02-25-46 Regular 259a COUNCIL CHAMBER February 25, 1946 The Council Jl\f!t in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with all members of the City Council and tt.. City Attorney present. Mayor DeWitt asked if anyone in the audience wished the minutes of meetings held February 11th and February 14th. read. No one did, so minutes were approved as written. Attorney E. M. Baynes, representing Mrs. Mabel Brown and signers of he r petition, addressed the Council requesting trnt E. B. Nichols Used Car Lot be made to operate in a manner so as not to cause annoyance to persons liv;i.ng in "\hat section of town. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Barron, and Ellis Lamb advised trnt the business was operated in such a manner as to be objectlooable to them as property owners. After a very lengthy discuss- ion, Attorney NCWllin agreed to check with the league of Municipalities Counsel, Mr. Madison, finding out just what the city can do to correct this matter. Attorney Baynes is to receive a copy of the communicBtion from Mr. Nowlin to Mr. Madison, and Madison's reply. The Council will then hold a Special meeting with all parties concerned, to reach an agreement. Representatives from the F .E.C.RBilway came before the Council to discuss crossing at N.E.u.t. St. They requested that the Council try to work wt some ott..r l!Ilans of taking care of surplus traffic ra"\he r than at N.E. 1st. St. inasmuch as it would hinder the growth of industry in that area. They suggested widening tt.. crossing at N.E. 2nd. St. and S .E. 2nd. St. They also agreed to eliminate the nuisance being created by cars switching on Atlantic Ave. tieing up traffic, also parking part of a car over the crossing causing traffic coogestion. The Council asked them to draft a proposal and submit it to them for coneideration in the mar future, which they promised to do.' Attorney C. Y. Byrd presented the following Ordinance which he and Attorney Nowlin had amended since its first reading. ORDINANCE NO. 561 AN ORDINANCE OF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLffiID~, CHEATING A SPECIAL HO'lEL DIS'IRICT AND REGUlATING, CONTROLLOO AND GOVERNmG THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, SIZE:, AND USE OF BUILDINGS ERECTIID THEREIN. By motion ,egularly made, seconded and unanimously carried,. the Ordinance . ""-':""'~ was passed on its second and final reading. The Clerk was ordered to refer the Ordinance to the Zoning Commission, asking them to incoroorate the territories to be placed into this particular zone, as soon as possible . Attorney Byrd presented a sketch for a proposed hotel to be built on the Roy Harvel lots on North Ocean Blvd., and asked the Ccuncil to write the broker concerned assuring him that building permit would be issued for this. Mayor DeWitt advised "the assurance cannot be given until the Council recei vesthe Zoning Corrmittec' s recOO\l1lemation on Ordinance No. 561., Which no doubt will include the property in questlon. Mr. Byrd asked the Council to recon sider tt.. acceptance of plat of "Southways". The Clerk advised this plat was turned down by the forl!llr Council due to a dead end street. She was ordered to check into the rrunutes and bring all data to next Council meeting. M;r. Byrd advised the conr.ract between Delocean Co., and the City for filling- of Gleason st. will be ready for signing in the very near future. Letter from Mrs. Edith Beardsley complaining abcut beach cabana~ occ1mjjjying too much space on beach was read. Councilman Whi te stated this was true. Mgr. Edmond agreed to check into this matter and correct it. Clerk to reply to Mrs. Beardsley's letter. Councilman White presented $1.00 refund from O.P.A. for over- cmrge by Blue Mill on a prisoner's meal ticket. Councilman Hill advised the F.W.A. had assigned # Fla. 8-P-ll7 for the new proposed sewer project. Councilman Butler reported the Golf Comnittee had recoffiJl\f!nded refunding Mr. Gilman $25. for JIIImbership tlcket which he took out and will have no opportunity of using. Clerk ordered to isslle check. Mr. Butler also advised that $9,0000 v.orth of 7/8ths. % boms had been cashed at the bank and placed in the W.S.E.&A.Acct. He stated bank md placed charge of $5.00 for rnndling tre,matter. The Series F' bonds c~ be cased on or about April 1, if the Fed. Reserve Bank in Jacksonville is notified prior to March 1, 1946. Communication from A. T. ~ek, together with check to amount of $1,000. was submitted. He offered the city $80 per front foot on lot I~, block 69, or $75 per front foot for all of lots 2,3,and 4, block 69. He advised he was oonternplating building on his lot # 5 and wanted protect- ion to the east. This matter was tabled for further stLrly and report at next meeting. Clerk to check into deeds city has on this pronerty. e 2D9tt L..tter from leRoy Diggans protesting to speeding on Federal Higtway was read and turned over to the City Manager for attentioo. A letter from the Pre' of the Library Aes!n. requ"sting a JIlleting with the Council to discuss a site for Library building was read. Clerk ordered to advise that ~l1ey may JIl>et with Council on SlllI!le date Brown matter comes up. Notice of date will be sent thQll when Council decides on sa!ll!!. A communication from Mr.. C.A.B.Zook protMting to noise and paint spraying at the service station near her h'lTIe was read. The Clerk was ordered to advise Mrs. Zook that tt.. paint being used is not a 'fire hazard' according to the Fire Chief. It is a lacquer whith evaporates almost iml!Ildiately, also that we mve a similar case under consideration and when this is settled, we will advise her just what the city can do. Letter from Ministerial Ass'n. vegarding closing hours for Bars was turned owr to th.. City Manager. A communication from the Delray Beach Planning Board advised that th.. Zoning and Planning Boards had gone over nropo"..d d.."