09-23-46 Regular " \ ~ SEP'mIBER 23RD, 1946. Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of DeJray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at.7:3O P. ll. with lla1'or M. M. DeWitt in the Cha:ir, and City lfanager H. P. Edmond, City Attormy J. W. Nowlin, aOO tl:l!l following Council- lIIM present: B. C. Butler, F. B. McNeece, J. B. Smith aOO C. J. White, a quorum being present. . The minutes of the lIIl!leti~s of September 9th and 11th were presented for approval. At the request of Mr. W. A. Jacobs the minutes of tl:l!l IIIl!l8ting of September 9th were read in tull, after which the minutes of both Illleti~s were approved as written. Kr. W. A. Gill, Jr., representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, addressed tl:l!l Council, asking for a space in the City Park to erect a monument as a memorial to those who have ~n the:ir lives in the service of the:ir Country. It was proposed to erect the monument just east of the Shuffleboard Court two hundred feet north of At1a.ntic Avenue, with a ten foot sidewalk leadl.ng to the lIlD!1ument from Atl'antic Avenue. Kr. Gill explained that the Veterans of Foreign Wars would build the monu- ment itself, and turn it over to the City, but asked that the City lay the sidewalk leadl.ng up to it. lla1'orDeWitt stated that it would be an addition to the Park, and a fitting tribute to thOBS who have served and died in all wars. Atter discussion by the Council, a IlIOUon was made by Councilman JleNeece, seconded by C.ouncilmsn White, that the Veterans of Foreign Wars be allowed to erect a monument in the City Park as outlined by Mr. Gill, and upon call of roll the IlIOtion carried unaniJllOusly. % , ( l j , I Kr. H. B.Adams, Building illpector, presented the application of Mr. E. J. Burke, for a permit to COllBtruct tIlo buildings on Lot 1, Block 115, on the Norllh Federal Highway at Second Street, Q1e buildl.ng to be used for an office bun'Hng, and one to be used for a residencfil. This being in a Special Bueil!l!lss Zone, and Fire Zone No.2, Kr. BuIice' s plans lIOuld meet the requirellllnts of the Building Code if constructed of concrete block instead of wooden construction, and 11' he could provide for 7'7J square feet of floor space in the office building, and $96 square feet ot floor space in tl:l!l residence. Action was withheld unti"l the next regular meeting, in the meantime Kr. Burke to be advised of tl:l!lse require_nts. Kr. Adams presented the appllcation of Kr. O. D. Pr1est, Jr., for a pe1'lllit to build a thirteen unit apartnent bIilding on Lots 8 8< 9, Block 116, on the North Federal Highway, with sIBcs in the rear for parlting th:irteen cars. Mr. Priest agreed to provide an alley through from Atlantic AvenlllB to his properlly as an entrance to the parking sIBCS for his tenants. The construction to be of concrete bloCk, and plans approved by the State Hote~ CoIIIIIission. As all requirements of the Building Code were IIIl!lt in Kr. Priest's specifica- tions, a motion was made by Councilman White, seconded':by Councilman Butler, thet thepe1'lllit be granted, and upon call of roll the'lIIOtion carrled unaniJllOusly. At; eight 0.' clock the following proofs of publication of notices Calling for sealed tenders of l'lefunding Bonds were read, as fallows: i:i. f; ,S ~ Ii 'f. $ ;.:, ,':.l ..1.(1: . "",,, toe ~i:~ /:~;<:. ~ :') ~ '~). Iii SEPTPJm!:R 23RD, 1946. Notice of Intention to purchase CITY <F DEmAY BEACH, FLORIDA Refund Bonds~ Isste of 1938,Ser1es "An and/or Refund Bonds, Isstll of 1940, Ser1e s "B" The City Council of the City of DeJray Beach, Florida will receive sealed tenders of Refunding Bonds, Series "A" &ai/or Series "B", in the amount or approximat.E!1;y Thirty Thousand DolJars ($80,000.00) in its office in the City Hall, Delray Bsach, Florida, at 8:00 P. ll~ Eastern Dayli@)lt Saving Time, Ssptember 23rd, 1946. All teOOers shall be sealed and offered f:irm. The City reserves the right to rsject any and all teOOers. Address: RUTH R.SMITH