02-12-45 Regular 2,109. CQoNCIL CHAMBER February 12th, 1945 \. The Council met in. regular session at 8 P.M. with all members of the City Council and the City Attorney present. Minutes of meeting held JaJ;l. 22nd, were read, corrected, and approved as corrected. Minutes of meeting held Jan. 24th, were read, and approved as read. , Chairman of the Finance Committee, W. M. Waters, recomm- ended that on or about April 1st we advertise for the purchase of Delray Beach Bonds. He also recommended the Clerk write all owners of Bonds relative to the possible purchase of same. Mr. Waters brought to the attention of the Council that Chief of Police Croft had stated the old police car could be repaired for about $200. and the repair bill amounted to $324.57 ( i ( \ Councilma~ DeWitt reported we had pumped during the month of December 26,738,000 gallons of water, and during the month of January 21,142,000 gallons.. He also reported the Water Committee had met with Mr. Smith of Smith &: Gillespie Engineer's firm to confer with him regarding improvement of the water plant. The Water Committee was unanimously in favor of entering into agree- ment with the engineers firm for them to work out a plan whereby our plant would be 100% efficient. :; : , Councilman White reported Mr. Turner had agreed to ro.ck in the City's intersection within the ne,xt few days, as request- ed by Mrs~ Marshburn. The hour of 8:30 having arrived, sealed bids for the digg- ing of a ditch at the garbage disposal dump, according to City s~eifications were presented. Mr. Elton Harve)., the only bidder, agreed to do the work for the sum: of $875-,00.r'Couneilman Jacobs moved that Mr. Harvel be awarded the contract. Councilman Waters seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call. At this time, O. D. Priest, Jr., presented a proposed plat of Palmetto Square subdivision, for the Council's approval. !Ie stated the f',lanning Board had reviewed the plat and had approved it except f"or one lot which did not have the proper width.to it. Mr. Waters moved that the plat be accepted, subject to the . approval of the Planning Board, in writing. Mr. .DtlWitt seconded, the motion which carried unanimouslY on roll call. . :( Next M:r. Priest presented a plat of Belair Heights sub- division for the approval of the Council. After discussing same, the Council decided lots shwon as 3 and 4 should be combined into one lot to ilonfotm with proper footage, and. that a new plat should , " .~. February 12th, 1945 , be drawn showing this correction. By motion regularly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, this plat was accepted, subject to written approval of the Planning Board, and subject to the change being made regarding lots 3 and 4. . Councilman White brought upthe matter of road just south of Mrs. Warner's road in Seagate, which is some~at lower than the Warner Road, and creates a hazzard. Mr. White stated Mrs. Burwell Smith was wl..lling to drag down the Warner road to the level of her road and smooth it over, at no expense to the City. After a very lengthy discussion, it was regularly moved, second- ed and carried that this matter be turned over to the Streets Committee with power to act. f , The Mayor reported Tennis Club is co-operating regarding not parking autos on the north side of the grounds. Also that both. the Lions Club and the Golf Committee thought this was not the proper time to reopen the Golf Course. The written report from the Golf Committee was read. By motion reg.llarly made, seconded and carried, the report w~s accepted by the Council. ,. I ( The Mayor stated the pubihic is co-operating regarding the wrapping of wet garbage before placing in containers. He said a request had been made for' additional courts at the Shuffleboard Club. Members expressed themselves as not being in favor of add. ing courts at this tine. Mayor Thayer reported that the F. E.C. Supt. will be in Delray Beach at an early date to confer with the Council regarding. the Atlantic Avenue crossing. Two new flags in the Council Chamber were brought to the Council's attention, by the Mayor.Mr. Alden L. Painter donated an American flag which was used at the. funeral of his son, who died while in tl)e service of the Country. By motion regularly made, seconded, and uganimously carried, this flag was accepted with thanks, and the, Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Painter that a plaque wl..ll be placed by the flag in memorium of his son. The State flag was loaned to the Council by the American Legion Auxilliary until such time as they redecorate their hall. This loan was accepted with thanks. At this time a. discussion ensued as to the advisability of furnishing fire protection to Gulf stream. Attorney Nowlin agreed to check into the City Ch!U"ter, .and also to write the Fla. League of Municipalities, and retlort back to the Council his findings. , r A communication from C. Y. Byrd requesting the City turn over to him B. bond which Mr. Zook deposited wi. th the City quite "!> ~,l10 241.1. February 12th, 1945 , a number of years ago was read. The Clerk stated this bond has been cancelled, and as Mr. Wino had advised her, the accured interest was credited to Mr. Zook at the til]\e he deposited the bond with. the City. This can only be used in payment of City taxes and improvement liens prior to the year 1937. The Council instvucted the Clerk to notify Mr. Byrd to this effect. Next an offer of $125. for a .!lity tax deed on lots ll3 &. 