01-24-46 Special c::,.t~t'"'J..t r''W"lL';Il I J.. , COTINO II. CHAlIBER Zanuall'Y 24. 1946 ne Oouncil met in $peo1a1 Sea. ion at 1:30 P.II. with the fa'L101dng me.1)4I1'$ p1'...n... ~.Butler. IIr.'DeWitt. JI:r. lIoNeeoe. Mr. WflUe. and C1ty A't1iorneyrfiow1in. 141'. Hill was absent. '. Attorney Nowlin read the fOllowing Ordinanoe:- ORD ~N.9} NO. 5~t AN EMERGENCY ORDIIf.A.l:lOE OF 'mE CITY OF DELaAY BEMH.. l!'LO:RlDA, .AMJIRD~G ORDINANCE NO. 252, COVERINQ '!'RAnIC REGULAT"ION8 OF mE CITY OF DELRAY BEAmr. FLOIUIlA. By motion regularly lIIade, SIIoom.4 and unanimously carried, the ordinanoe was adopted on its firs treading. A note from Councilman Hill stated he was in favor . of passing the Ordinance. The.Olerk was instructed to ask the Police Chief to br ing all tiokets into her otfioe in order that they might be reoorded and haDdled in the same menner as the s~on8 and receipt books are. There being no further business to oome before the Counoil, Council adjourned. Jn~/~h '-:.:.~ ~~i OityClerk , ~~. - "":,",,,~':'~;',';:':;:~,';<<~,: .JI'lo'L , ,',',' '.':,':;JAi{:iU,~:.i';Y.'(/',:,<