02-11-46 Regular -"0ir'O~ .. ";;J~OU COUNCIL CHAMBER February 11, 1946 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mr. Butler, Mr. DeWitt, Mr. Hill, Mr. McNeece and Attorney Nowlin. Mr. White arrived later. .~ Mayor DeWitt asked if anyone wished the minutes of meetipgs ,~ held uan. 28th. and Feb. 4th. read. No one did, s@ minutes were approved BS written. Councilman Hill recommended that the city manager check into the advisability of ~tendifig sewer to block 96. making his reconmendations back to the Council. Letter received from Smith & Gillespie regarding sewer project was also turned over to the city manager. A communication pertaining to zoning from Thos. Armour was referred to the Zoning Commission. Next a letter from Smith & Gillespie referring to their letter, and bill dated 1)eolllmber 5th. to amount of t596.09 was read. This bill was ordered paid, and the Clerk and Manager were ordered to oheck the original contract to determine just how much credit we are due'from'Smith & Gillespie. When this is determined, the credit due us, to be detucted trom next payment made to the Engineers. Mayor DeWitt advised that some of the bonds which the city has in their safety deposit b~x will have to be cashed in order to meet payments due the latter part of the month for water plant improvement work. Manager Edmo11d is to find out amount needed, and 1t was decided to cash bonds for amount needed. Council will meet in Special Session at 8 P.M. February 14th. to settle this matter. Action was deferred on the Mabel Brown 'petition' until next regular meeting. 'rhe Clerk was ordered to advise the person inquirip!!l :"c,'~, ~wlt1~ about putting a skating rink in this city, that the Council does not des ire a skating r ink in Delray Beach. 'rhe Finanoe Committee agreed to cheek into insurance policy Whieh is supposed too be renewed on the 14th. rep07'\l!1ng back to the Council their recommendations. Manager Edmond agreed to check into the parking of railroad cars, being used for housing railroad laborers, justno:rth of the Atlantic Avenue crossing. " 2)!J84: The following Ordinance was by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, ordered placed on its first reading:- ORD lNAt'lCE If. 585 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH,FLORIDA,DREATING A LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE PROVIDING FOR THE USE 0 F PROPERTY IN SAID ZONE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. The Citry Attorney agreed to have the necessary papers ready by ne~ regular meeting night regarding the recodifying of city ordinances and resolutions. He also agreed to .check into the lots in yaoht basin which the coun~y had foreclosed on and had listed for sale. Mayor DeWitt advised that the Council met-as a committee on February 6th. and decided to sell a lot owned by the city in block 12, Dell Park, also property on corner of Vista Del Mar Drive and Andrews Ave. These lots are of no use to the city at this time. The Clerk was instrueted to prooure the proper legal description of tract of land Delta Air Corp. wished to lease and give same to the city attorney in order that he might draw up contract between city and Delta. Delta had posted their $100. bond and' paid one months rent on the land. .. .. Attorney Nowlin. turned over to the Councll report on taxes eoUec'l;ed,.together with check to the amount of 118,452.25. It was by Illotton regularly made; seconled and unanimously carriea, agreed to accept both the report and the check, and the clerk was orde'r:ed to ee~ that the money is allocated to the proper accounts. At'1:'6rne y N owl ~n i'ep\'li~ed'~e~Q xX'l! ee~~e.d.Llar..ili!lV ;t>.~Q.~~~he F.E.C. people regarding N.E.1st. Street 'crossfng. 'l'heyadvlSed a representative would be in Delray Beach before the end of February. Councilman I'/hi te wtshed tl:le Att'orney to advise t]:e F.E. C. formally that the City Wluld expect an answer by the end of this month. Letter addressed to the City Attorney signed Ranulf Comption regarding injuries Mr. Compton claimed.he sustained at the right of way on Ocean Blvd. and Atlantie Ave. was read and ordered filed. Mr. Nowlin advised that the Kiwanis Club had been oftered lots 19 through 24 in block 51 at a verynomiDal fee from Ardmore Holding Co. , and wished to know if' the city would abate the amount of city taxes which are unpaid on this land. The COUDC U told Mr. Nowlin tl1ey thought it best if' the city took title to the land and let the Kiwanis Club have the use of it for a Clinic Building. No action was taken, at this time. 2585 Manager Bdmond requested additional time before submitting his recommendation on the matter of bus license for Enoch Powell. This request was granted. The Manager was given authority to attend a sale in Miami purchasing n~cessary equipment needed in his office (filing cabinets, desk and chair). Also if possible, to secure