04-22-46 Regular - ~f r'.of ,~..",).,L t COUNCn.. CHAMBER April 22, 1946 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. with all members of the City Council, and the City Attorney present. Mayor DeWitt asked if anyone in the audience wish- ed the minutes of meetings held April 8th. and 15th. read. No one did, so minutes were approved as written. Letter from Chas. 0enior, Mgr. ~la. Power & Light Co. asking for letters of authorization for street lights was read. Clerk was ordered to check the nimutes, advise the Street & Lighting Committee, who will report at next Counc 11 me e t ing. Councilman Butler adiised that the city has collect- ed during first six months of this fiscal year, 83'10 of the anticipated revenue. 60% of amount set up for operating pur- poses has been apent. I" Manager Edmond recommended Frank Seeley be appoint- ed as Tax Assessor to prepare the 1946 assessment roll for taxes, at a salary of $150. per month. Mr. Edmond stated has!; thought it would take two months to do this work. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the Manager's recommendation was accepted; Mr. Seeley to commence work im- . mediately. City Attorney Nowlin agreed to check Ordinance regard- ing vacations for city employees and report his findings to the Manager. ~ Manager Edmond advised that the Ii~eguard, David Mo- Clintic, for personal reasons, wished his contract to be term- inated on May 1st., rather then May 15th., providing it wmll. not affect his bonus of ~25. per month. ~r. White said he thought a lifeguard might be procured from Boca Haton Field. Mr. Edmond recommended Mr. McClintic be relieved of his duties on May l~t., being paid his bonus at a rate of $25 per month for time he has served. It was by motion regularly moved, seconded and unamllmously carried that the Manager's recommend- ation be accepted. Mr. Edmond will try to secure another life- guard to take over ~cClintic's duties when he leaves. The Manager stated Police Chief Croft suggested that to relieve next seasons' parking the following changes be made:- Angle parking along the north side of Atlantic Ave. from Ocean Blvd. to the Canal be changed to parallel parking, and angle parking along the south side of Atlantic Ave. from .lJed. to Swinton be chang- ed to parallel. . April 22, 1945 . if'. () - ."" ,-] .~.,. ..' . - '- That parking meters be placed along both sides of Atlantic Ave. from ~ed. to 1st. Ave. E., and as far as the alleys on S. E. 3rd. 3.E. 4th., and S.E. and N.E. 5th.' Mr. Edmond stated a meter would take in about ~55 per year. 'Ie would nerd apT'roximately 150 meters. Some companies in- stall the meter and give the city 25}) of the revenue, keep- ing 75% to apply against the cost of meter until it is paid for. Meters range in price from :;350 to :;)\75. This matter was l'eferred to the Streets COl!'illlittee for study and recomm- endation. Councilman White recommended that where practicle, alleys be widened to help take CE,re of garking of parking of cars. "e also recomm€nded that the anager work out an estimate of cost to pave N.E.2nd Avenue from curb to curb, from Atlantic l~venue north to H.E. 1st. St. also that he contact the abutting property owners to see what they think about having the work done. l'r. Edmond said it would cost betWEen five and six hundred dollars. . The hoUr of Ei~ht o'clock having arrived sealed bids on thE following land werE opened:- Lot 2, les~ the ~ 3' all of lots 3 and 4,; less the south 14' thereof, in block 69. (136' on Atlantic Ave. 126' deep). Bids were as follows:- R. E. McCabe. Bid # l- $6,900. cash providing deep of con- veyance has clause that gran~ee shall donate to the city 14' of rear of said property if and when the 16' alley at rear of property is made. Bid # 2- 86,000. cash, city to reserve for street and alley pnrnoses only, 14' of the rear part there- of. Mr. McCabe's bid was accompanied by a certified check to amount of $2,000. M.ll. McMurrain bid $65 per front foot on lot 2: ' less the E 3'. if not successful bidder on this lot, transferred his bid to lot 3, and if not successful bidder on lot 3, ~rans- fEr bid to lot 4. tiis bid was accompanied by a c~sh1ersr ,phec~ Tor $750.00. Pau+ Sanderson and J. L. Croft bid $5,000 on the three lots. Bid accompanied by cashier's check to amount of $1500. Sidney Zuckerman bid $3,003.00 on the three lots. Bid accompanied by cashier's check to amount of $825.00. April 22, 1946 Leo Rosen bid $4,004.00 for t~e three lots. Bid accompanied by a certified check to amount of $1,001.00. Aaron T. Smock bid. # 1- i12,000. for the three lots. or bid # 2- ~4,650. for all of lot four, block 69. Bid was accompanied by a cashier's check in the amount of $3,500. '10' 'u ".,,~ " ;";".....Ji.,,. All bids were turned over to the Finance Committee for study, and recOIT~endation back to the Council, April 23, at 10 A.M. Special Meeting, at which time the Council will take action on same. At this time ""r. Fox, of the .lJ-.E.C. addressed the council asking that they with-hold condemnation proceedings for a crossing at N.E. 1st. St. until the F.E.C. con complete plans Mr. Hannah