08-12-46 Regular
2.. 1 OD
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
. Regular meeting of the City Council of the City at Delray Beach was
held at 7:30 P. Il. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall with Ilayor Il. Il.
DeWitt in the Chair, and City Manager H. P. Edmond, <Cit;v Attorney J. W. Nowlin
and the following Councilmen present: B. C. Butler, F. B. IlcNeece and J. B.
Smith, a quorum being present.
In accordance with a notice to property owners, published in the Delray
Beach News as provided for in the City Charter, the Council met as a Board of
Equalization to hear camplaints as to the assesSlll!lnts placed on the 1946 Tax
Roll. . As routine business was to come before the Council at this meeting, the
Board ot Equalization hearing was adjourned until Tuesday mrning, August 13th,
at 10:00 0' clock, in a motion made by Councilman Butler, and seconded by Council-
man IlcNeece.
The mlni1t,es of the meeting of July 22nd were presented and approved as
Ilr. Ben Adams, Building Inpsector, presented the following applications
for building permits on the Federal Highway, for consideration of the Council:
Ilr. H. Silber, on the corner of North Federal Highway and 3rd Street.
llr. Silber is cO!lnecting three aplrtnents, one office sj:ace and one store space.
The fact was brought out that a business could not be operated from a dwelling,
and llr. Silber agreed to change his plans to construct only apartnents in the
entire building.
A mtion was made by Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman IlcNeece,
that permit be granted with the provision that parking space be arranged for
in the rear of the building, and subject to the approval of the State Hotel
No action was taken on the application of Mr.Wm. Fredericks for pennit
to build a duplex between two existing buildings on one lot on the southwest
corner of North Federal Highway and 3rd Street, as this coostruction 1Il>uld be
contrary to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
The application of llr. E. B. Nichols for a pennit to conatruct a storage
garage on the southwest corner of South Federal Highway and S. E. 1st Street
was held up until the next meeting of the Council, and the Clerk was instructed
to notify adjoining property owners that a hearing would be held on August 26th
to consider the granting of this permit.
The. application of Mr. H. Silber for a pennit to construct a concrete ,
building on Lots 1 8< 2, Block ll4, on the North Federal Highway, between 2nd
and 3rd Streets, to be used as an Auto Supply Store, was presented, and in a
mtion made by CoUncilman Smith, seconded by Councilman JlcNeece, unanimously
. . carried, said permit was granted, as the construction meets all the requireDl9nts
of the Building Code.
The application of Mr. J. R. Shattuck for pennit to build a wooden platform
in front of his restaurant at 10 S. Ocean Boulevard, to be 18 inohes high and
extend to the street two feet from the present sidewalk, was presented.
A IIIOtion was made by Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman Smith, that
a temporary permit be granted, the platfonn to be removed at any time by order
of the City Counoil. UpOn call of roll the motion carried nnlln1mously.
L 101
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
The application of Jlr. John Banting for oonstruction of a concrete
building to be used as a retail fruit packing store on the North Federal
Highway between 3rd and 4th Streets, was presented, the building to be 30'
x 56' and set back 35' from the Highway. As all requireDl9nts of the Building
Code will be met, pennit was authorized upon motion of Councilman Butler,
seconded by Councilman JlcNeece, and unanimoualy carried.
An application was presented for a pennit to build a two story building
55' south of Atlantic Avenue on S. W. 5th Avenue, same to be built by a
colored Doctor. Pennit for this construction was granted in a motion made by
Councilman IlcNeece, seconded by Councilman Butler, and unanimously carried.
The application of Mr. A. George for a permit to place a post at the west
end of his building, which would be 5' from the building itself, after remodeling,
was referred to the Zoning Board for recollllll9ndation.
City Manager Eanond advised the Council that Judge W. E. Wilcox had asked
that llr. Neil lIa"V111 en be appointed to take charge of the Police Court during
his absence while on vacation.
Upon motion of Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman Smith, unanimously
carried, the appointJulnt of Mr. Ma"Ul1l1ln as Acting Municipal Judge was confinned.
Ilr. Edmond explained to the Council the needed improveDl9nts to the beach
be1'ore next season, sl.lggesting that JDOre showers be installed at the north and
south ends of the neach for the use of bathers. He also recommended the use
of a City owned lot 50' x 400' north of the Seacrest Hotel for a parking lot,
to relieve congestion along the ocean front, stating that it might be possible
to operate the parking lot as a concession, possibly with the umbrella con-
cession. The lot would have to be rocked and a small office building erected.
The lot would provide space tor approxiDl9tely eighty cars, which would relieve
the parking dtuation along the beach. llr. Edmond was asked to obtain estimates
far the cost of this work.
