01-15-45 Special
January 15, 1945
The Council met in Special Session at 8 P.M. on
call of the Mayol1, llith all mEmbers of the City Council
and tlila City Attorney present.
Tlile Mayor explaine d ih e mee tine had been called
for the purpose of taking t:i nal action on agreement be-
tween the Burwell Smit hs and th e City., also for any
other business needing the action of the Council at this
, \
The first matter of business to be presented was
lil. p:rofile and speoit:i cations for proposed sewer exten-
sion to Block 56, for the R.C. Lawson development.
After discussing the matter, Councilman Waters moved
that the profile be approved, SUbject to an eight inCA'
sewer pipe aeing used. Councilman White seconded the
motion which carried unanimously on roll call.
MaY9r Thayor reviewed the dealings with Mrs.
Burwell Smith, after wh ic h Attorney Nowlin read the
various chane;es made in the final agreement. After a,
lenl!:thy discussion, Mr. Jacobs mOved that tlJ.e Ii\(ip.'ee-
mEmt be re jeeted, and the City Attorney be authorized
to notify Mr. Marshall Wood, (Smith'S attorney) of
this action. Also tha t Mr. N01flin tell Mr. Wood the
City is willing to tlO.ke in the 1:595' of pJ!operty,
furnislJ.ing water to this portion, and is willing to,
after this portion aomes into the city, and MrS. .Smith
is ready to dedicate the streets to the pUblic, accept
said streets, providing they meet aity specifications,
and prOViding sto rm sewers are installed to assure
proper drainage. Mr. Waters seconded the motion whioh
carried unanimously on roll call.
By motion regUlarly made, seconded, and carried,
Supt. Turner's negro hElpers were granted 651t per hour
wages, effective as of JliUlulll'Y l3tlil.
The Mayor advi sed he had been offered $25,000
worth of City of Delray Beach Bonds from Atwill and
Company, for 95.70. By motion regularly IllIide, second-
ed and carried, The Mayor was au thorized to accept
~ Atwill's offer.
January 15, 1945
At this tiIre the Council discussed the Atumtic:
Avenue railroad crossing. Mr. A. George who was in
t:!le audience :reque sted the Council do all it oould to
secure both l'l. watchman and fi gate for that crossing.
Councilman DeWitt moved that the Mayor contact the
railroad officials requesting a gate, and a watchman
:t'rom 0 A.M. to midnight, Ii t the croSSing. Mr. White
seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll
Councilman Jacobs advised the COUncil that he
thought the PoU ce fupt. should be gin fingerprin tine
domestic help, also requiring them to have a health
card. Councilman White expressed himself as not being
in :t'avor of reqUiring a City health oard :t'rom persons
having ll\ State health oa:cd. Tlile MaYOr stated some-
thing must be done regarding inspeotion o:t' restaurants
as a Colonel :t'rom Boca Ramn Field mad caused seveI'lll
restaurants to elose due to unsanitary conditions.
A:t'ter discussion, it was decided tha t Supt. Turner
have charge of Sanitary inspection.
Coun~fl~n Jaoobs suggested that the Polioe Dept.
make in.speotion of '\'feighing scales in the Ci ty.
A lI'arnnty deed fJPm W. B'. Stewtt:rt to tlile City
fo I' the' E~ of the sA- of lot 5, Sec. 8 was turned ove 11
to the City Attorney for examination.
Communioation from Samuel Ogren, See 'y of the
Planning BOfi,rd was relld, and the ole:tlk WlllS inst:tlueted
to invi te the member s of t his board to meet 1Ii tlil
them on January 22nd. The City Attorney was inst:ruot-
ed to secure lrmds desoribed in letter, for the City,
if possible. '
The Clerk' was ordered to draft a letter to Bond-
holders and to present same to Council at next meeting
to r the ir approval.
A letter from Cnanner Securities Co. was read
llndordered filed.
The Clerk was instructed to write Smi th and
Gillespie Engineers; requesting that the next time
they will have one 0 t thUr wlilter-works engineers
dqwn this way, ,the City Co.unoil would like to meet
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Janua'L'Y 15, 1945
wi th him to diseuss improvements to our water system,
asking them to notify the City a few days in advanlile.
City Attorney Nw~lin agreed to prepare a refund-
ind contract to Matt Gracey for sewe'L' extension on
Laing street which Mr. Gracey paid fOr.
Mayor Thayer advised the Council be had been con-
fering with a party interested in building a privately
owned airport neal.' Lake Ida, in Section 7. He stated
the only expense it would be to the city would possibly
be the building of 1: ths of a mile of road, and perliLaps
the oounty wou:!.d put thi s in. Members of the CounQH
expressed tbemselve s as bei ng in favor of COOpe'L'ating
with this person.
Councilman Jacobs advised a new ditch needed to
be dug at the san~tary dump. Supt. Turnev was instruct-
ed to seeU!tle bids to r thi s wo rk.
There being no further business to come before
the Council, Council adjourned.
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