09-02-46 Recess '~J-'>. ~." SEPTEI(BER 2ND, 1946. -, A Recess Session of the City Councll of the City of DelrayBeach wa,s' held in the Councll ChaJDbers at 8:30 A. :If. with Vayor Y. M. DeWitt in the Chair, City Vanager H. P.EdmQnd, City Attorney J. W. Nowlin, and the follow- ing CouncilJnen present: B. C. Butler and F. B. McNeece, a quorum being present. The 1946-1947 budget was discussed, Council agreeing to ellminate the item - of $ 5,000 for a Publicity Fund, and giving tentative approval of a plan to e~loy a secretery to handle tIE ChaJDber - of Comercemail.this secretary to be used in other City departments a8 needed. Councll then adjoumed to the next regular _ting to be held at 7:30 P. M., )(Onday, September 9th, 1946. A~ P,a R. ~~j-IIlD City Clerk lIayor