08-82 ORDINANC~ NO:.. S~ t.. Th&= Sectio=. 30--L~(N~) (%)'(c) (L) "SC Specia~ize~ Col~-~ merc~): DisC=t"' of th~ Cods o~ Ordinances o~ th~ Ci~ o~ Florid~, i$ hereby' amend~ t~ rea~ am follows.:- (L) Wa:rehou~e~ for s,torage o,f, mer, cka.ndise,~ when' accessor~ tot:-and located on' ,the.. sam.~ p&rce~ .of land. a,s;., mary... Commercial use., including- caretaker residenc~ whe~ lbcate~ within the, project.. Section- 3. That Sectio~ 30--14(B) (4.7) "LI (Light Industrial) Distric.="' of the, Cod~ of Ordinances~ of' the~ City of Delray Beach,. Florida,. is hereby amendec~ to read as, follows.: (47) Warehouses~ for storage, of merchandise-, when accessory/ to and located on' the same parcel. _o~ land as the. p.ri,- mary industrial use, including' caretaker residence- when. located, within the project. Section~ 4. That Section- 30--L5(B) (63) "M~ (Mediuat Industrial) District"' o~ the~ Code~ of Ordinance~ of the_* City of' Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby amende~ to read~ as-- follows: (63) Warehouses: for storage of merchandise, when- accesso.ry tO ,and lgcated on the same.-?a.rce! of l~nd .,a.s thg..~r~- mary industrial., u.se, ~ncluding caretaker residence. whe~ located within: the, pro j ect. Section 5. That Section 30-17(H)(1) "Supplementary Regulations" of the Code o~ Ordinances.. of the City of Delray Beach', Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows.: (L) Warehouses~ fo=..st.o, ra~e~ o~ merchandise, when' accessory' to and located ,on t..he7 same parc.el o.~ 1.an.d as the-~ri- mary commercial use, including caretaker residence when located within the project. I i ii III L Jll~l II III ~ ~1 I mil Jill I [1111 ~11111 lit I I I I I I ~ I ~1 iiiI II I II II I Section: 61. That shoul~ any. section nanc~ o= an¥~ portio~ therec~, a~~ p~agraph, sen~en~:¥ o= wo=~ ~ decl~ .. by ~ CouP. of co~e=en= j~isdictiom tc ~ invali~,, such decision sh~ no= a~fe~ ~h~ va~lid~ty' o~ th~ =emaind~ hereo~ Sec~om T.. Th'a=: ~ o~~'c~ sha~ ~com~ e~ec~v~ =~ d~ - 2 - Ord. No. 8-82