09-09-46 Regular ,...,~ .. SEPTEIlBER 9TH, 1946. Regular meeting or tile City Council or tile City ot Delray Beach was held in. the Council Chaalbers. at 7:30 P. M. with llayor M. II. DeWitt in the Chair, City Manager H. P. Edmond, City Attorney J, w. Nowlin, and the tollowing Council- men present: F. B. McNeece and C. J. lIhite, a quorum being present. The minutes ot the meetings ot August 26th, the Equal1zation meeting ot Augllllt 31st, andSpec1a1 meting ot September 2nd, were presented and approved as writteJm. A letter ot application trom Mr. Herbert S. Irwin, Golt Pro at the Golt Club during the past winter season, which had baen approved by the Golt Colllllittee, was presented and read in tull, as tollows: "Delray Beach, Fla. August 26, 1946 To the Golt Committee DelrayBeach lIunicipal Golt Course Delray Beach, Fla. GentlellBn: I hereby submit tor your consideration a proposition tor the management ot tbl.. Club House and tor attending to the usual duties devOlving upon a golt protessional in connection with such management at the Delray Beach Municipal ~lt Coul'lle, as toll.OWBt In consjderation or the tree use ot the gol1' club building and grounds tor the. stora~, sale and dillplay ot golters' supplies and equ1pment, aild tor giv.l.ng golf instruction, as well as tor the sale or tood, sott drinks and beer, renting ot caddy carts and all other concessions that might properly cOme within the . oPl!lrstion ot the golt course, and the exclusive use ot the club tor such con- cessions I will assume full management of the golf club building, supervise thl!l plsying on the course, see that the club building is kept in proper order, collect and be responsible tor green tees and melld:!ers' dues until turned over to the City Ilanager, prov.l.ded that there. will be included on the golt course lsOOr group one attendant on tull time at the cluP' house who will be directly under m,y supervision, and tor whose proper attention to duty I will be rellpons1ble to the City llanager, and the Golt CoIIIIIi ttee . I am wi1Hng to start.work on the first day of September, 1946, and continue through April 30, 1947, under this arrangement. In the event the present club house attendant dur,i.ng Sl!IPtenm.r or October wishes time oft w:Lthout pay, I will assume the duties of the attendant fer the sallB 1'eIIIIU1eration as received by the attendant. In anticipation or tie expected heavy play this winter, I 1I\)uld like some understand1l:1g regarding .lidditiona1 help at the club. It in the judgment or the gol1'c~ttee suchadditiona],.. he~ iSeSi!lfllltial, I would be willing to pay halt . the salary of the additiondil.f!:ijl.1tthe City WOuld pay the other bald. ~ SEPTEIlBER 9TH, 1946. I think the City is most fortunate in having the services of Mr. Clyde Smith for the supervision ot golf course maintenance, and I understand that I lIOuld have no respolUl1bllity in that connection. Mr. Smith has expressed a similar attitude regarding the club house, and I am sure you can expect lIItItual cooperation. Yours truly, (Sill:ned) Herbert Scotty Irwin The above arrangement approved by (SilI:ned) C. W. Garner, Golt Com. (SilI:ned) C. J.Jlanson. Golt CQIIl. City llanager" Counci_n J(cNeece cOlllpls1ned that J(r. Irwin had been hired as a Golt Protelllsional.and GreenaKeeper, and. had failed to tunction as a Greens Keeper. ae had al$o agreed to stay dllring the sUlllller season at a reduced sslary, and he had left without notifying the golf CClIIIIIittee or the Council. llayor DeWitt cClllllented that there have been numerous cOlllplsints as to 1Ir. Irw:I.A's work, that the object of the .CIUb House was fffr the use of.any families who cared to go there, and for soe,ta1organization functions, that f4ten the Youth progra&!. was started theClQh House .was. offered tor their use. 1Ir. DeWitt stated that the City Council shOUld not deviate from this objective. After discuuion, a moti.on was made by Counc1*n McNeece, seconded by Councilman White, that the recolllllend.ation of tie Golt CoIIIIIittee be rejected, and that the City Council cCII.sjder other applications tor this position. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. City llanIiger Edmond reported on his investigation ot the unsanitary con- ditions in the-colored eection of the City, stating that about 70% of the area is covered ..,ith water supply, and about 2JYI, more could be cowred with very 11 tt1e eXpenee. ~.Bdmond recoJllll8nded. that the installation ot sanitary equiJll!lllnt be re- quired, within twelve IIII)nths, where water is available, and -that aU new cOnstruction be req1dred to have sanitary connections if' on water lines, stating that material and eqUipment is available for at least sh01llBrB and septic tanks. A'\;'q.t~;, o'clock proofs of publishing notices calling for bids fffr UBed street SlleepingeqUipllll!lnt, and for 100 cresoted timber piles for repairing the docks at the Yacht llasin, were read as follows: Invitation for Bids "ea.J.e'.;~p~po~lA will be rec.eived ,b7the. office of the City C1erk~ Delray Be!lchi;.