an electric adding machine for the clerk's office. The Council agreed to reimburse the marrager for these items if he can purchase same. " Manager Edmond reported he had contacted the Underwriters and they advised him they wuld accept the 4i" valve opening on fire h;vmll'al1ts, and inasmuch asa change would delay the work.six or seven weeks, the Council decided the 4i" valve opening vould do. Manager Edmond agreed to notify Smith &; Gillespie of this action. Building Inspector Adams presented plot plan and blue prints for gaSoline station ~o be built by uas. A. Bowers on the Federal Highway just north of Fourt St. Inasmuch as it met with the building and zoning requirements of'the district, the InspE"qt(j)r was ordered to grant permit. . Next Mr. Adams presented a sketch for a two unit apartment building to be erected on lot 7, bloekll4, by J. Carson Boush. Th~ is in Special BusinEll'ss zone. Mr. Adams was im tructed to issue perm~t when the owner furnished him with a bettw~ plot plan, and spec1f'icat ions. The Council apprOTed the Jack Walker as a police patrolm81o as the other police offieers. Police Chief's action of hiring He is to receive the same salarl" Ass'll. Supt. Harvel reported he had removed all the beach shelters exoept for one canvas shelter owmed by Mrs. Robbins. The Oounoil instructed the olerk to advise Mrs. Robbins the shelter could be kept on the beach during the daytime, but it would have . to be removed each night, just as any other portable beach equipment is. Mayor DeWitt reported the tractor had been tried out on the beach, but it is not quite what is needed, and additional changes will have to be made beeore .it is tried out again, Auditor Winn reported that in the past, the city reo estate is entered in the ledger in a lump sum. He recommended that it be broken down into a detaileA acoount. He "agreed to tevethls information together with his recommendatiofi. for the Thursday night meeting. Fire Chief Barrows ~ecommended that the city purchase extra fire hydrants to be used in case of a breakdown on present hydrants. '.0", C::'~~86 t'Jll..J Mayor DeWitt advised that the water committee had met w5-th Mr. E. Allabollgh ngarding the selling to him of surpltU! city water. After a . lengthy discllB sion, the COMcil stated they would not be willing to pay for the. oost of installing. a booster pump if one were needed, nor <!lid they wish to pay cost of reading individual rnet"rs outside the city. The Council advised that if Byrd Beach hooked onto Mrs. Helm's water lil1l!l, the city would have no objection to Mrs. Helm selling them water, for Byrd Beach secti on. The following Ordinance was adopted on its second and final reading, by motion regularly made, ,",conded and unanimoosly carried:- ORDINANCE NO. 580 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR FRONT YARD SET BACK REQUIREMENTS IN CERTAIN CASES. Application far liquor license by Lens Brunner was tabl"d until next meeting night., The following Resolution was by rrotion :NIgllJarly made, second"d and lmanimously carried, passed on its first r"ading:- R1?Qf\T TTl'flTn"r M() 570 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FWRillA, IN REFERENCE TO THE LOCATION OF THB RIGHT-OF-WAY CF 'l'fIF: PROPOSED NEW FOUR LANE HIGHWAY TffiOUGH OR NEAR DELRAY BEACH, FLORillA. The Clerk was ord"red to send a copy of the resolution to the County Commission- ers, State Road D..partment, and the R.D.B.Chairman, by sp"cial delivery mail. The Clerk was instruchd to strike the name of Mrs. Grace E. Dudl"y off the City Registration Book inasmuch as she is not a rCIsid.mt of this city, and was registered by "1'1'01'. Request for permission to sell goat milk, was turned over to the City Attorney for his investigati on and report. The Clerk was ordered to issue occupational licenses to the follow- ing: Lloyd Meyer, Elton Harvel, Palm Beach Exterminating Co., L.K.Myers, A. L. Miller, Moss Clothing Store, Anson Graves, HartCoostructicn Co., and Phillips Exterminating Co. . . Application for license by Jno. Atsma for electrical repairs was deJil:i,.~d iilasmuchas it is in violation of the city electrical ordinanoe for anY~~. other than>a person employed lly:a licensed electrical contractor to do this type work. / 0,t:O>-J. ,.,..'.1<...30 ( Bills # 3016-3036, 3038-3059, 3061-3078, amounting to $7,109.49 were ord~red paid af~er Mr. Hill signs same. (Other two members of Finance Committee had approved same). The Clerk was ordered to request an itemized statement from F. Beever, alBo to request itemized statenent from Firestone Store. City Managtlr Edmond agreed to check into matt.ir of cars parking in front of private driveways on Salina Street for long p..riods of time. of $100. Manager Edmond was authoriz..d to purchase bench mould at a cost There being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourned. jOB.tA_.:~ l. ~~~ . City enerk ---- Mayor