City Treasurer DeJray Beach, Florida One bid having been received, same was opel!l!ld am read as follows: "September 21, 1946. Jliss Ruth R. Smith City Treasurer DeJray Beam, Florida. Dear lladam: Fol' t.he consideration of your Council at its meeting at 8 PM .September 23rd, at whim tillll!l tsmers will be l'eceived for Series "A" and "B" Bonds, we w1eh to make the following offering. We offer you firm $ 5,000 DEmAY BEACH, FLORIDA Ser1e s A Dated July 1, 1938 Due July 1, 1968 At 101.00 and interest. If this offer is accepted please win us of your purchase on Septelliler 24th. We would likewise apprecia te your sending us a list of bonds you purchase, ani the priess paid. BTR?RJ. Very truly yours, RYAN,SU'l'IIE1lLAR!) & CO. B (SigMd) * T ll;van" 7 ....,' ;:-,.',' 'f'O'i-"'~'", . i \\ SEPmlBER 23RD, 1946. A motion was made by Councilman Butler, ssconded by Councilman White, that the foregoing offer of Ryan, Sutherland & Co. be rejected, and upon call ot roll the IlIOtion carried uneniJllOusly. A petition bear.1.ng one hundred fifty-nine signatures was presented and read in full, as follows: PETITION TO JlAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF DELRAY BEArn, FLORIDA. r -'-1 ;1 We. the UlJiers1gnlld Citizens, Tax Paysrs and Voters of the Ciijr of DeJray Beach, norida, do I:l!lreby petition your HonoraQle Body to call an election in the City for the purpose of submitting to the qualified votere the qlllBstion as to whether or not the $ 350,000.00 Revenue csrtificate bonds for expansion and enlargement of the Water Plant and System should be validated and iss~ed. We believe that you are asslDing entirely too much responsibility in voting these Revenus Cerllificates without sutuitting the qusstion of their issuance to a vote of the people. We fUl'ther call to your attention tha.t at a mass lIIl!leting of till people of Delray Beach, held in 1945, it was agreed, upon the recCllllleOOation of Smith and Gillespie, your employed water eng!.llIIlers, that the improvellll!lnt of the present Water Plant by an expenditure of approximately $ 125,000.00 would be sufficient to gbe the people of the City ample water. It was fUl'ther agreed at that mseting that if it was necessa17 to lay addltiotllll lilains, or make additional. impro'll!lIlnts to the Water Plant, that such improvements 1IlOuld be paid for from year to year out of tbs earnings of the Water Plant. We belie'll! this is the IlIOre businessllJ,ce way in which to improve our Water Plant. Respectfully sutuitted, (Signed) 159 signatures" ~ !. .. 1'; . Mr. J. W. Nowlin, City Attorl!l!lY, explainBd that our Charter does not pro- videt;hat an election can be called by a petition of this kind. The State Law provides that when the Oouncil has authorized cerllificates, if within thirty' days a petition is presented, dgned by 2:l% of the qualit.l.ed vetere, an election must be called.. This OrdI.nanca was passed on second and final reading on August 12th, ani the thirty day period has more than expired. The petition has not IIIOre than 10% of the qualified voters signatures. The Council can not. be legally required to call an election on tl:l!lse certificates. As the requirements of tl:l!l State Law have been follOlred, the Council has the right; to go ahead and issue the certificates. Kr. Nowlin furllher stated that any taxpaysr had the right to be represented at the hear.1.ng to be held on October 15th tor the validation ot the cerllificates, and to file a protest at that time. A letter from Mr. H. S. Richardson was presented, aOO read in full as follows: "DeJrsy Be,ach, Florida", SepteDber 23, 1946. \y SEP'lEIBER 23RD, 1946. J(e_rs of the City Council DeJray ~acl:l, Florida GentlBllln: During the past week I signed a c:irculated petition which req1lllsted the City Council to bring to a vote of the people of Delra:r Beach the question of whether certain IlIOnies should be expended for waterworks improvellllnts, etc. The matter was not fuJ..ly covered in the petition and