03-07-46 Special (}'.t'9t-J ",~iJ _ I COUNCIL CHAMBER March 7, 1946 The Council lII!lt in Special Session at 8 p.M. on call of tpe Mayor, for th!! purpose of discussing proposed apartlll!lnt building with Attorney Byrd and F.D.Sellers, and for any other rratter of business which might need the action of the Council.at this tilll!l. All members of the City Council and th!! Attorney were present. Mr. Byrd addressed the Council in behalf of Mrs. Lucy Helm, owner of Seagate SjD. and brought to the attention of the Council, that all yet, the Council had not zoned that prpperty. He requested that inasmuch as Mrs. Helm had provided deed restrictions on zoning in each deed she has issued, the Council zone the proplrty in accordance with these deed restrictions. After a 1engt\1y discU3sim, the City Attorney was instructed to make necessary insertion in new codificatim on Ordinance which would place Seagate in Zone according to the -deed restric tions, Qy~Jnbtion'.regllThaT1Y"made~ c!'Ieconded and unanimou31y carried. By motion regularly rrade, seconded and unaiLimbWlly carried, the Building Inspector was ordered to issue plrmit to E. Shs llenberg on lot . 3, block'14, Seagate; also to Grover Baker, for building on lot 14, block 106, which meets the. city building requirement s. , -'..; Attorney Byrd advised the Council, his client, Mrs. Helm would turn over to the city within ths next few days, right-of-way deed through Seagate for the new water pipeline. Mr. Byrd in reply to question by the Mayor, advised that if anyone wishl~d the County Park for Singer Island, they should go to th!! poll and vote yes. If they did not wish it, and were registered as free-holders, to stay away from the poll. The following Ordinance was adopted on its second and final reading, by motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried,.:. ORDINANCE NO. 585 AN CRDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING A LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE tlliQiVIDING FOR THE USE OF PROPERTY IN SAID ZONE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT nIEREWI'lH. 25(18 Next .Attorney Byrd submitted letter to the Council addressed to Com. Conkling, protesting to the government taking property in block 130 and 138 for a permanent spoil area. The City A.ttorney was instructed to prepare a Resoltuion protesting to this, for next Council meeting. Action was deferred on ccntract for filling in Gleason Street, for further check. Report from Zoning Corrmission was read, in which they advised that notices had been sent out for a public hearing. on Lamson request, also suggesting that regular procedure be followed out regarding placing of property in new hotel and apartment house zone. Zoning Commission recommended the following property be incorporated in this new zone:- All that proplrty bounded on ths east by the Ocean Blvd., or State Road # 140, on the west by Andrews Ave., and Gleason St., .on the north by Thomas St., and on the south by the south boundary of Ocean front lot 26. The 1l1erk Was ordered to contact Cl;'iirman Garner, to get instructions, re:- public m!!eting date, on this matter. Councilman McNeece advised he had been asked to have the base ball field fixed so that play on same was poB sible. Mr. White stated, in the agreement with the Memorial Park Athletic Ass'n, they agreed to take care of this. No action taken. The Mayor reported he had allowed two trailers to remain out by the Seaboard, due to the fact the tenants in them claimsd the owner of the pacldmg house where they are employed would have to close down without help. A long discussion followed regarding trailers, during which it liiall brought out that a trailer could be kept in a garage, or on a lot, if it was fenced in by a six foot fence. Police Chief Croft was ordered to enforce the rule s. purcha se of $300. Manager Edmond submitted request from Fire Chief Barrow for of machine to repair hose which would cost in th!! neighborhood Council denied this request. Attorney Jordon Johnson, representingE.B.Nicho1s addressed the Council in his client's behalf. The Mayor advised no action was contemplated on this matter at the present tiIIll. Mr. Wylie Gillespie, engineer advised the Council it might be wise to place wood piling under the 12 inch line, crossing to the beach, in th!! section where the line would lay in muck, as this would cause it to settle and eventually would crack the joints. He agreed to check further into the matter and submit to the Council approximate cost for this work. He stated llork was progreesing on plant imprOvement as well as could be expected with rraterial am labor conditions as they are. Manager Edmond reported the lights on 12th. and l3th. Street have been ordered on, at the Fla. Power & Light Company. There being no furthsr business to come before the lk,uncil, Council ad journed. Joai~QnL':Q'~,~~ City Clerk Atteet:l , ~}ij-'..//MaYOr 25<T