08-31-46 Special '2..11.'5" AUGUST 31ST, 1946. Upon call or the ~ora Specia11leeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Be/!.ch was held in the Council Chambers at 9:00 A. Y., at which time the Council sat as a Beard of Equalization, being a continuatiorCof the Equalization lIeeting held August 13th, which adjourned subject to call of the ~or, to hear complaints as to the valuations placed on the 1946 Tax Roll. . Jla;ror Y. M. DeWitt presided, and Cityllanager H. P. Edmond and the following CouncilJllen 1fere present: B. C. Butler and F. B. McNeece, a quorum being preeent. lla;yor DeWitt explained to the audience that at. the previous Equalization lleeting held August 13th, it wae decided to rewrite the 1946 Tax Roll using ae a basis the 1942 or 1945 Tax Rolls, whichewr was the higher, adding a small percentage to provide for the increased budget for the !lecal year of 1946-1947, which increaee would cover raieed salaries and the purchase of new equipment. ~or DeWitt then asked for any complaints on aseessments as they had been revieed. llr. E. C. Hall addreseed the Council, eteting that it was his understaJiding that the 1945 assessed muations would be ueed, l'Il.isingtbe ..111l1ge to take care of tbil increase in the new budget. llr. Jlstt Gracey, representing llr. Charles. Robinson, and also llr; A. B. Gawler,' complained of tbil method of arriving at aesesaments, stating that llr. Gawler had always faTored Servicemen and their families and had kept his apartment rentals very low, that he was still renting only to war Teterans, and that he did not think llr. Gawler should be penalized by an increaee in his t8JlBs. llrs. Grace Slall3Weir also complained of the !llf1lthOd of rais1ng wluations rather then keeping the assessed Taluee low and raising the millage to meet the needs of the budget. llayor DeWitt explained that it had been Tery difficult to make the adjustments that mould have been made this year, and turther explailled that next year the CouncU p1lL!111ed to appoint a Citizens Collllllittee to make a thorough Sur"fey of every preperty, and with the help of tbil property owners thsmselves, equalize the mues pJaced on all property in the City. For the 1946. Tax Roll, the 1942 and 1945 Tax Rolls had baen used, llh1chever was tbil higher, as agreed upon at the meeting ot August 13th, and 10% had been added to provide tor the increase in the current year's budget, whereby the millage could be reduced by one mill. llr. Samuel Ogren, fOl'Dl!r Tax Asseesor, complained of using the 1942 Tax Roll, stating thattllere were nWlllrous wrong &Beeslllllllnts on t.he 1942 roll which were corrected the next year, and by going back to 1942 _ 1fere only picking up in- correct valuations to use as a basis tor our new roll. Atter hearing several more complaints, it seemed to be the opinilXl of all property O1f1lBr, present that the valuatione should be kept down, preferabl;y by using the 1945 Tax Roll figuree, and raising the IIIillage to provide the needed revenue ae eet up in the proposed budget for the coming year. )layor DeWitt then asked for any complaints to the method of using the 1945 Tax Roll figu1'lls and rais1ng the millage to _et the requ.ire.i.nts of the City for tj1e next year, adding only the new conetruction dUl'ing the 1945 callendar year. ""-"~..~ !}"'/^~ '"2.1 :J... 10 'iI' AUGffiT 31ST, 1946. As tbilre were no complaints to this procedure, a motion was made by Council.-n Butler, eeconded by Councilman McNeece, that we accept the 1945 Tax Roll figures for the 1946 Tax Roll, adding the new construction during the year of 1945, aa:I. raise the millage enough~ to balance the budget for the fiecal year 1946-1947, and Upon call or roll the motion carried unanimous17. It was then announced by the Jlayor that as this method of preparing the 1946 Tax Roll met with no complaints, this would be the laet time the Council 1Itluld sit as a Board of Equali$ation to caneider the 1946 Tax Roll. An item in the propoeed budget for the coming year, of $ 5,000.00 for a Publicity Fund, wae explained as a provision for Chamber of CllIJIllerce work, mainly <to anewer correePOndence. which would keep the Ci1;y before the eyes of the public, not to advertise the City and invite tourists for this particular year. The Equalization lIeeting then adjournad. City Clerk I I ......." ~ AUGtET 31ST, 1946 ll:OO o'clock A. II. A Special Seeslon of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the C.OuncU Ch/iJB)ere at ll:.OOA. M., wt,th lfayor)[. II. DeWitt in t.he Chair, and City)lal1/!.ger H...P. .bond, City AtwIl87 .J. w. Nowlin, and the following Counci.lmsn preeent: B. C. Butler and F. B. McNeece, a quorum being present. The proposed budget for the fiecal year 1946-1947 was discussed at length by the Council. A letter froJII Ac:ting llunicipal Judge Neil E. 1fa,,1l111"n 1fee read as follows: , I To the Honorable Council. .or Delray Beach, Florida. ~ "Auguet 31, 1946. Gentlellllln: ~/. ,. '. ' :i., ','/.':'!<. '2-/1.1 AUGUST 31st, 1946. It ie the reCO_ndation of the undereigned that the following named prieoll!lrs now SDCUting their eentences in the City jaU have their eentences suspended, in view, of the following cOlllllents: . 1. Dan Red~ls, tried August 26th for drunkenness. He is not a reeident of Delray Beach. He wae sentenced to a fine of $ 30.00 or 30 daye in jail, wae unable to pay the tine, and has ser"f8d time since the above date. It is not believed to be to the beet interests of the City to longer hold him in jail. 2. Q. L. lIartin, tried August 24th far drunkenness, fined' 32.50 or 20 days in jail. He wae unable to pey fine and has been in jail eince date of trial. He has a record of chronic alcoholislll, and it is not believed that further holding in jail will reeult in. benefit either to llartin or to the City. Respectfully, (Signed) Neil E. llaCllUlan Acting lfunicipa1 Judge" ,. r After coo.s1daration, the Judge's reCOlllnendatlone were approved by all membflrs of the CouncU. The Council tbiln adjourl'.led to 8:.30. A. If., Ilonda.v, September 2nd, at which tiIIII8 the budget for the caadng. year lIOuld again be studied. ATTJ!'ST7fl Cit.y Clerk llayor . (