02-04-46 Special ~'-"'">~7~<; 2580 COUNCIL CHmBER February 4, 1946 The Council met in Special session at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mr. Butler, Mr. DeWitt. Mr. HU1. Mr. White, and Attorney Nowlin. Mr. McNeece was absen t. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously oarried, the following emergency ordinance was passed on its first reading:~ ,0RDINANCl!: NO. 582 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CI'l'Y COUNCIL .OF THE CITY OF DEL BAY BEACH, FLORIDA,OREATING THE OFFIOE OF CITY MANAGER . Resolution No. 582 was by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried. passed on its first ~eading:- BRVTlDN JiQ. . 5a~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OOUNCn. OF THE .OITY OF DELRA Y BEACH. FLORIDA. PROVIDING FOR THE DUTIES AND COMPENSATION OF THE CITY MANAGER. Councilman White recommended that inasmuch as no amount had been set up in the budget for purchasing a car for use of the city manager, this item should be included in the above resolution. It was finally decided to include this in a contract between the Manager and the City. Upon recommendation Of Oouncilman White the following Re~olution was passed on its first reading:- , . BESOLUTIONNO .584 . A rorsO:LUTION OF THE CITY COUNOIL OF '!'BE CITY OFDELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA. l!']J(!NG THE COMPENSATION TO BE PAID MDBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. "\ . 'e'" '''''"_""""""",...,.:,_~,,,'","''--,_..,,.. -?~L, ~G8:t Mr. White alvised Mr. Garris had informed him there was no danger of damage from water from the "Reid" fill, and that if Gleason Street is to be filled, Mr. Garris would have to know immediately. Councilman Hill moved that John B. Reid be awarded contraot for the filling in of Gleason Street, according to city speoi- ficationa, at a cost of $6,250. as per Reid's bid, providing the city is furnished with a performance bond and a bond to protect the city from any damages resulting from the fUling Of this street. Mr. Butler seoonded the mot ion which carried unanimously on roll call. ~ Councilman White reported he had been told a 12" storm sewer on Nassau street would take care of drainage there, but that it would be most impractical to install same untU after Reid fill is in and has had time to settle. The City Attorney agreed to contact Marshall Wood, Attorney for Mrs. Burwell Smith, and seoure from him a right- Of-way deed in Seagate for the new water main. The Olerk was instructed to notify Attorney Byrd the members of the Council would be glad to discuss with him and Dr. Reid the proposed zoning for Re'ld property, Wednesday night, February 5th at 7:30 o'clock. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the clerk was ordered to pay Stewart-Pontiao $1,250. for new oar. Application from Enoch Powell to operate 8 bus over oertain parts of' the town Was turned over to the OityManager and Chief of Police for their study and recommendation. Oity Manager Edmond agreed to contact Smith & Gillespie, Engineers and have size of fire hydrants changed to 5~ valve so they would be acceptable to the Underwrisers. Coun.O'llman Butler advised that Fa 1rclQth would be ready to test out the new beach rake at the convenience of the manager. Mr. Butler recommended that the city purchase a6~itional fire hose which is needed. Manager Edmonds agreed to do this. At the Mayor's recommendation, the Fire Chief was given per~ssion to use west portion of upstairs of qt"Q.2 ",,-,Ll..., oity hall building for a home for himself and family, until such time as he oan secure suitable accommodations. By motion regularly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, John L. Hardin was appointed as a pOlice patrolman at the same salary the other patrolmen are receiving. Mayor DeWitt was authorized by the Council to try to secure another automobile, which is badly needed. There being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourned. ~~.' '. ~.. ./.A . .~....: l. kn- Ci ty Cler Ma yor