02-26-45 Regular 2,1:'15 COUNCIL CHAMBER '\ February 26, 1945 The Council met. in regular session at 8 P. ll. with the foUowing members present. Mr. DeWit1i, Mr. Jaeobs, Mr. Thayer, Mr. Whi1ie and City Attorney Nowlin. Mr. Waters .was absent. \ \ '1!e, The Mayor asked if anyone in the audience wished the minut.es of the preceeding meeting read. No one did, but Councilman Jacobs asked a correction be made in minutes of February 12th. Said correction made, the minutes of February 12th., and Special meeting February 17th. _re approved. r\ Communication from Fire Department requesting recreation roan for volunt.eer firemen Wl!S read and ordered tabled until next mllll~ng. 1JJ!fi A le1iter from the Lion I s Club requesting remission to erect a woven wire fence around the Rodeo grounds, and to erect one thousand bleacher seats on the grounds was read' and discussed. CoUncilman Jacobs moved that peI'l)lission be granted the Club as requested, with the undef'- standing the Club will keep the fence in good repair, and remove it 'upon reasonable notice from the City. Councilman DeWitt seconded the motion which carried unanimously on roll call., Next a letter from the Golf Committee pertaining to rebuilding bridges at the golf course was presented. After considerable discussion. Supt. Turner was instructed to secure estimate for cost of making these repairs, and to report to the Council'his findings. Bids for the installation of sink, ;toile1>, and concrete floor, in iihe west end of the city garage building were presented. / ~ I l I I ! ! I " ! $ i ~ t , t I , i I ~: i ~ it , ~' ;.' Lacy T. Love bid $117.50 (His bid did not include the concrete floor). C & G Plumbing Co. bid $155.00, including concrete floor. Arter discussing the two bids, it was regularly moved, seconded and unan-' imously carried 1>hat C & G Plumbing Co. be awarded iihe work, inasmuch as they IUd on the entire job as requested. At this time a communication from the Plastridge Agency was presented. The Mayor was asked to reply to same, by unanimous vote of the Council. . , Enoch Pow<<!ll, who was in, the audience, addl'issed iihe Council and req!lested a franchiae from the city for ten years, for the operation , of a, bus in the city. , Members of the Council agreed to investigate this matter and,.to advise him iiheir decision a1> a latt'lr date. r. .. .1;. .1,j 2116 Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the following resolution was adopted on its firs1> reading: , RESOLUTION NO. 526 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK OF WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, TO TURN OVER CERTAIN UNSOLD CITY CF DELRAY BEACH BONDS TO W. O. WINN, CITY AUDITOR OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. " NeD a letter from W. P. Snyder, also one from Frank Cislo, Frank Dodd, and RaYmond Smith, all of Seagate, was read. Attorney Nowlin advised the Act was no" ready as yet. for those persOns to sign. By motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the Attorney was authorized to proceed wi\h the legal advertising relat.ive to incorporailing "Seagate", "Hoffman Village" and the "Beach Section by Seagate" into t~e city. At\orney Nowlin was also instructed to draft up necessary papers tEllative \0 changing the JUdge's term of office frcm one year to 1>wo years. Also \0 changing hours ~or holding elections from 8 A.ll. to 6 P.M. to - from sunrise to SlL<J'Set.. Also for a new system of electing councilmen. To let t.he \wo highest men (or three as the case may be) be elec1ied, rat.her than running in groups as they now do. , The Clerk was authorized to issue occupat.ional license to Laura Lee Richardson, colored, for a Beauty Salon. The Council instructed the Clerk to no\ify Abraham Zaineno rebate is due him on personal property tax for Block 72, inasmu<)h as his furniture was stored on the property in the garage. Bills # 2174 through I/' 2199 amounting to $3,914.08 having been approved by iihe Finance COIIIIlittee, were ordered paid. 1~_ The Mayor reported Supt. Turner had purchased five new trash cans for the beach section which have been painted and labled, with the, , City of Delray Beach on them. He advised he had received several com- plaints regarding keeping of chickens