) Current employee% or emptoy,ees who .left the employ of the city since 3anu,ary l~ 195% who participated in the plan and who were excluded from further participation in the ,plan du, ring employment due to being over the then-existing maximum age provision% but who never received a distribution (by retirement pension income or withdrawal of employee contributions) from the plant sha.l! have., ,, credlted service for ,purposes of benefit calculation equal to the pe. riod of participa.ti0n before exclusion plus one yeart plus whatever time they elect to buy back Under subsections (f) and (~) below~ plus the time after September 2,~.~ Iog~ during which they, ,contributed tot and participated in the plan. If a distribution was received by the employeet then c,redited service for purposes of benefit calculation shall be equal to the number of years the employee elects to buy back under subsections (f) and plus one year~ plus, the time after September 25t logq during which the employee contributed to and participated in the plan. Employees in thi,s, category may buy back both those years fOr, which they have received a distribution and the years during which they were excluded from the plan. In no event shall this credited service calculation exceed the total number of years of permanent employment with the city. (4~L (d__~) The period of any absence of thirty-one (31) days or more will be excluded from an employee's or a participant's credited service unless he receives regular compensation from the city during such absence and except as otherwise provided below. Any absence of thirty (30) days or less will be included. The first two (2) years of any absence after the effective date of the plan due to the employee's or participant's engagement in military service will be included in his credited service if such absence is covered by a leave of absence granted by the city or is by reason of compulsory military service. An employee or a participant who was absent prior to the effective date of the plan because of his engagement in military service will be credited for the full period of such absence if such absence was covered by a leave of absence granted by the city or was by reason of compulsory military service~ provided such period would otherwise have been included as credited service if the employee or participant had been in the active service of the city. (e__~) Former plan participants who are reemployed by the city as eligible employees wiIi be considered new employees with credited service for all purposes calculated as such unless the former participants elect to pay back to the plan the amount of any previous distribution received from the plan plus interest. The amount of interest required will be calculated based upon a seven percent (7%) per annum rate for the period from date of original distribution to the date of repayment. Former plan participants who elect to repay this amount will be granted the credited service awarded prior to their previous termination of service. (~L (f.)) Eligible employees who had previously been excluded :[rom plan participation due to being over the maximum s~eted allowable age :[o,r ,participation at hirer or, were excluded from the plan due to being over the then-existing maximum are at any time during their employment with the city~ aed-whe ~h=~.l-be~~~~f-~'.: ~ .... !_.. c-~.~:~--:~ ~.c'~' r~':.' cm~.:~-:c: =: e~-~he~lete-e~-~c::!~-qf~e will have their credited service calculated in accordance with subsections (a)~ (b)~ (c.)~ and (d) of this subsection. Eligible employees who wish to buy back any time they were excluded from the plan shall be required to make payment according to subsection (~:), which payment shall be ,equal to ufl4e~-these-Rew p=r*.~!~:.~:c cL:c~--t~-pe~-~e--the-~:~.:~ an amount which represents the employee contri- butions they would have made to the plan had they always been eligible, plus interest. The amount of interest required will be calculated based upon a 7% per annum rate for the period-fr~-wha~ ...... ~v~aeen-the4~-pr: ..... ~-~*-. d=*.~_ :[rom which the money would otherwise have been paid into the plan to the date o:[ repayment. Those Pee~ieil~e~~ who elect to make this payment will be granted credited service ~-4he-~~~r-~late-e~.hk-e ~or purposes o:[ benefit calculation in accordance with subsections (b) or (c). Employees will be required to pay back the most recent year, s fir, st. All of the new participants will receive credited service for the purpose determining their norma~ retirement date whether or not the optional payment is made. 3 ORD. NO. 105-84 The repayment provisions of this subsection shall also be available to former employees who have retired from the city since 3anuary 1~ 198&~and who were excluded from the plan due to beinj~ over the maximum are thereby bainK prevented from accruinR ten (10) years of participation. (~ (g) The repayment of a previous distribution plus interest under subsection (~ (e__) above or the payment of employee contributions plus interest under subsection ~) (f) above will be payable in a lump sum within ninety (90) days after reemployment or on~r before 3uly 1~ 1985 af, t~-~-~~-~~~.~.= O~=.ncr, cc I~~~-~ew~J) whichever is ~J later. However, persons who are employees of the city as of 3anuary 16) l~)g~ at 5:01 p.m. fl~e-d~te e~-a~J~e~-~O~i~ee~-~~may elect to pay the amount required in installments. If this option is used, one thousand dollars ($1,000) will be due within ninety (90) days of the date of adoption of this Ordinance by the city council with subsequent payments of the lesser of one thousand dollars ($l,000) or the balance due payable every three (3) months after the initial payment. If any type of benefit payment under the plan begins prior to the full payment of employee contributions or a prev.~.ous distribution plus interest, the outstanding balance will be deducted from the benefit payments as they become due. Section 6. That should any section or provision of this ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent iurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 7. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately after its passage on second and final reading. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on second and final reading on this the 15th day of January , 19S5. MAYOR ATTEST: First Reading December 11, 1984 Second Reading January 15, 1985 ORD. NO. 105-84