01-01-45 Regular / " \ .<\- t-" .;. r i i f ~:~ i' i ! , , " . COUNGIL CHAMBER J"anuary 1, 1945 The Council met in regular session at 8 P.M. . with the c~ty Attorney and the following members present: Hr. J"acobs, Mr. Thayer, Mr. ~Vaters, and Hr. Wodischek. Mr. MoFee was absent, By motion regularly made, seconded. and cllrried, the minutes of regular meeting held December 28th., special meetings of December 29th., and 30th., were approved as Mayor Thaye"I- thanked the ijlembers of the ,Council fot". their 100% attendance during the past year. '"Ie alab expres"se his gratitude to Gouncilman Jacobs who had heihped him all, through the year. An expression of appreciation was giveR..... the ladies who were responsible for beautifylng the Goun~i. room. There being no further business to come before retiring Council, it was regularly moved, seconded imo\lsly carried that Gouncil Adjourn sine die. .' City Clerk Approved: .. . . " , ,.. . " ~ l[ COUNCIL CHAJlffiER J"anuary 1, 1945 / >. , i',J The City Council ass~bled at 8 P.M. for the annual, organization meeting, as provided by Section 12 of the City Charter. The City Attorney, Councilman J"acobs, Thayer Waters, and Councilman elect M. M. DeWitt and C. J". 'Vl1ite were present. The Oath of Office was administered to newly elected Councilmen DeWitt and 'Vhite by the City Clerk, after which she announced the next order of business to be the selection of a Mayor for the ensuing year, and declared the. meeting open for nominations to this office. ( .: . Mr. Waters nominated I"r. Thayer for )'ayor, Mr Jacoba seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll~8l1. Mayor Thayer turned the Chair over to Councilman '.vaters, and nominated M.M. De'Vitt as Vice-Mayor. Mr. Jacobs seconded the motion, which on roll call,carried C()uncilman Jacobs moved that all city employees, and' committees, other than the standing committees, be re.. tained on the same basis as thev were 'in 1944. CouncilLman White seconded the motion, which carried by a unanimous vote of the Council. j By motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Nowlin was r,etained as City Attorney. M.M. De'Vitt nominated W.E. Wilcox as JUdg". seconded the nomination. Mr. Jacobs nominated J'.M'. and expressed himself as being opposed to Changing the each yea~. He stated it took a man a yea~ to learn the and then after learning ,it, the Council usually fired put on another man. After discussing the matter, Councilman Waters retracted his second, and a ballot vote .was cast and the results were as fpllows: . 'Y. E. ''iilcox J".M. Cl'omer 3 votes 2 votes Mr. 'Vilcox was declared J"udge by a majority vote of the Council. \~" . Councilman '.Vaters iffoved that a vote Of appreciation be given Judge Cromer for the splendid Job he did tJ;W past'" year. Mr. J"acobs seconded the motion Which on roll call carried unanimously. " " l), , , 4 L FINANCE AND ORDINmCE 'e J"anuary 1, 1945 Upon the Mayor's recommen~ation, the following Committee were appointed:- STREETS AND LIGHTING C. J. \Vl1;tte ',V. M. \Va'ters M. M. DeWitt W. ?{. 'Yaters C. J. White Jno. A. Thayer WATER M. M. DeWitt lV. A. Jacobs W. M. Waters \V, A. Jacoba John A. Tnaye:tt C. J". White PARKS. AND BEAUTIFICATION .. Jno. A. Thayer M. M. DeWitt ',V. A. Jacobs , By motion regularly made, seconded and carried;,t~" Council agreed to meet regularly on the second and fourth~ Monday nights of each month at 8 o'clock P.M. :ji..... .<' ...;"",:.<;' The fol~owing is a list of employees re-appointedp0 for the next year:- . . ',w. O. Winn J. W. Nowlin Geo. Pinckney R. C. Croft Jas. Grantham Elmer Deese Frank Stanley \V.V. Oroft Dan Meadows .. A. G. Ranson Thos. G. Lyman E. lV. Cooper C. C. Turner Betty Ball . Samuel Ogren Aud1tor Attorney Plumbing Inspector' Police Chief . ,Ass 't Police Police Police Fire Chief Ass't Fire Chief' Plant Foreman Fireman . Fireman Supt. Publ ic Pool Manager Tax Assess'()r . .. '-.1 "' Catherine E. Strong Marjorie P. Winn Alta K&shinz Alice G. Helvenston . J"anuary I, 1945 Tax collector, Treasurer! City Clerk Deputy Clerk Deputy Clerk Deputy Clerk There being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourned. Approved. . ., 'Lb.o....~'~n~~~ Ci ty Clerk