in the city, and had informed the complainants that due to J,he war the city has been allowing its residents. to raise chickens for food"purposes. Complaints have been received sbou\ smoke from Erskine Parks Cleaners, the Mayor st.ated, and he is invest.i- gating the possibility of correcting this. A form for stickers for . slot machines waB turned over \0 the City Attorney by the Mayor for checking. Next, Mliyor Thayer read report from too Fire Department. Councilman Jacobs asked pennission for the City employees to , clear off the city's lot just sou1ih of the U.S.O. building, also to clear a strip 30 x 180' which the U.S.O. wants to use for an archery . ground. I I I ~ I ~ ~ j , \ :~.Hi7 . Members expressed themselves as wilUng to clear off iihe land, providing the U.S.O. .secures permission from the proper~y owners for using the land for archery purposes. Mr. Jacobs reported Assessor Ogren was willing to draft plans for a comfort station for the city. Members of the Council stated they were in favor of giving Mr. Ogren his occupational license, and so instructed the Clerk. clubs. them to nigh1i. At this time a discussion arose regarding closing hours of night Mr. DeWitt suggested the I.layor contact all of the owners, and ask cooperate wHh the cUy, by closing their places of business at mid- Councilmaro DeWitt stated his Committee is considering a plan whereby water meters would be read quarterly rather iihan monthly. He will advise the Council at a later date, just what they would recommend. Councilman Jacobs stated Mr. Foote had advised him quite a bU of the piling at the yacht basin could be salvaged by covering weakened portions with sheet metal, and potlring coocrete around the piling. The Council agreed to investigate this more thoroughly. A fotlr month financial statement prepared by AudUor Winn was given to each member of the council to study. Attorney Nowlin advised he had checked over right of way deed from Mrs. Morrison to the cl11y for Lot 2 Block 107, and found an error had been made in typing the deed. To correct this error, it will be necessary for Mrs. Morrison to make out a new deed to the ci\y for the west five feet, and in turn, the chy can execute a quit claim deed to Mrs. llorrison 110 the east five feet. By motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the Council agreed to the Attorney's recommendation. Attorney Nowlin stated he had received a communication from the Florida League of lluniclpalities which advised Mat it is all right for 1>he city to furnish fire protection to persons outside the city, for 1Ihe duraUon of iihe war and six moniihs ttereafter. The Council expressed themselves as wanting more time to consider the tGulf Stream' problem. Next, the Attorney presented a pl-at of "Southways" which iihe owner, Mr. Farrar wished the Council to approve. Members stated they would approve no plat unless the streets were public streets, open at all t:!mes, to the public, and inasmuch as this plat showed a dead end street, they \'<<luld not approve same. The Clerk was authorized to order eight additional subscriptions ilo the Volunteer Firenen magazine. Fire Chief Croft advised he was badly in need of replacemen'i equipment which would cosil in the neighborhood of $225.00. The Council advised him if his budget showed where this pllrchase was possible, to go ahead and order the equipmen'i. Assessor Ogren asked the Council to study the "Zoning Ordinance , 6hanges"which the Planning Board hSd worked out, and to decide someiihing definite. on it in order that it migh1> be put. into effect at an early date. Police Chief Croft requested permission to make some alterations in the police offic~. The Council advised him to work wiiih Fire Chief Croft, and to combine the estimated cos1> of the work in his office, and the proposed new fire chief's office, for presentation at next Council meeting. (The Police 'Chief stated he had secured a rough estimate of around $150. for the police office work). Supt. Turner advised he hSd proceeded to make repairs to iihe grand stand at the ball park, which are badly needed. '- . There being no further business to come before iihe Council, Council ,adjourned., .D()rv1~...:o i ~ City Glerk ., i.'l 2c11.8 '0'- . ~