~~#. until 7:30 P. J(. EaliteI'nD~Ught Saving Time, Septe~rim,' "1946:;"l~;;1&{:io11 cresoted 18 lb. t~b~t1:jlites, 'dri~n in place, acco~ng to -;i:;-'::t!I,:,'\i"i:r~:~~.;{}/" (":"",:~i C - ,! - - - -; " - '''' _: " " "-, '~:'_'\c,_;~y;~t~~~~~it-:';t';" _' ~-:~1~~).:,~;~::'- :c', 1"""" j . 'I ,-. " f I 't SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1946. , plans and specifications on tUe in the City Clerk's orfice, DelrayBeam, Florida. The City Council reserves tie right to reject any and all bids, end to waive informalities. CITY OF DEmAY BEACH, FLOOIDA By M. Y.DeWitt, llayor Invitation for Bids The City CouncU, City of Delray Beach, Florida, will receille until 7:30 P. J(., Eastern Datllgl1t Saving Tirae, September 9th, and then open publicly, sealed bids on the following: 1 Used Power-Dr! 'ge.Il Street SlI8epsr wi th Hopper and Rotary BrOQIIl, in good mechanical condi tion. The City Council reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids tor any reason at its discretion. CITY ~ DEIBAY.BEACH, FLOOIDA By J(. M. DeWitt, Mayor The bids received Wltre then opened aaltabulated as foll.owsl Used Street Sween" nil . EauiPJJIent Florida Georgie Tractor Company of Jl1ami. - $ 3,350.00 dalivered at Delray Beach Casey & Emmert, Chicago, Ill. ;.. $ 3,000.00 F. O. B. Chicago I. Mr. Edmond was asked tocleck on the freight charges on the abow swseper from Chicago to Delray Beach. 100 Cresoted Piles for Docks at Yacht Basin Troup Bros. & R, II, Sands Elton Harvel $ 3,675.00 . 4,475.00 Councilman lIhite reminded the Council that residents in that n.cinity had petitioned to have pile driving stopped, and he thought there would be serious objections to this work. _ llayor DeWitt explained that many requests have been receiVed for dockage space for this season, and at present the docks are. condemned as being unsafe for use, stating that the docks IllUBt either be repaired or remowd. The estimated cost ot :repairing the docks was $ 2,500.00 in addition to the new pllings, and this cost could be amortized in from two to three yBars from rewn1lll received from rentalot dOcklige space. Atter discussion it was. agreed to notify proparty owners tac1ng the Yacht I:las1nfrQIII let to 2nclStreet, that a bearing would be held on October 14th, at . lft4chtillletheircCI!IPl.aii1ts, it any, wOuld be heard as to tie repairing of the dQcI(sas. propQiI8d. . c SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1946. City Attorney Nowlin then presented an ordinance to provide for 1:00 o'clock Closing of all bars on every night of the week, which sam was read in till as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BRACH, FLORIDA, AllENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER VIII OF THE CITY CODE OF DEWY BEACH, FLORIDA. Objections to tie passage of the above ordinance were called for trom the audience. There were no objections received. A protest had been filed by the Ministerial ASSOCiation, but was later withdrawn after careful consideration ot tie ordinance. A IIIOtion was thenmadll by Councilman IlcNeece that the above o:rd1nancebe passed on its first reading. There was no second to tie motion, Councilman lIhite reco_nding that it be held over until September 23rd, when all Council- men would be present. i '. I I City Attorney Nowlin announced that the validation proceedings for the $ 350,000.00 Water Revenue Certificates had been tiled, and hearing set for October 15th at 2130 p. II.. . > ! A report or tie Water Works Facllities in the City of Delray Beach, as prepared by the City ~r, was read and ordered filed. Miss Dorothea Galvin addressed the Council, requesting the replacing ot the traffic light which had been removed from the comer of Ocean Boulevard and Atlentic Avenue during the bleck-out period, stressing the danger of accidents at this comer with no regulation. Council agreed to install the traffic light as soon as possible. City Attorney NOIflin, in conjunction with the City llanager, was a.slllld to prepare ordinsnces for presentation at the next Council meeting, to establish the llmitations or Fire Zones /11, 112 an:! 