had outlined previously; extending platform moving house track. ne said he thought this work could be completed in ebout two or three months, and it would be thought relieve the Atlantic Avenue traffic congestion. Mayor DeWitt advised the entire Council wished the N.E. 1st. St. crossing. Mr. Butler stated he thought the railroads plans were good, and necessary; and plus the crossing should give relief. Attorney Wall, representing the F.E.C. asked the Council to let the Railroad try their plans, and then if they do not wor$ out, consider the condemnation on N.E. 1st. St. Councilman Hill said he has never seen more than one fourth of the siding tracks in use at one time since he has lived in Delray. Mr. Nhite said the Council did not want to work a hardship on the railroad, and the work the railroad contemplated doing would be Gn asset to the rail- road. The Council thanked Mr. Fox and Mr. Wall and agreed to advise them by letter, their decision. Mr. Fox stated it would be two or three years before crossing materials, gates, signals, etc. are available. Er. Thayer asked the railroad men when the gates, they promised last year for Atlantic Avenue, would be installed. l.lr. Fox answered that the gates would be placed where the State Road Department ordered them placed. he did not know when Atlantic Avenue gates could be installed. A Mrs. Lamkin asked the Mayor if the position of City Clerk was open. lie advised her that it was notJ The Clerk was instrtjcted to issue an occupational license to Mrs. II. C. Ray for an 'Employment Agency'. Mr. Jackson asked the Council to investigate the possibility of opening the alley behind his store building; He would like to know if and when this work will be done. Mr. W.A. Jacobs asked the Council what they con- templated doing with the money they got from the sale of lots in block 59. he said he hoped it would no':; be used for operating purposes. He suggested it be set:.laside for same special purpose. . April 22, 1946' )~?1 "'-'-",." .... ~he Clerk was ordered to issue occupational license to C. W. Pierce. Letter from A. F. Horman thanking Council for in- stalling light at N.E. 2nd. Ave. and 13th. St. was read and ordered filed. A letter from the Delray Civic League regarding sidewalks, and other improvements was turned over to the Manager for investigation. Letter from Robt. G. Bostwick regarding renewal of insurance with his firm on city fleet together with bill for amount due on premium was read. There was SOme discussion regarding the number of automobiles covered, also fire trucks, so this matter was referred to the City Manager for his in- vestigation and report. Policy expires April 27th. 1946. Application for a general contractor's license by the Mackle Company was tabled until letters of reference have been received; as was application from L. L. Asheley for license to operate a bOWling alley. , ' , License application from ~reddie & Hattie Monroe for special permit to' operate a confe ctionary store in residence "C" zone, block 1. was' referred to the Manager who will check with the School Supt. and report back to the Council. The Clerk reported new Sanitary truck had been de- livered and paid for. Cost of same being $4,213.39. The Clerk also reported that Troup Bros. had not as yet 'posted their cash bond as was required under the contract. Manager Edmond agreed to contact them. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried the Clerk was authorized to pay bill amounting to $144. 00 for Fire Calls 34-47 and drills 14 and 15. Application for license from BROCK H01m AND AUTO Supply Co. was tabled until references are heard from. Letter from International City Mgrs. Ass'n was turn- ed over to Manager Edmond. Bills # 3276 through 3313 amonting to $7,581.12 having been approved by the Finance Committee were ordered paid. Hesignation from the City Clerk, effective 'June 15th. was presented. Council with-held action, by motion reg\l1ar~y made, seconded and unanimously carried, until next regu1a:i:;,!II-eet- ing night,' :,; April 22; 1945 It 11'+ . "...:<;., j'" " /' , ' ..,.), I. The city Attorney presented a proposed amendment to the electrical ordinance which would only permit exam- inations being given twice a year, also that person secur- ing electrical contractors lecense must be a full time employee of the firm who hires him. That the present penalties which are from ten dollars to twenty-five dollars be changed to from twenty five dollars to one hundred dollars. Mr. White said he thought such action would be undemocratic, unfair, and class legislation. Mr. White suggested the ~lec- trical Board meet with the Council and the Electrical con- tractors and discuss the matter thoroughly before any cation is taken. Councilman Butler agreed to check into the cost of having city ordinances printed in booklet form, in 100 books, and 200 books. Mr. Edmond asked if the books should not be indexed. The Attorney said he thought this would be advise- able. There being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourned. ;nn411"&o~ ..g ~-r City Clerk dl' ;JJcJL/. - Mayor .,. i ,~;;