City lIanager Edmond also recollllll8nded that the pavilllon and the beach
benches be p!ItA~d, and th!l grass and beach be cleaned up. As the tractor
purchased for use on the beach can not be used for that purpose, it was decided
to sell this tractor and purchase equipDl9nt better suited for this work when.
The following petition, signed by sixty-three property owners, was presented
and read in full:
"Delray Beach, Florida
July 27, 1946.
To the llembers of the City-Council
Delray Beam, Florida.
We, the follo1ling property owners of Delray Beach, request that the City
discontinue and revoke building permits which have been issued for the erection
of sheet metal buildings east of colored town, and On Atlantic Avenue west ot
colored town. If this cannot be done under the present zoning, we request that
the zoning be changed to p:rohibiy such construction. We feel that this type of
buil!iing lowers the value of the neighboring property and certainly is an untidy
sight for any tourist town to be having constructed.w
AUGreT 12TH, 1"946.
City Attorney NOII'lin was instructed to check this situation and report
back to the Council at their next meeting, in the meantime the Building Depart-
ment will not iss12l any permits far this type of construction.
A letter from Ilr. Joseph R. Ferris was presented, stating that he had
pUl'chased a half interest in )lorey's Cocktail Lounge, and aaking that his
name be added to that of Mr. John 1oI0rey on the liquor license. Two letters
of recolDlllemation were filed by llr. Ferris with his request.
The Clerk was instructed to advise Yr. Ferris that he must file a formal
application, to be advertised in the local paper for two weeks. If no Objec-
tions are filed with the Council after the publication of his application,
Council will then consider the granting of his req12lst.
A req\lllst from Brock HODl9 8< Auto Supply Co. for a refund of occupational
license fee and personal property tax bond in the amount of $ 20.00 each, was
presented, stating that they had been unable to lease the store space contellplated,
and had never opened their business.
It was the opinion of the Council that only the personal property bond
should be refunded, as the license fee was paid in good faith and it not re-
flDldable. Upon motion of Councilman McNeece, seconded by Councilman Butler,
unanimOUSly carried, the Clerk was authorized to make this refund of the $ 20.00
personal property bond.
The following applications for occupational licenses were presented for
H. O. Wilson (Marion's) - Gift Shop to be located in the Boyd Building.
Aileen Keith - Beam Wear and Novelty Shop - l41D East Atlantic Avenue.
Glenn R. Wiggam - Tile Contractor, Ft. Lau:lerdale, Florida.
Thomas Kemp - Boot Black Shop at S. W. 5th Avenue near 4th Street.
As all of the above applications were in order, a motion was made by
Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman Smith, that licenses be approved.
Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
The following ordinance was then brought up for second and finsl reading,
and same was read in full:
FLORIDA, as follows:
SECTION 1. That the following described property in the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, is hereby placed in the General Business
Distriot as defined by the City Zoning Ordinance, to-wit:
2. '1t>~
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
Beg~ at a point on the center line of Atlantic
Avenue 250 feet east of the intersection of the center
line of Atlantic Avenue with the center line of the
right-of-way of the Seaboard Airline Railway, thence
run north 160 feet, thence east plrallel to the center
line of Atlantic Avenue 339.5 feet, thence south 160
feet, thence west along the center line of Atlantic
Avenus to the point of beginning.
SECTIOO 2. The follOl'ling descrilied property in the City of Delray
Beach is hereby placed in the Manufacturing and Industrial
District as defined by the City Zoning Ordinance, to-wit:
Comnencing a.t the intersection of the center line of
the Seaboard Airline Railway with the center line of
Atlantic Avenue, thence run east 250 feet, thence north
160 feet to the point of beginning, thence north 507 feet,
thence east parallel to the oenter line of Atlantic Avenue
339.5'teet, thence south '$)7 feet, thence west 339.5 feet
to the point of beginning.
PASSED in regular session on second aM final reading on this the 12th
day of August, A. D., 1946.
(Signed) - M. M. DeWitt
President of City Council
(Siltned) M. 1[. DeWitt
(Silmed) Ruth R. Smith
Cit;v Clerk
It being wnerstood that Mr. Fred D. SelJsrs would give a right-of-way
deed to the City to 25' along Atlantic Avenue between llth Avenue and 15th
Avenue, to be used for street purposes, a motion was made by Councilman Butler,
seconded by Councilman JlcNeece, that the foregoing Ordinance No. G-S b8 passed
and adopted as read. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
The follo1d.ng cOllll1unication from the Office of the Cheif of Engineers of
the War Departnent was read and ordered filed:
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
"8 August 1946
Honorable M. Il. DeWitt, lIa;ror
City of Delray Beach
Dear Ilayor DeWi tt:
Reference is made to your letter of 30 July 1946 inclosing a copy
of a public notice dated 28 July 1946 and a copy of a resolution adopted
by the City of Delray Beach protesting against the construction of a groin
by the Pelican Beach ApartDl9nts, Inc. in the Straits of Florida at the foot
of Seaview Avenue, Palm Beach County, near Boyntal, Florida.
