04-03-46 Special
April 3, 1946
The Counoil-met in Speoial ~ession on oall of
*he Mayor at 10:30 A.M. with all members of the City Counoil
present ex4ept Attorney Nowlin, tor the purpose of
oonsidering water report, and tor any other matters of
~usiness Which might need the action ot the Council at
this time.
Manager Edmond outlined report received trom Smith &
Gillespie relative to water supply and pressure, and a
lengthy discussion ensued after which it was regularly
moved, seoonded and unanimouslY carried that the work be
authorized on N.E. 2nd St. between N.E. 5th Ave. to the
alley east of N.E. 6th Ave., making oonnection from
Atlantio Avenue to the first alley north of A~lantio Ave.
extending east down said alley to the Colony Hotel connection
of six inc~ pipe. Said pipe to be USed pipe which is being
taken out on South Swinton. Work to be done either bY the
City, or by Mike Blank, at the discretion of the Oity
Manager.(JEf Blank does the work, it will be done as per
unit price as per contract).
W.M. Waters submitted plat for new subdivision
between the Blvd. and the Canal, to be called Sea Spray
Estates. After viewing the plat and disoussing the width
of street, method of installing water main, it was
regularly moved, seconded and unanimously carried to take
up the six in.ch main from Andrews Avenue east on Market
Street to the Blvd., relaying the pipe down the side of
Sea Spray Avenue, trom Andrews Avenue to the Blvd.
It was moved, seoonded and unanimously oarried that
the Street Specification Ordinance be amended to read:-
'Streets less than 32' in width must put in conorete
headers, Streets or 32' or more in width will require
no concrete headers, depending upon the recommendation
of the City Manager or a Civil Engineer to the City
Council, if this would be feasible, depending upon
the location ot the street.'
Manager Edmond submitted proposal from Matt Gracey
and after thoroughly discussing same, it was moved, seoonded
and unanimously carried that the city accept Mr. Gracey's
plat as per tentative agreemant as signed by Mr. Gracey,
Ap~ 3rd., and that Mr. Gracey make a deposit of $1,000
April 3, 1946
with the City. Said deposit to be accompanied by
agreement duly executed.
No aotion taken regarding changing time to daylight
sating time until suoh time as other towns come to some
There being no further business to'oome before the
Council, Oouncil adjourned.
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