113, and the llmitations ot metal buildings to certain sections of the City. Proof of publication or a notice of application for a liqUO:b llcenae for )(orey'is Cocktail lounge, to be issued in the n8Mes of Joseph R. Ferris and John Irorey. located in the Boyd Building annex on East At,.ntic Avenus, was read as foll.ows: NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE Notice is !iereby given that JOHN MCfmY and JCSEPH R. .FERRIS, did on the 20th dliY or AugUllt, 1946, make application to the City Council for l1cense to . operate a llar and Cocktail Lounge under the, naIIB of )(O!l.EY'S COCKTAIL. LOUNGE, located in the Boyd Building Annex, j$ast .Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach; Florida. Aspro'l1ded in~ections 2 and 8 of the llqQ.)r ordinance,. it is directed that. said. apJ)l.ication shall be . filed~tht!1eCity COUncil for a psriodof .not leU.. ~...ro~en.JJ..4) ..liays . for .. the >~'1."l!ld1nVe8'll1gationand final approval or .d1sapproval~bytbe~randC~~7.COl1nQ11~ :)~(,C;" Rlh1i R. SlO.TH · . C1t;t axelie'; ~\~,!l!/'c',";?" <"';;;'''''~''~,:f::': s:: SEPTEIlBER 9TH, 1946. Objections were asked. for in accordance with the foregoing notice, but none were presented, whereupon a motion was made by Councilman McNeece, seconded by Councilman lIhite, that license be approved, and upon call of roll. the motion carried unanimously. The appli~tion ot F. B. OUsley for an occupations1 l1cense to conduct a laundry and dry cleaning pick-up business in the name of Audrey's Laundry and Dry Cleaning Agency, with headquarters in POlIIp8.IlO, was approved in a motion made by Counc1*n llcNeece, seconded by Councilman White, and unanimously carried. Theappllcation ot Roy O. Brady for a Glezing Contractor's llcenae, the business to be located at 103 N. E. 4th Avenue, being in order, was approved in a motion made by OouncillDan McNeece, seconded by Coun""'-" lIhite, and unani- mously carried. TIe fOllowing COIIIIlunication from Mr. G. A. Stevenson was presented by the Clerk, and same was read in full: "DelrliY Beach September 9, 1946 Delray Beach City Council DelraY Beach Florida Gentlemen: I would grsatly appreciate a reduction in the taxes on the ftcant lots inSouthridge which at present are assessed to the tune as tollOWll: . Block #2 - Lots 24, 28, 29, 30, 31 & 32 - six lots $ 582.31 or $ 97.0~ per lot. . Block #2 - Lots 10 to 10, Inc. - Ten lots $ 255.62 or $ 25.56 per lot and back lc Block #3 - Lots 20, 21 & 22 ~ $ 144.15 or $ 48.05 per lot. Now the City has not had to spend a cent on the maintenance ot our road and we <b not have a street l1ght and we <b not have a fire hydrant, the near- est 1700 feet away at Germantown Road. . So I do ask you to reduce the above and I will pay. Thanldng you in adftnce, Rsspe ctfully yours (Sblll!ld) G. A. Steveneon" Mr. Stevenson was advised that the City. had given property ollllllrs an opportunity to pey delinquent tuBs at a discount pl'ior to NOVl!llllber, 1945. Since. that date it has been the polley ot the. City not to accept less than 100% on all. t..s, on property within the City l1m1ts. No action was taken on the "above request. l SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1946. The application or 1Ir. Gordon J. Lane tar position as Pobl llanager was read and ordered filed as there is no vacancy at the present time. The annual report of the Delray Beach Tennis Association fOr the year ending September 30th, 1946, was read and ordered fUed. The annual report ot the Delray Beach Public Library Association for tie year ending September 30th, 1946, was read and ordered filed. Bills totaling $ 7,077.53, hav.l.ng been approved by the Finance Colllllittee, were ordered paid. Telllgrams from Honorable Dw:I.ght L. Ro~rs, U. S. Congressman, and Cleu:le Pepper, U. S. Senator, notifring the Ci~ of tb!l approval of Planning Funds in the amoWlt of $ 24,500.00 for Sanitary S81IeragePlant and additions to the Sewer System, were presented and read, as follows: ' "Pleased to advise that Federal Works Project 8 P 117 Delray Beach, Florida has been approved for new sanitaty sewerage plant and additions to sewer system --i-- at estimated cost- ot $ 760,000 and Federd advance for plan preparation $ 24,~. l Please give appropriate pUbllcity. Clau:le Pepper tBS" '.'<<:;-".,i "Glad to advise ot Federal approval application 8-P-1l7 plsnning funds . amounting to $ 24,500. . Hattie Jlae Coke, Secretary Dwight L. Rogers llC" Ilayor DeWitt explained that this work is not contemplated in the near future, but it would be wise to have plans and specifications prepared, which 1I\)uld place the City on a priority list for future construction. COWlCU then adjourned. Ams~ City Clerk llayor -,