01-28-46 Regular COUNCIL CHAMBER ;ranuary 28, 1946 ~e Couneil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with all members of the City Couneil and the City Attorney present. wished minutes of No one did, so' :Ma:yor DeWitt asked if a DYone meetings held Jan. 14th and 24th read. minutes were approved as written. Fire Ohief Barrows presented a request for additional fire hose Which would cost '925. He stated it was very badly needed. This matter was turned over to the Finanee Committee to study, with powe~ to aet; by motion regularly made, seeonded and unanimously earried. . Fire Chief BarrowS advised the Couneil, in his opinion a four ineh valve on new fire hydrants was not large enough and reeommended they be changed. The Mayor stated he would take tbis up with Smith & GUlespie, and asked the Clerk to ~ontaet :Mike Blank. If bydrants have not been orde~d, to stop ordering on them until a later date. . - :Mr. L. Hand addressed the Couneil requesting some plan be worked out for regular day to collect waste paper in the business area. The Mayor told Mr. Hand he would work out a plan with the Fire Dept. whereby they would at regular intervals burn waste paper. Mr. Kenneth Montgomery addressed the Council rega'ding a parking lot aeross the street from the U.S.O. He advised the Home Owners Association had eontacted the owners of the property, and they did not object to its being used for this purpose, providing the City would make the property useable as parking lot. County Commissioner Byrd presented a letter from the Clerk of CIreuit court in whieh he advised the County was practieally ready to make distribution of funds reeeived from the sale of County owned property, and asking for amount of taxes due the eity on this land. The Olerk and Attorney were instrueted to eompile these figures for :Mr. Arnette. '0c.'!-12 ,.:;.,,->> ( ,; ~ ~::i 1 , ;: t .' '" ;~ ,;; ,fj "it ;:{- o -j .'~ t I> ;'. ~:: ~ ,,,1 '<I! ~~< ~;i~ c:.t''-!3 ":-J'LJ I :Mr. Byrd also advised that the county had lot 241 listed for sale for delinquent taxes. This is part of the City yacht basin. Attorney Nowlin agreed to che'ck into this matter. :Mr. Byrd asked the Council to pass the ordinance regarding business zone for iTohn B. ReJd as he wanted to ../ buUd shops on the Atlantic Avenue portion of land, SllJJd v the old Council had assured Mr. Reid when the filling in began, they would then zone the property. The Mayor advised that the Council desired a plot plan showing exactly what :Mr. Reid contemplated. build ing before any action is taken. :Mrs. Mabel Brown presented a petition signed by' herself and eighteen other persons, protesting to the use :Mr. E. B.Nichols is making of his used car lot. They S~~~G paint spraying was being done in the open which Is a fire hazard, and the noises made in making car repairs was very objectionable to the persons l~ving in that area. She, Mrs. Brown, adviSed the Council Mr. Niohols had promised he would not use the lot as a car repair shop or tilling s.tationf Ellis Lamb advised, :Mr. Nichols had assured him he would oIlly display good looking automobiles for sale, and now has all types of cars on the-lot. After discussing the matter the :Mayor told :Mrs. Brown if it was wlthlnthe power of the Council, they; would do everything possible' to olear this situation up. Bu.ildIngInspeo.tor Adams was authorized to issue permit to E. Andrews for a 12x2Q' quonsit hut for gas storage purposes.. if it is not in conflict with zoning requirements of the territory where it is to be erected. The buIlding inspector stated Mr. Reid wished to erect a sign larger than is allowed by the city code. Attorney B~d advised, Mr. Reid had decided to ereot the sign back far enough on his own land where it would not oonflict with the code. - :Mr. Allabough, representing owners in Byrd Beaoh asked what steps would be neoessary to secure city water for that dis*rIo.t. The Mayor said he would arrange a meeting with Mr. Allabough and his group, with the Water Committee, in the vet:y near future, at whic~ time this matter can be gone into thoroughly. . ~ Councilman White reported that :Mr. Stephens, a property owner in Nassau Park had asked him to find out Just what the city will do regarding draInin~ of water from Nassau Street. After a lengthY d iscn~. the Dlerk ')I'" ( was instruoted to advise Mr. Phillip Stevenson that after the Oouncil has consulted an engineer about levels, etc. they will advise him their decision. Letter from Arundel Corp. doing fill work for ReI~ was read, in whioh they asked for a me~ng wIth Street Commissioner, Engineer and Council regarding drainage in Hassau Street and tabled for further study. Councilman White submitted bid from iTohn B. ReId for filling in of Gleason Street in compliance with city's specifications. Amount of bid b~ing 16,500. ThIs matter was tabled until the Council can determine just what the city's liability is in the filling. { Bills from George W. Carr were approved and ordered paid, as followSI- . $381.00 - work on establishing building line on one mile of ocean boulevard, according to a recorded plai. $79.60 work on drainage elevations. Nest, Councilman White brought up matter of cemetery plat1 and EngineerCar1' submitted his estimate for cost, at ,7,825. He recommended the city go ahead with the RBi of the plat, having same laid out, and re- corded. This matter was tabled for fU1~er study. Councilman White turning data over to Councilman McNeece. Councilman :McHeece reported work on beach board- walk had been completed, also work on CasIno walk. Concrete work on beach has not been completed as yet. aw also st~ted shuffleboard courts had beenlompleted, and building inspector Adama advised the work wal:(.