..,lopment which Mr. Laweon contemplat..s building between N. E. 2nd. Ave. arfl the rail.road, just nOJ"th of Dell Park, and they Bee no ob je.cti on to such a developrrp,nt in that part of the city. T!1II Council aCGept..d this r~comrnendation, and instructed th.. Clerk to eo adv:i.se Mr.Lawson. A letter from Delray B..ach Property Owners Aeeln. regarding beach zoning was read and ordered filed. Letter from Rochester ~rican Insurance Co. rogardiilg Mr. Allabough who lives at Byrd Beach, being insured for fire department calls up to the amount of $100 was read. Clerk was instructed to send the Company excerpt from minutes of action of Council on out of town fires, and to advise that under no circumstances shall tt.. Chief leave the city unless fires on the outside endanger properties located within the city limits. The Cltll'k was ordered to issue occujtational licenses to the following: B.M.Routzhan, F .D.saJ.ers, Mary Jelks, and Paci,fid Lumber Co. She is to secure written references from Exterminating Co. who applied for a license and submit reference to Council before action is taken. Lawrence Guthrie and F. Bishop were appointed as police desk clerks, at the same salary which they are now receiving, by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried. Application from Lens Brunner for a liquor license was refused due to the fact that his prope rty is not in the proper zone for liquor stores. The Clerk was autborlzed to accept 25% tax settlement on tract of land outside the city limits which was at one time within the cit,y. IJF9tlt: r'_;~'-~ Bills # 3081 -through 3116, amounting to $6,595.36 having been approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. The following Resolution was passed on its first and f'iml reading:- by motion regularly rrade, seconded and unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 588 - A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIl OF THE CITY CF DEIRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AU'IHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND CITY CIERK TO CASH CERTAIN UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS AND PLACE THE FUNDS DERIVED THEREFROM IN THE WATER SYS'lEM EXTENSION AND CONS'IRUCTION ACCOUNT, CON'IRAC'lS NO. 1. AND 2. Letter from the electrical board and ccntractors advising they had held a meeting regarding issuance of a license for appliance repairs, and requesting that license be revoked inasmuch inasmuch as it is in violation to cii;y ordinance was read. It also requested tha.t all electrical contractors not having a licensed employee werking regularly, have their license revoked. City attorney Nowlin read the parts of Electrical Ordinance and stated the council lad no right to refuse a license for appliance repairs. Mr. Barrow advised the Council he rns an employee on his payroll who passed the city examination and on aU :large jobs he calls him in. Mr. Hill said the original ordinance did not read like the ordinance Which Mr. Nowlin read. Mr. Nowlin agreed to check the original signed ordinance and report back to the Council his findings. . Manager Edmond presented request from C.A.B.Zook to build on Federal Highway property. Inasmuch as the buildings do not reet "the building requirerents, the reque st was refused. A letter from J. Eric Anderson relative to vaccination of dogs was tabled for further consideration. Communication from J. R. Srnttuck regarding street l~ht, was turned over to the Street & Lighting Committee for study and recommendation. Application from H. P. Lamson for p9rmission to erect a warehouse in block 78 which is in apartment house zone at p:re sent. The Cle.rk was instructed to advise Mr. Lamson he will have to post the $15 fee for change in zone reqlZl st, then the matter will go before .the Zoning Commission for their study and reconure ndati on. Manager Edmond recommended that if a license be isslZld Enoch Powell for operation of bus line, it be on a temporary basis. This matter was turned over to the Finance and Ordinance Committee for study and re cOIllm!lndati on. Mr. Edmond reported that Troup ;Br.os. would like to lease land owned by city between State Road # 1 and the Canal, just opposite the B. & B. 80urt to use as a base of operation for their work on Intracoastal Waterway. After discussion, it was ay motion regularly made, seconded and '. I"),t:,~~.. .-.;,v.....Q , unanimously carried, agreed to rent tle land for a period of six to eight months at a t'ental of $75 per month. Troup Bros. to post a $~O cash bond which will be held by tre City until the expiration of the least, and until the property rns been cleared in a manner satisfactory to the dW, when the bond will be returred to Troup BD05. Attorrey NoWLin to draft a contract, and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to conswnate the deal. ,. Mr. Edmond advised there are 54 new meters and 13 old meters at the plant. He recommended the ciW place purchase orders for approx- imately 300 JJl9ters wbicl}',hll thinks will be needed during the coming year. He was authorixed by the Council tb place orders for as many meters as are needed, after he receives prices on t.hem. The Manager stated there was a need for dividing the large south upper office into two offices, also to build a fireproof vault room to store city records. He submitted a sketch Showing an extension to the south on ci W hall building. After discussion the Council authorized the Manager to build the vault, door to cost in the neighbor- hood of $330., and to make divi:3ion in upstairs office. Th9 addition will have to wait until a later date. Manager Edmond will sell three safes which will be of no use after "the vault is constructed. There being no further business to come before the Council, Council adj ourlied. Jo,Jllfthl .~ft ~ ~~ , City Clerk ""'i'~, ~ z.a'. Mayat'