08-13-46 Special "2-'1/1 AUGUST 13TH, 1946. Special Session or the City Council was held in the City llanager's of'fice at 10:00 A. II., when the Council sat as a Board of' Equalization to hear complaints as to the assessnents placed on the 1946 Tax Roll, with llayor II. II. DeWitt in the Chair, and the f'ollowing Councilmen present: B. C. Butler, F. B. IIcNeece, ao:!. J. B. Smith, a quorum being present. After hearing several complaints as to the increase in valuations on the 1946 Tax Roll, as compared with the 1945 Roll, it was decided to rewrite the Tax Roll using the 1942 or 1945 Tax Rolls as a basis, whichever f'igura was higher, then adding a small percentage enough to maet the requiremnts of' the 1946-1947 budget. This plan met with the approval of' all property owners present or re- presented. The meeting then recessed stilject to call of' the llayor. ATm9ft ~"-". ....' City Clerk ;0