In view of the large number of protests being received against the pro-
posed work, Colonel A. B. Jones, the District Engineer at Jacksonville has
been instructed to hold a public hearing to give all parties at interest
"full opporturrlty to be heard. Colonel Jones will be pleased to advise you
of the date and tillZl of such hearing. Please be assured that ;jt!)ur views will
be given full calsideration in any action taken by the Pepartment.
For the Chief of Engineers:
Sincerely yours,
(Signed) Jack H. Tayler
Lieut. Co., Corps of Engineers
Exec. Asst., Director of Civil Works"
lIayor DeWitt took this opportunity to thank Mr. Edmond for his eftorts in
getting up petitions and notifying property owners in connection with this
proposed groin construction. He also expressed his thanks to the Lions Club,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Kiwanis Club and the Am9rican IBgion for their Resolu-
tions protesting against this construction, to the Police Department for their
services in seCuring signers to the petitions, as well as WO!lElrs of ocean front
property who sent letters of protest to this action, and to llr. H. B. Adams who
delivered the papers to the War Department Office in Jacksonville.
The following Ordinance was then brought up for second and final reading,
and salllll was read in full:
27 () '3
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
WHEREAS the City of De:Jray Beach owns and presently operates its
waterworks plant and system (hereinafter referred to as "the System")
as a municipally owned utility; and
WHEREAS tlJ;l system was originally acquired through the issuance of
general obligation bonds of tIEl City of Delray Beach payable from taxes
levied on the taxable property in the City and the system has beenfrCllll
time to time improved and extended with the proceeds of various city funds;
WHEREAS it has now beCODl9 necessary for the city to make improvements
and extensions to said system at an estimated cost of $ 350,000 and to issue
revenue certificates, payable from the revenues of the system; and
WHEREAS the charter of the city, being Chapter 18,494 of the laws of
Florida, 1937, authorizes the city, through its City Council:
1. To acquire property, real or personal, or allY' estate therein,
within or without the city, to be used for the construction of
works for supplying said city with water, and to improve, sell, lease,
mortgage, pledge or otherwise dispose of the sane or allY' part thereof for
the benefit of the city to the same extent that natural persons might do
(Section 7).
2. To expend the money of the city for all lawful purposes (Section 7).
3. To make and maintain public improveDl9nts of all kinds (Seotion 7).
4. To furnish any and all local public service (Section 7).
5. To purchase, hire, construct, own, maintain, operate or lease local
public utilities, including works for supplying the city and its
inhabitants with water (Section 7).
6. To establish, impose and enforce 1I!lter rates, and rates and charges
for all public utilities or other service or convenience operated,
rendered or furnished by the city (Section 7).
7. To enter into contracts on behalf "of the city (Section 28), and
8. To enjoy all powers, privUeges and provisions of the Revised
General Statutes of the State of Florida governing cities and
towns when not in conflict with the terms of the charter; and
WHEREAS the Supreme Court of Florida has heretofore held in numerous
reported decisions that any city granted the above enumerated pOlfers by
its city charter has authority to own and operate a waterworks system and to
anticipate the collection of the revenues to be derived from the operation of
such system through the issuance ot revenue certificates in order to raise
the funds needed to provide improvements, additions and extensions to the
system, the exercise of such pOlfers being an ordinary and usual function of
fiscal management incident to tlJ;l city'S authority to own and operate a public
utility; and
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
WHEREAS the system as it presently exists has become inadequate to
serve the inhabitants of the Cit;v of Delray Beach and it is imperative
that essential additions and extensions be added to the system in order
to p~serve the system and to enable the system to serve the purposes for
which the statutes provide it shall be maintained; and
WHEREAS the revenues to be derived by the city from the operation of
said syst8l1l have not been pledged or hypothecated in any manner or for any
pUI'pO se ; and
WHEREAS to, revenues to be so derived are more than ample to pay all
operating and maintenance costs and to pay principal of and interest on the
certificates herein authorized, the net revenues derived from the operation
of the system during each of the past three fiscal years being as hereinafter
set out;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OllllAINED by the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, as follows:
SECTION 1. That the City Council has made due investigation and has
