14-82 ORDINANCF_ NO. lg.-g2 AN ORDINANCE OF TI-IE CITY COUNCIL OF THF_ CITY OF D~LRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTBR 23, "BTRBF. T$ AND SIDBWALK$", BY 5NACTING A NF_W ARTICL5 IV, "NEWS- RACK REGULATIONS", PROVIDING DF. FINITION$; PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR INSTALLATION OF NEV;SRACK$ ON PUBL/C RIGPITB-OF-~AY; RBGULATING THE LOCATION AND PLACIi- MF_NT OF NF_WSRACKS~' PROVIDING FOR ABANDONMF. NT; Rt~GU- LATING NI~WSRACK$ LOCATF. D ON PRIVATI! PROPF. P.T%'; PROVI- DING FOR ENFORCF. A4F. NT OF NET;St,ACK RIBGULATIONS~ PRO- rIDING FOR APPBAL$; PROVIDING A BAV~NG CLAUSF.4 PRO- VID[NC[ FOR MAILING OF COP1W_5 OF THIS ORDINANClB; PROVID- ING AN F_FFI!CTIVE DATF.. ~UrtBRBAB,. :he CiD/ Council of :he CiD/ ot Delray Beach, Florid~ f~ ~d d~~ mac me ~con~ plKem~c ot news~ ~ p~c ~~ the p~v~s ~d p~h~i~s p~ce ot ~d ~or :he p~ ot s~B ~d NOW, ~ER~OR~ B~ ~ ORDAINED BY 5~ 1. ~ax Ch~e~ ~, "5~ ~d Ci~ ot De~ay 5~, Florida, is h~eby ~d~ by ~a~ a new A~i~e IV, "New--ok R~a~ons", to read ~ AR~CL~ IV. N~SRACK R~GULA~ONS. . (a) "Adw~~ ~~' $h~ me~ no news re~. or~y ~ for bi~e ~f~. (c) "Ci~ ~n~' ~ ~ herein (d) "D~ibu~o~' sh~ me~ :he pe~on r~nsible for new~, :he o~er o~ ~e newsra~, or the pub~sher ot ~he news~per vend~ (e) "Newsra~" sh~ me~ ~y~ se~-service or ~: or oth~ d~nser [ns:~, ~, or m~:~ for :he d~piay, s~e or d~ibu~on of newspa~r or o:her news p~i~c~s or adv~isin~ ~r~l~. (f) "Public A&~" sh~ me~ :he Ci~ o~ Delray 5ea~, Florida, P~m Beach Co~:y, Florida, or :he 5ta:e of Florid~ (g) "Swale" shall mean any area within & right-of-way which is no.c el:her a bike path, sidewaJl< or roadway, The terms shaJl aLso include any area within a roadway which is hOC open to vehicular :ravel. (h) "Roadway" shall mean that' portion of a. right-of-way improved, designed~ or orctinarily used for vehicular traffic. (i) "Sidewalk" shall mean any surface within a right-of-way provided for the exclusive or primary use ot pedestTians. (j) "Right-or-way" shall mean alt that are~ dedica.ced :o public use or o.cherwise owne~L' by ~ public agency for public sl~eet purposes and shaJl include, but not be to, roadways, swales, bike paths and sidewalks.. Sec. 23o51. Location and Placement o~ Newsracks. Any newsrack which res~ in whole or in pa~ upon, or on any port~ort ot the public o~-way or which proiects ontx3, in'co, or over any part of ~ public right-of-way shaJl be loch:ed: in accordance wil~ :he provisions ot this secl~on: (a). No ne~oTactc, shaLL be used o¢ rnaintainect whict~ projec~ on:o~ into, or over any' pat: of: az~y. roa~wa.y or bike pazlT, or which resl:~ wholly or in part upon~ or over' any- portion ot any roadway or bike path. (b) No newsract~ shall be permittect :o rest upon, in or over any r, vale, or sidewalk when such installa~on~ use or maintenance endanger,, the salety ot persor~ or property~ or when such newsraca~ unrea.~onal~ly ob.q~mcl~ the flo~ of pedestriazt or vehicular :ratfiG the ingress or egress from any residence or place of bu&ine~ or :he use of poles~ posts, trag~ic si$ns or signals, hydrants, mailboxes, or ocher obiecl~ permitted a.c or near said location. (c) No newsrax:k may be chained, bol.ced or other~tise attached :o any fixture locaIect in the ri$hlr-ot-way when' such chalninl~, bolting or other attachment subsT, anttally increase~ ~ known dan~er to the satety of persons or property, and :hen-only provided that :he perrnL~ion of the owner of'the fixture is flrs~t (d) In :he event ~ newsrack is located upon, in or over a sidewalk which is abutted by · swale of sulficlent sL~e to fully and lawfully accommodate a newsract< and such newsrack unreasonably obsIruc-ts the flow of pedestrian tra~l¢ on such sidewalk, then upon no,ce and reques.c by the City, the disttibu.cor shall remove the newsr~¢k from :he. sidewalk and lawfully install i.c on the abutting swale. Sec. Z3-~2. Abandonment. In the even: a newsrack remains empty for a period of thirty (~0) continuous days, shall be deemed abandoned, and may be treated in the same manner as provided in $ection Z3-St, for newsracks in violation of the provisions of this $e<:. 23-5~. Newsracks Located on Private Property. Any newsrack located to:ally on private property shaJl be subiec: :o and comply with the provL~tons of $ec:ion 23-51. (a) Upon determination by the City Engineer that a newsrack has been installed, used or maintained in violarJon of the provisions of this Chapter, an order :o correct the offending ¢onclitton shall be issued :o the distributor of the newsrack. Such order shall be mailed by ce~ified mail re:urn receipt requested. The order shall specLfic~y describe the offending condition and suggest ac:ions necessary :o corr~-c the-condiZion. The 'Order shall conzain the results and any daz& colieczed from any pedes~ian and vehic~ar traffic s~dy thai: may have been performed to asce~a.in the offending condition. In addition, where the owner of the offending newsracJc is not known or identi.f~ed, a copy o~ the order shaaL[ be posted on the offendinG newsracko (b) Failure to property correct the offending condition within twenty (20) days a~ter the ma&Ling; or pos%'"ing; daze o~ the order, whichever is [ate~, shrill resu~'c in the offending; newsr~c..k being removed by the City. Lf. the offending; newsracic is property idenld~ed a.