01-14-46 Regular 11"'. 4. ~ ! I . '~~ "'''''0''...W''..'.''''~F~~ I .I<i. Z~b~ COUNCIL tmAMBER January 14, 194 The Counoil me~ in regalar session a~ 7:30 P.M. wi~h the following members present: Mr. Butler, Mr. DeWitt, Mr. Hill, Mr. McNetoe, Mr. White, and City Attorney Nowlin. Mayor DeWitt asked if anyone in the aUdienoe wished the minutes of the preoeeding meetings read. No one did, so minutes of meetings held Janqary 7t.. were approved as written. , I I I 1 :; Building Inspeotor Ben Ad!iJilS submitted applioation from Henry GQrdon to erect a quons!t hut on his lot on N.E. 2na. Ave. &. 1st. S1;reet to be used as a Maohine Shop. He stated the hut was built in acoordanoe with army and navy speoifications, and reoommended the Counoil grant him permission to issue permit for same. Mr. Gordon who was in the andienoe assured the Couneil the building would be set up striotly in aooordaIioe with the army and navy speoifications. Fire Chief Barrows stated if this was done, he could see no fire hazzard would be caused by thiB t~e struoture, and also reoommended permit be granted. It was regularlY moved, seconded, and unanimously oarried that the Building Inspeotor grant permit to Mr. Gordon. .ext Mr. Adams submitted plot plan for residenoe for Helen Hall. Her 101; is only 50' wide, and with the build.. iug she plans to ereot, she would be short 2t' on a sid. yard set..baok. 1~e Counoil ordered the Clerk, after the. usual *~,OO fee is paid by the builder, to ref.r this matter h the Zoning Commission for their stUdy and re.. oommenda t ion. I ." " Polio. Chief Croft submitted bids for maintenanoe of radio equipment as follows: t~ ~ t ~ I ~ ~ I f,~~ 'iiI ! ~ '15. per month for the station and $10 per month for eaoh oar. 125. per month for the station $15. per month for eaoh oar. $10 per mon~h for the. station and $10. p,r month for eaoh oar. n w~ regUlarly moved, seconded, andunan,imouslY oarried thd Mr.llendrloj.(s be giv.n this work, on a mon:th to mon1;h basis. Conyer A Palm Beaoh Man bid G. Donald Hendrioka . Z~~5 danuary 14, 1946 Fire Chief Barrows requested permission to purchase t~. fo11owing:- 10 bunker coats C $10.75 12 helmet. C $112. per doz. One generator testing maohin. .tl07.50 112.00 43.00 r"'" t The Chief was au~horized to make these purohases, by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried. Mr. John Kelsey addressed the Couno~l r.garding notice h. had reoeived to r.move his trail.r from property on S.E. lat. Ave. He advised that his house will be completed far .nough within t.n days so that he oould move into it, there- fore the Counoil granted a ten days extension of time to him on moving. ~ext, Mr. Jack Wioks representing the Delta Air Co~p. asked the Counoil to lease him a strip of ~and immedia~ely north of the Golf Course for use as a base to operate from with two planes whioh will do orop dus~ing. He assured the Counoil they would keep the field cleaned up, disposing 0' .trash daily, and in taking off and in landing, would not fly in over Atlantic Ave. or over the Club House. After thoroughly disoussing the matter, Mr. Butler moved that Delta Air Corp. be granted priviledge to enter into a con- ~raot with the oitY1 said oon~raC~ to be drawn by City Attorney, for use of the land, and that they pay the oity $l5 per month p.r plane, depositing tlOO with the Clerk as s guaranty performance bond. Contraot to cover ~ime until Apri) 1,1946. Mr..White seoonded themot10n whioh oarried unanimously on roll oall. -. .,/"""+ . CO~llcilman i'lhite moved that the Clerk and the Mayor be empoiered to exeoute the oontraot upon oompletion by the City Attorney. .Mr. Butler seconded the motion whioh oarried unanimously on roll oall. . .. " Grover