ascertained and hereby formally finds and recites that the
net earnings of the waterworks plant and system of the City of Delray Beach
(being the gross revenues after the deduction of all maintenance and operation
expenses) for each of the past three completed fiscal years have been as
For the fiscal year ending September .30, 1943: $ 33,138.48
For the fiscal year anding September 30, 1944:$ 35,767.27
For the fiscal year eming September 30, 1945: $ 38,306.45
and that therefore the net revenues of said plant and system are fully
sufficient to pay principal of and interest on the certificates hereinefter
SECTION 2. That for the purpose of paying the cost of improving and
extending the waterworks plant and system of the City of
Delray Beach (which plant and system lying within and without the boundaries
of the city, including all property of every kind, both relil and personal,
owned by the city and used or useful in conneotion therewith and including
all additions, improvellllnts and extensiona thereto which may be made whil,ll
any of the certificates herein authorized remain outstanding, are hereinafter
in this ordinance referred to as "the system"), there be issued the negotiable
revenue certificates of the City of Delray Beach (sometiDl9s hereinbefore and
hereinafter referred to as "the city") in the total aggregate amount of
$350,000, which Certificates are hereinafter sometimes referred as as "the
certificates". The certificates shall be dated June 1, 1946, shall be in the
denomination of $1,000 each, shall be numbered 1 to 3~, inclusive, shall be
payable in lawful money of the United States of Anerica as to boih principal
and interest at Chase National Bank in the City of New York, New York, shall
bear interest until paid at the rate of two per cent (2%) per annWli, which
interest shall be paysble semi-annually on the first days of December and
June of each year, am the certificates shall mature serially in nUDl9rical
order on June 1 of each year as follows:
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
1948 $ 2,000 1961 $ 15,000
1949 5,000 1962 16,000
1950 8,000 1963 17,000
1951 10,000 1964 17,000
1952 10,000 1965 18 ,000
1953 10,000 1966 18 ,000
1954 ll,ooo 1967 18,000
1955 ll,ooo 1968 20,000
1956 12 ,000 1969 20,000
1957 12,000 1970 20,000
1958 13,000 1971 20 ,000
1959 13,000 1972 20 ,000
1960 14,000
_.Certificatee numbered 26 to 350, inclusive, of the issue of which this
is one, are callable for redemption at the option of the city in inverse
numerical order on June 1, 1951 and on any interest payDl9nt date thereafter
at the. principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest to the date fUed for
redemption, plus a premium of thirty dollars ($30) as to each certificate re-
deemed. Notice of redemj$ion shall be given not less than thirty days prior
to the date fbed for red~mtpion through the publication of an appropriate
notice one. time in a financial newspaper or journal published in the City of
New York, New York, or Chicago, Illinois, and one tiID!l in a newspaper having
general circulation in the City of Delray Beach and by filing such notice at
the place of payment of the certificates. If any certificate is registered
as to principal at the time of such call for :r:edemption, similar notice shall
be sent by registered mail to the registered holder.
SECTION 3. That said certificates shall be signed by the Mayor of the
City of Delray Beach and attested by the City Clerk, and shall
have impressed thereon the corporate seal of the City of Delray Beach. Interest
falling due on said certificates prior to maturity shall be rep~ented by semi-
amual coupons attached to said certificates signed with the facsimile s~gnatures
of said Mayor and Clerk, and said officials, by the execution of the certificates
shall adopt as and for their own proper signatures their facsimile signatures
appearing on said coupons.
SECTION 4. That the certificates and the provisions to appear on the back
thereof shall be in substantially the following fonn:
(FbTiri .or Certificate)
AUGlBT 12TH, 1946.
$ 1,000.
The City of Delray Beach, in Palm Beach County, State of Florida, for
value received hereby promises to pay to bearer, or if this certificate be
registered as to principal, then to the registered owner hereof, solely fran
the special fund provided therefor as hereinafter set forth, on the first day
of June, 19_, the principal sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), and to pay
from said special fund, interest thereon at the rate of tJro per cent (2%) per
annum from date hereof until paid, payable sIlmi-annually on the first days
of June and December of each year, such interest to the maturity date of this
certificate to be paid only upon presentation and sUrrender of the annexed
interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal of and interest
on this certificate are payeble in lawful. money of the United States of Am9rica
at Chase National Bank in the City of New Yom, New York.
