02-14-46 Special COUNCIL CHAMBER February 11+, 1946 . ",....".-.." (';.or:; h,,--M The Council met in Special seseion at 8 P.M. on call of the Mayor for th9 purpoee of discussing various city funds, and for any other matters of bueineee which might need the action of the Council at this time. The following members were present: Mr. Butler, Mr. DeWitt, Mr. McNeec~j Mr. White, am Attorney Nowlin. Mr. Hill wae absent. Auditor Winn gave th9 follOWing report on eight ledger accounte:- Caeh 1. Bond Refunding Exp. Acct. 2. Escrowed Int. Acct. 3. Old Town D.B. Bond Fd. 4. ~vement I.ien Acct. 5. Bondholdere~fWacct. 6. Water Plant$;1~Fd. 7. Miec.Spec.Fde.Imp.Linee 2,2A. 8. Golf Couree Loan RePmt.Acct. 661. 86 4,254.82 226.14 1,120.83 931.87 6,352.35 630.67 64.73 14,243.27 Above figuree as of January 1, 1946 balance. Bonde 3,003.03 6,000.00.." 4,500.00", 8,180;00 " 3,000.00 "- 4.700.00 "" 29,383.03 Total 3, 664. !r9 10,254.82 226.14 5,9.gq.".g3 .. ;;931:.87 / 14,532;35./ 3;63(h~ 4.764.73 43,626.30 , Manager Edmond advieed the Council paymente for Water Syetem Exten- eion Work would be approximately $15,000. during t?e month of February. By motion regularly made, secomed and unanimouely carried, the following Resoltuion authorizing th9 prope.r city officials to cash boms ($29,383.03) wae paseed on its first reading:- ~.NQ. s86 A RESOLUTION OF 'lliE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrTY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOIlIDA, AUTHoo.rzrNG TH& MAYOR, CHAlRMAN OF 'lllE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND TIlE CITY CLERK TO CASH CERTAIN UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT roNDS ANDPI:AOE 'lHEFUNDSDERIVED .THEREFROM IN THE WATER SYSTEM '- EXTENSION AND CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT, CONTRAC'IS No.1. am 2. It was regularly lI1Oved, seconded, and unan;imously carried that the following Resolution; transferring the funds from Water Plant Sinking Fund ($14,532.35) to the Water System Extension & Conetruction Account" and closing out the other seven accounts lieted above, putting the funds from tho s etint 0 the W.S.E.&C. Acct; be passed on its first reading:- ~;G~ RESOLUTION No. 587. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOIlIDA, CIroING OUT CERTAIN MISCELIANEOUS ACCOUN'IS AND PLACING THE AMOUNT OF THE MONEY IN SAID CIroED OUT ACCOUN'IS IN THE WATER SYSTEM EX'lENSION AND CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT, CONTRAC'IS NO.1 AND 2, AND TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM WATER PLANT SPECIAL FUND. Cle J:k instructed to set up the new aceount:- Water System Extension & Construction Acccunt on the ledger, transferring all payments made eo far on this work to thie new account. A discussion ensued regarding eigning of contract for one hundred Pittsburgh water rreters at a coet of $12.90 per meter. Councilman White suggested we check with other meter companiee before Signing any contract. No action taken on thie. City Manager agreed to check with other companies. City Attorney Nowlin advieed the Council that he had checked . into the issuance of paving lien certificates to Grover Baker for proposed $40,000 worth of road work, and found that the.certif'icates would take. the S/lme status as a general obligation bond. .'ro legally iesue certifie;ites to Baker, we would have to have a vote of the peo,ple approving thie, He etated we could, if the City had the money, go ahead on a caehbaeie, iesuing certificates, but city holding earne. We might get the Shpreme Court to reverse its decision regarding certificates, or the people contemplating purchasing the certificatee from Bll"ker, might take th9 matter to the Supreme Court. Councilman White asked Mr. Baker to bring in a figure for doing Third am Fourth Streets on a cash basie. (7 blocks). Attorney Nowlin agreed to check into the right of way on 4th. St. It was by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, agreed to postpone the etarting date of road work to March 1, 1946. Mayor DeWitt recommended that before any V<<lrk ie one on 4th. St., a 6 II water pipe be placed in the ground. Councilman White requested the City Manager to check into the plans. for d.J:'Y wells near the post office, and commence the work on earne as soon as it is practicle. Councilman White brought up mtter of improper drainage on Federal Highway rear the Baptist Church. '!he City Manager agreed. to check with the State Road Dept. to try to get them to take care of thie. The Clerk W9.S ordered to re-new Workmen's Compeneation Insurance Policy with Hardware Mutuale, until such tirre as we get the final audit report. . 11 ;">b90 Councilman McNeece requested.he be sent a monthly report on Golf Course, expenditures and receipts. The City Manager agreed to see that jhroper trash cantainell1s are placed on the beach. Attorp.ey Nowlin advised he had redeemed lots 23A and 24A, Ocean Breeze Estates, and has had the se lote taken off the county tax rolL One of the deed5 wa5 left in Jae. Owen'5 office and will be retu rl'E d 1 ate r . The City Attorney reported that after checking into the electrical ordinance .with the Clerk, he believes the Council 5hould iS5ue license to. J. Atema for repairing electrical appliances. The Clerk wail instructed to issue eaid license, in acc\)rdfl.nce with Sec. 12, Sub-Sec. 1. of the Ordinance. Mr. Nowlin al50 reported the F.E.C. officials will be preeent at the Feb. 25th. meeting to go into the matter of right-of-way at N.E. 1st. St. cros sing . The Clerk was ordered to check into the minutee re: taxee on Dr. Nieder office building, bringing same in at next regular meeting. Manager Edmond reported that the cost to extend eewer to block 96 would run approximately $1,500 if the City did the work. About $63. per lot. He will notify the ownere of the cost. Manager Edmond also advised the Council that the credit due the city on th9 $1,000000 payment to the Engineering Firm lIOtild not be determined until near the end of the work. By motion regularly made, 5econded and unahimou51y carried, the Manager wa5 instructed to have light on H.E. 2nd. Ave. and l3:bh. Street hooked up and turned on. He was also to have four lights installed (3 in Maggie Rolle sjD.) and one on other side of block, providing there i5 no cost to the city far the ins talJa tion . A request for street light in ~iddle of block on N.E.12th. Street was denied. Manager.Edmonds was also instructed to have light5 near the Math odist Church and the Baptist Church (traffic lights) moved, one block north and south respectively, installing blinker lighte at these intereections. Also to have light on N.E. 4th. Avenue near 'CookIe Bldg'. turned on. Request from Lifeguard for renewal of his contract for next year, was tabled for further coneideration until March 15th. ~9l Manager Edmond was given authority to hire a secretary for his office who can help out in the clerk' e office, when he dose not need her. The Finance Conmittee was given power to act in the I1l!l.tter of assisting the Manager in senurlng needed equipment and supplies for his office. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanfmouely carried, it was decided that no city emplqyee may loan, lease,. rent, or borrow for hie own personal use, any city tools or equipment. The Clerk wae ordered to check with the Bank regarding cashing of war bonds. There being no further bus.iness to come before the Council, Council adjourned. ~~~b'_D' <}.. ~_~ City Cle rk ~~4 Mayor