Bak.r who was in the audienoe asked the City Atterne,. to explain to the Counoil a snag which had been run into, regarding the pavingoontraot. ~h. Attorn.y advis.d that he was trying to work this out with the W..t Palm Beaoh Attorney who proposes to handle the lien cer- tifioat.. He will try to get separate oontraots with Mr. ~ak.r and the people who will handle the cer~ifioates. It was regularly moved, seoonded and unanimously oarried that Mr. Baker be allowed an extension of time until February 1st. tooommenoe.work~ in order that the above _ matter oan be worked out. The city Attorney ~o notif,. the Bonding Company of this aotiOn. ..-.., -" January.14, 1946 Samuel Ogren representing the P~anning Board addressed the Cmuneil ~egarding building along the Federal Highway. After disoussing this, the Council by motion.regUlarly moved, seoonded and carried, asked hUn to have the Plan- ning Board and the Zoning Board meet, and appoint a oom- mittee, who shall aot upon said app1ioations within five days after r.oeiving same. Next Ml'. Ogren brought up the matter of business sones aoross the street from apartment zones, only having to set bao~ 10' from the street while the apartments have to set baok 25'. By motion regularly made, seoonded and unanimouslyoarried, the City Attorney was instruoted to draft an ordinanoe for the Counoil to study at next meet- ing. I 4, In aOoordanoe with request published in paper, the Mayor asked for bids for the fUling in of Gleason S.treet. A bid from lno. B. Reid to the amount of t6,500 waspruent- ed, trom sou~h line of Delray Beaoh to AtlantioAve. The Clerk was instruoted to wrl~e Mr~ Reid and ask if his bid was meant to be in oompllanoe With the advertisement, also asking him to oorriot the desoription, as his bid would cover Seagate property whioh is now inoluded in oitYlimits. At1;orney Nowlin agreed to oheot with C.Y. Byrd, Reid's attorney on this matter, also. Counoilman iVhite reported he had been informed, tha1; the oity Jj:Igh~ be liable for damages i)1Clurred due to till.. ing in of the'aeid' land.. ffe sta'lled there would be 0<1)1.. siderably more water than fill pumped in, and 11' this water is not drained off p:L'operly, U w1l1no doubt oause damage to abutting proper~y. Engineer Ga:L'r~s had told a property owner if the oity installed some sewer pipe it would tore- stall any flooded oonditlon. Attorney Nowlin agreed to oheok into ~h1s with Geo. Carr. Mr. White advised that the old Counoi1 had given the Street Committee power to aot in having oatoh basins in.. stalled in the vicinity of PO" Offioe Building. He said he had jplans, speoifioations, and estimated oost, and would like to have the new members of the counoil see sam.. Oounoil agreed it was alrigh~ for the Stree~ Committee to go ahead with this work. By motion regularly moved, seoonded and unanimously oarried, the Attorney was instruotea to prooeed to oondemn the s~reet orossing right of way on N,E. ls1;. St, on Florida East Coast Railway. The Clerk was instruoted to oheok with Mr. Pinokne~ regarding ext.nding sewn to his hO!lle on N.E. Itth. Ave. and also extending sewer to DelrayBeaoh Funeral Hom., ~eporting back ~o ~he Counoil .ext mee~lng. ",,",...,",," ;2..