~. to the ct[s~'ibutor and the disl=-ibutor is not othemvise known,. the. order shoaL[ be po~ed as- provided herein and if the offending; condil~ort is not corrected within' the twenty (20) days, i1: shnii b~ removed by the- City.. Any newsrack removed by the- City hereunder sha~ be s~ored a~ the-cLtsl='ibutor's expense for a. period of. ninety (90) days. The newsrack shnii be reiea.~e~ to c[[s~butor upon a prope~ showing; o~ ownership and paymenl: o~ any and a~ charges° In the even~' the-newsrack is no~ ctnimed within the ninety (~)0) day period, the newsrack may be-sold at public aucr4on and the proceeds applied ~irsl: to s't'orage char~es and then. pa~d into the ~enerai fund o~ the City. At lea.~l: ten (i0) days prior to the public auc~on, the" City Clerk sha~ publish a desc~p~4on o~ the newst-4ck~ the" iocat4on ~rom which it was removed and nofic~ o~ the auc~on in ne~spape~ of: ~ertera~ c~t-cu~&~ort in the City and sha~ provide- the dis~ibu~or [dertti~ed on the newst-ac..$c or if otherw~ known~ with wd~l:en notific.~l~on o:[ the aucl~on by ce~ified maZ[., rez'~-n receipt requested. (c) irt the even1: the dist~butor o~ the newst-ack appeals the order to co~ect the offending; conc[[l~ort~ as providect ~or ir) Sermon 23-5~, then removal o~ the newsrax:k sha~L be. s~a.yed petering; final disposition o~ the" appeal, which fina dispoation sha~ include any judi~aJ, review. The City sha~ pay or reimburse to the distributor any storage charges pa~d pumuanl: to an order 'co correc~ which is a~opealed as provided herein and the deci~on rendered favorable to the dis~ibutor. Sec. 23-55. Appeals. Any person or eflt[ty a~eved by a finding) determination, notice or acl~on taken' under' the provL~tons hereof (hereina.t['cer, an appeL[ant) may appea~ to the Code Enforcemen'c Board. An appea~ taus1: be perfected within the twenty (20) days a~[ter the mai~L[ng or postin~ of. the notice any protested decision or acr4on by delivering to the office of the City Engineer a letter of appeal brief.[y s~.l:L~g; therein the basis ~or the appeal. A hearinG on the appeal shalJ be heId on a date not. more than sbct'y (60) days attar receipt o~ the Ie~er of appeal The appellant sha~[ be ~ven at leas~ seven (7) days wri~en notice o~ the time and place of the hearinG. The Board shad[ ~ve the a,ppetlart~:, and any other interested paz-ty, a rea.~onabte opportunity to be heard, in order to show cause why the determin&l'4on of the City Engineer should not be upheld. At the conclusion of the- hearing) the Board sh~L[ make ~ final and conclusive determination. The determina~on sh~li be reduced to wri)4ng and. siFt.ned by the chairman of the Board and [iled in the office of the City C~erk wi~uhin twenty (20) days o~ the hearing and a copy shalJ, be sent to the appelianl:'. The de,sion of the Board shaJ.[ be effecr4ve when rendered. The decision of the Board may be ~ppealed as provided by I~w. Sec'don 2. Thai: should any Sec-don or provision of this ordinance or any pot-tion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or work be dec. tared by a Cou~ o~ competent jurisdicr4on to be invalid, such dec, ion sha~J, no1: a~fec'c the validity of the remainder hereo~ as a whole or pax"t thereof other than the pa~t declared to be invalid. Sec'don 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to mnil a copy of this ordinance immediately upon adoption to.- Miami Herald, Palm Beach Post, Po. ira Beach Times, For'c La~aderdale News, Sun-Sentinel, Deiray Beach News-3ournni, [3etr~y T[mes, Boca Eaton News, a~d any other newspapers and publishers known to the City Clerk whose newspapers or news periodicals are di~r~buted by newsr~cks in the City of Delr~y Beach. However, lack o~ receipt of such copy this ordinance sh~L[ not ~revent the enforcement of the terms a.nd provisions of this ordinance a.~cer the effec~ve da~e hereof. ORD. NO. 1o,-82 5eczion ~.' Tha: :his ordinance shal~ become e~eczive :hirry (30) days a~'cer pa~age on second a~d ~ina. l re~ding. PASSED AND ADOPTED in re~u~ session on second and final reading on 'chis The 23r~ day of ~'eb=ua----'7 ,1982. MAYOR ~ON M. ~S A~T: F~ Rea~$ ~~ 9, 1982 5~ond Rea~E F~~ 23, 198 2