(sati'sfaotory. A letter from Gracey Brothers regarding removal of beach shelters was read. They advised, their client, :Mrs. Rhoda Klugh had removed her shelter, while no other shelters had been removed. The Glerk was ordered to thank Mrs. Klugh for her cooperation, and assure her the rest of the shelters will be torn down. Supt. Harvel was ' instructed to collllllfU1ce immediately on this work. Cleldt to write letter to the Supt. confirming this aotion. By motion regularly made, seoonded and unanimously carried the following members were appointed to Golf. Committee, upon recommendation of the Parks Committee:- C. W. Garner, Chairman Malcolm 0 'Neal ) C. J. Manson 1 \ n.rc:f&'4 t"_.J\Lj) , ~i . ~ , < t ~f, ,. M ~ 'f' 'k (i '.,. i 5; Letter from F. H. LInk declinltng his appointment as a member of the Planning Board, due to lack of time to devote to this work, was read. Mr. Kenneth :Montgomery was appointed in :Mr. Link's place, by motion regularly msde, seconded and unanimously carried. The Clerk was asked to write the Cha~rman of Golf Committee requesting that he have the Golf Pro manager require persons playing on the course be fully attire-d, as complaint had been made that some of the male members had been playing without wearing shirts. Councilman McNeece advised that Leslie Brown had offered to donate hIs beach shelter to the Golf Club as a rain shelter. :Mr. McNeece was asked to check into the advisability of moving the shelter to the course. Councilman Hill presented a petition signed by Ada E. :Martin and others requesting sewer in block 96. !his matter was tabled until we can get an engineers report on grade 'levels, etc. :Mr. Hill advised the Clerk had written C.K. Simon re: sewer for Funeral Home, and no reply has been received as yet. Councilman Butler advised the bond which Council had authorized purchase of, had been received. Also that the Clerk had asked the bond be mailed direct to her, but the seller sent it to the bank. There was a $2.50 bank exchange fee. Mr. Butler recommended in the future, we get prices on bonds, delivered here, so these exchange fees will be paid by the sellers~ Attorney Nowlin advised that he had written the F.E.C. people regarding First Street crossing, asking that they dedIcate a right-of-way. In the event they do not, the attorney will begin legal proceedings to ob*ain same. ,mhe Attorney advised that as yet, Mr. :McFee had not signed the agreement between himself and the city. The attorney was instruc~ed to write Mr. :Mc'ee regarding this matter and report back to the Council. Letter~rom W. P. Gardner asking for water service on block 9, Osceola Park was read. Supt. Harvel estimated cost of pipe to service this property would be $193.00 for two inch pipe. The Supt. was ordered to go ahead on this,. using a four inch pipe. "..F7..... ~J~ t.I , " ~ , ~ ,. ~j ',. '\; , i 'f ."1' . 'I' <. r}; J:-"I-* '6 ,'cc'~~ ( Letter from ;r. A. Thayer regarding hIs appointment on Zoning Oommission was read. The Mayor advised, report from State Board or Health regarding City Water showed it to be satisfactory. Supt. Harvel reported the palm trees had been removed from water plant property. Letter written by Attorney Nowlin for the Council, to :Mr. H. P. Edmonds Offering him position as city manager at a salary of 15,000. per year was read, also telegram from Mr. Edmond's accept~ the position, and advising he would arrive here January 31st. The attorney was ordered to draw up an ordinance whereby the Council members would put $40. per month of their salary (each member) toward Mr. Edmond's salary, accepting f5.00 per meeting as Councilman's salary. This aotion was taken due to the fact that no money had been allocated for this purpose in the bUdge~. The Oi ty Attorney agreed to check into the duties ot city managers. :Mayor DeWitt advised he had received a complaint from Mrs. Weir regarding low water p(Jessu:xte on second floor of "Boyd" building. After a discussion, the superintendant of public works was instructed to take whatever steps are necessary to correct this condition inasmuch as it is a, health menace. Mr. Harvel is to use 6" pipe (cast Iron~ if he has to go under Atlantic Avenue. Councilman McNeece advised that a :Mr. George Ross Who is a planning manager is now