~"'1 .;'.. ':;':i\ " r2~fr> <6- January 14, 1946 Mr. McNeeoe reported one sign was missing trom ~outh Ocean Blvd., and one other whioh was down had been replaced. Mr. DeWitt Stated Mr. Duggan had asked him to allow his beaoh shelter to r.main, offering to give same to the Cit7. Mr. neWitt asked him 6f he had seoured a permit to erect ~he shelter, and had been advised that no permit had been obtain- ed. L.tter from Mr.. Neva Cherry requesting her beaoh shelt.r be allowed to remain on the beaoh, was read. TheOouncil dis- cussed this and ordered the Clerk to advise Mre. Cherry just why th~ COQDcil had asked owners to r.move beaoh shelters, also that the oity contemplates building shelters at some future date. " . .. . Mr. Hill r.ported he had b.e1'l glven leUer front. J"no. Berg who oomplained abottt trash being d.posited on the rear of hlJl lot by the ocoupants ot the Oason Bldg. Mr. Hill advised h. had instruoted Supt. Harvel to notify these people to deposi1; trash on their own property in the f~ure. .r. Butler submitt,d 1.t1!er from Bel'ber1; J. SimlI . Co. accepting Oit.y'. otter of 98 plus inter.st for $1,000 cBy at Delray Beach refunding bond. By mo1;ion regularly made, seCond.d and unanimously oarried, the Clerk was instructed ~o p~chase this bond. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimoUSly carried, the Supt, was instructed to purchase four tires, if four are needed, for use of track whioh Mr. Garner 10aned~,~the Oity la,t sUIll1IIer for uaet;.on the Golf Course. Oounoilman Ko1ieeoe agreed to bring in his re@llmendation Il8xt m.,ting night for 1118mb81'S ot Golf Oommittee, after the Parke Committe. consider the matter. .-, i~' .~ .~ .~ Next letter tram manager of Delray Theatre address,d to the Building Inapeotor was read in Which heessked for inspection of the Roxy ~ilding With a view to issuing a license for operation at a theatre 1;bere. Letter from 'ire Ohief Barrows stating the building was a fire haza:rd ana not safe tor Publi~ use was read, as was let~er trom building ~peotor deClaring it unsafe f~ publio use. The Ol.rk was ora.reCI, by motion regularly made, seeoJ;lded and unan1ll1ously car:r,.ed, to notify Mr. Wheadon the building will have to be brought up to mee~ the requirements of th.' fire department and the build me inspector'. oode, betore permi'li can be grant.a to op.n said building as a theatre. Letters tram Fire Chi.f ana Bleo~rioal Inspector regaraing 1UUIafe conilUion of wiring at Bob's Bar were read, and disou88,d. ('" '};~~~8 f~JIl-i1,,}1 January 14, 1946 The Eleotrical Inspeotor was ordered to notify the owner to rectify the condition of wiring. The Mayor advised the aotual laying of pipe will be- gin about Feb. 1st. and Nu-Way will-be ready to ~ommence work on the 4th. of February. A man from Smith &. Gillespie's office will be in town during the construction of improve- menSs to the water plant. The Clerk was ordered to notify Supt. Harvel to see that all oooonut trees whioh will be in the way, are removed at the water plant property, before Feb. 4th., checking the plans before doing this. A petition from citizens living on N. W. 10th. Avenue, ask- ing for Change in zoning of proper" on N. W. lOth. ave.. from Atlantic Ave. north to N.W. 2nd. St., from a residatial ~ Section or Zone, to a Business Seotionor zone, was read. The Clerk was ordered to notify these signers that they must post a $l5 fee if they wish this to be oonsidered, and after fee is posted, the olerk is to turn this petition over to the Zoning Board for their stUdy and reocmmendation. A. letter from the State Hotel Commission designatins difference in efficienoy apartments and tourist oabins was read and order.d turned over to the Building inspector tor his files. Master's Deed to the Wi of Lot 13 in Vista Del Mar SiD was presented to the Council. the Olerk was instructed to fUe same. j 1 ~ 'Ii J ~. ~ ".1 " Bill from W.J. Snow amounting to $26 for repairs to sidewalk in front of A~ha Bldg. on H.E. 5th. Ave. was pre- sented. The Olerk: was orderea to adv1Jie Mr. Snow that no employee of the Ci~y authorized this work: to be done, and for him to bill Mr. Atha for same. A bill alllOunting to 125 from Snow for some gravel used at water