06-01-46 Special
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;rune 1, 1946
The Council met in Special Session at 11:30 A.],:. on
call of the Mayor, for the purpose of considering applic.c;tion
1'0: build ing permit on l'ederal Highway, and for any other matters
of business \Ihich night need the action of the Council at this
time. The following menbers were nresent: Mr. .'Jutler, "'r. De;Htt,
Mr. McNeece, Attorney Nowlin. Er. White was absent.
The City Manager stated H.P. Lamson had applied for a
building permit to build an addition on his building located on
S. Federal Highway. he stated it meets the building code re-
quirements, and recomDended permit be granted. By motion re-
gularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the building in-
spector was instructed to issue Mr. Lamson the permit.
~ext the Manager presented bill from Fugate to the
amount of $668 fo:\' survey made of golf course property. ffe
stated it took the engima'$. 12 days to make the survey, and
they set 10 concrete monuments. Upou tht manager's recommen4,
dation the Clerk was ordered to pay this bill out of the golf
oourse receipts, b.y motion regularly made, seconded and unani-
mously oarried.
Better from noward Gabel requesting information as to .
time electrical examinations are given, was read. The vlerk was
instructe~ to advise ~'r. (label examinations are giv~n onoe a
month during the first part of the month. '1'he manager will check
with the ~xamining Board and advise Mr. Gabel when the next ex-
amination is to b~ given.
A communication from Postmaster .LeRoy lJiggans commending
the excellent work done by 1:'olice vhief croft in aIJprehending a
youth who stole four pairs of glasses Or om post office box within
one hOUT after the thel"t, wss read. The Council asked the Clerk
to thank Itr. Diggans very much for his expre"sion of alJpreciation.
The Council request~" the city Attorney to write Auditor
.'linn regarding auditing city books through May 31st. and checking
cash collected from June 1st. to June 15tll1. in order that the Ciyy
Clerk can be ckecke0 out of her office on June 15th. properly.
This was done at the:request of the Clerk.
~lerk was instructed to have Police Vept. advise the
Tropics Restauri:nt to no longer CtlC"",;e :'iu:l'3 to the ,Jity .'f,',ich
:.!~~'. ~'lm. l:cG-ill f?'e'ts there. He to t3\::C CG,TE of his o~.')n bills.;
)C rs onEJ_ly.
TherE: beine' no fur-the busines;~ to COEle bf~fOTe the C
Council, Council a~journed.
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City Clerk -
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