01-08-45 Regular
January 8, 1945
The Council met in regular session at 8 P.M. with
too City Attorney, and all memrers 01' the Council presen"i.
Minutes of meetings held January 1st. were read by
the Clerk cilld approved as read.
A cornmunication from Atwill & Company offering
$25,000 City of Delray Beach general refundin!j; 2-5%
bonds at 96t interest was presented. This letter was
turned over to the Finance Committee for investigation.
Next a letter addressed to the Chief of Police
fl~m W. B. Wheeler, in which Mr. Wheeler tendered his
resignation .as desk clerk of Police Department was read.
A discussion ensued, after which it was decided the
Council had nothing to dO with this resignnti~n inasmuch
as Mr. Wheeler was hired as temporary help by Chief Croft,
and the Cciuncil had ill t appointed him to the job. Cttief
Crof'lj stated he had infol'med the Mayor thf't t Mr. Wheeler
was working in the station, and Mr. Thayer replied he
thought inasmuch as Mr. Wheeler was only temporarily em-
ployed, and he 1M!;: Mayor objected to a person on the state
payroll working for the Police Dept. He had told the
Chief of his objection. No. action was taken regarding
this matter.
The Mayor advised the Council he had received !il.
communication from the F.E.C. Railway officials regard-
ing the beautification by the depot, in which the rail-
road agreed to. build a parking space on both the ellst
and:t;he west sides of the traeks, also agreed to build
a shelter on the S.E. portion for patrons. The Council
ordlHoed the letter turned over to the Garden Club for
their recommendation to the Council after studying same.
CouLlei Iman Whi te 're eo Ill)OOnded the Counc il applY' to
the Railroad for a clussing to be built at the N.E. 1st
st. COl'ner, when the above proposition frcm the railroad
is answered.
. The Mayor read letter from He:;:mcill Goel'ing, Life-
gua:;:d, in which he refused job as Lifeguard for the'City,
due to the amount of salaJ?Y the City offered to pay.
After disaussine; fu:e Lifegual'd situation, Couneilman
Jacobs sUOl:sested he try to make some sort of deal With
the men handling the beach equipment business on the
l.,-.- c-.,~
January 8, 1945
beach. He stated these ~ople Viere now watclling the
beach, and they were professional Lifes;uards. The
Council agreed to look into this immediately.
By motion regularl.y made, seconded and carried,
F. B. McNeece was appointed on the Zon~ng Commission
to fill t;he vacancy caused by the resignration of L.
J. Nichols.
Mr. J.H. Ruffin who was in the audience, said he
had only been in Delroy three or four Years, r.illd he
found our Mayor has do ne a better jOb as Mayor than
anyone else. He would like to submit to the Council
that it give considerati on that the Mayor'S salary be
increrased until such time as the City gets a City mana-
ger. This matter was turned over to the Finance Comm-
ittee for report.
At this time, Attorney Nowlin reviewed the
"Baggett" si tuation, for the benefit of the two new
COUlilC ilmen. Mr. NOT/lin advi sed the only thine the City
can do now is to enter suit against the person who aad
received, in error, a deed to a lot in the white section.
Councilman Waters move'd that the City Attorney proceed
with filing suit. CouncilmCill DeWitt seconded the motion
which carried unanimously on rollcall.
Fire Chief Cron infomed the Council lite had
investigated the payirlg of paid firemen for answerililg
calls while off duty, and found that the fOI'mer Fire
Ch.iet' practiced this. Chie f Croft recQmmended tha-w the
City raise the pay of his two firemen $10. each per
month, and allow them to sign the payroll for any fires
the y answer while ot'f du ty. A:f1ler di scussing the
matter, Councilman Wlilite moved that the Council aocept
Chief Crot't's recommendation, Councilman Jaoobs second-
ed the motiOlIl, which on roll call cnrr1ed unanimously.,
The Clerk was instJ:'1!leted to order the Sllllle type
sticker tor placing on cocoanuts at the U.S.O. as the
city had printed be t'ore.
The Clerk informed the Council that I1nswerlni
Chllmber 0 f Commeroe lIJf3.i 1 to ok up a gJ?ea t deal of t i:irJe ,
and she Wished' the Council wculd try to work: out some
_plan Whereby this work could be taken out of her ot'fice.
. <'~\.
January 8, 1945
After discussion, Councilman Wbi1e stated he thought
this was the best time t6 revive the Chr~ber of
Commeree that he knew of. The Mayor agreed to contact
Mr. LeRoy Diggans regarding this, and report back to
the Counc il his fiR dings.
Bills f/2065 throagh 209,. totaling $5,58~.87 were
ordered paid, after beinc approved by the FinGmce Comm-
ittee, by motion regularly made, seconded and carried.
Bill from Gulfstream engineers for paving of N.W.
1st st. amounting to $1,2~0.15, aRd bill for Amereite
amounting to $60.00 were by motion regularly made, sec-
onded and carried, approved and ordered p3.id.
The following Resolution was passe. on its first
By motion regUlarly made, secended and carrie..
The Mayor informed the Counei1t~t the legis1a-
tllre meets this year, and if any clillalll.@;es lare desired'illl
the Ci ty Charter, thoap t had be st be given tnem SOOIll..
He asked the Council to think over the licensimc of s~dt
machines, if they want them licensed, or if 1Il0t, so 'but
some action can be taken if and wOOn they are brought
buk to town.
Councilman Ja.cobs asked tie City Attorney whether
Or not too City has a ri6:ht to sell water to persons'
outside the City. Attorrey Nowlin stated the State Su-
preme COlU't :mles that we have a ri.t to sell SUrp111S
water. . Mr. Jacobs expressed himself as hignly unfavor-
able to selling water outside the City limits.
JanUary 8, 1\;145
There being no 1'u :t'tiaer b1l1siness to come before
the Council, Council adjourned.
~~.;~., ! ~~f
Ci ty Clerk.