plant was order- ed paid. The Olerk was instruoted to issue ocoupational lioense to Joseph Rolle for a car washing lot. Request from Maggie Fair for refund of lioense fee paid last year was d.nied inasmuch as the lioense was issued to her. The Olerk: was ordered to publiSh an ad in the Looal newspaper advising the public that Ordinance # 561 regard- ing special ho~el distriot, will oo.me up before the Counoil for final nading on January 28th., inviting all in~er..ted persons to be present. Bills# 2941 through 2993 having been approved by the Finance. Committee, (totaling $6,034.21) were ordered paid. I I I I 1...1.' " '..,. /tj;((, January 14, 19-4t) 25(-)9 '1'a~ Colleotions through Deoember on 1945 roll were reported as follows:- Ward # 1.... Ward # 2.... $19,196.63 70,717.63 The following Ordinanoe was by motion on regularly made, seconded anunanimous1y carried, plaoed on its fir~t reading:- Om?U9J '0. ..56\ ..It. ....~.D1..a,.,NANOE '1'.0 AMEND SECTIO.. N 4 OR ORDINANOE NO. 'i4t)OPTED BY THE CITY COtnll:CILOR THE GITY Oll' D~YBl!:.4CH, FLORIDA,.ON JULY 9, 1945, EN'!'I'I'LED "AN O!DmAl'WEOF THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAYBE.4CH, FLORIDA, I$VYING, ESTABLISHING AND IMPOSIJi{.!o.A GJW)UATED'l'AXON PURCHASES OF E1.ECTRICITt,/JIOTTLED GAS AND tOCAL TELEPHONE SERVIOE: .:P1l.Q.t.::t?IN.Q .FORPENAL'l'IES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS. ORDa:1f#HEPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND~.IId.l"... ,. CES INSOFAR AS THE SAME ARE CONFLlaifIN'G''B':I'm:EWITH" . The c'-ty Attorney turned over to the Clerk a right..ot way deed from neloo,an Company, to the City of Delray Beaoh, tor the DO t. of the s1 of block 156. '!'he Clerk was ordered to have deed reoorded. ;4 t , A proposed ordinanoe for nelooean traot was read and disoussed by members of the Council, after which the attorneT was instructed to write Mr. Beid asking him to give the Gottn.~l e plot plan showing just what he oontemplates building on the Atlantio Avenue and where the business distriot will be 'e- signated, When this information is reoeived,' the Ordinance Committee is to study same. The following Committees were appointed by the Mayor:.. ;,1 fii ~:~ ~" /:' ~ FINANCE AND ORDINANCE B.C. Butler Carl J. Whi 1;e c. W. Hill ViA TER M.M. DeWitt C.W. Hill F. B. McNee oe STREETS AND LIGB'lING Carl J. Whit. 14.14. DeWitt B. C. Butler. -. ij; . IANUAT!OH C. W. Hill F.B. MoNeece 14.14. PeWitt 1C,.j~ Janusry 14, lt45 ~51b. TAX AnJUSTMEN'!' BOARD E.M. Wilson H.A. Hubbard . It..MontgomerY PLUMBER '.S EXAMIN!l'fG BOARD Gwo. P1nokney O. W. Hill M. M. DeWit\ F. B. MoNeeoe PaUl Myers Eugen. Elliott - Inspector _ Ohm. San. Com. - Chm. Water " - Chm. Park " . Plumbing Contractor ~" " , I ~INERS I ZONING.OOMMI'1'TD I leal Insp. I Lt. :aep. Iman Iman Itor hor I ~. '. I ''i'lie TliY01"i:>lia'Ueu' he thoUght 1 t advisable for one person on the Council to have oharge of certain departments of the oity, in order to give assistance when emergenoies arise needing immediate aotion. Mr. Butler is to have charge of City Hall. Mr. Wh1te and Mr. Hill to supervise Wilson Harvel. The Mayor will be in oharge of F1re &. Polioe DlIpt. and Water Plant. . C.W. Garner, Ohm. Malcom O'Neal L.T. Griest J .A. Thayer I. Ogren - lyr. - 3" W.of.canal - 3" E.of. " _ 2" Broker - 2" Architect The following :aesolution was passed on i~8 first reading RESOLUTIOND 568 A RESOLUTION OF THE OITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, nORIDA DESIGNATING THE nOR IDA .STATE BANIC OF DELRAY BEACH. AS SOLE DEPOSITORY OF FUNDS OF SAID CITY. There being no fUrther busineBs to oome before the Counoil, Oouncil adjourned. ~,~, .2, ,8.,;i ty lel'k A ,'ii, ".j -t-: . s: , ATTEST: Mayor