at Briny Breezes, and has offered to devote a week of his time with the local planning board, if they so desire, to assist them in anY way he can. The Clerk was ordered to so advise the Planning Board. Request from Walter G. Gilman fOr refund on season golf membership ticket which he will be unable to use, was turned over to the Golf Committee for recommendation. The Clerk was authorized to issue occupational license to Jurney Flooring Go. She was ordered to write references given by Anson Graves. Also to request business references from Hart Cons tructionOompany and write them, . and to get written references to~mD.L. Phillips before ' any action is taken by the Counc~l in granting licenses. Application for license by "Animal Oddities" was denied by the Council. ~~ ~" ~'; ~ ~ t~: ;f 'I " ~~' . .'''.., nr:~)7 f<~:L') , The Clerk was ordered to wrIte Palm Beach Exterminators, and Orkin 00. asking whether or not they are operating in this city, and if so, for them to secure licenses before any further work is done. The following Ordinance was passed on its second and final reading, by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried:- ' ORDINANCE NO. 567 AN ORDINANOE TO AMEND SECTION 4 OF ORDINANOE NO. 535 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELBAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ON JULY 9, 1945, ENTITLED "4N ORDINANCE OF THE OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, J,.EVYING, ESTABLISHING AND IMPBlJnw A GRADUATED TAX ON PURCHASES OF ELEOT- RICI'l'Y', BOTTLED GAS AND LOCAL TELEPHONE SERVIOE: PROVIDIN(} FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALIN(} ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ,ORDINANCES INSOFAR AS 'THE SAME ARE CONFLIOTING HEREWITH." The f~llowing Resolution was read in fullt- RESOLUTION UlO. 570. .\ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEmAY BEACH, FLORIPA,IN REFEBl!lNCE TO THE LOCATION OF THE RIGBT-OF..WAY OF THE PROPOSED NEW FOUR LANE HIGHWAY 'l'HROUGHOR NEAR DELRAY BEACH,FLORIDA. Attorney O. Y. Byrd advised that the Resources Development . Board was having a publiC meeting Wednesday night to discuss this matter, and recommended that action be held Up on passage of the Resolution until after this meeting. The Oouncil aocepted the recommendation. The following Ordinance was placed on its fire' reading by motIon regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried:- GIlD mANCE NO. 580. _>!1l~~kf)F'\THE OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFPm.RAY :BEAGH~ FLORIDA~PROVIDIN(}FORFRb~ YARD SET BACK ;REQ,UIREMEN'l'S:tN CERTAIN CASES. ~".'78 '.'.pt-..( 1':::;.)0 Ordinanoe No. 581 was adopted on its first reading, by motion regularly made, seconded, and unanimously carried: ORDINANCE NO. 581 AN 1!lMERGENCY ORDUli~B OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF DELBAY BEAOH,FLORIDA, AMENDmG ORDINANCE NO. 23Cl. Attorney Nowlin stated it would take a little longer to work out the legal technicalities in the paving program and he asked as a protection to Grover Baker, that he be g~anted an extension of time until February 15th. to cOllDllence work. This was granted by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carrIed. OouncIlman White stated he had been contacted regarding the exchange of block seven, owned by:Mr. SterlIng, for the park site block which he, Mr. Sterling,gave to the cIty years ago. He said he had been advised that block seven could not be made into a revenue producing block at the present time, but the park site, on Atlantic Avenue oould be. After discussing this matter the Clerk was ordered to advise :Mr. Sterling that the city would not consider the exchange. Attorney Nowlin agreed to assist the Clerk in drafting tMfl reply, relative to history of the block. Councilman White recommended that the Council meet before the 21st of February, to go over all city owned property, weeding out what they could not use, and putting same up for sale. The entire Council agreed to meet as a committee, wednesday night, February 6th, at 7~30 to go into this matter. .' By motion regularly made, seoonded and unanimously oarried, the following bills, having been approved by the FinanceOommittee were ordered paid.- Bills D 2908, 2945, 2960, 2952, 2994-3014, 3016~ 3023, amounting to $6,979.65. OrdInance pertaining to hotels and apartments was read in full for the second time. Attorney Byrd, representing himself as a beach property owner, gave a lengthy discoutse 'on this ordinance as to the unfaIrness of parts of it. Many paragraphs are covered in the building code, he advised. The Council ,aSked :Mr. Byrd to work with the Oity Attorney on a re-draft, submitting same to the Zoning OommissIon for their reoommendation back to the Council before final action is take n. ,.f.nyt1).lng covered in the building code, to be omitted from the o~dInance. The let. being no further business to come bffore the Council, Council adjourned. ~~; !......',.~. ~j City Cler :Mayor . ""'.,,', P'-Jg ;~)J'{