aftsr going into it and getting the facts, I doubt that fIf9" customers lIOuld.wish to wait' three or four ~rs for the water to clear up in order to wash their clothes. It is tl:l!lrefore requested that fIf9" name be stricken from this list. Yours very truly (Signed) H. S. Richardson" r lla1'or DeWitt then asled for protests from the audience, but none were received. Kr. Dewitt expJained that some of the statements in the petition 1lBre false. The Englneers, Smith 8< GilleSpie, had thought that the improvelllnts made at the plant would be sufficient, but ths City had been out of water twice this s_r, and as tl:l!l tourist seaSOIl approaches requiring many IIIOre _ter connections, and as tl:l!l town grOlfll, JIIOre buildl.ngs will be cCll1Btructed requi1ing water supply, our present water plant will be hopelessly inadequats, ani 1lB will not be able to wait far funds from tl:l!l operation of tl:l!l water plant to make extensions aai additions. Ths Council has made a study of ths situation for many _ths, aOO only two protests have ever been made to ths program as being carried out. 'l'Ile Council realizes that tI:l!l City is growing, aOO it only has in mini cl:l!lcldng ~to the future and gi~ the City an adequate supply of _ter that is clear ani'clean. Yayor DeWitt further explained tlBt soma of the needed uaterials and eqUip- ment were not available at the present time, but ths money would be invested in gov!,rlllllnt bonds in the meantillll!l, and as our cerllificates were sold far Zf, the City would not be loal.ng any interest paid on the cerllifillates. Mr. W. A. Jacobs addressed tl:l!l Council, urgi.ng that the improvements and additions to the water plant be made out of the reventle from the water plant itself, from year to year, stating that suf'fic:lBnt extensions could be made to keep up with the growth of the City. t.., It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that it should go ahead with ths water works protlect aai tl:l!l validation of the bonds. A motion was mlide by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman JleNeece, that the petition be filed, and upon call of roll the JIIOtion carr:lBd 1lIlI'l'\imously. The following COIlllll1.nication from Mr. John N. Kabler was presented, ani read in full: "September 23, 1946. City Council City of DelrayBe.ch D~Jray: Beach, Florida Dear Sira: \7 SEP'1'm.lIER 23RD, 1946. I hereby request that the City of Delray BeaCh issue a tEmporary penult for the conetruction of a small office buildl.ng on Lots 6,7,8,9 and 10 in Block 1 of Ocean Park Subdivision, Delray. Such building is to conflrm with the plans sul:lldtted to the Building InspBctor of Delray and to conform with the Building Code aai Fire Zol!l!l in which it is located. I ask for a temporary permit for a period of two years at which tims the building is to be rlllloved at the option of the Council. Yours very troly, (Signed) John N. Kabler John N. Kabler" As tI:l!l propertiy is in a Local Buslress Zone, allowing the construction of Hotels and Apirtments, it was considsred advisable to grant a pBl1IIit pro- vidl.ng for the removal of the building at any time at the request of ths City Council. Upon motion of Councilman White, seconded by Councilman McNeece, the pB1'IIIit was apjroved, aOO tre City Attornsy instructed to draw up an agreelllnt providing for ths removal of the building at any time at the reqlllBst of the City Council. '!be following ordl.nancs was then presented fo'r first reading and same was read in full: AN ClIDlNANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CP DlWl.AY BEArn, FIDRIDA, AlIENDING CERTAIN SECTIO~OP CHAP'mR VIII OF THE CITY CroE CP DEmAY )mACH, FLOOIDA. A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Smith,. that the foregoing ordinance be placed on it's f:irst readl.ng, and upon call of roll the motion carried unaniJllOusly. The Clerk was instructed to adverllise a heari.