This certificate is one of an issue of $350,000 all of like date and tenor
except as to maturity and option of redemption, issued by said city pursuant
to the provisions of its charter, and pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted by
the City Council of said city for the purpose of improving and extending the
waterworks plant and system of said city. It is provided in said ordinance
that the City Council of said city shall fix and maintain rates and collect
charges for the facilities and services afforded by said plant and system sufficient
to provide revenues adequate at all times to pay the cost of operating, maintain-
ing and repairing such plant and system and to pay into a special fund created
by said ordinance amounts fully suf'ficjant, above such costs of oparating, main-
ta~ and repairing the system, to provide for the payment of the interest on
and principal of said certificates promptly as each falls due. For a more
particular statement of the security pledged to such payment and of the con-
ditions under which obligations may hereafter be issued on a parity with said
certificates, rwference is made to said ordinance. This certificate, including
interest hereon, is paysble solely from said fund and the City of Delray Beach
is under no obligation to pay this oertificate or interest thereon except from
the revenues of the aforesaid plant and system.
Certificates numbered 26 to 350, inclusive of the issue of which this is
one are callable for redemption at the option of the city in inverse numerical
order on June 1, 1951 and on any interest pa1lD8nt date thereafter at the principal
amount thereof, plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption, plus a
premiuJR of thirty dollars ($30) as to each certificate redeemed. Notice of re-
demption is to be given not less than thirt.y days prior to the date fixed for
redemption through the publication of an appropriate notice one time in a financial
newspaper or journal published in the City of New York, New York, or Chicago,
Illinois, and one time in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of
Delray Beach and by filing such notice at the place of paynent of the certificates.
If any certificate is registered as to principal at the time of such call for
redemption, similar notice is to be sent by registered mail to the registered
This certificate, with interest coupons hereunto appertaining, is issued
upon the following terms and conditions, to all of which each taker and owner
hereof and of the interest coupons consents and agrees:
L. '1 o~
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
(a) Title to this certificate, unless registered as herein provided,
and to the annexed interest coupons, may be transferred by delivery
in the salle manner as a negotiable instrument payable to bearer; and
(b) Any person in possession of this certificate, unless registered as
, herein provided, or of the interest coupons hereunto appertaining,
regardless of the manner in which he shall have acquired possession, is hereby
authorized to represent himself as the absolute owner thereof, and is hereby
granted power to transfer absolute title thereto by delivery thereof to a bona
fide purchaser, that is, to anyom who shall purchase the _ for value
(present or antecedent) witbout notice of prior defenses or equities or claims
of ownership enforceable against his transferror;. every prior taker or owner
of this certificate, unless registered as herein provided, and of the annexed
interest coupons, waivas and rennunces all of his equities or rights therein
in favor of every- such bona fide purchaser, and every such bona fide purchaser
shall acquire absolute title thereto and to all rights represented thereby; and
(c) The City of Delray Beach may treat the bearer of this certificate,
unless registered as herein provided, or of the interest coupond
hereunto appertaining, as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes without
being affected by any notice to the caltrary.
All .acts, conditions, and things required by the Constitution and LaWB of
Florida and the charter of said city to happen, exist and be performed precedent
to and in the issuance of this certificate, have happened, exist and have been
performed as so required.
This certificate is registerable as to principal alone in accordance .with
the provisions endorsed hereon.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Delray Beach has caused thi certificate
to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk, under ts corporate
seal,. and the interest coupons hereto atte~ execute h the facsimile
s~natures of said Mayor and City Clerk, aV;' of ir d y of J e.,.-J.946.
Mayor of the City of Delray Beach
Clerk of the City of Delray Beach
Approved as to form, language
and execution.
City Attorney
(Fonn of Coupon)
$ 1000.
L. '1, G
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
On the first day of , 19_, unless the hereinafter
mentioned certificate is then subject to redemption and has been called for
.redemption and provision for the redemption thereof duly made, the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, will pay to bearer at Chase National Bank, in the City
of New York, New York, the sum of Dollars
($ ), solely from the special fund referred to in and for the semi-
annual interest then due upon its Water System Revenue Certificate, Series
1946, dated June 1, 1946, and numbered .
City Clerk
(Fonn of Validation Certificate)
Validated and conflnned by a decree of the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth
Judicial Circuit, in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, rendered on the _
day of , 1946.
Clerk of the Circuit Court,
Palm Beach Count;v, Florida.
(Certificate of Registration)
This certificate may be registered as to principal on the books of the City
Clerk, notation of said registration to be made hereon by said Clerk, and this
certificate may thereafter be transferred on said bocks by a written assignment
by the registered owner or his attorney, duly acknowledged or proved, such
transfer to be endorsed hereon by said Clerk. Such transfer may be to bearer
and thereby transferability by delivery shall be restores, subject hOll'ever, to
successive registration and transfers as before. The principal of this certificate,
if registered, unless registered to bearer, shall be payable only to the registered
owner, or his legal reppesentative, but the coupons appertaining hereto will re-
main payable to bearer, notwithstanding registration of this certificate.
