05-03-46 Special
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May 3, 1946
The Council met in Special Qession at 7:30 P.M. on
call of the Mayor for the purpose of discussing extensions
and improvements to the water plant with Mr. Wylie ~illespie,
and for any other matters of business which might need the
action of the Council at this time. All members of the council
and the City Attorney were present.
Manager Edmond brought to the attention of the
Council that no lights were provided for in the new work at
the reservoir, and he recommended that six lights be install-
ed which would be of great use in clean1ng of reservoir.
Gost of lights not to exceed '117.20. It was regularly noved,
secmnded and unanimously carried that the six lights be in-
~he Manager recomnended that a bi-pass be installed
at the plant near the main big pump which could be done for
approxima tel y '125. and which he felt would be advisable.
Mr. Hill moved that the Manager and Mr. Wylie Gillespie work
out a deal, with authority to have the work done at a cost~n
not eo exceed :jj\125. the motion was duly seconded and on, roll
. call carried unanimously.
Next the Manager recommended that a garage shed be
errected to the south side of present g8rage, road be rocked
thl:'ough the west side around to the sherJ., that the gas tank
be moved there, and a man be hired to take care of servicing
.all city owned equipment except the fire equipment. that the
man have a helper. That the mechanic be paid not mo e than
.200 per month and the helper nbt more than $175 per month.
ne recommended that ~hos. Lyman be employed as the helper,
and that in addition to the garage work Mr. Lyman supervise
the trash collection. 'i'hat the mechanic in addition to ser-
vicing the cars, also take care of pump at pool, and anwother
work Which the manager might see fit to have him dol Mr.
Edmond stated he thought ~200 would be all that would be need-
ed.to make the addition as he contemplated using city labor
for the work. Mr. McNeece recommenrJed that a concrete floor
be poured where the work will be done. After discussing the
matter thoroughly, Mr. White moved that the manager be author-
ized to rock the road, build the garage, shed and floor, at
a cost not to exceed '200., that he employ a mechanic and
helper to work according to plans he outlined. Mechanic's
salary not to exceed *200 per month, and helpers not to exceed
'175. per month. Mr. McNeece seconded the motion which was
unanimously on Toll call.
Attorney Nowlin stated he had checked into the ~.
l~Uance of water revenue certificates. ne stated there Waa
no provision for the insurance of certificates .to pay for the
work which we have already contracted to do. The only way to
issue enough certificates to cover the work already being done
is to' give a liberal estimate on the costtofthe proposed work,
May 3, 1946
then after the mone y is placf~ into the water fund, it can
be used for work which is no") be ing done. The city will
have to set up the rate of interest, and will have to get
at least ninety-five for the certificates. He 'outlinef\ the
proceedure for inssuance of certificates as follows:
May 13 - ~tart with Mesolution~
rtave a hearing within thirty days.
May 22 - Ordinance or nEsolution not earlier than
40 days.
June 24- Adopt second ordinance \advertise two weEks).
June 25- File petition for validation.
June 28- .l!'irst publication of notice.
June 29--tlear on petition final decree.
June 30 - File netice of appeal.
Aug. 15 - rteturn d8Y of 8Dpeal
Aug. 25 - File briefs of "n'Jec;lmEnt. '
Aug. 30 - nrie~ of city ;~
:sept 15 - lfinal de cree supreY1e court.
Mr. Nowlin advised it '.\Ould coat bEtween ~$2,OOO c;nd 2,500 to
validate :'~'3?5,000. certificates. nE advised the City should
enter into a written agreement with the Engineer And the Attor-
. ney for this work. '
I.'r. Wylie Gillespie reported he wouVJ be ~ble to
furnish the city with the s cope of the work by May 6th. Attor-
ney Nowlin then agreed to have the first Resolution ready for
the Council at this time.
Next ;l1hlLCbtmcil discus~ed with Mr. Gillespie -l\llells-
1'1'.. Giiblespie recommended the city have a well supply of six
million gallons per ,'ay. 'I'hey di2cussed as tb'whether ot not
old pipe, valves and pumps were salable, and Mr. Gillespie
advised he thought they could be sold. ~he Council next dis-
cussed treatment plant and the Engineer recommended at least
2 and ~/2 million gallons treatment plant should be provided
for. After thoroughly discussing this the Council 'instructed
the engineer to figure on a 4 million r8110n treatment plant.
The Council and Engineer WEnt into the rna.'ter of
providing storage tank east of the canal.
Mr. Gillespie advised that the revenue certificates
bear interest not exceeding 37>, and he recommended the Council
go into this part of proposed work with some bonding house.
Attorney Nowlin agreed to check into the Florida
Power & Light franchise.
There being no further business to come before the
Council,iCouncil adjourned.
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City Clerk .