14 in block 82, from L. Hagen was presented. The Clerk pointed out the actual taxes due amounted to $685.59 and the settlement figure for owner was $247.43 The Council instructed. the Clerk to answer Mr. Hagen's letter, advising him that the City cOllld not accept any offers at this time for property on which it will fore- close. After the foreclosure, the general public will be ~ an opportllni ty to bid on all properties vbich the City may obtain title to. Attorney N_lin was granted permission to collect money for delinquent taxes, from the owners, at the settlement figures, prior to the filing of the foreclosure suit. By motion regularly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, resolution No. 523 was adopted on its first reading. '" RESOLUTION NO. 523 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF WE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO INST!.. TUTE FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS FOR COLLECTION OF TAX SALES CERTIFICA'IES, TAXES, AND/OR SPECIAL ASSESSW':NT LIENS t-!EID BY THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AGAINST ALL PROPERTY IN SAID CITY, UPON WHICH TAXES ARE DELINQUENT AND UNPAID FOR THE. YEAR 1941 AND/OR PRIOR YEARS. I i The Clerk was instructed to issue oecupational licGnse to Mr. Paul Creech for the operation of Novelty and Music Store to be located at 108 E. Atlantic Ave. By motion regularly made, seconded, and unanimously carried the following resolution was adopted on its -'first reading. RESOLUTION NO. 524 , A resolution relative to the passing away of John Henry Adams, Sr. Councilman Waters brought to the attention of the Council' that he had heard many people in Seagate hesitated to sign the copies of Resolution {I 512 due to the fact that the ordinance includes one half mile of property rather than 1395'. After discussing the \.---.. , .~..... . 2,11.2 February l2th, 1945 matter, the Council instructed the City Attorney to confer with Attorney Byrd and draw up the 'Bill' which will be presented to the State Legislature, securing signatures of all owners affected for presentation to the COlillcil at the next regular meeting. ' ~ i 'I At this time a proposition from the Hardware Mutual Ins- urance Company was presented, which showed a savings on insurance rates for the City. After discussing the propositon, it was ~egularly moved, seconded, and unanimously carried that this "';colllpany be gjyen the compensation insurance business for one year. .~, '.'l Bills #2122 through 2172 amounting to $6,268.44 having been approved by the Finance Committee were by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, ordered paid. . Councilman Jacobs was granted permission to have Mr. Ogren prepa,re plans for a ccmfort station to be erected opposite City Hall, providing this will incur no expense, assuming that Mr. Ogren could do this on City time. Councilman Jacobs was asked to secure}" bids for the placing of a toilet on the west side of the City garage, for the negro help. Attorney Nowlin reported the colored person who had through error been gi17en a City deed to a lot in Grove Park, had also secured a State deed. He agreed to check into the matter further with the County officials. At this time quite a discussion enllt.\ed relative-to the licensing of slot machines. The lIlayor turned the chair over to Vice- Mayor De Witt, and moved that the following Ordinance be passed on its first and final reading as an emergency ordinance. ~. .~~ ORDINANCE NO. 525 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA FIXING LICENSE TAX FOR THE OPERATION OF COIN . OPERATED MACHINES IN THE CITY OF DELRA.Y BEACH,. FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE FOR EACH MAC!IINE, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR '!HE VIOLATION HEREOF. Councilman White seconded,:, the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr DeWitt yes, Mr. Jacobs no, as he did not believe an emergency existed, Mr. Thayeryes, Mr. Waters yes, and Mr. White yes. Motion carried. Chief of Police Croft was instructed by the Council to have a sign prepared reading , USE THESE DOCKS AT YOUR OlIN R!SK', placing same at the City Docks, also that he collect $2. per month ~ ~' 2'1:t3 ~ Fe'pruary 12th, 1945 from each boat for water, and one cent per foot per day for electricity, from persons using the Yacht Basin. At Chief Croft's request, Councilman Jacobs moved that the Chief be authorized to try to secure and additional patrol- man for the force. Mr. Whitesecanded the motion, and on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. DeWitt yes, Mr. Jacobs yes, Mr. Thayer yes, Mr. Waters not voting, Mr. White yes. Motion carried. Fire Chief Croft ,next advised the Council he had secured information regarding a new truck which could be bought for $3,200. which cost approximately $7,000 new. The truck is being sold by the government at an army camp in Albany, Ga. He stated tl)is truck would be perfect for handling fires in the colored section where fire hydrants were so few, as it carried a large supply of. water. The Council agreed to study this recommendation.. '...'.. :1ip,v. ~ By motion regularly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the CO'IDcil agreed" to allow Geo. Pinckney and the Delray Beach Funeral Home to tie into the City sewer at 3rd. St., they (Pinckney' and Simon) to bear the entire cost of running the sewer frcm the City line to their propertie;r, using a 2" line, work to be done on the approval of the City Supt., also that this permit be labeled a 'Temporary permit', and-they be notified no credit will be allowed them for this work should the City put in another sewer. The Clerk reported approximately 78% of the 1944 taxes in Ward 2 had been collected through the month of January, and a little over 93% of the taxes in Ward 1. COlIDcilman White recommended that a streetlight be se- cured for the residents living in Fisher Lane. The Council agreed with Mr. White, and Supt Turner will contact the Fla. Power & Light Company relative to this matter. There being no further business to come before the Council, Council adjourned. !n.<Q"p"u.D. ~n~_."l. "City Clerk ~ Approved: \. ---> --