Date of Signature of
Registration Nams of Registered Holder Clerk
SECTION 5. That the Water System Revenue Certificates, Series 1946, shall be
registerable as to principal in accordance with the provisions
for registration hereinabove provided for endorse_fit upon said certificates, and
the City Clerk is hereby appointed and designated registrar for such purpose.
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
No charge shall be made to any holder of said certificates for the privilege
of registration.
SECTION 6. That the City of Delray Beach hereby covenants and agrees
with each successive holder of the certificates and the
coupons thereto attached that it will fix and maintain rates and collect
charges for the facilities and services afforded by the system fully sufficient
at all times,
(a) To pay the reasonable and necessary cost of operating, maintaining
and repairing the sys tem;
(b) To maintain and pay promptly as hereinafter required into a fund to
be known as the "Water System Revenue Certificates Sinking Fund"
amounts fully sufficient to pay and from which there shall be paid without
distinction between the certificates or Obligations of various series, principal
of and interest on the certificates herein authorized, and all obligations which
may be issued in the future on a parity herewith under the provisions of Section 8
of this ordinance. Said fund shall be maintained at all times in an amount
sufficient to provide for the prompt payment of such principal and interest as
they fall due and to provide a reserve for contingencies in the manner hereinafter
set out; and
(0) To provide an adequate depreciation fund for the system.
SECTION 7. That the gross revenues of the system shall be deposited as
received in an account separate and apart from all other city
funds or accounts, to be designated as the "Water System Revenue Account", and
the moneys in said Water System Revenue ACcount shall be let aside on the first
day of each month into separate and apecial funds as folloWB:
(a) Operation and Maintenance Fund: The fund known as the "Operation and
llaintenanoc Fund", into which there shall be paid out of the gross
revenues a sufficient amount for the reasonable current expenses .of operating,
maintaining and repairing the system.
F d: The fund described in
sub-section b of Section 6 above, which dlund is hereinafter sometines
referred to as the "sinking fund". After making the payments into the Operation
and llaintenance Fund above provided there shall then be set aj:art am paid into
said sinking fund in approximately equal JDOnthly installmente an amount of the
remaining gross revenues recehed for the services rendered by said system sufficient
to pay during each fiscal year one hundred twenty per cent of the amount of the
next maturing installment of principal and the amount of the interest payments
falling dUe on all obligations payable therefrom up to and including the date on
which the next maturing. installment of principal falls due. The surplus accumulated
in the sinking fund by reason of the additional twenty per cent payments to be so
made shall be permitted so to accumulate until such time as there shall be in said
sinking fund money fully sufficient to pay all principal of and interest on said
obligations payable therefrom which will fall due during the ensuing twelve (12)
months. Thereafter the payments so made into the sinking fund may be in the amount
of one hundred per cent rather than one hundred twenty per cent of the amounts
above specified and the remainder of said gross re'Venues after payments have been
2./1 v
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
made into the Operation and Maintenance Fund may be used for the establishment
of a depreciation fund or for such other purpose as the city may consider ad-
visable, provided however, that as soon as any money has been paid out bf, the
reserve in said sinking fund, then said add! t10nal twenty per cent payments
shall again be paid into said sinking fund, until there is again in said fund
money fully sufficient to pay principal and interest falling due during the
ensuing twelve (12) months.
All money in the sinking fund is to be deposited in a solvent bank as a
fund s~parate and apart from all other city funds, and is to be continually
secured by surety bond or bonds written by a surety company or campanies of
recognized standing or by the valid pledge of direct obligations of the United
States of America, having an aggregate market value, exclusive of accrued in-:-
terest, at. all times equal to the sum on deposit.
SECTION 8. That while any of the Water Systeljl Revenue Certificates,
Series 1946, issued hereunder shall be outstanding, the city
will not issue any additional obligations payable from the revenues of the
system unless the lien of such obligations on the revenues of the system, in-
cluding such improvements and extensions thereto as may hereafter be made, is
made junior and subordinate in all respects to the lien of the Water System
Reven~ Certificates, Series 1946, issued hereunder. The provisions of this
section shaJ.], inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by any holder of the
",certificates issued hereunder.