~ to be oalled on the abow ordinance on October 14th, at which ti_ objections will be heard as to its passage on second and final readl.ng. Jlrs. G'race Slans We:ir addressed the Council with reference to obtaining a protective IIlCllliq1; area to regulate the operation of bars and liquo'r wndl.ng establishmBntil outside the City limits, to protect our 01lIl residents who pay a liquor license to the City of Delray Beach. Ths reqUllst was referred to the Planning Board far their recoJllllllndation as to some f01'lll of liquor lIlaning outside of the CiW limits adjacent to our bOlmiaries. The appUcation of E. B. Nichols and L. H. Brannon for a Ucense to sell peer and Wine at 810 At1s,ntic Avenue, operating as Park Sundries, was presented. This was for the "ll8Jfaloflice,nee f'ol'llllrly in thB name of Sabath's, InC.,1lOIf under nBlf owpe'rt:i!~~.> A llIOtiOJ1w8:s~4fl~~CelU1ci1man White, seconded by CounoAman Blltlel', that." llllenst9be .J;>~ot~~.<:'~~i~1\iOncarr1edunaniJllOl!.sly., ^:;..I-, .";"'.":":"'\: ;~{:;:~;;&ri'1j~:~~:~/ ,v<' SEPTl!1mER 23RD, 1946. A letter from tl:l!l DeJrsy Beach Civic League was presented aOO read as fallows: "September 23, lc;v.6. City Council DeJrsy Beach, Florida Gentlemen: In oUr efforts to allBviate the delinquency problem among Negro youths in our Oity, to provide avenues through which a wholesome recreation ptogram for --1- both youths aOO adults may be had, ani to provide a better balanced program for the school children who daily use our playgrounds, we asked of and received the promise from the Council that cerllain basic repaira and additions to our play- ground would be made last ;year. Because of the increa.sed number of people who nOlf use our playgrounds, the present poor condition of sallll and the increased possibilities of an eVllll higher degree of delinquency, we tl:l!l members of the Civic League, respectfully ask for the followillg: 1. Resurfacing of tennis-basketball courts. 2. FenCl.ng in of playing courts. 3. Lighting of p~g courts for night activities. We are presently organized to have a supervised recreational program and a drive is now on foot to get equipment. 'lhus we humbly beg your consideration and respectfully urge your immediate action on this matter. Yours resp'ctfully, (Simed) L. L. YOUll.ll:blooli, President (Sbned) Lula Baldwin (Simsd) W.JI. Robinson Mr. H. P. Edmnd, CiV Jlanager, was instrUcted to make a cl:l!lck and determine exactly wlllt was meded, and report at tm next regular Council meeting. Secretary Cbai1'alan Recreation Committee" A representative of the Delray Beach Civic League addressed the COuncil, asking the City to donate a lot to his organization where they could construct an American Legion Hall where recteation might be provided for veterans and the:ir families. " lIsyor DeWitt statAld that i.. ".,Qld tallD a little time to dete1'llline what properlly the City owned that wOuld be avallabla in that section, aOO if they could, he knew of no reason why the Council would not grant this request. 'lhe follo1d.ng Re801ution _s presented by City Attorney J. W. Nowlin, aai same _s read in full: " \~ SEP'lEMBER 23RD, 1946. RESOLUTION NO. 597 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION CF APPLICATION FOR CERTAIN FEDERAL GRANT FOR PAYlmNT OF PLANS FOR CERTAIN SEWER FACILITIES AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH SMITH AND GILlESPIE FOR PREPARATION OF SUCH PLANS . Upon motion of Counen"",1'\ Butler, secOnded by CouncUmsn White, unani- mously carried, the foregoing Resolution No. 597 was passed and adopted as read. The fallowing Ordinance was then brought up for f:irst rea~, and sam was read in full: AN atDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF DEmAY BEA,CH, FLORIDA, PROHmITING THE ERECTION CF SHEET JlETAL COVERED BUILDINGS IN ANY BUILDING DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, EXCEPT THE JlANUFACTURING AND INDt19TRIAL DISTRICT. A motion was made by Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman McNeece, that the foregoing Ordinance be placsd on f:irst reading, and