09-24-46 Adjourned 11 SEPTEllI3I!:R 24TH, 1946. An adjourned session of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach _s held at 7:~ P. M. in the Council Chambers, with )(syor M. M. DeWitt in the Chair, and City Mansger H. P. Edmond, City Attomey J. W. Nowlin, and the follo1'd.ng Councilmen present: B. C. Butler, F. B. McNeece, J. B. Smith and C. J. White, a quorum being present. Mayor DeWitt announced that Councllman Butler would be in charge ot the meeting, as Chairman of the Finance and Ordinance Conunittee, as the purpose of the meeting _s to consider and adopt an Ordinance fixing and regulating fees to be charged for occupations1 licenses far the year 1946-1947. The proposed license Ordinsnce lIlI.S then read in full, as follows: OImINANCE NO. G-ll AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING AND REGULATING TilE REGISTRATION CF ALL PERSONS, FIRMS AND CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN A BUSINESS, PRO- FESSION CR OCCUPATION IN TIlE CITY <F DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, FIXING TilE LICENSE TAXES FOR TIlE YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1946, and for EACH SUCCEEDING YEAR UNTTI. REPEALED, REGULATING AND RES'mICTING LICENSES APPLIED FOR AF'mR OCTOBER 1 OF EVERY YEAR: PROVIDING '1'ERlIS UNDER WHICH SUCH LICENSES MAY BE OBTAINED: REGULATING TIlE CARRnNG 00 CF BII3INl!BS UNDER SUCH LICENSm, AND PROVIDING A Pnl'ALTY FOR TilE VIOLATION OF TIlE ORDINANCE. 'l'he various c~es in license tees were explained by the City Manager and the Finance and Ordinance Committee, who had made a thorough study of the Ordinance, one point being stressed, that all merchant's licenses would be checked by the Tax Collector to insure the payment of a Clt,' license on the actual amount of stock carried, and not only the mipimnm fee. Atter careful ocnsideration of all classifications, a motion _s made by Councilman MCIleece, seconded by Councilman Butler, that the foregoing Ordinance be passed and adopted on first and final reading as an emergency measure, and upon call ot roll the motion carried unanimously. Councllman White recoDlllended that the Tax Collector be given written in- structions by the City llanager to continue to secure letters of reference fl'Olll applicante far new licenses, and also to secure persons1 property bonds, a report to be made to the Council at the first regular meeting of eacl1 month of lioenses which he has issued during the previous month. Upon call ot roll this recollllllendation was accepted by the Council. At the suggewt.clon ot Councilman Smith, Council agreed to pemdt a group of citizens to sue the Council ChAmh:>rs one night to organize an Outboard llotar ~ Boat Club. Bills totaling . 438.70, having been approved by the FinanoeCODIIIittee, ~reol'(lt:lredpaid, upon motion of Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman Jhite,andUl18r,limously carried. (~ \"'. SEPTEMBER :?3RD, 1946. In a motion made by Councilman McNeece, seconded by Councilman Butler, unanimously carried, the City llanager was authorized to construct three rain shelters and a caddy house at the Golt Course at a cost not to exceed $ 1,':>0.00, this appropriation to be taken from the 1946-1947 budget. Council then adjourmd. ATm~ City C1e rk ~yor "