The provisions of this section are subject to the following exceptions:
h If prior to the payment of the certificates herein authorized it shall
be found desirable to. refund said certificates under the provisions of
any law then available, said certificates or any part thereof may be refunded
(but, unless the certificates to be so refunded have '!natured or are optional
for redemption and have been duly called for redemption, only with the consent of
. '" the holders thereof), and the refunding obligations ED issued shall enjoy complete
equality of lien with the portion of said certificates which is not refunded, if
any there be, and the refunding obligations shall continue to enjoy whatever
priority of lien over subsequent issues may have been enjoyed by the certificates
refunded, provided however, that if only a portion of the certificates outstanding
. ., is so refunded and if such certificates are refunded in such manner that the
.' irtterest rate borne by any of the refunded certificates is increased or that the
refunding obligations mature at a date earlier than the maturity date of any of
the certificates not refunded, then such certificates may not be refunded without
the conBfinlo':of the holders of the unrefunded portion of the certificates. .__
k. Additional obligations may be issued on a parity with the certificates .
herein authorized, for the purpose of repairing, improving or extending
the system if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) The net eamings of the system (being the gross revenues after the de-
duction of all maintenance and operation expenses) for each of the three
canpleted fiscal years prior to the issusnce of such additional obligations must
have been equal to at least one and one-half tiDl9s the highest combined iil.terest
and principal requirements for any sucoeeding twelve months' period on all obliga-
tions payable from the revenues of the system, including the obligations then pro-
posed to be issued.
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
(b) The paYD'nts required to be made into the respective funds provided
in Section 7 of this ordinance must have been made in full.
(q) There must be sufficient money in the Water System Revenue Certificates
Sinking Fund, including the reserve surplus, to pay all principal of
and interest on the certificates payable therefrom and then outstanding, which
principal and interest will become due during the twelve months' period next
succeeding the issuance of the additional obligations.
(d) The additional obligations must be payable with principal falling due
on June first of each year and interest falling due on June first am
December first of each year.
(e) The proceeds of the additional obligations must be used solely for the
making of repairs, improvements or extensions to the system.
SECTION 9. That the City of Delray Beach hereby covenants and agrees with
each and every successive holder of the bonds issued hereundert
(a) That the city will maintain the system in good condition, and operate
the same in an efficient manner and at reasonable cost;
(b) ~at as long asany of the certificates issued under the provisions of
this ordinanCe remain outstanding, the city will maintain insurance
on the system for the benefit of the holder or holders of all obligations payable
from the revenues of the system of a kind and in an amount which would normally
be carried by private companies engaged in similar business. The cost of such
insurance may be paid from the Operation and Maintenance fund, for which provision
is above made, and the proceeds of any such insurance received by the city shall
be used to replace the part or parts of the system destroysd, or if not so used,
!lhall be placed in the sinking fund above created;
(c) That so long as any of the certificates issued hereunder are outstanding
the city will not mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber the system, or
any part thereof, or any revenues to be derived therefrom, except as provided in
this ordinance", and will not !lell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any substantial
portion of the system;
(d) That the city will keep proper books, records am accounts, separate
fran all other records and accounts, in which complete and correct
entries shall be made of all transactions relating to the system. Said books
and accoun.ts shall be kept as nearly as may be in accordance with the rules and.
regulations commonly foll01led by privately owned utilities, and the city will;@'
furnish to any holder of any of the certificates issued hereunder, upon writte
request after the close of each fiscal ysar, complete operating and income state:'
1118nts of the system in reasonable detail covering such fiscal year;
(e) That the bolder or holders of twenty-five per cent in aggregate p~ncipal
amount of the certificates issued hereunder at any time outstanding
shall. have the right at all reasonable times to inspect the system and all records,
accounts and data of the city relating thereto, and that upon request the city
will fumish to such holders suoh financial stat_nts and other information re-
lating to the city and the system as such holder or holders may tram time to time
reasonably require;
2..'11 ~
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
(f) That while the certificates authorized herein, or any of them, remain
outstanding and unpaid the rates for all services rendered by the
system to said city and to its citizens and to all cons11lll!!rs within or without
the boundaries of said city shall be reasonable and just, taking into account
and consideration the cost and value of the system am the cost of maintaining
and operating the system, and the proper and necessary allowances for the de-
preciation thereof, and the amounts necessary far the retirement of the obliga-
tions payable from the revenues of the system, am the payment of interest there-
on, and there shall be charged against all users of said service, including said
city, such rates and amounts for service, including fire protection and hydrant
service, as shall be adequate to meet the requirements of this and the preceding
sections hereof, and that all revenues received from such rates and charges will
be placed in the separate accounts and used as provided by Section 7 hereof.
SECTION 10. That no taxes shall ever be levied and no moneys shall ever
be taken or diverted from any fund of the city for the payment
of the principal of and interest on the certificates issued hereunder, except as
hereinbefore expressly provided.