upon call of roll tl:l!l motion carried unanimously. The following Ordinance' establishing Fire Zones #1, #2 and #3, was then brought up for first reading, and BaJlll was. read in full: AN ClIDINANCE OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF DELRAY BEArn, FWRIDA, DESIGNATING THE TEIlRITORY TO BE INCLUDED IN FIRE ZONES I, II AND III, AS PROVIDED BY SECTION 2, CHAPTER II OF THE. CITY CooE OF DELRAY BEACH, FIDRIDA, AND DIRECTING THAT SUCH PROPERTY BE DESIGNA'm'D ON 'lHEFIRE ZONE llAP OF THE CITY OF DEmAY BEACH,FIDRIDA. A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by CouncUmsn Smith, that.the foregoing Ordinance be placed on its f:irst readl.ng, and upon call of.rall the motion carried unanimously. '!he following Ordinance was tbBn brought up for f:irst reading, and SllIIIl was read in full: AN ORI)INANCE OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEmAY BEACH, FWRIDA,PLACING. CERTAIN PROmTY IN THE.$PECIAL HOTEL DISTRICT AS DJ!;SCRIBED UTIlE ZONING ,l1{DINANCE OF THE CITY OF DEIRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. ,b '" SEPTl!l.IBER 23RD, 1946. Mrs. Gracs S. Wait addressed the Council, protesting against the Change in zoning restrictions to a Special Hotel District covering lots in Block 1, Ocean Park Slbdivision, facing on Ocean Boulevard, stating that thsse lots were too shallow to allow hotel construction which would meet the building code requirements. Shs requested that thess lots be left. in a Local Busil!l!lss Zone so that improvements might be made to the existing business structures. Mr. J. N. Kabler also requested that the lots in this Block which face Ocean Boulevard, be omitted from this proposed Ordinance, leaving them in their present Business Zone. The above Cllllplaints were referred to the Zoning Board for their recoDl1\enda- tion to the Council. ,-f Bills totaling $ 8,532.39, having been approved by the Finance Committee, were ordered paid, :in a IIIOtion made by Councilmen JI~ece, seconded by Council- man Smith, and unanimously carried. The following Resolution was thsn presented by the City Manager, adopting a budget for the 1946-1947 fiscal year for the Water System Revenue Account, and same was read in full, as follows: RmOLUTION NO. 595 A RmOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PAUl BEACH CDUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING ITS ANNUAL BUDGET OF ES'l'DIADlD EXPENSES ANDRBVENUE OF THE WATER S15TE1( REVENUE ACOOUNT AND ALI.OCATING AND APPROPRIATING SAID COLLECTIONS THEREUNDER. A motion was made by CouncUman White, seconded by Councilman Butler, that the foregoing Resolution No. 595 be adopted as read, and upon call of roll the IIIOtion carried unaniJllously. The following Resolution adopting an annual General Burget of estimated expenses for the fiscal year 1946-1947 was then presented by the City Jlanager, and same was read in full, as foll.o1fs: RESOLUTION NO. 596 A RmOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF DElRAY BEACH, PAUl BEACH OOUN'l'Y, FWRIDA. ADOPTING ITS ANNUAL BUDGET CF ES'l'DIADlD EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL lEAR 1946-1947, AID IEVYING A TAX ON ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN '!'HI!: CITY OF DEIRAY BEACH P'tR MAINTENANCE AND OPERA- TION, AND IEVYIm A TAX FOR A PAlJIENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON BOOED !NDEB'lm)NESS AGAINST THE PROPERTY LOC.ATED IN '!HE F(RlIER crrY OFD~lRAY, AND ALLOCATING AND APPROPRIATING SAID COLLECTIONS '1'IJ$IlEUNDER. ~, IT SEP'I'Ii:UR'SR 23RD, 1946. A motion was made by Councilman Butler that tbs foregoing Rssolution No. 596, includ~ the break-downs and salary schedules as set forth in the Resolution, be adopted. 'lhs motion was seconded by Councilman IlcNeece, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. Council then adjourned to a recess session to be held in the Council Chambers at 7:~ P. JI., Tuesday, Ssptember 24th, 1946. (C..A f'?A:"-: ,Q. City Clerk A~ lIayor '.' ~'4: ,,: