10-14-46 Regular ":,?~ OCTOBER 14TH, 1946. Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held at 7:30 P. Y. in the Councll Chambers with Mayor M. M. DeWitt in the Chair, City Manager H. P. Ednond, City Attorney J. W. Nowlin, and the follow- ing Councilmen present: B. C. Butler, F. B. McNeece, J. B. Smith, and C. J. White, a quorum being present. . Mayor DeWitt announced that as he would be out of town for a few days it would be necessary to appoint a Vice-Mayor who would be able to sign Cit;y: checks in his absence, wmreupon Councl.l.n1an Butler nominated Councilmin C. J. White, and Council"V'n White ~ted Councilman B. C. But~r for the office. Councilman Smith mo""d that the polls be closed. '!be motion was seconded by Councilman McNeece, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. A vote then was taken by ballot on the two no!llinees, which resulted in three votes cast for Councilman Butler, and tllO votes cast for Councilman White, Councilman Butler being declared e~cted to fill the office of Vice-Mayor. Councll then adjourned untll 7:~ P. M., Tuesday, October 15th, to enable Councilmen and interested citizens to attend a meeting being held in till High School Alrlitorium, at 1lhich meeting Yr. Davis B. lee of the State Boerd of Health would speak on the water sitlDtion which effects Delray Beach. ed) f~ll~IIIQ City C~rk A~~ .. ..