SECTION ll. That the sale of the certificates to Equitable Securities
Corporation of Nashville, Tennessee, for the price of $336,455
plus accrued interest thereon to the date of delivery is hereby ratified and con-
finned. The certificates shall be prepared and executed as soon as may be after
the adoption of this ordinance and after the validation certificates on the back
thereof have been properly executed, shall be delivered to said purchasers upon
payment in accordance with the terms of sale.
SECTION 12. That the City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to
take appropriate proceedings in the Circuit Court of the
Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Palm Beach County, for the
validation of said certificates, and the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign
any p1eadings in such proceedings for and in behalf of the City Council of the
City of Delray Beach.
SECTION 13. That if any section, paragraph, clause or provisiomof this
ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any
reason, the validity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or
provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this ordinance.
SECTION 14. That this ordinance shall be published one time by caption
iDmediately after its adoption on second and final reading in
the Delray Beach News, a newspaper published and having general circulation in
the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County', Florida. .
Adopted on first reading, July 22, 1946.
Adopted on second reading, August 12, 1946.
(Sbned) Y. Y. DeWitt
President, City Council
A TTl!B T:
(Si~ed) Ruth R. Smith
(~lllT.' t'!1br m....w-
(SiJ!ned) 11:. Y. DeWitt
AUGrnT 12TH, 1946
The above ordinance and the forms of Water System Revenue Certificate
and coupon therein contained are hereby approved as to form, language and
execution, this the 12th day of August, 1946.
(Slimed) J. W. Nowlin
City Attorney
A JDOtion was made by Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman Smith, that
the foregoing Ordinance No. G-7 be passed and adopted on second reading, and upon
call of roll the JDOtion carried unanimously.
The following ordinance WillS then brought up for first reading, and same was
read in full: ,Ii
A motion was made by Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman Smith, that
the foregoing Ordinance be placed on firBt reading, and upon call of roll the
motion carried unanimously.
The following Ordinance was then brought up for first and second readings
as an emergency.maasure, and sallll was read in full:
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, due to
the fact that certain property which should be placed in a Residence District
has been ii'ladvertantly placed in a business district and it is necessary for
the preservation of public peace and safety that this ordinance be passed as
an eDl9rgency ordinance.
NOW, 'Il1.l!iW!iI'ORE, BE IT ORDAINliD by the City Council of the Cit;y of Delray
BeaCh, Florida, as follows:
SECTION 1. That the following described property in the City of Delray
Beach, Florida, is hereby placed in Residence liB" District as
defined by the City Zoning Ordinance, to-wit:
All property in the City of Delray Beach, lYing
between a line 133 feet North of the center line
of Atlantic Avenue and a line 133 feet South of the
centerline of Atlantic Avenue and lying West of
East Fifth AvenUland lying East of the right-of-
way of the $Baboard Air Line Railway, except that
portion lying on the North side of Atlantic Avelll1e
extending East a distance of 589.5 feet from the
center line of the Seaboard Airline Railway tracks.
AUGUST 12TH, 1946.
SECTION 2. This is an eDIlrgency ordinance and shall become effective
immediately upon its passage on first reading.
PASSED in regular session on first and final reading on this the 12th
. day of August, 1946.
(Sil!:ned) Il. M. DeWitt
President, City Council
(Sil1:ned) M. M. DeWitt
(Sil!:ned) Ruth R. Smith
City Clerk
A motion was made by Councilman Smith, seconded by CounCilman Butler,
that the fOI'l!lgtl.ingordinanee No. G-9 be passed and adopted as read as an
e..rgency masure, and upon call of roll the motion oarried unanimously.
Upon I'l!lcommendation of the City Manager, a refund of $ 26.00 paid by
Martin Barrows in the Firemen's Pension Fund was authorized to be refunded
to him.
A motion was made by Councll'"!l'l. Butler, seconded by Councilman McNeece,
that the Cle:rk. be instructed to. advertise for $ 30,000 Refunding Bonds of the
City of Delray Beach, and upon call of roll the JDOtion carried unanimously.
Bills totaling $ 1l,4SS.S2, having been approved by the Finance CoIIlIIlittee,
were ordeI'l!ld paid, upon. JDOtion of Councilman McNeece, secOnded by Councilman
Butler, and unanimously carried.
Report of the Building Department for the JDOnth of July, was presented and
ordered filed. The report showed the following permits issued:
Building permits
Ele ctrical "
Plumbing "
$ 100.10
$ 232.00
Council then adjourned to Tuesday, August 13th at 10:00 o&clock, at which
time it will sit as a Board of Equalization to hear complaints as to assessDl9nts
made on the 1946 Tax Roll.
Cit;v Clerk